249169 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK � ��,���:T✓
PR�ENTED BY June 4� 1970
�OLVED: That application f or the transfer of On Sale Liquor License issued to
The Bella�y Corp.� at 799 IIniversity Avenue, be and the s ame is hereby
transferred to Mangini, Inc. at 1177 Clarence Street on the condition
that within ��days of this date said Mangini, Inc. shall comply
with all requirements of t he Bureaus of Fire, Health, and Police, and
the Licelse Inspector pursuant to the St. Paul Legislative Code and
all other applicable ordinances and lawa.
,�� � 1970
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—
Yeas Nays
Butler �� � ��'7�
son Approved 19�
Levine �
n Favor
Sprafka � Mayor
�Against ��Rq
1�''?s.�,:�:s�:i:. :�.:'"' 'lIBL1SHED �tIUN 8 �97�
Mr. Vice President
• R � �
� Capital oi Minnesota
� ���� �
�e a�ti�e�t o a��ic �a et
p �
POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH
ItOGER M. CONWAY,Depaty Commfedoner
DANIEL P.Me LAUGHLIN, Lieenx Impeetor
May 21! 1970
H onorable Mayor and City Council
Saint Paul, Minnesota
Mangini, Inc. is 3oined by The Bellamy Corp. in making
application for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License No. 7815�
expiring Janua.ry 31, 1971, from the licensee, The Bellamy Corp. at
799 IIniversity Avenue to Mangini, Inc. at 1177 Claxence Street
which is on the West side of the street between Rose and Marylar�d
Ma,n�ini, Inc. also make application for Restaurant,
Cig�axette and Sunday-On-Sale Liquor License for the same location.
This is a new location for this type bf business.
Sine Maxch 1968, Anthony P. Ma,ngini has been liceisee
and ope�ator of a Restaurant 4NLY at this address.
The officers of the a pplicant corporation are Anthony
P. Mangini� President and Treasurer; Pasquale Mangini, Vice-president;
and Elizabeth Mangini, Seereta.ry. Anthony P. Mangini is the sole
There are no 3 .2 establishments within two blocks. The
closest On Sale I,iquor place is about 100 feet and the closest Off
Sale Liquor place is about half a block. rj'he nearest church is
one block and the nearest school is four blocks away.
Anthony P. Mangini was a patrolman with the St. Paul
Police Dept. f�om �954 to 1966, and since that time has operated
the restaurant at the above location.
Pa.squale and Elizabeth Mangini are both retired. _ __
Very uly youra,
.. �,��� � �
� �
License Inspector
� ,., f{ �
,,,�-V � ; � I �"i�,.
� � �_ �,,,�,�
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r�y s, i9�o
Mr. Daniel P. McLaughlin �
License Inspector ,. '
City of St. Paul
101 E. lOth Street
St. Paul, Minnesota
Dear Mr. McIaughlin:
The undersigned corporation is the holder of an On-Sale liquor
license in the City of St. Paul, which it proposes to transfer to, �
Mangini, Inc. , a Minnesota Corporation, the application £or which tranefer
has already been delivered to your.office.
Very truly yours,
` � •%%`�"
�" ;�� , ;,..-�
� �=
SuOSCKi�ri) il�r) Swoi2.✓ ,. /
�t8 .�.2�s . .:. .
7`O �Or{�.tf �c �r,/,J '
1.s7-.1 v.��r v�'.,.oiqy �9 7 0
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�,�rnr� R �.;r 1��,;
Not4ry P� fic i�. nt. t o ,,tY. f;tinR: '
ir9y Gu,c�.:.s.:�� ,�,��s 22, 2975 -
. , , , .
May 5, 1970 .
Mr. Daniel P. McLaughlin �
License Inspector
City of St. Paul '
101 E. lOth Street � �
St. Paul, Minnesota
. Dear Mr. McLau$hlin:
The undersigned corporation is the holder of an On-Sale Liquor
license in the City of St. Paul, which it proposes to transfer to Mangini,
2nc., a Minnesots �orparatio�, �'�e s�plication for which transfer has
slrearl3r �e�� celi�e�i vo �u: c��fice. ,
Very t�-�zly, ours, }
J� / �
'� _���(L►//yLU � Md� .
/`�' �,
� ���N � �,��
. . Cr/ 8 ,' �(�,�/'� ` . k i � , .
� ��r�d�J�L�Lu�/ . , .
\ .
'L- '
� � � .
. . . � � � � � i . . .
y4 '
. e
May 6, 1970
Department of Public Safety
Mr. Daniel P. McLaughlin �
License Inspector
City of St. Paul �- ,
101 E. lOth Street
St. Paul, Minnesota � �
Dear Mr. McLaughlin: '
The undersigned has filed application for transfer of.an on-sale
liquor license to a location on the west side of Clarence� between Rose and
Maryland, in the City of Ste Paul. The application forms have been completed,
so that the transferee would be a corporation, Mangini, Inc.� in which I am
the sole shareholder and president. I would also like to give you personal
back�round with regard to tt�yself. .
I am a lifelong resident of St. Paul and reside immediately adjacent -
to the proposed location: my residence is at 1350 E. Maryland Avenue. After
serving in the United States Navy in World War II, I received an honorable
discharge. I joined the Police Department of the City of St.� Paul as a patrol-
man in 195�+ and remained in that capacity until July of 1966, at which time Z �
resigned to devote my flzll time to a pizza restaurant that I had previously
started as a sideline activity. I subsequently expanded my business to two
other locations, the last of which was a new building constructed at u.77 „
Clarence Street, known as "Mr. Anthony's". I propose to expand this building, ,
, so as to create a supper club where cocktails would be available to diners;
the pizza restaurant would be retained, but no liquor would be served in this
The area :south of Maryland on both sides of Claxence is heavily
developed with varying types of commereial business, including the Phalen
Shopping Center. Over 1,000 apartment units have been constructed in this
area within the past ten years. An off-sale liquor license is located approx-
imately one-half block to the north, and there are two on-sale licenses in
this it►�nediate area: one immediately adjacent to the north at the southwest
corner of Clarence and Maryland, and the second, a cocktail bar in the Shopping
Center. Neither of these on-sale establishments have restaurant services
available. The only supper club in the area is in the Shopping Center on �
White Bear Avenue, south of Larpenteur.
� Nwmerous people in the business community, as well as hundxeds of _
�; my customers, have urged me to build and operate a first rate supper club, but
not to abandon the pizza restaurant, which specializes in Italian foods. and
take-out orders. �
„ v � t� yo s, � �
� - � � �� -u-�-�
.�� : �� �
APM;p � _
Naabs Antho�y P. Mat�ini
Reaidena� �,ddx°es� 1350 E• Maz�Yl.and Ave., 3t. Paul, Minn.
Lioenaee ManginiL Inc.
Addrea� of Buaineas . 1177 C�arence St., St. Paul, Minn.
I hereby apply for a 3pse5.a1 Sunday I,iquor lioenae.
I have a Reataurant m �@F7i�l. (orosa ou� one) lioense with
aee►t5„ng capaoity for 250 peoplee
. /� . r ^
� ; �
Si ed �'Z . .� `G.��� •�����
� �
ony . n
State oP �Iinsie aota�
C otmty of Rameey )
Antho P. Mangini being Piret duly �wrorna depose�
and aays upon oath tha he ha� rea the f oregoing affidavit bearing h3�
�ignattxre and -l�iows the oont�nts thei�aof� that �he aam.e i� �r�xe of his
aAn knowledge, exoept ae �o tlio�e �tters there�.n. s�ated upon ini`o�°mati�n
and belief and as to �hose ma�ter� he bel.ieves �hem �� be tx°ue�
. f
� r �����,. ���/Zi��
1�II�A tlI'� O Ptpp 7.7.��Tlt
Anthon P. -Nlsngini
Subacribed and sworn to befar�e me
thi 20th da�r of May 19 7�
Margaret Regni �
16 ota:°y 1 io ot unty a °nne�ota
My c o¢mc►i a s i on ezpi re s Sept. 22 19 70
� _ � . . . ,�v,�.�- ���1
Date , May� 19 70
..�_... ,...�...,..
1. $ppliaa�irnn far On ale i uor Licease
2. Nams af applican,t .
3. Busi.nes� address 1,1.,� �larence St. Residenoe �iB�C 13�0 E. Maryland Ave., St. Paul
• � � • � �r . . . � � u w� y.wr . .
