249181 .., . . . _ .
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BY ,�:
, File No. �l3b
In the Matter of sr��rMl�l�ltfats ti�t �l��wlrlk wt �t ![+�t Iri�M e[ C�1� t�. ��+�t
�A� �r+�i !rr �ier�3i !'L�t s�! 1rr Nt� stl �tiN�r �rk �l+� !s Mre� a�t
�iriseat t� ewM►3�e�r �,+1 #�irv�tt.
under Preliminary Order � approved �l #r ��
Intermediary Order approne�
A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council
having heaxd all persons, objections and recommendations xelative thereto, and having fully considered
the same; therefore, be it
; RESOL�ED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im-
provement to be made by the said City is
� s�a�rpc�sC !�r �tiwNr� +r tlw� w�st �� �d'+��wrt ii. #� lrir�s i� �
� M�Autff��t l�ra� ar�►i ir�► +� atl �tr�s w�k �ii�t !�s r�s� �i�isl+f�ts1 1a►
� �r�1►�ta a�►�+t i�ri!'s'r��t. a�►t si�s� �i �t �f3��tt �ri sl�i�s�s swt
�` �a[lst.
�nd the Council hereby ordera �aid improvement to be made.
RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and
d�irected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for
approval; that upon said approval, the proper city oflicials are hereby au�horized and directed to pro-
, ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith.
Adopted by`the Counci� �UN
Yea.s �arlson Nays JUN 5 1970
�Vle��� Approv
�3s�svn �-^-�
Sprafka .�In Favor
,�@d@SCO � ayor
��� C� RUBLISNED UN I 3 �970
6-BB-2M �� R.1
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- Dist. �fo.
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' W.S. Cypreas St. - fludsoa Road to Wakefield Place ��
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�:;�, `�,✓� � April 13th. 19 70
To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul:
The Commissioner of Public Works, havin� had nnder consideration the preliminary
order of the Council known as Council File No. 248306 approved
April 9th. 19 70 relative to reconstructing the aid��alk on the
west side of Cypresa St. from Hudson Boad to Wakefield Place and by duiag all
other �ork which is necessary and incidental ta complete said improvement.
and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reportst
1. The estimated cost thereof is $3.80 per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk
5 ft. wide and $4.60 per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 6 ft. wide.
2. A p1an, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and
made a part thereof. �
3. Initiated by the Commiasioner of Public Works x
4. Improvement is asked for upon petition
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'� '°'�' Commissioner of Public W ks
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Jtine 4, 1970
Anna I:. �eifel
992 T�akefield Av�nue
St. Paul, Minn�:�nta 55I(?6
Dear Mr�. Deifei:
Your letter, with referenc� to sidewalk constructio� on
Cypress Street frow W�akefi�ld Avenue to Hudson Road hae been
referred to the Department oi Fublic Works €or investigatian
and to the City Cl�rk for the attention of the City Council
at tl:e hearing an Jun� 5, 1970.
Yours very truly,
RogAlie L. Butler
Commission�r oE F'iz�ance
cc: �i3'ty Cll+�rk
Sidewalk Dept.
�9?_ Wakefield Avenue
St. Paul, I��Iinnesota.
June 2, 1970
Cor�.raissioner of Finazace
Il3 Courthouse
City of St. P�v.l., Minnesofi,a
Dezr Comrnis�iozaer:
R�: File S9103 Page 1.
I rec�S_tir�d a letter dsted r�,y 15, 1970� �u,�-th the abave ref erence file
ntam�er re��rdan�; the inst�.l.lation of new s3.det�ra.11�s an Cynress Street
fxom Glz�kefiel.d �venue to Hudson Ii.o�d. T��is 3.s a distance of exactly
one block �nd there �r� on].y two �ro�aez^ty owners involved, x�ir. Shank,
and myself. Both Mr. Sh�nit and Z h�.ve ex�znined this sidawalk, �.nd we
feel it is in �ood car�dition n.�n.d. does not naed repl�.cement,
In these times of e�.cessa.v� �e+vernmc;nt spending� inflation and ri;�in�;
ta<•tes, I am sure you c�n unc�erst�nd my� opposition to replacemen� o� �.
sidewalk unn�cess��.ri7.�,.
This letter i.riform� ,you th�t T do not need, want, or will p�.p �'or �h�
repl�cement of t,his sidew�lk th�t is in good condition..
Yours very tru.].y,
. . , , �. � L ..Y t {:
AT121� �•� �03.�F3Z. ,�� ,�
CC.• ��T'• S�.l�.rik
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�t. Paul, Minne�ota ; ;; � „ . � `."��,
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CoIInnissioner of Finance
113 Couz�hc��zse
City of S�t. Paul, h�3.nn�sata