249168 �
ORI6INAL TO Cfl'�CLlRK ������� .
CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� '��
COMM158�ONE ATF J1�1A L�• 19�TO
RESOL�ED: That application for �he transfer of �n Sa1e Liquor License issued to
Joseph J. Monsour and Virg�inia Monsour� 9dministratria of the Estate of
John J. Monsour as "Inactive", be and the same is hereby transferred to
Glyn Triviski, Jr. at 2209-21 Ford Parkway on the condition that wi.thin
f�o days of this date said Glyn Triviski, Jr. shall comply with all
requirements of the Bureaus of Fire� Health, and Police, and the Licelse
Inspector pursuant to the St. Paul Legislative Code and a11 other
applic�,ble ordin�,nces and laws.
� ,►UN 4 1910
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
Butler �� j�� 4 ����
� Approve� 19—
Levine Favor �
Sprafka I , Mayor
V/ Against �atrng
�'���&�r���';r'41 �
Mr. Vice Yreaident �BLISHED JU� 6 �970
. �
/i1 �. l�
. , Capital ot Mmnesota � �g���
�e atti�e�t o ab�ic �a et
p �
POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH
ROGER M. CONWAY, Depnty Commissioner
DANIEL P.Me LAUGHLIN, Llcenee Inspeetor
�y 19, 1970
Honorable Mayor and City Council
Saint Paul, Pginnesota
Glyn Triviski, Jr. is joined by Joseph J. Monaour
and Virginia H. Monsour, Administratrix of the �state of
John J. Monsour, in making the a�plication for the transfer
of On Sale Liquor License No. 7696, expirin� January 31, 19'j�
from the present licenseea, the Monsour Family as "Inactive"
to Glyn Tritriski, Jr. at 2209�21 Ford P�xkway which is on the
North side of the street, between Cretin Avenue and Mft. Curve
This is a new location and heretofo�re has n�aer been
licensed for any type of business.
Mr. Triviski also makes application for Restaur�,nt,
Off Sale Ma].t Beverage and Ciga.rette licenses for the same
There axe no 3.2 establishments within two blocks.
The closest On Sale Liquor pla ce is half a bloek and the closest
Off Sale Liquor place is a block away. The neaxest �hurch and
school are about four blocks away.
Mr. Triviski ha,s worked for a number of years at the
Manor, Inc. a liquor establishm�nt and for the past three years
in the capacity of mana,gement and operatioi�.
Pery truly yours,
.� ,
rV.��� �'���, C ,
License Inspector ��
^� !
�� �^�.4�' �. . 'A.
) � (( -
� .,r. �.. �l /h�a `. �
/yY} ��, /
, � �
r '
Ds te- ,.l"�1Y �-�.., 7,�_�Q,.,,,.,
1. Applica�ian for On- 5ale Li uor Licens�
$ ��rN
2. Name of applican�
` �zvq-yzz/
3. 'Bus�ne�s addrea�yr Ford Parl:uay Res3.denoe �5 �ell� A�.� St. Paul� Mina��ota.
�3t. Pextl� M�n�t�eaota►.
, , . ....,�,.....
4, Trsde nairne, if any "Mr• Kelle 's"
5. Retail Beer �ederal Tax $tamp g l�tail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp X��,11 ba u�ead,
6. (k� vvha t f lo or 7.oaa ted �� g�� Number of ro aans uaed Two (rnd lsvatories)
• Cre� aod
7. Betwaen what cross s�reets t�t,. (.yrve Whioh side of atrse�� � Q/�'r�
8. Are pr�►mises now oacupied �to '�at busi,ne�s Ho�v Tong _
9. Are premises no�r un�ocupi�dYeS Iiaw long roaQa�,t Previou� Uae
10. AI'8 �rOU A ne�+r o�rner ae� Have you bsen in a aimila� bueiness befora :Yea.
�ere I have be�n engagad in the mana�,sm�at aad aperstion ,
',�i„ Ma�oi'� -. IB.�,� 1Nhen af ths Manor�.,,3nm; (I a3.��c�,,.,wosk!d ar !► b� boy� Bs='-�
t�Ad�r and 3anitor)
11• Are you g oing t o opera te thia bus ine e s pera ona l ly��� � �9� ����tdr �
,.�,_.,. ....,..,..._.,.._
I� not, who �ri11 operate it
12. .�re you in any other busineas at the present tia�s r � i�aiaveg b n�. �s Maa
�' '�t 1'�W4r.�..._.....^ �2'•
13. Ftave there been any oomplaints against your operation of thia type oP pa.a,ce go.
�ien Rhere
14. Have you ever had any lioense revoked �� iPhat rea�on and date
15. Are you a aitizan of the United Statee Y�s Native Yes Natura],a.zed
_.,._.,_... _......_r,.
16. 1Nhere �rere you boz�a. 3 . Pw1 �,gp,�aots De�te of birth �
�..�.�_...�a �... ,,... ,_..,.,r.....,,,,,,,..�,
17. I am �rried. My (wife 's) �,� name and address is ���eY ��4ki.
365 I�lls Arenue, St. Paul� MinnesoLa. y
18. (IP m�a rried Pema le� my m�iden r�me is
19. :�ow long have you 13.ved in 56. Paul All oP a�y Xif�.