�k. Trade nan�e, if any Mr. Antho 's
5. Retail Bear F�deral Tax 5�amp^l�tail Liquar Federal Ta�c Stara��x�.�1 be u�ad.
6. t�i w}iat floor loQated ground floor 8� Number of roo�s used 2
7. Betweez� v�dye►t aross etroeta Rose � Mar�land Whioh aide o� a�r�et west side
.� � . ..�
8. Are premia�s naw ocaupied ye 1�at bu�3.meea restaurant Hv�v iong 2 yee,rs
9. Are prexnisps now� unocaupied Haav ].or�g vaQa,nt Previoue Voe
].0. Are you a z�e�r o�er Y� Iie►ve y.ou been i� a aimilar bu�a3.nes� before �Q
V�he re �Yhen
11, Are you go3.ng �o ope�te thie busine�s peraonally yes �
. � , ,._., � .... , . ,....�,,..... .,.....
If nat, vdzo wi11 opere►�e it
12• Are you in any athar businsse a� tha presen� t�ae yes - restaurant businese
13. Iiave thers beon any cample�in�s aga�.�st your opera��on of �his type of place��^
�Yhen Nhere
14. Have you ever had any liQenae revoked no 1Phat reaeon and da�e
-�-*------- -
15. Are you a c3tizen of the Uni.ted Statea�res�Na�ive x Naturalized
16. Where �ere y�u born ,�t�,P�au1;,,,Minn. Dat� of bir�h F�b. 21, 192�
17. I am not m�rried. My �wife's) (husband's) n.ame a�d addrese ia •
18. (IP married P�ma�.e� my ma�.den aaame is
19. &�9r long have you li4Ad 3.�. St, P+�u�, lifelong
20. Have you ev�sr been axrested no Vicl.elt�.oaa of what cr�.m.in�a1 ].aw or ordinaaae
�...�.._.,.._ ...,..,....,
21. are you a regisi�ered voter in �he City of S�. Paul x Yes ' No•
(Ans�er full and oo:n lete�. . Theee s l,a,oa�ions are thorou h� aheaked a�nd an
laiPiaation t�. 1, be c�uae for eni.e� .
22. N er oP 3.2 places �rithin �ro blocks �_�,one �
- ..r._,.:_...... --
23. losest intoxicatin.g liquar p3.aoe. �Dn SaZe 100 Peet t?Pi' fie�le
24. ea re s t Church 1 block Nea res t Saho 01 �+ blocks
Plans not y�et co�pleted, but will be an expansion of preaent restaurant
25. umber of baoths Tables C�3.�8 � S�oola. facilitie�
26. at ocscupaticm have vou followed for the psst fiv�s y�eare, (Give r�►m,es oP employexs
nd date s s o emplay�ed.)
Patrolman, St. Paul Police Department from Jan. 4, 195�+ to July 26, 1966
Self- lo ed since thet date as owner and o rator of izza reataurem�s.
2%. Give names and addre�ses of two peraone, rasidenta of St, pau1, �i'nn,; w�,o Ae►n g3v�e
�information Qoncerning you.
�Tame Robert Smith Address 15�+1 Birmingham, St. Paul, Minn.
Name Michael Sarne Address 1741 Ross St, paul Minn.
GI INC. � �-,
. . � 171 . . y: � . � .
� igna ure Ap iQan Anthony P. Mangini
Sta te of' Mirm.e s ota
�ss �
County o� Ramsey )
� Anthony P. Mangini being first duly s�rorn, deposea as�d say$
upon oath that he has rea the foregoing state�snt bearing his signa�u}-a �nd kna�
the contents ,thereof, and that the sam� is �rue of his o9un. kriawledge eacept as to
tI10$9 a�tters therein sta Ued upon infor�tion and belief aad as to those m��ters
h�e bel�.sves tham to be trueo _ .
_ �L�vl.t�
� Signature of p Qant pnthony P. Mangini
Su seribed and �worn. to before me
th s 5� day MaY 19 �
o ry Publi o ty, esota
� ccumnisai n expi s Au8• 9, 1975
( otes These ement forms are in duplica e. Both copies must be fully filled �ut,
otarized, and returned to the License Diviszo�..�y
. . .
s�,� � ��so�a�
� ss
Anthony P. Msngini being first duly av�orn, doth dep�se
and sa�r that he �kes this �ffidavi� in connection vrith applioation f or
" On S�le" liquor license (" Sale" mal't beverage licen�e) in the �ity +�f
3aint Paul, Minneaota; that your aPfiant is a resident of the State of Minnesota
and haa reaided therein f or �+6 yeara, manths, and is
nvw and has been for �he ti� �bove mentioned a bona fide raaident of said State
and that he now resides at 1 0 .
�` Addre a s
St. P8u1 , Minneaota,
City or Town
_ �
� �, ,,�.�J
thony P: ini
Subsaribed and s�rorn �o before me
this 5� day oP May 19 7�
Johnn E. Daubney �
Notary b�lics mae ounty, �itinnesota
�dy co�issio xpires A�• 9, 1975
. . . .
Re s � Sale Liquor y1Q@�a�
Name of applicant Mangini, Inc. � by Anthony P. Mangini, Preaident
Bu�iz�esa address 11 Clarence St. t. ul Minn.
I Az°e �ou the sole �wner of this business?/Yp . If not9 is it a p�rtnership?
corporation? VeS J , o:�her?
4thers interested in buainess, include those by loan of' maney, property or othex�evisea
Name � Address 1350 E. Maryland Ave. How $ole Shaxeholder &
St. Pa , nn. President
Anthonv P. Maxiaini
�l i�abeth M�,g�r�,�, 2081 E. �Vacinth, St. Paul Secretary
Pasquale Mangini 2081 E. Hyacinth, St. Paul Vice-President
I If a aorporation, give ita name Man�ini� Inc.
I �
Are you interested in any �ray in an�r other Retail Beer or Liquor buainesa? no
I As sole owner� Partner? Stockholder?
Otherwise? (Through loan of money, etee Explain)
Aaaress of s�ch business and nature of interest in same
. .,
Signature p icant �lntho P. Mangini
State of M3.nnesota�
C ounty of I�maey )
Anthon`y P. Maugini being first duly sworn� deposes and says upon oath
that he has read the foregoing affidavit bearing his signature and l�ows the contents
jthereof; that the same is trus of his vuvn l�owledge a except a� t� those matters therein
atated upon information and belief an.d as to those �tters he belieeea them to be true.
�—� ,�-
I J �
Signature of a icant Anthony . Mangini
Subsoribed anct aworn to bef ore me
this 5� day of � 19 0
J n E. Ue�ubn �"""��
� Notary ublic 13amsey County, Minnesota
�y o�ssion exp�.rea A�' 9 19��
I �
1�te t�ay 5 _�� 70 .�
1. /�pplica�3.on for On Sale Liquor L3.cenee
2. Nam�e of �pplicant Mangini, Inc., by Pasquale Mangini, Vice-President
3. Busineas addres� 1177 Clarence St. Residenoe �1 E. $yacinth Ave., St. Paul, Minn.
4. Trsde r�aa�, if any Mr. Anthor.y's
5. Ftetail Beer Federal Tax S�mp Retail Liquor Federa�. Ta�c S�amp��3.17, bo ueed.
ground floor 8e
6. Chi what floor l�cated beaement Number of rooatta used 2
7, Betyuaen what cross street� Rose & Maryland �iah ei,da of street �St side
8. Are premisea now oacup�,ed YeB '@Il�iat busin�ss restaurant Hcrov long 2 years
9. Are premises now tanaccupi�d Haw long vaaant Pxevi,ous Use
10. Are you a new owaer�Ye��re you been in a a3.m�i,lar bu8ines� before no
WYiere �Vhen
11. Are you going to opere�te this buaine�s persomally no ,
If not, �ho will operste i� Anthor�y P. Mangini
12. Are you in any other buainess at the preaent time no
13. Have there been any oomplaints againat your operation of thia type oP plao� �O
Whea Nhere
14. I�ave you ever had any liaense ravoked no yPhat reasoa and date
15, dre you a citizen of the Uxiited Statea 3�e8 Native Naturaliz�d Y�$
_._....._._ -_•,....�..,....
16. 1Nhere �rere you b�rn Naples, Italy pe��� of birth Oct. 27, 1895
17, I am married. My (wife 's� (h�r��52I�� name and addresa ie Elizabeth Mangini,
2081 E. Hyacinth, St. Peul, Minn.
18. (If ma rrie d fema le) my ma iden n�ame is
19, �ow �.ong have you lived jw. S"E. Aaul 59 Years \ �
20. Have you ever baen arrested no Violea�icyri of what ariminal la�r ar ord3.r�aos
,�.-._.,_..,� �r.
21, Are you a regiffitered voter a�n tY�e C3.ty of S�. Paul x Yea 1Jo.
(An.s�ue� fal� �nd oom le�el . These a 1,a.catio�as are thorou h1 ahecked �►�ad aa
lsifi.aatson y�ri1�. be caus� for ena.a .
