249291 ORI6INAL TO�CITY CL6RK � 2���,�� ` CITY OF ST. PAUL F,�ENC�� NO. LzcL�s� cor�m�rr� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU CIL RESOLUTIO —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ,(�(-,�-,�-,,� June 16� 1.9?� COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED: That application f or the transfer of Off Sa1e Liquor License issued to Clemence L. and Theodore L, Hudalla at 1016 Arcade Street to Anthony J. DelVecchio at the same address and his application for Foodstuff-Original Container, Off Sale Malt Beverage and Ci�arette Licer.:>es for the s a.�ne location, be and the same are hereby granted on the condition that within C� days of this date said Anthony J. DelVecchio shall comply �rith all requirements of the Bureaus of Fire, Health, and Police, and the License Inspector pursuant to the St. Paul Legislative Code and all other applicable ordinances and laws. �,UN � �•19i4 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays ���i 1 6 1��0 Butler Carlson Approve 19— Levine l� Tn Favor �1�— Sprafka . (> /�t� �Yor A gainat Tedesco .sn"�.�.�'.�ss" °rxe:.- .•���5*i3a�..��.z ���•'?!�3:�,`i � Mr. vice Prerideat �/ �',�2;, � p�BLISHED _JUN 2 O 1970 �� . . • ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Mittnesota • ������� �e a�ti�e�t o a��ic �a et � � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIAE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICB AND FIRE ALARM ROGEA M. CONWAY, Deputy Comml�e�toner DANIBL P. Mc LAUGHLIN. Lieenee Inepector June 16, 1970 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen and Madam: Anthony J. DelVecchio is joined by Clemence L. and Theodore L. Hudalla in making application for the transfer of Off Sale Liquor License No. 242Q, expiring January 31, 1971, from the licensees, Clemence L. and Theodore L. Hudalla at 1016 �!xcade Street to Anthony J. DelVecchio at the same address. NI�. DelVecchio also �nakes application for Griginal Container, Off Sale rlalt Beverage and Ci;arette licenses for the same location. The licensees have held this license since 1934 and at this loc�,tion since 1947. Mr. DelVecchio is a professor of Psychology at the College of St. Thoma.s, St. Paul, Minnesota. Very truly yours� ./�����`� � � License Inspector O _ _ � CITY (� 3ATNT PAUL DEPART�NT !OF PtTBI,IG S�.FETY LICTNSE A 1V�S IpN ` ,� _ .Ds te Juo,�Q��"--19,-,-.. 1. �pp7.iaatian for 4!i'•B�le Li+�u�r L�tc�enee .._ -,.-M..�. 2. Name of appla.ca�.t llnthoity J. D�iVoaechio 3. Businees address 1016 11ses�� str� Resi.aenoe 434 A�11 llwsw. 8t. Boul 4. �rade �a�e, if any Drl�cehio Liquor 8tor• 5. Retail Heer Feder�l Tax Stamp� l�tail Liquor Fedex�al Tsx Stamp�11 be used. 6. £�i v�iat floor loaated �ir�t Number of roamts used � � 7. Between vrhat oroas straets Whioh aide o� street Ntt 8. Are pr�miaes now ocaup3edY�e 'Ylhat buei.neas off-ea],� liqu+c�� l�g ? � 9. Are prem,ises no�r un000upied n� Ha� long v�tcant �j� Prev�,oua Vae x/'� 10, Are you a new ovua,er� F�ve you baeri im a aimilar bueinesa before � �7here 1�/i1 . 