249269 ORDINANCE � COUNCIL FILE NO. ���'��� ORDINANCE NO. � Z An ordinance amendi.ng Ordinance No. 6446, entitled: "An administrative ordi.nance fixing the compensation rates of certain city positions and employments, " approved January 23, 1925, as amended. '�#ri�s-�-a�-e��rge�-�ax�e re�r�ele��r�oessa��er-�b�re-g�res�i.�of�e�l��a-�er l�ea,�f�� serf e�bYY' THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAIlVT PAUL DOES ORDAIN; Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section V, where it appears in Grade 17 under the heading Clerical Group, the title "Assj.stant Secretary to the Mayor"; and by inserting in Grade 24, vnder the heading Clerical Group, the title "Secretary to the Mayo r". � Section 2. , That said ordinance, as amended, ; be and the same is hereby further �mended by striki.ng out of Section V, where it appears i.n Grade 41, under the heading Clerical Gro�.p, the title "Secretary to the � Mayort'; a.nd by inserting in �'rradE 4�, unde�the heading Clerical Group, the title "Administrative Assistant to f.he Mayor". Seeti�r 3:-sFh.=srordiart�nc�ia�ere�ryr�-�-�cra�-�r�ej.�re*�* erdine�.rn�rer�deree�ri�r3r-for-�hc��rese�w�t�re�-e�-1-��bla.e-�ae��!- ks�.�t��-ea€�- �ee��o��,--�Fk�-e,��i�a�.c,e..�a�i,i-#ake..af.f,�ec�.�.�i,e.i�a.£c�cQ�u� �d.-Q�r-s#e-p�.s�eag��-��pp�e�]rnn�-prx}�l.ie�ti�ems - �ection 3. Tl�is ordinaac� sha�]1 taks ettect ertd be in force thirt�r cl.a�rs after 3.ta passage� approval and publicatioa. ,�2 4 1970 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Cou i1 D"_ __ +DALICI^ � Tn Favor Levine rR-�.��-. `� -;�` Sprafka - ` ���ainst Tedesco ��� 2 4 1970 ttest ��'�e�-���+l��'�:<z�:.� Appr - � k.�., ��. �I,., _:a� , r p! . -'E"c�i�i City Clerk _ a r 1 �� �� Form a p�roved Co r por ation Counsel B y � PUBLISHED ��G �, �970 �..P�.. , �.___----= L � Mr. moves to amend Council File No. 249269 by deleting Sections 3 and 4 thereof in their entirety and substituting in lieu and in place thereof the following Section 3 : "Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage , approval and publication. " and further, amending the title of the proposed ordinance by deleting therefrom the following language ; "This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace , health and safety. " ,;. l . -- �,�� ;, � ., � �. �, ���..- t!� 7 � `�`��� l ' �# ,� ,�'. � � p� , r _4..� , - :�r /� Oridnal to City Cierk . . ORDIN' ANCE ���� ss COUNCIL FILE NO. c ���� PRESENTED BY � ORDINANCE NO An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6446, entitled: !'An administrative ordinance fixing the compensation � rates of certain city positions and employments, " approved January 23, 1 g25, as amended. '��s-�s�-e��rge��o-x�i�s rende��sea�4e�-�e�res�i.o�-o�-�e�b�i�o-�es kea��� aa€e�� THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAIlVT PAUL DOES ORDA.IN; Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section V, where it appears in Grade 1? under the heading Clerical Group, the title "Ass�stant Secretary to the Mayor"; and by inserting in Grad� 24, under the heading Clerical Group, the title "Secretary to the Mayo r". .\ � � Section 2. ,. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section V, where it appears in Grade 41, under the heading Clerical Group, the title "Secretary to the 1+1+ Mayort'; and by ins�erti.ng in Grade 4�: under the heading Clerical Group, the title "Administrative Assistant to the Mayor". Seetivzx 3:-�Fhi-s-vrc�'rrr�nce-is�erci�r�}e��-t�-��e-t�res�re3��e�* ard�nan���.�eree�n�ee.-c.��rp-for-t�r��se��a�e�-e�-4-,�r��lk��earr�s.r ke ar�t�-a,r�-sa�et,�e- �e e��or�-�r-=Fk}s-�p��r3 a�c.����-take-�ct-��ae-in.�xc Q.�at7i �nel-�t�r-i�e-pae�;'a'pP�elrtt�ari�-ptx�lie�.ti�n: Section 3. �'h.is ordinance sha71 take eYfect and be in Porce � tbirty days af'ter its paassage, approval and publication. �a�t_.2 "t 1.7�0 � Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Cou eil --��ler--- `/'� f Ga��se�� � + Levine � �n Favor C� -�LZerec�i�--- (, . '"� �� Against Spraf ka . Tedesco � i, � � ��#�t1 � . �Mr. President (DReCarty�-;, Appr ��� .�lttest: . _ . _. _� �' - � .�' •� � , � � / /� �".s„� .T - .��i� / ii / � . t..�,. ,'+�s*s�'��.,,;e„�:;y, �;a.�;:�+. ! � � ~iCity Clerk � 11�ayor ��`'� �:r� 1 Form approved Corporation Counsel By � • � � �;i�� {`:rii:�.: . ', l �•il:� ,. ' ` __ _ Jun 12, ly`(0 "�rr. John Haider Ca�ief Exar^iner• & Di,��ector o� Pe.r.so Civil Servire B �ret��: LDear Sir: Th� City Co+�nci.l today �;ave First a ir:g tp tl-:e Pollowin� ordi n�nr.�s whi.cli wi_1' m r T1a r Rea.di.r� �n J��ne 23rd : C.F. 2�+92h9 - amendi Ord. �6�4 y strikin� o«t o+' Sec. V in Gr. �7 t nder Cleric Gro:ip "Assistant Secretary to the "� ,yor" and ertin�; in Gr. 24 iinder Clerical Group ' r.etary o the Mayor"; by strikin� o}�t o1' e . V in . . der Clerical Group "Secretary to the Mayor" an by inserting in Gr. �+5 under Clerical Group " �inistrative Assistant to the �Rayor'°; C.r. 249 U ar�endi #�2�0 by inaerting in Sec. 6 in Cr. 10 under erical Gxotzp tht title "Cashier--Civic Cente°r"; C.F. 2492?1 ., din� Ord. y�r'607 by inserti.ng in iL-s proper alpha- betical order the title and $pecificatians for Cashier-- Civic Center. Ver.y truly yours, City C1erk n� � C I st � � � ' 2nd—� Laid over to ! + . r. `�., �_..� ���y�' �`�� 3rd and app �. dopted � �� � . � � � a Yeas � r� Nays Yeas � Nays j Butler �� rt"B�Te� � `� �, ,�^;�_e<�; ._�,--^....'--=-�-�— Carlson 61����' �ea � ''� 1 'J � � Levine ,� �Levine Meredith � �+,4erediilr-- � Sprafka prafka � Tedesco �edesco Mn President McCarty ` � . �r. Vice �r� i�u °�t fJ;�Fedith