249151 � ' � COUNCIL FILE NU._____�__
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In the matter oi ��de�nn i n4 and taki nq an easeaient i� the 1 and necesss rv for th� s 1 oaes, cwts
and fiils. inctadir�g right of rea+oval of lateral sdppc�rt f`roai sub,ject land or rewainder
thereof, occasio�ed b�► excavations thereof. o� construction of slopes in th� grading and
surfacing with bituminous n�ateriai the al ley in Ev�'s Rearrsngea�nt fraa Farri�gton
St. to Etfelt St. (6-1943)
under Preliminary Order 2���� , approved �rCh 31, 1970 �
: Intermediary Order 2�73� , approved M�r 6, 19�p �
A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council�aving
heard all persone� objectione and recommendatione relative thereto,.and havimg fully coneidered the esme;
therefore� be it '
RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of 8aint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im-
- provement to be msde bq the eaid Citq ie
Condem�ing and taking an �aseeae�t in the tand necessary for the slop�s, cwts a�d fills,
iACla�ing right of removai of late�al support frc� s�bjsct land or remste��ler ther�of,
occasioned by excavations theraof or construction of slop�s in the grsdiflg and surfscing
Nith bit�inous niaterial the atley in Eva's Rear�mngea+ee�t fro� Farringtor� St. to , •
Elfalt St. (6-1943) ,
aad the Council hereby ordere eaid improvemente to be made.
RE80LVED FURTHER, that the following land, lande or easemente therein be and the eame are
herebq ordered to be takea, appropriated and condemned for the purpoee of ine►king eaid improvemente, vis.:
Condemning and taking an easeme�t in the land necessary for th� slopes, cuts and fills,
inclu�ie�g right of removal of lateral support fraa s�bject land or r�aoainder thareof,
occasioned by excevations thereof or construction of slopss in tha grading and surfacing
Nith bituminous �aterial the ailey i� Eva's Rearrangeiaent froa+ Farrington St. to Elfmlt
st. (6-1943) .
8E90LVED FURTHER,, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and ie hereby inatructed and
directed to prepare plane and epecificatione for esid improvement, and the proper city offeials are hereby ,,:
authorized and directed to proseed with the making of eaid improvement in accordance therewith.
Adopted by the CounciL_.}� � 1970 -- �T,
City Clerk.
Approved_ E! �a 19�� , 19
�l�t1Nl� Mayar.,
.�fi.�� -=Y— J. PUBLISHED JUN 6 197A
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Aprii 2, 1g 70
To the Commissioner of Finance af the City of St. Paul :
The Com�nissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary
orde� of the Council known as Council File No. 2��t4 approved
March 31 , l9 �� relative to ��d�ning and taking an easemawt ic� the
land necessary for the slopms, cuts and fills, incldding right of removal cf lateral
support fro�n subject land or r�ainder thereof, occasioned by excavations tl»recf or
constrnction of slopes in tha grading and su�facing with bituminous material the alley
in EVA'S REARRAl�GEMENT from Farrington St. to Elfeit St.
and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein� hereby reports: �
l . The estimated cost thereof is $
2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and
made a part hereof.
3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works �
4. Improvement is asked for upon petition X �
Commissioner of Publ ' rl
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