249135 �
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` IL FILE.N �`t�7�:�� ,
File No. 174945
In the MattQr of coudemaina and takin� ag ease�ent in the land neceasary �or the
slopes, cuts' and £ills, iacluding right of removal of lateral support frae subjeet
land or rea�i.ai�r thereof, occaaioaed by excavations thereof or conetructioa of
slopes in the grading snd surfacing pith bit�inoua material the alley in CY�US
B�00&S' H0�[ES�EA� AIiD �P'S SIIB., ST. PAIIL, MI�. from 2�cLeaa Ave. to Blliott Pl.
under Preliminary Order 2�&+�� approved APril 17, 1970
The Council of the City"af St. Paul 'having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance
upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves:
1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement
is hereby ordered to be prceeeded with.
2. That the nature of the improvement which the �ouncil recommends is
to condea� and take an easeaent in tbe laud necesaarq for the alop�s, cuts -and fills,
incl�ding right of rea�oval of lateral support frc� sabject laad ar rmainder thereof,
oceasioned by excavatians �hereof or coastructian of alop�s iu t�e graiing and sur-
facing �ith bitmiiaeua �aterial the alleq in CY�tIIS EBO�&S� SO�STBAD �D THOH?�S ��E.,
ST. PAUL, IiI�I. fra� McLean Ave. ta E1liott F1.� in accor�aace t�ith th� blueprint
hereto attaahed and made a part hereof,the hatched portion8 ahcr�ing the cuts and
the shaded portions shcywing the fills. (G-1947) _
with no altern�tives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ 350.00
Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said unprovement on the 3�t�- day of
June, 1970 , at the �our of 10 o'clock A.M., in the Council Chamber of the Court
House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of -
said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Cl�arter, stating the time and place of
heaxing, the nature of the improvement and the total co4st thereof as estimated.
Adopted by the Counci 3 ���
. y � 31�
Yeas BUTLER Na s
"�P Mayor
TE�ESCO V': proalri8t .
s-ee.a� �� a.i PUBUSHED JUN 6 19�0