249198 « .
� BY •
In the matter of
Op�nin�,, w.�a�wg �nd extending CLEVEIAND AVENUE (City Pro,jaCt .l►���=�p �
„ ;� iRd tal�i�tg that p�rt of the Ncrthwsst qw�rttr o�' Section 33. T. �. �
R. , �, �a the City of St. P�ui, described as folioas: b ..
4�,�. �;mr
,� t� �rsect i ort o� the east yt reet�-I.i�e of C 1 e,ve 1 a� K+r��'° •
,`a�nt�rW �towthw�st'erl s'°�treet Ti�e of Universit Avenue; thence southeasterly
� aiorg the southaesterly street line of University Avenue a distance of 42.80
feet; thends soutF�esterly counterclockwise alor�g a tangentiai circular curve, —,
•�dfus 25.00 feet, central angie il9 degrees 25 minutes, to the east street
���s��e of Cleveland Aveaue; thence north�rly alo�g the esst street tfae af —,
`���ela�d Avenue to the point of beginning.
A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having
heard all pereone, objectione and recommendatione relative thereto, and havimg fully conaidered the eame;
therefore, be it
RFSOLVED, By the Council of the City of 8aint Paul that the preciee nature, extent and kind of im-
• provement to be msde by the eaid Citq ie
OPe���+g, �i d�n i ng and extend i ng CLEVELAND AVENUE (C i��,Prdij�t !�-�40$$I1K� b�. ;.
coniwning and taki�g that part o# ths tlor�hwsst q�rt�r of StQtloa 33, T. '4�i;,
R. 2�M, t� tia Ctty o�f St. Paul, described as foliows: -
�'�� . . +�'';� ��l�i►r�sdtiea.�of. tihe.e�st street 1 ine o1� C`t�iiu�d '11�►i'�oe
and the s�+�h�i'e��erTy"�treet l ine of tJniv�rsity Avenne; thence southeasterly
along the southweste�ly street line of University Avenue, a distance of 42.80
feet; thence southwesterly counterclockwise along a tangential tlrcular curve, ,
snd radius 25.D� f.ee�t, �entra�l ahgle 119 degrees 25 minutes, to the east street
line of Cieveland Avenue; thence northeriy along the east street line of
Cl�velaat! Avenue to the puint of beginning.
hereby ordered to be f,alcen, sppropnatea ana cvuu�u.u�.. ..,. _.._ rrr___ � _..—e�._,. ....r=...a.�.au,�, .�a..
Opening, widening and e�ctending CLEVELAND AVENUE (City PrQjsct _P-008$I�4„by
condemning s�d taking thst part of the Narrh�est qMart�r o# S�tion ��, '�. 29N,
R. 3�1; iN t�we �1ty �f 5t. Pa�l, :�escribacl as foiJ�wss
���ning at the intsrssctio� of t'hs east street ltne of C1evs�a��
� and ths somttrw�sterl�► st�eet 1 ine of t�riivats�t�r /lvenae; tfiaac�y��uth�r�l�1y
along =ti�e southvr¢s:terFy street 1 ine �►�' t�it`versity Avenue � dlsti��nce ��.$0
feet; thetice�southwesterly counterclockwise along a tangenti�l clrcu�ar cucve, d
radius 25.00 feet, central angle I19 degrees 25 minutes, ta the esst street �y ;�
d'r'�1 i��e of C 1 evel and Avenue; the�ce norther 1 y; a l owg_the east s t reet 1 i r�e of "
8II�'Cleveland Avenue to the potnt of beginAing.
Adopted by the Counc�l ,VN ' .a�_��v �
. _��.`_'�'
.�U� °� ����� City erk.
ApprovecL_ , 19
� �.� Mayor.,
C cilm : ,
�� PUBLISHED �UN I 3 19�0
�i4(KkdQX�XX Sprafka
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Mr. Pres i dent, g�.._�%�C.°���t'��
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Apr i 1 6, �9 70
To the Commissioner of Ftnance of Che City of St. Paul :
The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary
orde� of the Councii known as Council File No. 2�116 approved
March 31 , �9 �� relative to
. OQen� Widen and extend CLEVEI.AND AVENUE(City Project P-0088AR) by condemning �
_and taking that part of the Northwest quarter of Section 33,T29N, R23W, in the City
, of St. Paul, described as followa:
Beginning at the intersection of the east street line of Cleveland Avenue end
, the southwesterly street line of University A1►enue; thence eoutheasterly along the �
southwesterly atreet line of Universitq Avenue a distance of 42.80 feet; thence
_' southwesterly counterclockwise along a tangential circular curve, radius 25.00 feet,
. central angle 119 degrees 25 minutes, to the east street line of Cleveland Avenue;
,� thence northerly along the east atreet line of Clevelaad Avenue to the point of
beginning. �
and having investigatect the matters and things referred to therein� hereby reports:
l . The estimated cost thereof is $
2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and
ma de a pa r t he reof.
3. initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works X
4. Im rovem�nt i s aslced for u on t i t ion
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