249278 ORI�INAL TO CITY CLERK 2��/'��� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa 't " � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF WHEREAS, Leonard Mroszak was injured in a third party accident on July 14, 1969, while in the performance of his duties for the Department of Public Works; and WHEREAS, the City has incurred medical expense in the amount of $427.50 therefor; and WHEREAS, a compromise settlement has been negotiated between said employee and the other party involved in said accident which provides for a net �ettlement to the City in the amount of $210.34 after deductions for proportionate attorney's fees and costs, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper City Officers are hereby authorized to accept the sum of $210.34 in full, final and complete settlement of its claim herein and to execute any necessary releases therefor, and to endorse the check of the Milwaukee Mutual Insurance Company in the amount of $315.50; that of said sum, $210.34 is thereby credited to the Workm.en's Compensation Fund anc� a check for $105.16, for attorney' s fees herein, be issued to Thomas E. Moore, employee's attorney. �kPPRO AscL oratior� Cou+�i COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci N 1 2 ��0 19— Yeas C��� Nays car�son . JU111 1 2 1970 ����-•-�� Ap roved 19— ��h n Favor P-e�e�se�- �_ , l Mayor V A gainst T�ese� Mr. President,�e- � � � '�OBLISHED JUN 2 01970 �o )UPLICATE TO PRINTER ����1 � � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� '� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+�E NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 'RESEN7ED BY :OMMISSIONER DATF tTfiER�AS, Leonard Tlrosza.�c v,Tas injured in a third party acciden�: oi� 3uZy Z�-, 1�C�3, whil� in the perforr�ance of his duties .�or t�t�� �epartment oi ?'ublic I�Torks; and ���-iER��'-�5, the vity n�.s incurred medical expense in the a�nount of $427.SO therefor; and �HEREAS, a compromise settlement has been negotiated bet�veen said cmnloyee �.nr_� th� other parf-.y invol�red in s�.id acc�.dent �vhich ;-_��ov-!;?��s i;�t 4=t �.��. sett�e�,e?:U L-o th-�� Ci.t��r ii� t.h*� ��.tilourtt of $21�.3'r a���r ci.�c?uctiolzs :Cor �rc�;oz V��na.�r- ���.�rn^gr's fees and costs , now, theretore, be it itESGLVLD, that the groper City Officers are hereby authorized to �.ccep� �he sum oi $210.34 in fiz11, final and completc scttlement of its claim h�rein Zncl to exeeu�e a.ny necessary releases t�.erefor, and to endorse the check of th.e i2ilwauteee I��utual In�urance Company in the amount of $3�,5.50; that o�: sai� swn, $210.34 is thereby crec�it�cl to the F�Torl�nen's Compens��-�on rund and a check for $145.16, for attorney's fees herein, lie issue� �o 'i2lomas �. Moore, employe�'s �.ttorney. ��� �, � 13 f� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— �eas � �A 4 Nays Carlson `, 5�:,',1� Da�g�a1�- �� . Approved 19— 1Vfenedi�h��� `�">'�". �, Tn Favor ge#�s�,n �a G� Mayor �,�� A gainst :r. President, By�e-- /�r`�: �_:�-�_ (,� �O