249149 � OR161NA�i.TO CITY CLRRK CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO ����� Lzc�arsE cor�a�r� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' � COUNCIL OLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY JUTl@ 4� ]-9'TO COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED: That application for Restaurant, On and Off Sale Malt Bevera�e and Ci�axette Licenses, applied for by Michael F. and Jeannette Magg3 at 850 Forest Street, be and the same ar�reby granted on the condition that within � � daya of this date said Micha,el F. a.nd Jeanette Ma.ggi shall comply with all requirements of the Bureaus of Fire� Health, a,nd Polic+e, and the Licelse Inspector pursuant to the St. Fau1 Legislative Code and all other applicable ordinances and laws. i �U� � 1'70 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeaa Naya ��� � ���r� Butler Caxlson Approve 19� Le�ine n Favor Meredith Mayor Sprafka gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED J�N 6197(3 �� . CITY OF �AI1�T'T PAUL Capital of Minnesota �e a�ti�erzt o c��lic �a et p � POLICB Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIAE PROTECTION D• Nieredi�i Commissioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM R. Merrill ���'DeDUty Commiss[oncr DANIEL P. Mc LAUGHLIN, Lieense Inspeetor June 4, �970 Fionorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, Niinnesota Gentlemen and Madam: Biichael F. and Jeanette Ma.ggi make applic�tion for Restaurant, On and Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette licenses for 850 Forest Street which is on the East side of the street between Wells and Whitall Avenues. Currently this location is not licensed for any business. It had been licensed as a 3.2 establishment from 1934 to August 1968. The last license, Darrell D. Scott, held the licenses from August 1966 until Auf�ust 1968. Mr. and Mrs. Ma,ggi have been lic�nsees and operators of this type of business since 1955• From 1955 to October 1968, they operated at 455 Collins Street and were forced to move because the area was acquired by the Housing and Redevlopment Authority. From October 1968 to the present they operated at 883 Payne Avenue but are forced to move because the owner of the p�o�erty desires use of same. Very truly yours, . �� �//r/� . . License Inspector O . . �: � ! �,� . �/� r � �,���T � Y V �,�„t:ri i; � � �� t �� _►--- � � • � �J� � �-'�� ���'� 7�..�..._ , �-�-.�. . � � .� / C� �7 � , � � ' . ,, ;. �_ �"�_�,,�,,< <��,,,,�.► ' �. s � G� --e_.- C�'��� r r' ! � `�''� � � ���� ��"�` � ti � . � �i�-L/ ti..._ . �� .1. . � � �� ���,�, _,�::�'. / 9 � .._ . ,� /' �' �" � , � � ; , :� � }, ; / � . ..-.�.-� � ' ..- -� � j''''� �..� ��7:� . `� J ,::, r ,,, ` % ��� �(� ' � ,� �f . � : �._.-�.�.-�=-� � ' �``�.,'i.'a`'''�./ � r � �, � ' « � �,,I``-"'�"�,/"� ' ' i � � _ f" 'r �: n: ,�'� � ��,,�..�.�° r , � 1 �� � ; o�v � ��-�� t--�---. � �-� r�Z , I Y � � . ;:_ a ,_.;, '2�2 �:� ��.� .�i, �,,,��' � � �,- � � • � � r - , � ...— � . �1 --�-� �, � � _ `� ,,,�,.s�.,�'�� '`'.r ��� � � � �; � � �' , '` ,/ ��. `.:�...:�. ' � �'��--✓� .� � � , . • C ITY OF SA�N'r PAUL DEPQR�IEN� pF PUBLIC �AF�TY L�C�NSE AIVI$IQN �v� �,'� '" / �.9�C/ 1. Appliaa�irn� for c O� r �� �� Licertee � � 2. Name of applican.t r C l�CL �, � � 3, Busineea address,� U ��� �O G�P�S T Res�.denoe �o �•� �T��" �'D ST, 4, Trade na�, if any M� �s /!'