20. Heve: you ever been arrested Yes Niolation of what ar�m�ns1:-].d��ardine�n.oe
�.,, ;�,�y,�ANL ---....
Trsffic Vialationa aa w Ju�r�aila. , ' �
21. Are you a registered voter i.n the City of S�. Pl�ul y�s Yes No,r
(Anawer full and aom le�e�, . These a liaata.ona are thorou h�. csheoked a►nd �n
laifioation wi 1 be aause for enia . -
i ;
22s N er of 3.2 places within two blocks �
23. C osest intoxicating iiquor p7ace. �. Sale � y ��� �fP Sa1e / �,�
24. ea re s t Church�t. Catbt r�ne�s �s�el Nea res t Scho ol �t. Catheriae�s Col].�ge
25. umber of booths_ �S Tables Sp Chair� 300 Stools 3p -
26. at occupa,tion have vou follovuad for the past five years, (Give names o�' employers
nd date s s o smpl�srea.) pbr th� past three y.srs, I lasve besa enge�ed in the nanagewnt
d operatia� of th� Maaor„ Inc. Betor� then, I workad os s bus�boy, �aanitor a�d bar—teader.
2'l. Give r�ames ar�.d addresses of two peraons, residents of St. Paul, �inn., vuho cax� giv�
infox�tion concerning you.
�� Name �'«aes J. UniN� (�y wttozn�y) Addrese 408 Ficu�e�x' B1d8. � SL. Paul� Mina�sota.
f Name John J. Sbomion� Address �3 E. He�sda� 9t. Paul� Minas�ota.
� �,A � '
1��.t.�.. w.i v�
Sig ture of App iean
Sta te af Ntinne s ota�
County of Ramsey �
��t TriYiski, Jr. being first duly sworn, deposes and sa�rs .
upon oath that he has rea the f oregoing statement bearin� his signature and knows
the contents thereof, and �hat the sama is true of his awn 1�awledge except aa to
those matters therein stated upon information and belief and as to tho�e mattera
he bel�..a�sras them to ba tx����.
� 1 �
Signa e of AppliQant
bacribed and sworn to before me
t ° 14th y o� M�y � 19 70
y Pu�1 County, Ma.nnesota
y Co�nission e�pires �8• 34. 1971
Note 8 These statement forms are in duplicate. Both copiss must be f�.illy filled out,
�:otarized, and returned to the Licenss Division.j�
� � IIN��SE.
�1w�we, o.�'�' ca►"n. '�`.
Ik w�an rt��K�s nue, 2U ►y'�
( '
• � FOR
�LY� Res � � Sale Jf�c�uor LiQense
Name of applicant � Triviski� Jr.
.za Oy - �
Busine;ss addrees '� �'ord Parkway� St. Pau.1� :Ninnesota.
Az°e you the sole rn�vn.er of this business?Ye8 , If nota is it a par�tnership?
curporatian? , other3
Others interested in business, include those by loan of money, property or othex^�ises
Name Glen '?''�t`i:vis&3 (my fatha��..Act�xess_ Haw Loari oP Mouey
If a c orporation, give its na�
Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Beer or Liquor buainessR ��a�'� 8° Stated
, .
�a eole oe�raer4 Partner? Stoekholder?
Otherwise? (Through loan of moneye etce Explafn:) I � ��sently empl.oqed a,s tj�e �auager
oP the �ianor, Inc.
Aaaress of such buainess and nature of intereat in same
4 �
8 ( � •
gna ure of applioant
St�te of Minnesota
C ounty�y �$�ya
� Triviski, .Jr.
be9.rig first duly awornD deposes and sa,ys upon oath
that he has read the foregoing affidavit bearing his signature and ]�o�vs the content�
thereof; that the same is true of his own lrnowledgea exnept as to those matters there�.n
atated upon inforn�tion and belief and as to those matters he believes them to be true.
c ' ,
g ure of applicant
Subaoribed and svrorn to before me
th' 1�th da 19 7�
ubli County, Minnesota
My o ommi s August 20 19 TI�
�A�1AIc. DN� C,oucNM. IRnm
• M� Cernm�art l�uM� AWt. ?U I y�1
� �
. ,
. . '
s�� � ��rrrr�SO�A)
) s$
G�y,�/ ��
�e:s Triviski. Jr� being firat duly axorn, c��oth dep�se''
and say th�t` he makes this af fidavit in connecstion with applioation f or �' , _ .
"On - Sale" liquor lieense (r Sale" malt baverage license) 3.n the bity of a"
.�. ��.;
, �, *
Sa int Paul, :Minne s ota; that your a ff iant is a re s ident o� the S`t��e �`of Minne s ot� �� �
� �
and has resided therein fo� 2��sars yeara, ��mar�ths., aad is ''�F
n�r and has bsen Por the ti� above �ntion.ed a bana fide reeidez�t of said S'�ata
and that he now resides at 3�5 ���i$ Av�r�ue, y�L. paul, �4ix�nesota
� Addreea .