1Nhez� I�/A 11. Are you go3„ng �o opere��e thia huainess person�lly ��""���� �y ��l� L Zf not, va�o �rill operate i� �/A 12• Ars qou in any other bua3.ne�a a� the preaent tiara�� � ��u���'� ��hO�gi�t 13. Have there been any oamplaints again.at your operation o� this type of placa a� �._..._� �hen 1�/11 1Nhere 1�t'A 14. iiavs you ever had any lioenae revoked s� T1Phat reasan and date a��' �� 15. Are you a csiti.zen of the United State� �� Nat3.ve �� Naturalizad � �.-.. .��. 16. Where �rere you born 1�4kO1l�. Z�di�� Date of birth ��� =7, �9�1 17. I am married. My (wife's) �i s'�'$, n�'s� name and addresa i� ��`'�' �• 1l�1V�!lfi0 4�4 1�11 �l��w� 8!. P�n l, Mina�ata � 18. (If ine�rried �ema�.e� my me►id�n n�ame is �� C�T C=uCiino (D�1Ve�lQhio3 19. �r long have you lived in. St. 3�u1 8 y��r• 20. Heve you ever bae� arre�e�ed � Xiolaticra of what ariaui�al 1a� or ordi.n�noe pon� �._ _.......� �t 21, Are you a regiatered voter in �he Gi�y of S�. Paul Yes � No• (Anawer full and aom 1ete�, . Thase a lica�ions are thorou hl che►aked e►ttd �aa laification v�riill be cau�e �or ena,a . � . r . , . . . . . 22 Number of 302 plaees within two blocks 23. Closest intoxicating liquor p7ace. 4n Sale (3f'f Sale . 2� Nsa re s� Chureh Nea res t Scho ol 250 �Iumber of �booths Tables Chairs Stools _ 26. What occupation have uou followed f or the past five years, (Give namea of employera and date s s o empToy�s3,� r f 01 e of 8�. Thon�s 8t l�vtl l�ian. 27. Give names and addresses of° tw� peraons, residents of St. Pa��,, �inn,, �ho aan. gi�e infar.mation concerning you. 1134 Dod�d Rosd E; �Iame ,�''�� ,�! ��r Adare s s �t. p�q l. j�l,pne�Oti SS t18 IvTame 1t�I�I. Rob�►zt Bip� Address aO�'Y �inixy C11tha11c,= Chtu�ah -�;--��t-�--�.�s.,.._�ein�... .' Signatnra f p iean �a�e �f &f:i.x�na s ota� �� s s C ount y o f,��j� ' � A�l�h�ly J. �XVi�t �,o being first duly sworn, deposes and say� upon oath that he has rea the foregoing statement bearin� his signatu�e and l�aws the eontents thereof, and that the sarrx� is true of his o�,m knowledge axcept ea to those matters therein stated upon informatiion and belief and as to those �ttera he be1�_e�es them to b� ts°tr�. � � •� Si�nature of aant Sub cribed and swor•n. to before me thi .��_day of �'ttin� 19 ye prvrar, No ry Ptablic, oun y, 3.xmesota D��ltot� My o�niasion exp3rss D�C. 15, 1976 (No a a These stateznent forms are in duplic�te, Bo�h eopies must be flzlly filled out, n�o rized, and returned to the License Divisicm,�� . AFF IDAV I'P B Y APPL ICANT FOR RETAIL BEER flR LIQUOR LICENSE Re s Of i Sa1e Liquor LiQense Name of applicant Anthony J. DelVecchio Bu�ineas address lal[s �re±aAu S�r�t Are y�ou the aole owner of this business?_^� If not9 is it a partnership? �/� corporation?_ ��� �, o:bher3 Z1/]► Others interested in business, include those by loan of money, property or otherv�riaes . . Nnn-r Nama Address Haw If a c orporation, give its nams �/g Are you intsrested in any way in any other Retail Baer or Liquor bueinesa? pp .Aa sole uwn.sr? x/� Partner? g/A S�oakhalder? ]�/A Othex°wise?