� C� �H 1'�`�, 5. Retail Bser Federe�7, Tax Stamp x Retail L�.quor Federal Taa Stamp���11 be ue�ed. 6. f�i what floor located � +� Number of rooxns u$ed � . �� �` S w . w..�w....rr. 7. Betvueen vvh�t axa�s streeta_ �-}�- ��'"�t,L, qVh3oh aide �� stree��p fg�/� 8. �,ra premises nrn�r occupi,ed A/�'Ylhat business Haw lcmg .,.......,.. - 9. Ara premise� no� unoaaupi�d/�'S Haw long vacant o� S P�vi,oua Uee �� o� �1� °LIZ� �..,.. �'"""" 10. Are you � aew ow�.er � I�ve you been in a simi.lar bt�einea� be��re �� � � S�here � � {� '� � �Ilhen � (`�� � 11. Are you going to opez�a�e this buaineas personally p_ � � If not, wilo will operate it ' 12. Are you in a�.y o�her buainess at the preaent tia� � 13. flave there been any aomplaints against your oparation of thi� type of p].a�Qe � ..�.._---._ Y�hen YPhere 14. Have you ever had any lioense revoked d what rea�on and da�e 15. llre you a aitizen of the United Statee � Nat�.ve � � Nataralized . � 16. �ih,e re �eu�e re you b orn���� � � : Da te a b i r�h�� a-� ���� 17. I� am m�rried. My (wife's) (huaband's� name and addresa is , � T� ,--- _ p �� 18. (If ma,rried female)-my maiden x�ame i.s 19. 8ow long have you 13ved in St. Fa:ul � 20. Have you av�r been arrested, t°� Violatirm of �avhat criminal lawr or ordin�nca .,.�........... � � L1 � 21. bre you a reg3.st d voter in the City� of S�, F�al Ye No• (Ansvuer fu11 and oom lete]. . These a lication$ ar� thorou hl cheoked n�nd �n sification wi11 be cauae for enia . 22 Number oP 3.2 places within two blocka � : • � . 23, Closast intoxioating liq or p7�aae. �n. Sale .,S � t3P3' ��,d : ���-=-� �; 24.j Nea re s t Chureh R Nea res t Scho al ��y,�.�,�„o`_�_� 25.I . I Nw�nber of' �booths�__�__ Tables �C�i�s� $�oola. �--C� ..�_ 26. 11Rhhat occupation ha4e vuu follov9sd for th psst five y+a�r�. (Give ne�m.es ��st� ��pio�ere � and date s s o employ�ed.� . �i l � .,� � 27. Give names and addresses of two peraons, residents of St, �ul, �i�n,�:.t�� osn g3v+e in.f �io ccracez�n.i ou. I Na . Address . � ame dres s � r ' i�na ure o Ap ican Sta te of �dinne s ota� _ }ss . County of Rtamsey ) ��e !-�/-� �L � �A- being first duly sworn, depoaea and �aye upon oath that he has rea he foregoing sta�ement bearing h.is sigaatu�s. and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true of hia own: l�oyrl�dge e�aaspt:a�s to th.ose mattera therein stated upon ix�f'or�nation and belief and a� to. thoee:.a�t�ers h.e bel-iaves them to be truo. t �i Signature of Appliaant Subsc ibed and sworn to b.efore ms this daY of. U�(/i✓/.: 19� , Notar Publie, Ramssy County, MJx�nes � E. �soN M;nn• P���RamseY �O�nt�l2 197� My C '9 s i o11 e xpi rs s N°ta�missio�ExP)res N��. ` � - ,� (Note These statement forms are in duplicate. Both copies must be tlally filled out, nota�ized, and returued to the License Division,T'� . , ' AFFID�VI`r 'BY APPLICANT FOR � RETAIL BEER OR LIQUOR LICENSE Re s �Sale j��l�t.vr���'iQenae , �� 0 Name of applicant C � � /� Bu�iness address ��s � Are �rou the sols e+�mer of this business? , If n�t,, i� it a partnership? � corporation? , other? Othera inte sted in business, include thosa by loan of maney, propert�r or othex�iaes Nama �� Address Hauv If a o orpora�i.on, �ive its na� Are you interested in any way in any o�her Retail Beer or Liquor bueineas? As sole oumera Partner? Stoekholder? Otherevise? (Through loan of money, etcB Explain.) w Addreas oP such buginess and nature oP interest in same � � � Signature of appl'cant State of M:innasota sa C ounty of �msey �/L�'f���L �� ���/ being first duly swarn9 deposes and says upon oath that he has read the foregoing affidavit bearing his signature and kn�ts the contents thereoP; that the same is true of his rnm lrnowledge9 except as to those matters therein atated upon information and belief and as to tho e mat�ers he believaa them to be true. 9 d Signature of applicant Subscsribed and sworn to before me thia ST day of (,l.