249163 .
_ � �, -. 249��
�l�tian Ra�ifying Asse�sment By
In the matter of the asaessment of ���f�� '�� � �+� �' ���� �' �"'�'
�,NSts�att� �►# s:4�rwucs +�ri tMS1t i�sf+i�rtal !'iwarr#ert �at�att i+1�-�.
� � �sts�st IM. +�• t.irn'1 �►. � __. _ _ ---. -_T .._ . _. _. __
__,,,._ ._ ___----
_-�_,-..,�. _ -—_
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f �����4��399t� • iisaw� -1�., san� std� �ra� taisriw �►�r�. �It �a tb� wrst �►�rt7 }
' 1 . ot':�st 4, [a�s+t'� ��. of Lot 3�, .flic. 4, L�s�ale laxk Aiiitioa. �
; t.g. �2�4384 • li�%� i�,►, wwrth s�,ia tra� Prier A�e. �r�a��sly to tbs uat propsrty
; _ -���! ;Lot 3�, Dlk. 1, �acaNsl� lark Ad�.
� l.0. #237511 - 6raad Ave.. soutt► side #rae lairvi.a�r A�rs. to ii!►�l�s �t. abnttia�
Lots 7, 1�, a� 14, ELeer aad l�k►rrissa�s Se•sY OIfLY.
B.0. i237083 - Eirand Ave.. bd�► s idaa �ra■i Casbridse S t. to tih�las S t.
� T.O. fZ44182 • iiacout.� 3t.. both sid�s fxo� Sev�th St. to Tsnth St.
��a.o. # 2 7Od _ . _ ,
. . . .. _ .
3- 6raad Avo., bath sides frw► Ca�mrid�s �t. to W6�e1�r st.
�.@� -#�r.#�+�ry�ssa�rta �t., .i�ti� •ties �+rw �s� g�• to tsatY-�t� . .. . . �
F.p. �237511 - Gra�d Ava., sou#i �ide fra� Fairvia+► Avs. to fih�slar St. a�urttin=
�.0. l2�►4390 - t�rand Aw.. aonth ai��f�raa lai�i��Ave. dst t�o th�. . _ _ ,.
xast Propert�
° ' �,liaa af Lot b, �Aa'.a Sab. of,Loz S3, �1k,. 6. la�s�dal� ?srk Ae�ditio�+.
�. .� .. � . ��Q-�✓J �vla\i� WAisVii�..'psi«�ssw�iiis--Al�irilt u�11.t�1Q�irVM Il�l�._f�GiVa^++'"�'���i✓!
be it therefore
RESOLVE�D, That tlie said assessment be�and the same is hereby in all respecta ratified, and the
same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the I}iatrict Court af the County of Ramsey for canfirmation.
BP.iT FURTHER RaESOLVE�D, That the aaid assessment be and it is hereby determined to be
payable in � equal installmenta.
Yeas �,;� Nays
� ������ Adopted by the Counci�
t�� , ��� a� 1910
Spraf ka Approv
Tedesco �. ����
.., a�s� ,�...... `� Tn FB.vOr s
Mr. yice Presideat:�: ,....
/ � A�tl M/ Mayor
v A gainst I 11� �
F°r°° x.2 Zx la6$ e°�° JUN 6 1970 1
. . f � . ., _-_-. , .. . . .. . . , . ..
` 2�8�,58
� R,eport of Completion of Ass�essment '�.
In the matter of the asseasment of iii��1�M� MMt Mi a�I�M !�t �i�s�t��M � �►
����M Ii�' i�� +Mi 11!'i� ����+t� 1�1�R�Mt �t�i11� �!�"��
�st�t+� Mr!. 4,� t�► �'rr. 3
. � _ — - __ , .:
. ..._. . __
Ass$s ; .
g,p 244390 - 6raad Ave., scuth side frcx�n Fairvis� Ava. M�st to the Weat property
line of Lot 4� Renna�a Sub. of Lot 53, Blk. 4� �osedale Park Additio�.
F.O. #244384 - Grand Ave.� north aide fro� Prior Av�. asstezly to th• east property
line of Lot 34, Blk. 1, Rosedale Park Add.
- F.O. #237511 - 6rand Ave., south �ide from Fairvietr Ave. to Wheeler St. abutting
Lots 7, 13, and 14, Elmer and Morrisonps Re-ar ONLY.
F.O. #237083 - Grand Ave., bdli sides fraa Cambridge St. to Wheeler SC.
grp... ���4182 .- ,�tacouta St.� both sides fro� Seventh 3t. to Tenth St.
�.::. . , , , ,�... . ,�.. _ ;
_ .. . . . ...,
,,. .
g�p, � �37Q$3-_6rand Ave., both sides front Cambridge St. to Wheeler St.
F.O. #244182 - Wacouta St. , both sfdea fros Seventh�St. to ?ent SC.
I�.O. #237511 - Grand Ave., aoulh side fro� FairvieW Ave. to Wheeler St. abutting
Lots T, 23, and 14, El�ner and Morrison�s Re-ar ONLY.
F.O. #244390 - 6rand Ave., south side from l�airvisw Ave. West to the wast property
lins of Lot 4, Kennars Sub. of �ot 53', Blk. 4, R�►aedala Park Addition.
_ __ "' _ —_ -____r����vnv, Pt�: -- _
T.ota1 conatruction costa . .. .. .... .. . .... . . .. .. . . . . . $ 12,50� 33
Engineering . and .Inspec.tion.. .. .. .. . .... .. . . .. . $ � ,962 92
� .Yata�ation.and .Assees�nt .Chargea. . $ 175 �_
Postalcards . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . .. . ... .. . . . . . ... . ... . . $ 3 30
Publications . .. . . .... .. .. .. .... .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . . . $ 33 00
Collection costs . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . . .... ... $ 66 00
Court coata for canfirmation . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ..... . $ 3 38
Comptroller Costs ��
TOTAL EXP�ND�1'iJRES . .... . . .. . . .. .. .. $ 14,7 7 7 60
Charge to ....... ....0920-701. . . ... .. . . .. . .. � 194 75
.. ....KQA�1$�4�sable .. . .. . .. . . . . $ 379 24
Net Asseasmen.t . .. . . .. .. .. ... . . ... .. .. .. .. .. ... $ 14,203 61
Said Commisaioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer-
tained, tawit: the sum of $ 14.203.61, upon each and every lot, part or parcel a� land deemed
benefited by the said improvement, and in the ca.se of each lot,part or parcel of land in accordance with
the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,
identified by the signature of the said Cammissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as
com;pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Co il for such tion thereon as may be
considered proper.
Dated K�►y 6, 1970 mmisa' r of Finance.
Form R-2 EM 10.68 8.�a .�'U/'/v