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�,` FINAt �ORDER ` r ; COUNCIL F'�T,E N0. °�
By ,�
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File No. �
\ �
In the Matter of �
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. reconstructing the sidewalk �
I ;, .�`trtaat tn A^a�al QtrPPt �
. , together with all areaways, coal holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other underground
I �
facilities of every description and provided that all permits heretofore granted
' 'by said City of St. Paul for the installation and/or maintenance of surh areaways, ;, � ;�
coal-holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other underground facilities of every descrip- � ��`�''
tion will be and the same are hereby revoked unless said areaways, coal-holes,
trapdoors, tunnels and otlier underground facilities of every description are re- .
constructed b said '
y permittee on or before a date which is one year after the date
of final approval of this order; and that, further, the Department of Public Wortcs,
through its Chief Engineer, is hereby authorized and directed to fill in and
remove such areaways, coal-holes, trapdoors, tunnels and o�her underground �aci-
lities of every description, the permittees of which areaways, coal-holes, trap-
doors, tunnels and other underground facilities of every description fail to re-
construct the same to the satisfaction of the City Engineer on or before the
above mentioned date.
Y. i reconstruct the sidewalk
- nn tho nnrth air�n nf ilnivarei}-�, p��pmin frnm AlhPrr
�.t�et to Pascal Street
� to�ether with all areaways, coal-holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other underground
� facilities of every description ar:d provided that all permits heretofore granted
� by said City of St. Paul for the installation ,and/or maintenance of such areaways, `
;;� coal-holes, trapdoars, tunnels and other underground facilities of every descrip-
; tion will be and the same are hereby revoked unless said areaways, coal-holes,
�`" trapdoors, tunnels and other underground facilities of every description are
- - reconstructed by said permittee on or before a date which is one ear after
date of final approval of this order; and that, further, the Department of Public
��Jorks, through its Chief Engineer, is hereby authorized and directed to fill in
and remove such area�vays, coal-holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other underground
facilities of every descriptior{, the permittees of which areaways, coal-holes,
trapdoors, tunnels and other underground tacilities of every description fail to
reconstruct the same to the satisfact�_on of the City Engineer on or before the
above mentioned date e�.cept where �ood and sufficient sidewalks now exist.
_ _rr_.,.�., .,a��..� u�,.,�i azuu apprvva,i, �ne �,.�� �.�, .._._..�_ —_ _ --.. – --- _– ----
ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith.
JUN 4 1970
Yeas � Nays Adapted by the Coun�>>
�C-��u�� Ap�rove� JUIV 41970
. � �
Sprafka `� Tn Favor
ITedesco �lt�t/n� Mayor
6 A-gainat PUBLISNED J(JN s 1970
:::7.8..; SA 7'7; � . . .
Mr.Vi Preaideat .....:e�
b-66-8M �� 8�.1
� s 90 9y
. , � Diat. lb. 4 ,��
� �j �1��
� 1[�S: Uaiversity Ave. - Albert St. to Paacal S f,,��
� ��
€; � ,:, i ,���:
�' `v;��ra° �a �,
..:::.'�..;.•� bi�s
April lOth. ly 70
To the Commissioner of Finance of the Citq of St. Paul:
The Commissioner of Public Works, having had nnder cons�.deration the preliminary
order of the Council known as Council File No. 24824� . approved
April 7th. �„q 70 relatfve- ______,�.__ -_.
. . . t _ .--.---- ._-• ----_ _ _�__.._.
� ' � � . � ,'� �-,��� �,,,..��.�',�. ,..� � . � � � . �
reconstruct the sidewalk and replace with integral curb and sidewalk on the north
w� " ,
side o� Univer�it�r Ave. from Albert St. to Pascal St. together with all areaways,
coal-holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other underground facilities of every deacription,
and provided that all permits heretofore granted by said City of St. Paul for the
installation and/or rna�ntenance of such areaways, coal-holes, trapdoors, tunnels and
other underground facilitiea of every description will be and the same are hereby re-
voked unless said areaways, coal-holes. trapdoors, tunnels and other underground
facilities of every description are reconstructed by said permittee on or before a '
date which is 90 days after the date of final approval of this order; and that
further, the Department of Public Worka, through its Chief Engineer, is hereby author- ,
ized and directed to fill in and remove such areaways, coal-holes, trapdoors, tunnels � .
and other underground facilities of every descr i ption, the permitteee of which area- �
ways, coal-holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other underground facilities of every descri
�ion fail to reconstruct the same to the satfsraction of the City Engineer on or before �
the above mentioned date. T!1
—� -- �����7 r��r���. v� v�w�.�.aa vL �aa�iY i�iilJLVVGWGII�. l� �jt.'LE."{.V x��acnea a<yµ
made a part thereof. -
3. Initiated by the Coamnissioner of Publi,c Works g `'
. �:._ :�.J,
� 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition
�, ���
, �������'��� �
� � Gommissioner of P lic W s
����'� � APR 197A ��
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