2 . Number oP 3.2 placea �ithin t�vo blocks none '� ':
-- - .�. ...�i...w.wr.�.:�.... ......
2 . Closest 9.ntoxicati.ng liquor p]+acse. On Sals 100 feet t3FP Sa�e ; :�
, -.......�.,�..
2 , Nearest Church 1 block Nearast Scshool �+ blocka
Plana not yet completed, but will be an expansion o praaen res aurst�,;�
2 . Number oP booths - Tables Chaire 5tool� �'eciliti4s �
2 . What oecupation l�ve vou follo�red for the psst �'ive years, (Give na�e�i.��f'��►mployers '�' �
and date s a o employ�ed.)
retired .
. . .. :N.+w .
. - . . � � . . .. �,�. � .
� r. xr;� •° _ '
- - —. - i �--�,���'�°''�1�"""'�'�"
�. 4
2 , Give names and addresses of �wo peraone, residents of $t. �ul�` �i$1�,��i,*1�,1k'�� �1v�
infarmat�on Qonaerning you.
, .. , .
Na�ne Robert Smith Addresa 1541 Birmingham, �t. Fei(�.1.,,.Minn.
Name Michael Sarne Address 17�+1 Ross, St. p�ul� .�.nn.,
MANG I, INC �, � � .
� �.
� �
BY ► ) . �' ��R
�-�-; �,.,,,: .
Signa ur o App 3qan a8�
Sta te of Minne s�ta� _ �' `��°�
�';t� i ;.`l�"���
$� �< , i
i� � .
County of Rarnsey � r,4^� ,,a`� �
Pasquale Mangini bei first dul sworn de
� Y , I�ss• a� �1�liye
upon oath that he has read e foregoin.g state�nt bearing his aig�.��,.�,tl l�a,v�rs
the contents thereoP, and �hat the same is true of his o�ra l�aovYed�s'�qi:?�..d��f .ta
those matters therein stated upon inf'ormstion and belief a�.d as �o thote:`a�t'�ers
he believes them to be �x°ue.
��-Qf /�CIiY (' n�l.l-
Sigr�a ure of A p].iaa asqua e ang
bacribed and sworn. to before me
t i s 20th �y o� MaY 19 �
� ./
tary Public, ey Cox ty, �snnesota
M C c�nni a s i on e a 'rs s `„Au8• 9, 1975
( ote s These �*•,ateme fox�s are in dupli te. Both copies must be full�r till�sd Qut�
otarized, and returned to the Licenss � viaion.T�
Re s On Sale LiQense
1Jame of applicant Ma,ngini Inc., b�r Pasquale Mangini, Vice-President
Bus�neas addzess n t. St. Paul Minn.
Are �rou the sole ov�rner of this buainess? no e If nota is it a pax-tnership3
corporatiar�.? yes , o�her?
t}thers interested in bus�.ness, include those by loan of' rr►oney, property or otherwi�es
Nama p�ty�or�v P. Man�ini Address 1�0 E. _Maryland Ave. How �ole Shareholder $�,_
St. Paul, Minn. President
Flizabeth Manaini 2081 E. H.yacinth Ave. Secretar.y
St. Paul, Minn.
If a csorporation, give fts nama Man�ini, Inc.
Ars you interested in any way in any o�her Ret�,il Beer or Liquor buainesaR ��
As sole rnmner? Partner? S�Gocskholder?
Othez�rise? (Through lo�n of money9 etce Explain)
Addreas of such business and nature of interest in sarne
1J / ..
Signa re of ap lican pasq�u�,le Mangini
State of Minnesota
C ounty of l�amsey
Pasquale Mangini bei.ng first duly aworna deposes and sa ys upon oa�h
that he has read the foregoing affidavit bearin.g his signature and la�o�vs �the eontents
thereof; that the same is true of his owm ]�owledge9 except as to those matters there�.n.
atatsd upon information and belief s�.d as to thase matters he believea them to he true.
y1� �i �
.l.l ���U .�� V-"-� _ y �! .� ', .
$ig ture of ap ican pe,squale Mangini
Subsoribed and sv�o o befare me
�hi� 20th d�� of M 1 0
Joh a ary u c, e�r County, M�.nnesota
My aomm�.ssion e i s Au8• 9 19 75
s�� � ��soTA)
) SS
Pasquale Man�ini bein.g first dulyr axorn, doth depo�e
ar�d say that he makea this affidavit 3.rs conneetion with applioation far
" On Sale" liquor licenae (n Sa1e" malt beverage lioenae) in the �ity of
3aint Paul, :Minnesota; that your affian� is � re�ident of the State of �llinnesot�
and has resided tharein f or 59 yeara, mor�.ths� anci is
nc�r e�nd has been for the time abo�re mentioned a bona fide rssident of said Stat�
and tha� he now residea at 2081 E. acint
` Aaareas
st. Paul , Miizne s ota.
City or Town
( , �, ,
������ ��
�i..c�- `�— C�'1�� +-'���--
Pas le Mangi i �
Subsoribed and aworn to before me
thia �th da of MaY 19 7�
John E. Daubne '
otary ;, mae Ca , E�Q33nneao
My eo�nis ion expiras Aug. 9, 19
D�te 1Kay 20 �,� 70
. � ....._,.� �,
1. �ppliaa�ion far n ale i uor I,icene�
2, Name of e►ppl,iaan.t M ini, Inc. by Elizabeth Mengini, Secretary
3, Buaineas addresa 1177 Clarence St. �8�de�Qe 2081 E. $yacinth, St. Paul, Minn.
4. TrQde aame, if an� ,
5. Rstail Beer Federal Te►x St�mp��Retail I,iquor Feder�l Tax Stam���ri17. be uaed.
ground floor
6. f� vvhat floor loQated g, basement Number oF rot�s used 2
—,-�� _..,.__._.,_.____.-..
7. Bet�raan .wi�at oross a�reets Rose & Maryland UPliich e3�de of atree# �8t side
8. Are prem3ses now ocaupied yes 'Y1hat busines� restaurant �� lo�g 2 years
9. Are premises no�r uuoaoupied Hov�r long vacant P�rev�,oua U�e
10. Are you a new cr�vner �y�es H�ve you been in a aim,i],�ar business befoxe �o
Whe re �Ilhen
11, Are you going �o opere�te tk�fa buainesa person�ally no ,
If not, v�io will operate it Anthon P. Mangini
12, Are you in eny other buei.ness at the p�esent time no
1�. Have thare been any oomplaints againet your opaz�at3.on of thia �ype oF p]ace no
�hen Nh,er�
14, I3ave you ever had an,y lioense revoked no wha� rea�ou and da�e
15, dre you q c�itiz�n of the United State� yes Native Naturalized x
..�.�.._ _.__.,...,.._
16. YOhere w�ere you bora Naples, Italy I�te oP bir�h Ma,Y 10, 1902
17, I am married. My (��ts) (huaband'a) name and address �,s Pasquale Mangini,
2081 E. Hyacinth, St. Peul, Minn.
18. (If marxied female) my �iden name is Elizabeth Mascia
19. �c�w �ong hav� you �.3vad izi S'�. F�ul 56 yeare
20. Have you ever beon arreated no Vicl,ation of what crami,aal. 1aw o� ordinamoe
._.._..._._.�._ r.�_.._,�.
21. Are you a reg3,�tered voter a.n the Ci�y of S�, Pau1 x Y�e - No.
(Anawer fu3,1 and aom 1ete1 . Theae a liar�tiona are thorau hl oheckad �►�.d e��
lsifioat3.on vrll be oaus� Por en .
22. Number oP 3.2 pla�es �vithin two blocka none
23. Closest intoxicating liquor pl�ace. �a. Sa1.e 1(JO feet �� $��d .
24. Nea re s t Church 1 block Nea res t Scsho 01 4 blocks
P].ana not yet completed, but will be an expansio� o pt*� en res auraIIt
25.i Number oP booths Tables Chairs Stools ; facil.itiea ��.
� � ,
26.� y�that occupetion ha�ve vou followed f or the psst five y�sars, {Giv+o name� o�' �iplo�rere
I and date s s o employ�ed.� .
i 1 6 to 1968 cook - Ma Mangini's _
1969 to 1970 retired "
2? Give names and addreeses of two peraons, residents of St. Paul, �iti�a,,i��t@ p�3i'�i�
infox�tion conaerning you.
IName Robert �.Smith Addresa 151+1 Birmingham, $t. Pau1� .i�i.nn.
