249206 ��•r ° * - ` _, 249�Q6 ` COUNGZL FILE NO. CITY UF ST. PAUL R�eaol�itio�t Ratifying Asse�sment By � File No ��1 � In the matter of the assessment of 1MlfiR.�� oMt� 1MM1!� � �M! #�R'!'M�� 11 •#7�'� � �re art �w�r! +d�rr�t �l�lt +4, lt�liit2ir �. ��1t i�r� �!laiM1 ��1� �r�l� L�r�r arri ��s�t ��s� �r as �,� � it�t 3� �r� t. ��� 1�� �4tl�t t�rbir�r �r l� ad � �t»� aU�s la�t �r a�t #� t�s 1�eit ��'s irs �t i"�w �r� ��. ar a �t #3�►.�il! l�t t�► �Ira �r.�arMrt� �r s� tlq�we� �. #tiiiars�r a�.w i. !►alc A�rr.� �. #w� �r � � �i� � �� under Preliminary Order �� ,approved � �+� �� , Intermediary Order � approved �� � �� —�, Fina1 Order � approve� � �►s 1�N , A public hearing having been had upan the assessment for the above improvement, and said assesa- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore ftESO'LVED, That tlie aaid assesament be and the same ia hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be su}amitted to the I}istrict Court of the County of R,a,msey for canfirmation. BE IT FURTHER �4LVE�D, That the said aasesament be and it is hereby determined to be payable in /O equal inatallments. COUNGILMEN Y� ���� rray$ JUN ' 1970 (��r��c��� Adopted by the Counei� �vler�� _Sv ' ___, �v�-,� �sef: �l�N 91970 �p��af ka APProvpd �'edesc�^ - �� �'� L—In Favor Mayor v Again$t QuBUSHEO JUN 13 1910 �� �►/� Form R-E 2M 10-88 S� �M CITY OF ST. PA�, 249;�'�'b' ,� �Q OFFICE QF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �"�,,Q� `�7 Rreport of Gompletion of Ass�essment Fi1e No. ��! In the matter of the asaea�ment of iM�it�� �Milt# � � � ��#� # ��� . �AN1�t �flt 1�1� Mlll�l�t i111p1�r� �'�t �* ��i !. �IiMirMr�t �* �ii���+rllt iM�111� �'ji �IrM�11� #�i JIIII�+1111i/It �Mr� �1t +�II! iM� 1i►0N111� �'�MI[ 11,� /l�Mil�111 '�. ��� � ��"-..� � � � � �A� � � � � . �t 1�r1E � 1�t.�'� M�� � l� �t#i it. Wt 1t � +�,�.� � p� 1�r �wttlr��� � �r � �wM► �t�t��r ��riwt M► �R �s� �r f�r► IMiwr� +M � � �. under Preliminary Order ��'� approve� ��� �� � , Intermediary Order ' ' ' ,apgaroved �� '�� ��` , Final Order � approved � '4* �� To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby repo�rts to the Council the following as a statement o�the ex- penditures neceasaxily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above impravement, viz: Tota1 conatruction cost� . .. . . . .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . $ 34,245 �t Engineering . . . .��4d.�R�P.�C��4�.. . ... .. ... .. .. .. . $ 3,379 0 Inspection . .. .. .... . ... .. ....... . .. . .. . . .. .. . ... . $ Postalcarcls . . . .. .. .. . . .. . .. ..... . .. . . .. . .. . . $ 42 � Publications . .. . . .. .. .. .. . . . . .... .. .. . .... .. ... . . � 236 � Collection costs . .. . . .. .. . . .. . .. . .. .. . ... . . .. .. .. . $ 472 0� ��r��.�f°����i� 3 etvi�. ... . .. ...... . $ --5 � C troller cost 236 0� TOT� EXPENDITiJRE,S .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. ... $ 49_196 g.2_ Charge to . .... .. .�92�-J01.. .. .. .. . . . .. . . .. ... $ 3,702 48 . . .. ... ... .. .... .. . . .. .. . . . .. . . $ 35.494 34 NetAssessment , . .. . . .. .. . . ... . .. .. . .... . .. . . . $ Said Commissioner further reparta that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above�ascer- tained, tawit: the sum of � ,3 5,494.34 upon each and every lot, part or parcel af land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot,paxt or paxcel of land in accorda.nce with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment ha.s been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, ia the sa.id agsesament as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Dated A�ril 14, 1970 Co sioner 'nan Form Rr2 2M 10.68 8.� . � �t a �_ a � J. WILLIAM 90NOVAN 223-5317 Valuation Engineer ROY E. BREDAHL, Jr. C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L Ass't Valuation Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS 286 Cify Hell $aint Paul, Minnasote 55102 � To: Commissioner Rosalie L. Butler From: J. William Donovan, Valuation En�ineer Date: June 8, 1g70 Subject: Hearin� on the ratification of the assessment for the Ma�nolia- Hazelwood Storm Sew�er Project. Postponed Aearing - June 9, 1970 The matter referenced above concerns the assessment for the storm relief sewer that was before the City Council on May 13, 1970. At this hearing it was pointed out that a portion of the sewer from the north line of the Chicago 1Vorthwestern Railroad right-of-way at Kennard Street to the north approximately �+00 feet, wa.s not constructed under this contract due to the proposed Highway #212 project. The Council, therefore, laid over this proposal for the purpose that the Department of Public Works and the Departr�er.t of .F'inance could meet with the State Highway officials to re- view the current status of the Highway proposal. - Based on information obtained from this meeting as it affects this sewer project, I conclude that the immediate area where the se�rer was not con- structed, namely the area north of the railroad right-of-way, east of Germain Street, and south and west of Ames Avenue, is not benefited at this time. The storm water in this immediate area is conveyed through open ditch and I am of the opinion that prime benefits do not accrue to these properties until the sewer work is completed, at which time, the balance of the lands remaining could then be considered for assessment. I therefore recommend that the present assessment proposed to these properties be deleted at this ti.me and the additional cost be funded by local i.mprovement funds in an estimated amount of $1,875 and i further recommend that the balance of the assessment as reported be ratified. The postponed hearing on this matter is scheduled for June 9, 1970. ; Ma,y 13, 1970 Mr. J. Wm. Donov�n, Valuation 8� An�e�sment Errgineer. Dear 31r: The City Council. la ver Jw1e 9th. a Resolution Ratit'ying Aa�es�mazit f'akr the MAG OOD STORM SL�TER, �nd requests that the Va1ua ine Offic� and the Pttblic Works Depex�tm+errt imrestiget t r with th� Highway Depart- ment cor�cerning aaq tian oP rt or highway purpoae�. Vex'y truly yours, City Clerk A4/hp May i3, 1q70 Hon. Robert F. Peter�on� Commissioner o� Public Works. ne� ssr: The Cit�r Cauncil over to J e 9th. a Resolution Rati#�ring As�easmerct �'o� the IA- WOOD STpRM SEWER, end requests that the Public Worka t and Valuation Engineer'a OPPice imrestigate the furt wi.th the I�iighway Aepartment con�cerning acquiaitio ty f ighw�ty purpoaea. Vary truly youra, City Glerk AO�hp