(/h/ r 19� � �� '��19 Z Notary Public, Ramaey Coun�y��� s�s ' �y aommission expirea t���`����p 19 �o �ot� . �� . . , s�a� � �r�soT�� COUNTY OF RAB�SEY � �� �/C/-f/���� �� / / /��/ being f irst duly aworn, d oth deposa and say that he �kes this �ffidavi� in oonneetion with applicsation f'or " Sale" liquor license (tt�S'�1a�' malt beveraga license) 3n the �ity o� Saint Paul, ,Minneaota; that yaur affiant is a reaic�ent of the 3tate of Minnesota and haa resided tharein f'�r �_�yearffi, mo�ths, and is no�r and has b�en for the time abo�re znen�ioned a bor� fide rasident of aaid State and �hat he now resides at L/ � ' ,� O . r, Addreee i 19�� . , Mi�nesota. City or Towrs � � y . � Subsar�bed and a�rorn to bePore me thia ST dey of ,�/ �_ 19� �� otary blia, Ramaey County, �63nnesota A+{� commission expires `„� _ �t�M G E`� �°�� 2,�9�� �¢,R amsey No�+ P�bC�c,��Xp�ces N°�a e��`�$S�a ��� . - CITY OF 3ATNT PAUL _ DEPIIRT�NT �7F' PUBLTC S�AFETY LIC�TS� L1:tVT8TON � ., I��e / �g�� 1. Ap�liaation for ''Q e ({/ L3canae . 2. Nams of appliaan. �f�(/�'� � � �¢ f 3. Busineea addrea��,�(f� � �� � Ree idenoe � �� � ����j � �� „ . -.....,.. N- 4. Trade ns�e, if any �� /X✓ f�- 5. Retail Beqr Federal Tax Stamp_��ta9.1 Liquor Federal Ta� St�mp��xi7.1 be us�ad. 6. f�i �vhat floor loeated �y�'�Number of' roaans used �� . � e � �s ---�-- 7. Betvueex�. v�at aross street$ �i� �-,¢��L Whioh aide a� $treet ��/� 8. Are premisee naw oaaupi,ed�Vihat bueineas Haw lo�ng 9. Ars premises now unooaupied 'e�Iiaw long vacant� � Prev�uu� Uae��-��`/� � 10. Are you a new mmer4����ve yau been in a aimi r businesa before es Where /(�`� �Ilhen �- `'� — - . . 11. Are you going to o rste tl�is bu�iness peraona►lly �- � , Tf nat, v�o will operate it � 12, Sre qau in any other business at the present �ime 13. �ave there been any complaints againat your operation af this type of p],.aca � �Yhea Rhere 14. I-iave you ever had any lioense revoked � TNla�t reason snd da�te 15, Are you a a3tizen of the United 3ta�ee ��tive C Naturalized 16. 1Nhe re �re re oa b o � � Y 1� Date of birth J;,�..�,�-�` � ,�—� .,r,_,�... 17, I am �- rried. My (wife'e) (husband's) name and addres� i$ � - _�- - � r ( � �l � � c� 1 , 18. (I�f marri�d Pemale) my �aiden nsane is�� � �� �j � i� � �..__. � 19. How long hava you lived in St. Pa.ul � 20. Hav ou ev9sr been arrea�ed � Xiola�irrn of rovha� crimi.n�l law or o�Iin�noe „ ------ l � 21. are you a registered vote iu �he City of S�. Pau1 Ye No. (Anevaer fu11 a�.d oom letel . Theae a licatio�.a ax+e thorou hX cheaked nnd e�n lsification vrill be cau$e for enia . . 22. Number oP 3.2 plac.es within two blocka ` � O� � � 23. Closest �.ntoxicati.ng liquor p],aoe. On Sale � �� €?fi' Sale �/'� � . � 24. Nearest Chureh��fi ��S 1 1� ( � Nearest Schoal � �-� '—� 25. Nutnber of booths Tables � Chair�_��:�.�,_Stools__s�� _ 26. 'Pfhat occup�tian havs you followed f or �he p�st fiva y�ears. (Give names of employera and date s s o employed.