Name Michael Sarrie Addres s 1741 Ross, St. P�u1, 2��.;.�
MANGZ I, ING ` �`` �
. .. ,,;�r s�:�� � ,
� �,
BY �, �
Si tur o pp Qa�i : s � �
S`ta te o f M3.zin.e s ota� � �,�,, s
� �;��� �
ss `?f,��� r:��^"�,,�:
� Co�nty of� Ramsey � ;� �:��� �"
� �� .�:�,�: .� :
Elizabeth Mangini being first duly sworn, de�aea sa� +�[iy^�
upon oath that he has rea the f'oregoing atatement bearir�g his. ai�t�r #� kno�rs
the contents thereof, and that the same is true of' h.is owa kna��.ad,�a�":»�� �R�: �€�
those matters therein stated upon informstion and belief ai�d as �4 �h��e. i�t�e�$
he bslieves them to be true. _ _
�� � ,
!t- �
ig of Applia t : za e ng n
bscribed and swox�. ta before me
t is �h da y o� MaY 19 7�
J o ry u i y ounty, �dinnes a
y C omIIn.i a s i on xpi s Au8• 9, 1975
otes �hese statement Porms are in dup cate. Both copias mus� be f'ully �ill�d cut, -
notarized, and returned to the Licenss I�ivisio�a..�'-
s�� � �n�so�A)
� ss
Eli�abeth Man�ini bein.g fir+�t e3uly awnrn, doth depose
and say that 8 he makea this sffidavi� in connectian with applioation Por
"��Sals" liquor license (" Sale" malt beverage licer�sa) 3n the �ity of
Saint Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant is a reaiclent �f the State oF �innesota
and has resided therein for 5( years, �sonths, and is
nvor and has bsen Por the tiu� ahove mentioned a bo�a fide reaident of said State
and that 8 he now residea at �1 E. Iiyacinth
� Addre�e
St. Paul , Mi�n.esota.
City or Town
� ,
�� ,�- ,�-l�z -� . �.
e ngin �
Subscribed and st�rorn to �f�re me
this 24t� of May 19 7�
John E. Daubne
otary , mssy County, E�innesota
� cs ouuni s i on e� pire� A�• 9, 197'�
Re s On Sale Lfcsenae
Mangini, Inc. by
Name of applicant Elizabeth Ma ini Secret
Bu�iness add2ess 1177 Clarence St., St. Paul, Minn.
Are �rou the sole owner of this business? noe If nots i� it a partnership?
corporatiun? V�i �, otsher?
Othera interested in bu�iness, inelude thoae by loan of money, property or otherwi.aes
Name �-�onv pL��g�i� Address 13,50 E. Marvland Ave. H�_,�Q,�e Shareholder & President
St. Paul, Minn.
gX Pasquale Mangini 2081 E. Hyacinth Vice-President
St. Paul, M nn.
If a corporation, give its name Mar�ini,,�nc.
Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Bser or LiquDr businessR no
.As sols awner? Partner? Stocskholder?
Othex°v�.se? (Through loan of monsya etce Explai.n.)
Addresa of such business and nature of interest in same
NI, INC. ��� � '
BY ,.�� � , � ;%t_ �
Si nat� e of a plic nt
lizabe�h Mangini, rS� retary
St�.te oP Minne s ota�
�a s
C ounty �f �msey
Elizabeth Mangini being first duly sworna deposes and says upon oath
that he has read the foregoing affidavit bear^ing his signature and Iss�.ows the contenta
thereof; that the aame is true of his auvn l�o�wledge 9 except as to thuse matters therein
�ta,ted upon infoxmation and belief and as to those �ttars he believes them to be true.
, �
;,/��' ��,�. � �� .� �
Si tuz°e of applicant � abeth Mangini
Subsoribad and srovorn, to before me
thia 2�Jth day of 9�
Jo Notaz°y ub c, Ram�sy rCounty, Adinnesota
My a�ssion ex ire A�• 9 19 75
May 28, 1970
Han. Wm. E. Carlson,
Ca�msr. of Public SaPety,
Tenth and Minn. Sts., .
St. Paul, Mimn.
Attn: Mr. Daniel P. McLnughlin
Dear Sir:
Th�,fCity Council toda.y informally approved the
applic$tion�P�ngini, Inc., �oined by The Bellaa�r Corp. Por
the transfer of On Sale Liquor License No. 7815, expiring
Jan. 31, 1971, fY�om the licensee, The Bellaapr Corp. at
799 Univer�ity Ave. to Mangini, Inc. at 11?7 Clarence St.
Also tY� application of Mangini, Inc. for Restaurant, Cigarette
a�d Sunday-On-Sale Liquor License for the saabe �.ocation.
Will you please p�epare the cu8ton�ry resolutione4
Very truly yamra,
City Clerk -
May 21 1970
HQn.Wm. E. Carlson
Comsr. of Public "�a.fety
Public Safety Building
Dear Sir; t�nt' . N's. Daniel McLaughlin
The City Council today laid to 28th for public hearin�
the matter of the applic he sfer of On Sale Liquor
Lic. No. 7815 expiring . 31, 1 � f'r Tne Bella:r�,y Corp. at
799 University l�ve. �o � �zngini, In . at 1177 Clarence St.; ALSO
application o�' b4angini Ine. for R� aurant, Ci�arette and Sunday-
On-Sale Liquor License r the sam ocation.
Very tru7,y yours,
City Clerk
n� �
� I�la�r 27, 1�j0
The Honorable It-�a�,ror ar,�� lvism:aers of the Cit�r Council
Citzr of Sa.int Faul
City Hall
Saint Paul, I,annesot�
I wo,-lci respectfull� like to renuest of the Cit,y Counci_1 that in
the ma�ter of thE ap�lication ior a tra.nsfer of an Or.—Sale lirnor
license to the -�reriises lccated at l7_77 Clarence St., that action
��,r the Co, ncil on tris application be dela?Ted one week.
The reason for th� s renuest is that certain matters have been
broL�g;ht to rr�y attention, that in my judgement reauire a thorough
investigatior. in order tha+ the publ�c interest be protected.
It is my opinion that no harrr� can result from a one week delay
while great damage could result bsr rast�- action in face of what
ha� beer� brought to rry attenti_on.
Thank you for �rour k;_nd ccns�_deration.
Yo� trt
a les F. McCarty
lVla�rO T'-..�'_Z @C'fi
Citv of Saint Faul
��`��".��t 'R ` '�� `�'� 1575 AMES AVENUE
y� � ST. PAUI, MINH. 55106
�f . .���--:.° �-�d��.;r
� `y,;;� ,(,�' `.��� l�1r� 174-964 7
May 21, 1970
Gene Mokrzycki To the Honorable Thomas Byrne , Mayor of
776-3283 the City of St. Paul, and the Honorable
Frank King City Council members, Messrs. William
V. Prea. Carlson, James Dalglish, Dean Meredith,
nu-o9�7 Robert Peterson, Robert Sprafka and
Jerry Dexter Victor Tedesco
2nd V. Prea.
Treasurer �r. Mayor and Gentlemen:
Lqle Nelson
7�s-1859 The East Central Community Council at their General
Corres. Sec. �embership meeting on Monday, May 18, 1970, voted
Lana Olsen unani�nously to oppose the granting of an on-sale
774-0745 liquor license to Anthony's Pizza Restaurant for the
Record. Sec. �'ollowing reasons:
Clara Brewster
774-5645 a. There are already t he followin� two
Itefreah. Chm. on-sale liquor licenses in the area:
Helena Rubbelke Petite Loun�Ze and Parkside Lounge.
b. An on-sale liquor license at Anthony's
would cause excessive traffic congestion
for the surroundin� businesses in the
immediate area.
c. Eliminate one of the few good family �
restaurants on the East Side of St. Paul.
d. The Young Adults and Teenagers would lose
a good, wholesome eating place.
, e. East Side Citizens will not be able to
stop and eat at this f ine restaurant af'ter
1:00 a.m.
f. Insufficient parking space at Anthony's.
g. Whereas Anthony's Pizza Restaurant and
Parkside Lounge presently complement each
other because East Side residents stop at
both places to trade during the same trip,
� this arran�ement would cease with the
ST. PAUL, MINH. 55106
OfFICERS: - 2 _
Gene Mokrzqcki
��s-3283 granting of an on-sale liquor license to
Frank King Ant�hony's.
V. Pres.
nu'09� This would lead to fierce and destructive
Jerry Dexter competition between the two busines�es
2nd V. Prea. over customers and the bad fealing that
ns'�� would come from the use of Parkside �s
Treasurer parking lot bg Anthony's customers.
Lqle Nelson
Correa. Sec. The East Central Community Co�tncil su�;gests that the
Lana Oisen Mayor and the C ity Counc il turn down t he on-sale liquor
�74-o7�t5 license request by Anthony's Piz�a Restaurant for the
Record. Sec. reasons given.
Clara Brewster
7�4-56u5 S�cerely yours,
Refresh. Chm.
Helena Rubbelke .