-_���'hrough loan of money, etce Explai.n� �/]1 ,�': _ Addresa oP such buainesa and nature of interest in same �A , ignature o icant State of Minne s ota� C ount� of �msey ��9 AlttbotlY J. D�l1Vi�te:hio bei.ng first duly s�rarna deposea and says upon oath that he has read the f�regoing affidavit bearing his signature and l�o�vs the contenta thereof; that the same is true of his awm l�.av�rledgem except a� to those matters there�.n atated upon inforr�ta.on and belief Qnd aa to those m�tte�s he believas them to be true. V 3ignatTax°e o ap cant Subsox°ibed �nd sro�orn to before me �this 1� day of JuD� 1970 C� Notary ublie, Rs►���.nty, �innes ta �dy a�ssion expirea ���'g 19 76 • . , STATE fl�' �IIJNESOTA 58 COUNTY OF � �theny J. D�1V�t3chio being first duly sworn, doth depose and say that he makes thi� affidavit in oonnsction with applioa�ion fcsr " �f g� Sale" liquor licenae (" �f f�Sa ls" malt beverage license) 3xi the �ity oP 3aint Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant is a re�ictent of the State �f Minnesota and has resided therein for sight yeara, manths, and is now and has been for bhe time abo-�e mentioned a bona fide reaident of aaid State and the�t he now resides at 434 Aall 71vNftti � Aadre�s s�u°t�'�1.�. 6�T , Minn.e s ota. 1lathon L1»iV o 8ubacsriber� and a�rorn to before me this 10'th �y o� •Tt�� 19 70 �tary biio, Raffi r�unty, E�3nnesota D�kota �Iy Qo�niasion e�pirea �Q• iy• ���� Saint P�ul, M�nn��ot� Jun� 10, 1970 �he Honorable Ch�r�ie McCa��ty x�iayc��• �� th� City c�f Saint Paul �f3'tYl�'l��9 O� 'ti1@' C:l.'��' Cc�USlC:I� �ourt House �:;. Paul, Minnasota 551Cu �n Re�: Txsnaf�r �� (��'f-Sa�.� Liqunr Lic�r_s� �ear ?�ayo� McCar�cy anc7 �i�mber� a� th�; ��.��r Ccaeynci 1: T�ia wiZ� advise that we. �lem�z�cc� �. H�d�11a anc3 �'headore L. Hudr±�l� �eavr� aqre�d tn �+�11 th� C��f-Sale L�quor Licensm now reg�.�°�:�r�c3 in nur nam�e ta Da+�tor Anthany J. ll�lVecc"^z� as �n inc�ivic�;�al. The sale, �z4wev�r, is �ubje�t tc� apprava�. of th�; �ransfer hy the City CounC�.1. Si.nce �ct�r D�lVecchirs i�; a man of hiq� �ocia� �nd schalas•tic ����nc3�nc;, it z.� su�gQ�ted th�t �'r�e City Couneil aap�rove �f the tr�n�f�r �c� h3m at a very ear�y date. �'�ry ���pee�c�ull�=, ��!'�'�' -- —�-w���v�� - c l�rnenc+� L. �uaa�.l,a � . Theo#�ar�. �,.� ��ue�a St. Pau2, Min��sat� Jun� 1Q, 397(� � The Hr�norable Char lie McCarty M�yer of th� City of Saint Paul _ Memb�rs �f �h� City Caunci�. � Cc�u�'�k House St. Pau 1, Minn��Qtr� 55].+�2 In Re: Traa��fer af Off-Sa7.� Liquor Lic�nase ]�e�� Mayor McCarty and Members of t�h� C3.ty Coun�il: Tk:is wx..3.I advise tha�t .�nthon�r �7. b�elV�cchia ha� a�gzeecl tc� purchas� the C��f-SaZe L.f.quc�r L�.cense listed in ths names of Clemen�� L, �uda�lla and Theo��re L. Hud�l�.a� and ssitu�rt�d at 1i116 Arcar3e Streat in the City of �aint �a�u1, Ram�ey County, Minnesota . Saic� purch�e�a (�nd eale) is �ub�ect tc� th� a�a�ar�val by t��� City Cpnncil c�f the tz�an�fer of saie� L�c+�nse ta me as an ir�dividu�l. '�lhe City Council is urg�d �o �pprov� c�f the tr�nsfer a�r ��.� emrliest practica�ble �im�. Very r�,�pe���u11y. ���`�"-�._.'�--� �' �G..���3 �/,,�,,,,�„����-�-..i Anth;4��✓�" . DelVeccllio 434 Hail Avenue Sa�i,nt Paul, i+�innesota