, Minnesota.
City or Town
^ �
, ��'
Subsoribed and s�orn to before ms `:�= .
: �
thi ltth `�1ay ' �. 19 70 -
, .
blics Cuunty, 323nnesota
�r co�iasion expirea _pu�ist 20+ 1971
�+�s � Ur�is�
Nbent wouc.. Ds� Cownr. rnnn
Ih Cr�rnm,sa�on Wn�rr.g AuK. n� ; �
� �,
�r 19, 1qT0
Hon. Wil.li� E. CarLc�, _ _
Ca■sr. of Pnblia 8afety,
Tetrth snd Dtl.nn. Sts.,
St. Paul, l�li.nn.
Attn: 1Kr. Dsniel P. McLaugblin
Dear Sir:
The City Chuacil todsy laid w+er to M�y 26th. for
public t�aring the ap�licatioa of Glyn Triviaki, Jyr., �oiaa�e�d
by Joseph J. l�our and Yirginia H . M�oaaaour, A�inistratri�c
o! the Eatate of John J. Monsa�r, for tha tranefer ot On Sale
Liquc� Licenee No. 7696, u�iring Jan. 31s 19'T�, t�ao` the pres•nt
licensNS, the l+t�o�our Family �s "In�►ctiv�" to a],ya Triviski, Jr.,
at 2209-21 Fard P�rlain4Y.
AL80 tt� applieatioa of Mr. Trivial�i for Restaurant,
O!! 8a]� Malt Hsrerag� and Ci�rette licenses fcor ths saats aRldreas.
VerY �'�T Y�'i,
City Cltrk
s7�4� i�W�f ��70 � .
S�int P#�u�., I�in�e�+�ta
The I�onor�ble Thomt�� �yrne aazc� lMeuober� t�� th� ��.t� Coun�il
l�yr�r '� �ffie�
St. Paul, P�t3.na���o�� 55�.0� �
�n F��: 4n�-Sa�e Liqur�r L3cen�� —
7'ra n��ar a�'
De�r P�yar Byrno �a�d A�e��ss°, c�� ,th� Ci�y Counei�a
'�his a� �� ��n�3.rm �ha� G1Xn �'�f.v�.��3. Jr. has
�c�reed t� �urch��e th� �x��5#��ee L3.�ro� L�.erer��+r 2.is��d i�s
�th� n�m�s o� Joseph �'. ��sour and Vir��.z�i� �. Msonsour,
Adminz�tr�trix e�� ��a� E�t�t�r af John Jv �r�sca��. �a�.d
�urcht�se, 2�c�re�r�r, i� ��bj+�c� �c� �he �ppr�►���. o� the C�.ty
Counc�l �nd �o �he �urth�r �ppreaval c�� t�e pr�m3.�e� situat�d
�� 22Q9 �nc� �2x3. �'��c? F�a��way.
�"ou ar� iu��`2��r �c�v�s+ed �hat t�ie ;�ar�s�n� hold�rv
o� ��� s�id On—��1� La���� Lic+�rs,�� w�rc� fc�r.��� �ay ��e
�:ou�ing �nd Red�sv�lopm��xt Au�hori�y �to clt�s� �he�ir busin���
�� 1,a�. sou�ch '�ab��3�� �tx+��►�. The s+�l1�r�' caf th�.s la.c�n�e
. I�av� �u�t�r�c3 g�e�it �'a.n�ncial �as��s th.�eauc�la t�e� d�r�nr�s
+�:c �h+� �ioua�ing �nr� ��d��+�Iop�►g�t Authari��y�, �nu i� �.s
��ron�l�* �rgsd �:1��#: �tY�e ��un�i1 v��l�. ap��:c��r�► th� �ra�n��+�r
sc� �ha� �h� ��11€r� wili su���r n� f�ar�h�r. lc�����.
��ery xe�pect�tt�.7.y.
JQ��ph J. 1�on�rata�
Virg�n�.� Monso�ar, �1xnf.rnist�:�atrix
ra�' �h� �stat� o� �'c�hn 3.
May 2 � 1970
Hon. William E. Carlson
Comsr. of Public Sa:Pety
Publ.ic Sa,�ety B�zilding
Dear Sir: tion . Daniel MeLaughlin
The City Council taday ormally� ap oved th� application for t1�
transP�r of On �a�le Liq r Lic. N�. 96, e�iring Jan. 3Z, 197].,
�xoM the t�ionsour Family "inactiv ' to Glyn Triviski, Jr. at
2209-21 Ford Pkwy.• ALSO licat n�' twir. Triv3ski for Restaurant,
OPf' Sale Malt and e Licenses Yor the same address.
Will yo« pl e prepare e customary resolutions covering this
V�ry trul,y yours,
City Clerk
Adopted by the Council 196—
Yeas Naye
/� MER
� �ER$ON �
Adopted by the Connci� 196—
Yeas Nays