Eugene Mokrzycki
May 25,1y7�
City Council
City Hall and �ourt House .
st. Pau]., Mirin. 55102
On Mag 28th, 1970 you will be asked to approge or dj.sapprove a transPer
oP an on-sale liquor l�ecense to Mr. Anthonyts Restaurant at 1177 Clarence
St. St.Paul, Minn.
The members of this organization have analyzed this application and
ha�ae gone on record opposing the transfer for the following reasons:
A. On and off street parking is a problem now and would be intolerable
if the transPer is approved.
B. At present there are two on-sale establishments in the immediate
area and the addition oF a third would tend to open the area up
for perhaps even more later on. Presently hundreds of teen-agers
pa:t�ronize several businesses in the immediate area and the inclusion
of more liquor-dancing eatablishanents could be a detrement to the
present make-up of the area.
C. It would be a rare situation if a transfer of this type would be
permitted to allow two on-sale establishments to operate side bg
side. Thia is almos�: unl�own in St.Paul and the ori�ial in�ent
of limited on-sale licenses was to scatter the establishments on
a Pair scale over the city, Never to burden or plague one area
with too many in one area. . .especially a residential area.
We, the offieers of this organization ask ;�ou to deny this transfer.
Sincerely� �/ ��-
OFFI CERS '� �/�j�
State Representative Bruce Lindahl �'
Darwin Wald �
Eugene Mokrzycki '
Richard H.Wood �` ���� � , rG, ��•�
1J i-[J
�� r
- �
2174 Nokomi�
St. P:-u1, A'iir�n. - 5`�119
�j�y 2 5, 19 70
Commi:sio�er J�mmm� D�.l�lish
C i ty H�11
St. P�ul, Td�i�.�� . - 55102
D•ur CommiG$io��r Dal�;lis h;
At � rsc�r�t mea�ti�� of ths 44-B DFL Legial�tiv� Club oQld
a motiox waa pA� :�w� t h�t t hm club go o� r�cord �s op�
to th� issua!�cs of i lic��oi li�i��$• A°p.titifl�tw��A��g�ant
1177 Cls.r��c• St •, St• P '
to this sffact s.1so .
The rss�soxs for di��.pprov�l of � liquar licexsm w.re �.�
f olloW�:
1. ��r in�rprobl�mti�f thi��-re�.•m s�r�d #
P �
2 . '�ould op�.� up thm�W`wi th�liquorrpl�.es�o��s�
����i��; to corr�e i
3 . T,�k�s �.��� th� ap�Ce that childr�x p��y i�•
The club would like you to vot� s���i���• ths l�su�.rnc• of
this licsra�� .
Si�ac�r �ly, �
r �.�-��
� �
ar K-. Schrosd�r•, 5�crstary
M y
44-B DI�'L Club
. G^�'e , i;ho uncaer.>i�ne�, ncin� Ph.�lEf� Park residents snd
ho:neov:ners , feel it is nc,t in th,� best ini;cr^est of our nei�:�-
box�•l�ood or fan�i�?_ies to €�llc�; t�.n on--�sla lir«or license to be
�tat into AntY:onv'� Pi?z� R�st�urPnt , 1:!77 Clarence, neHr the
Fhaler� Park �hoppin�* C�nter, becau:ca -
1) ��1e alre�dy have t.14'a on-�alFS 1.iquor lj.ce�ses in the
Center s.rea,
2) A parkin� problem �lready exists,
. �) The con�ested traffic situat�.on on Cl�rence Avenue
betweerl �!ar,,vland and Pros�erity would only be
increased, and
4) It would. debri�=e our neiPhborhoo� of the only f�amil�
r�estaurant in our immediate area where youn� adults
m�.y �ee
.w.�`��6 ',��n ;?'_r-%31�rG���'u---------------------------a___--_---------��_
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. �"!e , the undersir�ned, bcin� Phalen Park residents and
homeovrners , feel it is not in the best interest of our nei�h-
borhood or families to allc�� an an-�ale liquor license to be
�aut into Anthony'a Fizza Restaur�nt, 1177 Clarence, near the
Phalen Park �hopUin�? Center, because -
1) 4Ve alre�dy hane t�ro on-sale liquor licenses in the
Center area,
2) A parkin� problem already exists ,
. �) The cont_*ested traffic situation on C�rence Avenue
betv�een Naryland and Prosberity would only be
increased, and
4) It would deprive a�zr nei�?hborhood of the onl,y family
restaurant in our immediate area where youn� adults
may �o.
� „
�� -��`��r���n� i -3/5 GL� ;���
, �, 1�r �
.� ; , 1� � 1 ��,�� �-
�1 r_�L�� %i�� ��` �
� -
. �.'e , th�� u�-?erCi�r:c�ci� r��;inFr. P�alen P�rk Z'E'S�C�6P1T� arid
homeowner� , feel it 3.;� r•.�t i.ji t:3��- t�es�; inter�st cf our. nei��-
t�c�ryhaod. or farnilie:� tc� ���.?edr �.n ;,��va�.e 1ic�uor lie�nse to be
ptzt into �.ntror�y 's ?=R;�.�� ?��s�atzrar.t, 1�.;7 C1<<.rence , near the
Phal�n Fark ��op��;��* Center, be�ause -
1) 4Ve �1re�;d,y h�ve tv,�o on-sale liqtzor licenses in the
Cent�r are�,
2) A parkin� prio��em alr�a�y exists ,
. �) T��� conr�;�stec� tr�ff�c situ�tion on Clarenr,e Avenue
bet�n•c�t�n h.ar;ylaz°�d and P.rr_,sper:it�' �vould onl,y be
increasec�, an.�z
1�) It �•�uld depriv� our ne��?hborhoad of the only f�mil�
rest�a.urant in o«.r immediate area �vhere youn� adults
m�iy �o e
� �s�c���'C2' /S�C� �, .���^✓9- � �
�� ;i����-R- iSG o � �--��'.� .
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%6%�,- �� 9�'� ����� ��� �s-� �---
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We, the undersigned, being Phalen Park residents and
homeo�ners, feel it is not in the best intere$t of our neigh-
borhood or families to allow an on-sale liquor license to be
put into Anthonyfs Pizza Restaurant, 11?7 Clarence, near the
Phalen Park Shopping Center, because - .
1) �e alread� have two on-sale liquor licenses in
the Center area,
2) A parking problem already exists,
�) The congested traffic situation on Clarence
Avenue between Maryland and Prosperity �ould
onl� be increased, and �
I�) It would deprine our neighborhood of the only
family restaurant in our immediate area where
goung adults may go.
�' � j����� �S y�G�i N c J�e�� r 7�l�`/���/�
�1��- ` /�3-f �'� �o w� � �� - `�l��
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. ti"le , the undersirrnec;, bein� Phal�n Park i�esidents and
hameov�rners, feel it is not in the b�st interest of our nei�h-
borhaod ar families to allovr an an-sale liquor lic�nse to t�e
�ut i.nto p,nthonV�s Fiz•r,a Restaur�nt, 1i77 Clarence, ne�r th�
Phal�n P�rk ahoppin�* Cer.ter, because -
1.) �tie alre�d� have t�vo on-�ale liquor licenses in the
Center ar�Qa,
2� A �arking probl�m already exists ,
� a) The cor.�ested traffic si�uation on Clarence Avenue
bet��een rJ�ar,yland and Fros:�ar�ty would only be
increased, and
t�.1 It v�rould daorive our ne i�hborhaod of the only famil,y
rest}�ui�ant in our immediate area �h�here youn� adults
Gn��r �o. .
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. b'1e , t?ze underc i�*n��d, be in� Frlal�n Fark res iaen�s: ^nd
rzo�:no;sn�:r� , feE1 it is n��f; in the best int�z�est of our ne�.{r�:-
�b?"°"_�1(jOci or fam.ilies tc �I?c��a an on-sal� liau�r licer�:3e to Lu�
t;u�, inio An�;?�:o��r� rizr� '.�?��t�ur�znt, 11?7 Ciarence , r�.ear th�
PYis.�!e�� Par,g �'rsoppin� Cen�er, �ec�.�se -
7.; y'Je al-�e,:ciy hava t�vr� c�n��a1-r.. �ic�tzor lic�nses i� the
C�nt.er ar�a,
�) A par?��in� rrcblF�r� �.:1 �^eady A��ists,
� �) The con�*c��,��:u tr���'f�.c situa4;ion on C��:rt.r�ce Averz�ze
,7�;tdre�;n i4'a7�,y��nd anc� ?��rogperity Svould enly b�
�.ncreasec3, �nd
�:? I� w�ul� c��;prj.�;� o�x� nei�hborhooc� o�' th� onl,y fam3.�.,y
7.��,t:.°�ur"n* a.ra ou" �:CLrtIE'{�l$�E arE?f2. 1Nr1@T'F' youn�* adults
r:€�y �o. .