� �/�� —�— � 2 f, Give names and addressea of �wo persons, residents of St. 1'aul, IIQ,i.nn,, vrho oan g3v+v info ion concern.i _�rou. Name Address ^ v G f� � e addre5 s . .- S' ure of pp ie n S`tate of' �dinnesota �Ss County of Ramsey } c�i=p �/ � 7"T�C � � //9�/ being first duly sworn, deposes and says upon oa�h tha� he has read the foregoing statement bearing his sigrjatu�e. and lalowa the eontents thereof, and �hat the sams is true oP his ovvn. l�.awledge exaept as to those �tters therein stated upon inforn�tion and beliaf and as to those �tters he bel�_aves them to be tr�x�. - : Si ture of ppliaan $ub cribed and sworn to before me thi ��`day of �,(//�/= 19�� - �� , SoN �Mt� � No ry Public, Ramsey County, M�.nnesot��E• y�°���2�19� E�` RaR�s es N° My ommission expiras �y P�e\�S�o��Xp`c Go (No e a These statement form,s ar�y in duplicate. Both eopies mus� be flxlly filled out, no�arized, and returned to the License Divisian.j'r ' AFFID�,VI't' 'BY APPLICANT FOR RETA IL BEER OR LIQUOR LICENSE � Re s ��Sa1e AG� ,�c,����Qe�.ae � � � � � Name of applicant � � �� � J7- � / Business addz°ess ��� �� 1�� � � S ! Az°e �rou the sole rn�rner of this business? e If nota i� it a par�nership? c orpora'ti an? , ot�her� (}thers interested in bus3.neas, inelude those by loan of money, property or othex�ariaes Name Add re s s Ho�r If a cs orporation, gige its nama Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Beer or Liquor businesaR As eols owner� Partner? Stockholder? t?therwise? (Through loan of monsy9 etce E�cplair�.) Address of such buainess and nature of in'tereat in same � � S° nature of applicant State of Minnasota as C ounty of �msey G/,��/j1�7'7'�,� /%� 1��i��� be3.ng firat duly sv�arna deposes and says upon oath that he has read the foreg�ing affidavit bearing hia signature and 3�n�vs �he contents thereof; that the same is true of his awn. lrnowledgea except a� to thoae matters there�.n stated upon info�-ta.on and belief and as to those mattars he believas them to be true. i $ tux°e of applicant Subsoribed and sworn to before me thi� ST day of �,{//�//� 19�G SpN M���' E•�� Co���Z,�9��. Notary ublic, Ramaey� CounQ���� ��� My a�nmission expirea_��R`��SS\� _ 19 . _ J STATE �' �INNESOTA) Ct7UNTY OF RAB�SEY 3 �$ ��/�/l�� ��� /'%� ��%���/ being Pirst duly s�rorrri, d oth depose and say that he �kae thia affidavit in connaetion with applicsation for " Ssle" liquor license (n�� Sala" malt beverage license) in the �ity of Saint 'Paul, Mianeaota; that your affi�nt ie a resident of the 3tate of Minnesota and has rsaided therein far ���yeare, months, a�d is ----•-- n�r ��.d has been for the ti�roe above m�ntioned s bor� fide ra�ident of �aid State � and that he now resides at � �� � Addre a s u h , Mirines ota. City or To�ro. � Subsoribed and s�orn to before me this �'! day of ��C/i✓'/= 19� ���` otary blio, Ramsey County, - Go�ti9'i�' �' e`� O�ti �Iy oo�unission expirea F.P'�Ra�s•��es� + C,°�a�o��\SS�oo �`�. �O� . i;; . , • ` " . � -�.�.t: ��.,. -.�/� ,,._ ��--t' -f��� � ;� !j�- �-C� -�-�,.� , � _ � . � f ;;- t` ���;�--�--,,rt,. r, ;/�� ' a� , ► ! ,:v' ', ) � t'�� `�-'''�'*<../ , � � i� ; ;; � �' . ' � �����,', _ . . . . _J� :;. r . �i�l� ' � t . � 1 �` � ( l' • V�..� � f . . i '..' . ;.'. r � �r� .t '� �� � ' � . ` �S � . , � - . ;,���. � c�.� � � � � � ': �� , . ,:, ���-- � R D -� ,b .�� � .�- . . .. � < � _ . ` � � � �,,��� . . ,, ,;,. ;, , � .�; � , . �