`�� �i n � �
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. . ± 4,
��'e , the izndersi�ned, beinrr Phalen Park residant: arid
h�r^�e���:�r�er4, f�el it i� not in the best interest of aur nei�'�-
k�or�.�c�ac� or f�mi.l �.es to al1c.��r an or.-s�l.e liquar license to be
�;tat �.:��va Anthor�Y t^ Fizza �estaurant, 11?7 Clarence , near the
�P�?al�n PArk �hopp�n�* Center, because -
3 ) �"�e �lre?dy ^�,��e t:tiro Cn-sQle liqua�= licenses in the
Cen�er are�,
2) A par��in� r�rcblem a��eadg exists ,
. "�) �`�:' cc�=l�est�c3 uz��:�'f�c, situ�tion on Clarence Avenue
bet�A-e�n Ir��r�lt�.�d �rid F'ra:.�oerit� �o��ld only be
�.ncre�sed, �nci
�.) It ivould d�nrive aur ne 3_�hborh�od of the only fAmil,y
restau�an� in o�r immediate ar�e u�here youn� adults
may r o.
....� ��.�.�`�'Yl �z�,c� -�--,�"- � -�- ��7`5--� � �j� __------�-- --------�..a__
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5 3, � �� � -
?��� , �� i 3 � ��
. ttie , th6 undersi�ned, bein� Pha1En Park resident: and
homeowners , feel it is not in the best; interest of our nei�h-
borhood or fa:Tiilie� t� allcar an on-s�l� liquor license to be
but into Anth�n.v 'a rizra ??egtaurant, 1177 Clarence , near the
Phalen Park �hop�in� Cen.�;er, because -
1) VJe already have twa on-�ale lic��zor licenses in the
Center area,
2) A p arkin� problem already exis�s ,
� '�) Th� con�ested �raffic si�uati.orY on Clarence Avenue
bet�te�r� N:ar.yland �nd Pros�ority ��auld only be
incre�sed, and
��) It wauld deprive oLryr nei�hborhood of the onl,y f�mily
rest�urant in our irnmediat� �r�e where voun� adults
mr�y go. .
.�.�a.�_.�___o_ __�, _e....�.__.. _ _________ _ ..m_�.�.------ - -- ..__..______..___--_
�� �� �L�
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, t'�o � t,�18 U.:i:�.8�5Ii.''.t�'Ci� bE;1.zlCr p�1��<';1 �fil'�r T'�S��78:'i uS s_r�d
honeovrner� , f�el i�, i� not �Y, th� �es�, intFrest af o�ar r,.e3.�-,-
bc�z�hood oi° farr�ili�s to �l'��-��� an. �r�-°v�e lic��zor lieer�se t,c ;�e
nut i*-�t-,o Anthcn�'Q �izza T,eti-}aur�,nts 11.77 Cla��^�c�, ne���� �uhe
Fha�?an ParE^ Shop�in� Centr�:�g ��.c�:�;t;^ �-
1 � SfiM� Fa�rerd�r have °�wo an-��a�.� 1.yrtt�r licensc.s � the
C��uer �_rEa,
2) � ��i�-:•kin� ??ro�l�m i��Y'E?RC7y �Fists ,
'�} `.";��� c�n�e�ted tr�ffiV si�uati^n oi� C��.r;.�x:c�; �'i�ers��e
?����:�°�e:ri h��r,ylar,c� �nd Pr�os�erit;q' would r�nl�Lr br::
incr�ased � and
� 'r) It �:�ou�d �e�rive our n�iPhbo�3h�tid of tr.e �n1y fariil��
rest�.�.?r���t: in our ir�rnEd�_�te ax�t=.a �ti�h�re ���.�n�r �duli,s
Mn,`. P.t:« .
�/�i��(,� � / ��� ,
< �5 �� � ��
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� � _ - � ,
�s� s ���e_ �
` � ' �6 3 3 �� �
. i"Je , the under�i�ned, bein� Phalen Park residents and
homeoFtiner. � , feel i� is naL in the best interest of our nei�rh-
borhood �r famili.es to allcv� an on-sale lia�uor ].icense to be
�ut into A�t::onv '� Fizza Restaurant, 1177 Clarerice, near the .
Phalen P�rk Uhoppinfi; Center, because -
1) 4Ve alre�dy have two an-sale liquor licenses in the
Center area,
2) A pai�?iin� problem already exists ,
� �) The con�ested traffic situation en C1,,arence Avenue
bet���een I�faryland and Prosaerity would only b�
increased, and
1�) It would deprive our nei�hborhood of the cnl� f�milv
restaurant in our imm�diate arE� vrhere youn� €�dul�s
m�y �o. .
..�._ ,�dA..____.._a_____^1.�....___------ - `G'�J��
�!�" � � /�v � s �� �
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; � ��
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�. ��
. IV�: , the undersir�ned, bein� Phal�n Park residents and
ho:neowners , �'��-31 it is nc,� in i;he best in,ere�t of our neigh-
borhood or famili�s t� a�lc�^� �.��� on-sale liquar license to be
put in°�o Ant:�ony's Pizza Resta��rant , 11"�? Clarence, near tho
Phalen Park Shoppin�; Center, t��cause -
1) iPJe alr�aci� ha.vE� *wo a:�-s �la liquor licenses in the
Cer.��r Urca,
?_) A parkin? probler� alread,� exists ,
� '�) The cor��ested �raffic si�uation cn Clarence Avenue
bet;�e�n. I�:aryland and Prn�perity would only be
increased, and
4) It would. deprive our neirhbarhood of the only family
restaur�nt in our ic�edi�te are� F���here youn� adults
may �o. .
. �.f w_ .a__ __ �3� � ����
�� G��� �
� �5�
r.m �� �� �� _
-- � ���.C�,!:�
1 �y�,� ,�J
�,'�n�� .
� � � y�� ��w �.� �
. �'le , t��� �.nd�rs�_�r�ed, bein? Phaler� Ps�r�. residen�; and
hom.eo�.�ner:� , f.;el i� is nr�t �n the �est int�z�e�t af o:zr n�i�^-
borhood or fari�li�:: to al�?�.:va �n o:�-sale liquor Il.ct;n�� to �e
�ut into Antho�::,�r i� :izza Rest:aur�nt, 1?77 C1.�rence , rie��r th�
Pha?�+n Fa°r� �r�o�pin�* Center, bec�u:�e �
1) b'v� alre.^c?� ���v� two o�?-c��'Le 1_�ria�r 1ic�nses in th�
C�:tater �.r�� �
2) �i r�Arkin.�- p .rc��Zem �1_r��Fd� exi�ts ,
�) Th�; ��n��ste�i t:r�.�'�'ic siv��tic�:a on Cl2.x�c:n:,� �v�nue
be�GrFer� ?�;:�:r�ylrnd �n� �'r^s:�e,�y:i�y �^c�tld only be
increas�za, �n��
1�_) Tt �voulc? �epriv� oux� ne i�he{�rY�ooc3 of ���� �r?:; �°ar���ly
restaitrznt iri oar im�c.edi�t� �re� �.�her� ,yo���°_:�- F���7_ts
m�'k�r ��• .
, ��.s-,�,�.����' .
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� ;�,�� v �
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. ','Ie , the undersian�d, bein� Fh�z1En Pa�k resident� anc�
}�o�Fn�;-ner� , fe�l it is nofi in. the best intere.t of our rde�t'�-
bar��ooci or r:a�^ilie° to allotiv an an-sal.e liquor �icEnse �o c�e
��u� into AnthorVfs Pizza �estaur�nt, lI(7 Claretice , near tho
Ph�len Far��� �hop�in� Center, bec�use -
3) ��e �ire=�dy l�ave two on-s�le liquor l�censes in �he
Cc;nt:;r area,
2} A raz��kin� �roblem alread.y exists ,
�) 'I'h� conrres�;ed �raffic si_tuatian e�. C11€z rerce Avenue
be#;�F,es�n Fv'�r�r:..�nc't and Pros�arit� �,rould on�.y� be
incr�Gas�c� = �nd
I�) Ii; v��o�zl� deprii=.t� our ne�=hb�r��r.oc� of the anl� f�:�ily
r�::t�t-r�r.t in our inli�:z��.R.�.�.P �a��� v::�ere you:�� ��ults
m�.�° 7 c:. .
��yz� . ,
- � �y» ��:� . �
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� . �
��'L° l`I � �-�s--�--�_� i��4 3 ��--���-�.� ��
_ '�'Je , the undersiu�ned, bein� Phalen Park residents and
homeo:;•ners , feE? it is nat in the best interest of our nei�h-
borhood or �'a:�i�.:ies to allcw an on-sale liquor license to b�
�ut into Anthor,;a' s r iz•r.� Restaurant, 1177 Clarence , near the
Phal�n �srk anoppi.n�► Cent,er, because -
1) d'de alrer�d�r have tv�fo on-sale 1_�.quor licenses in the
C�n�er �r�� ,
2) A parkin__ prob?�r�s a1r-,a�y ex;sts ,
� �) The con�P�t;ed rraffi�� �i�u�t;ion o:1 Clarence �Svenue
betx���n �'��rSland �,:�d Pro:�U�rit� �;ould only be
incre�s�:c: , €�:id
�T; It v�ould. csr;nri�.�� our r:ei�*h�orhood of the anlv famil,y
�est.;aurF���:.� izi c�ur ir�.�.��.iate ar�� cvhere y�oun� adults
ma� �o�
. .. _.�__...____.�_.���..__�a..� �.�_�.�..�,�_...___��,�.o_____�.r.�_a______ a_____�____a..__e
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�` � �, ����,�-
� �� �.�o �'�� �,��
. ti"�e , the undersi�ned, bein� Phalen Park residents and
homeowners , feel it �.s r.c�t i� the best interest of our nei��-
barhood. or farr.ilie� to a±?c�; an on-�ale liquor license to oe
Uut inta AntY:any's �izza `��st�urant, 1177 Clar�nce, near the
Phalen Park shop�in�* Center, b�,cause -
1_) t�Je �lre�d,y have tho onpsale liquor licenses in the
Cen�er area.,
2} A parking probl�r:�. al.re�dy exisi;s ,
� ?) Th�; coneesL-e�i traf.fic situation on C1arPnc� Anenue
be���-e�:� :�ar,yl�nd �rzd rra�:�erity ��ould onl,y be
incr�,�sed, and
4) It v;ould. ���pr�iv�; aur nei�hborY��ood of the onl,y fQmil,y
reQt�car�rzt. ix7 �ur i:�e��iate area v�rhere 9oun� adults
rn��� �o.
,__...�_ �.__..��.._.�a.�....., ma. ___ _ ___,�,.._��__.._ _..._�,___ .�_..___ �.w..____.�_ __.,�.
- �°� /��6��
. rYe , the undersi�nPd, being Ph�3en Park res�dents ar�d
homeoti:�ners , feal it is n�t in t.he best interest of our neirv^-
�orho�d or fa:�:iii.as to al?our an �n-sale liquor licrr�� to �e
�ut into Antha:�y'� F'izza Restaurant , 11%7 Clt�rence , riear the
Pha�.er� Fark �hapbin�* Genter, because -
1) We alre�=dy ?�ave two on-sal� liquor licenses in the
Center �rea,
2) A parkinR probler� already exists ,
� �1 2'he conc�ested tral fic sit4�ation c.n C7� rencP AZrenuQ
betx�eer� Ifar,yland and Pros�e�°ity �rould oniy q�
increassd, and
4) It ��ould. deprive our nei�?hborhood oF the onl,y famil�r
restaur�nt in our �_rnmediate area where youn� adults
may �o. .
... __�..����-�-�---_�..--�-- -_..____________���---� `sg-- __d___��___�__..�
�`?��. �-��j�-��-C/�� / v l c� D
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` ��.� ^—� j
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, 4'r� � '��'le l:!t"��f°Y'S�.�2CE'CZy 1?�;��r?v �11E.�.EI'l �£t7'�s: 7'E'5�.�1�;12L� a�2C�
ha:�F�a�.n��^ f gee1. ;t i_^ ��t. 3_n the b�•st inte.~�esf of ou:� n!�ia��:-
borhoc3�i o�� r'ami'li:?;> t,a �i?o„ an tir�-;��.e liqL?ar �_icnnse ��o i�e
�?z�, Ir�'��� fln��:on-u;'� x i��,� R�;ta�:rant, 1277 Clarca�ce, �e=�� the
�ll;al�n F'�r;: �hop�?���f* G�nter, because -
1) e'Je i,1r��::-:d1 ha;�e t�;o on-�ale llq�zcr 1?censes i.n the�
Cenuc,, �T>�;� ,
2) A p�:���.r.� pr�blem alre�:a;� �=xists ,
�) ThE e�°•^nnes��� �raffic situ�tion on C].ar�nce �!ver.ue
be��;•��:g;r� ?v:�,r,yl�nd �nd� Prosparit� :�.ould �t�l,� b�
inc���;as�d, an�i
I;.,l It ���clul.d. c?s;<�rive otzr n�;i�?hborh�ad o�' ths e>n?.� �'a�ryi�.y
re:��; �zz�°a�zt in c��,�r irr;i;��di�te �r�a ��here voun� a3ui vs
<n.��' :` o� .
_ _ .�1'`.li..a�..�, �.�.�..�.�..��..��a �v�____�,�._....a_ _.��e----�-,•,�--•.�.��S S�__��.� .�.__.______mm�.��
- - �Lj�.� �VI � '-7- a4
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. U'le , the undersi�ned, be�nF Phaler Park residents and
hameo��:ners, fQei it i4 not �n th^ b�st interesz of our nei��-
borhooc?. or far�ilie� to �.11c�^r an on-sale liquar license to be
r�ut into Anthor.�'s riz•r.a Restaurant , 1177 Clarence , near the
Phalen Farx �hoppin� Cer�ter, because -
1) YJe al.re��dy n�ve two on-sale liquar 1i.censes in the
Center are�,
Z) A parkint� prob7.�m alreadp exists ,
'�) The c�n�ested f;raffic situation on Clarence Avenue
betv�een h;a.ryl=�.t�d and Pros�erit.y would only be
increasec�, and
�.) It would deprive our nei�hborhood of the onl,y far�ily
restauraz�� in our immedi�te are� where youn� adults
me.y �o. .
` r �1 I o �-
,-.,� � °
F - e�iv � —
��1�� L�Pti�� � � � � �.�����.,�,
C� C��'�� � . � . . _ �
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a,u�. �l / 6 9 Y -� �'�'
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. ro�Je , the u.nder�si�n�=c1 , rrein� Phalen Park r�sidents, and
homeovm�rs , feel it is no} i.:: thn b�;st inte_,e>t of' our nei��-
borhood or familic::s t�o aliov� �z on-�al� liquor 1.�.CP.r"i:3P to be
but into P.nthony': viz•r,a Res`aurant, 1"i"l7 �lEir. ence, ne�r tho
Ph�?en Parl� aho�pit�s�° Center, because -
1) We alre�:dy havc tv�ro on-s��.e liqtior licenses in th�
Center �rea,
2) A par?�;.n� p��obl�rn alre�d.y exists ,
� �) ThE; c,n�e�t�d �z�affic situat,ion on Clarenc;e �'venu�
bet�„���n ���.�7:,�_�;nd �nd �'rns:��rivy v�ould onl.y be
incrG�sed, and
4) Iv �rculd d�pz��.ve: our r�Fi�hborhood of the ar_1,y S'a�ily
re��:��.rant �:� o�r ir,�m.ed3.ate area �vhere younr� adtxlts
m�.�% ��. .
..�����__�-�-�,�`�,,a- �� ���-�-�r � � � yg�_�______��-------------
, -
. tNe , tho un�?E����n�<<. �ei��� P�i�I�n P�rk resident: and
homeowners , feol it is n�� i��� tha r�est :i.nterest of our nei�%.-
borhood ar Fam.ilios t.a �al:��c�,�r r�n o�.-sr�l�: Zi�uor license to be
�ut into An�hon�'a rizra �?estaurant , 11."i� C]_r�rence , near the
Phalen Park 5hoppin�; Center, becau�e -� '
1) VUP Slre�:dy havA two on-sale liquor licenses in the
C�nter are� ,
2) A parking problem alr�ady exists ,
. �) Tne con�ested tr�ffic situation on C1.arence Avenue
betv��een Mar,_yland and Prosaerit� �could or.ly be
increasPd, and
i�) It �rould deprive our nei�hborhood of the only family
restaurant in our immediate are� where youn� adults
ma.y �o.
.�-o� /�3 z ��. �� �.
. i-Ve � �'�e ur�%:���r.-i7��ti->rx, - . �.n� Pr�?e�n Paz�k residents �nd
horr:eo�,�ners , feel it i�{ r���;. ir� '�:��,<.� ��.;t i.nterest of our ne���:-
bar?�oo�:3 or f�;r�.ilies ta a?�ac�r, �.:,: or,�-�a1� �_iauar lic�n�� to b�
�u�t :Into A:�thony f a Fi'za ���t����rr^L , 1�"i'� Clarence, near the
Phalc�n Park �hopain�* Ger:�ters `uFCUU�e -
].} We r�lre=:�y hav� t�h=o a;3-�P7_� l�.�uar licenses i�� fhe
Center ar•e�,
2) A pfzrkin� prcUir:� alreadf exists ,
. ?i Th�: ^�.O!�r*P..St�-d tr�ffi.c ti ituat ion on C�rer�ce Avenue
���;tu��een ?riar,yl�znd and Prosnr.;rity �ould only be
ic�.��,eas�d, �nd
1�.) Tt ��ould denri•re aur nea�h�orhood o" the onl� fsmiJ_v'
rea�C�+arar_�: in aur i�-:medi:a�e are� !Nt1GI'P, voun� �c�ults
k-�r�y �o.
,... . ...�_r_�...��_..�..._.._ ____..__°`Z.S`Z-"'_/y'9�L'c4oa� !ST__°-_______���...._.,__..ag_,�.
/� /
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\�"�/S G I,./ � ` �t��'U�j��. / ! '�V � - /VT1�
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�'� .� �.�'�12� - � /�� �� G�.
_ F'V� , the t?.ndersi�n:�r.i, beinn Fhalen x'ark rnsicient� �nd
hom?olr;ners , feal it is n�t in thn best inter�:Tt of o�zr nei�^-
borhood or fa.��:ii ie:� t� ailc.�, �n cri-s�lA ].aquor li<_c-nse to ��
r..ut into Anthony' � :izza �estaurant, la.;�7 C?�rence, near the
t'lxal�n Psrk Shopnin�* Center, because -
1} b"ve alre�dy have two on-sala liqttar. li�enses in the
Center a_rea,
�) A pa.rkin�x probl�m alre�dy exists ,
� '�) Th.E conr�ested tragfic situation on Clarenc� Avenue
�iet�.e�;n `�ar,ylar�d and Fros�ority �vould only ��
inrreasEd, and
!�.) �t ��oulc� d�prive our nei�hborhaoc� oF the onZ,y f�mi].:y�
re:t�ux'an� in our immediate area where 5oun� a�uits
may r�o. .
.�..._ �.:f_m�,_d_.._�__a__.._�.________ ' r,����*-`-� `
%����� �. D��� �-��9 °1'r .
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6���- � �r ��C/`f ..�� .
� � ��
. 'v"Je , the undersi�n�d, beinF� Fhalen Park residents and
homeo�.�ners , fee1. it is r.�t in the best interest of o!tr nei��:-
borhood or fa:�ilies to a�_1c:v an on-�a1e liquor license to be
�ut into Anthonv' a Fizza R�staurant, 13.77 Clarence , n�ar thQ
Phal�n P�rk �hopping Center, because -
1) V�e alre�dy have two on-sale liquor licenses in the
Center area ,
2) A p arkin� problem already exists ,
� �) Th� cor.�ested traffic situation on Clmrer..ce AYenue
betvs�e�r. l�ar,yla:�d and Prosp6rity wo�xld anly be
increased, and
4) It d�ould d�prive our nei�hborhood of the onlg famil,y
restaur�nt in our immediate area wher� youn� adul�s
may p�o. .
a - ` ��y� .,—�.�� � . ,� �'� s�,
. ,
��� �.�9� ,� �:���..�-� �-=._... _
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i �/`�. °j',l� I `�vv. W . /�I v�_ � '
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`�.., �r ��,. �. �. ���.K, i�-a 6 �9.� ..e�- .�� �� .
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. l"Je , th� !inder. si,-n�cz , b� ��a�� �halen Park residerats arid
homeo�:�ncr�, fea_l ��t is nr{� �r� th�� i�p�t inter�st of oF.zr nei�r-
borhoo�� ar far�ilie.� t� ��?��c�,f ��i cz�•��al� i.a.c�t�o� lic�:nse to be
but into �1nth_r,ny�s �izz� .���������zran�"�� 13"?7 Clal�nce , near the
Ph^l�n Park 5happin�; Cen�e:�, bec�.u.:e -
1) ti��e already r�ave twc cn-sale liquor lic��ses �n the
Cen#er a.r�a,
L} a parkin� prcbl�.m alr�adg exists ,
� �� Ti�w r_.�n�esf,e=d �;r�ffic s3.tu�i,ion on C�,�r�nce Avanue
k�et;;�ea;:�:, PJi�ryland �:�d Fros����i�� �m�uZd only be
�.,��crea;���d; gzn�
�.� l�t ��°�G�:�lc'� r':•.eariv� ou�` r�ei�hb�?^h��;od of the onl,g i'r��Ilv
���:��a.;r�aran�: in �u� i,�ue.�di�te a.re� where �aun� adults
rnr?.� g o. .
��'��� ^-���� �� � /G � � � `�
, � � � � �.�,-�-
��� � i� �" �� � �
�,, lG j � =1-. �;��-u-
. 'v'l� , the u�-adersl�ned, bein�* Phalen Perk residants and
hc�,r�:?oz:��?�s , fee_l it i� nct j�i the �est interest of our. nei�^-
b��x,hoo�� or fae,;�s_lies to r���c�r; �n cs�-uale liquar license to Ue
��?}t �n��:; F'�:��c�:onT'� :�i�•r.a Rn�taurant, 11?? Cl�rence , near the
Ylzal�>rx ��'ar���> �hop�Itz� Center, bAc�use -
1) b';e a.1r�L�d;;p-- h��yP t��To on-sale liquar lic�nses in the
C�n�t�;r s�°r�� �
21 � p�7�i�:��~ �r.�t�biem a1.reF.dy exists ,
� '�) Th� rP>>:z<�c�:^i;�c: �r�:�ffic �_�tustion cn C'E.� r�nce Avenue
b�.�?:aae,�:� '"�r,°;l��ric� �nd. Pro:a��rit,g �ou�d only be
�.iif::"t'.�:�Zi� 9 �rl:�
�) It ����x�d. .�FS�x•��� ou�r� r�pi�?h�o3,h�od of the onl,y fami.ly
r����:��.:rax:�: zn cu.r irr:med���E� �r�� ,r�here yosan� adul�s
�r�<�.y- sf=�� .
_ .._. ��.�.���.�..__^..,._�,_ .�_.��. _w.., M � _ � � .
��� , �) r-�L
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�- �-
� i��� ��� � .��
� �� ��
� � �
. �Ve , the u.�dersirr_necl, beinF Pha1En Park residents and
homeov:ners, fee2 it is r.�t in th� best interest of our nei��:-
borhood or fa�.ilies t� al�cvr an on-sale l.iquor lic�nse to be
r.-ut into �'nthonv'a Fizza Rest�ur�nt, 11?7 Clarence , near the
Phslen Park 5hoppin�* Center, �ecause -
1) UVe already havs two on-��.le liquor licenses in tho
Center �re�,
2} A parkin�z problem alread,y exists ,
� �) The conr�ested traffic situation on Clarertce Anenue
betv�eer. N.aryland and Pros�erity �vould only be
increased, and
4) It would deprive our nei�h�orhood of the onl,y f��il,y
restaurant in our ir,unediate ar�a whore youn� adults
may �o, .
..�....� .. /S3� .�.-c�.� .c��� /J�T, ��.��
���� �J
/� �' ��yl,�.c /J�� �� � � ��
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� �/��' :.�-��
. �'�e , trie t�n�'.Er�i�rie�I, bci��� Fl��_l�n Park residents �nd
homeov;r�er� , feal i� is n�t �.r� �.}ie b�:>t intel��st of oiz�:• n����c_
bnx�har,d or fa�:�'lie�; to al'c���: an e�n-��,1� l�cju�r license t� ���
�ut intc; Anthony�� :=izra �.�,staP.zr�nt, 1:�. ;�? t�larer�c�, near i,hc�
Fh�zZen Fark Shonpi,ln Center, necau�e -
1 ) `�Ve alre-dy h�ve two on-s�lc liquor licenses in the
C�nter aroa,
2) rl parkin� pra��Fin ai read.y exists ,
�) ��'n� cor��estec� tra.�ric �ituation on �Rlarerlce Avenue
betv���en ?+�aryland an� Fros�erity would r,nly be
increased, �nd
!�) Iz would d�nr:Lve ou.r nei�-hborhood o�' �he only f�mil,y
rv�staurant �n our �.mmediate area where youn� adults
Ii]�.9' �?O s
.%/ .�� ��//� �
. ..-,
C� ��-__i
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borhood �r fa^�-�!ies ta t�llc��r an on-�sl� lia�aoz° Iic�n�e to be
�ut in�Go l:nthan�'� i-izza '.?nstaura�t , 11?7 �lar�r.ce, near the
Phal�n P�rk �hoppin� CAnter, bscause -
1) r"��e alr�ead�T ?�av� two on-N�IF. 7_iquor licenses in the
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2) � Y>�r°?�in� p��cblem already exists ,
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U.,t,�een ���;r��i�nd ar�d Frosp�rit.y n�ould only be
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