03-502Council File # 03 — Sp � Green Sheet # 'oZpS�3O RESOLUTION Presented Referred To NT PAUL, MINNESOTA 3 �. ��, e � 3 Committee Date The City of Saint Paul recognizina the yellow flag with three red stripes as the official flag of the Vietnamese American Community 3 Whereas the current Government of Vietnam is a non-democratic, one party system of government without 4 rule of law that arbitrarily infringes upon the basic human and civil liberties of its citizens; and 5 Whereas Vietnamese Americans were forced to flee Vietnam in fear of the Government of Vietnam's 6 campaign of retribution and persecution after the Fa11 of Saigon in 1975; and 7 Whereas the City of Saint Paul is home to the largest number of Vietnamese Americans and residents of 8 Vietnamese descent in the State of Minnesota, and they have contributed to the business and commerce of the 9 City of Saint Paul; and 10 Whereas the vast majority of Vietnamese Americans embrace the yellow flag with three stripes as the symbol i l of the Vietnamese American Community; and 12 Whereas, the current Government of Vietnam continues to harass, intenogate and arrest individuals advocating 13 democracy; and 14 Whereas the current Government of Vietnam has increased its human rights violations since the passage of the 15 Bilateral Trade Agreement in 2000; and 16 Whereas, dating back to 1948, the yellow flag with three red stripes has a long history in Vietnam and is a 17 broader symbol or resilience, freedom and democracy of and for the Vietnamese American Community; and 18 Whereas Vietnamese Americans have shown their desire that the yellow flag with three red stripes be 19 recognized as the official flag of the Vietnamese American Community; 20 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT T2ESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul formally recognizes the yellow flag 21 with three red stripes as the official flag of the Vietnamese American Community, and that this flag may be 22 displayed on any City-owned property, at any City-controlled or sponsored Vietnamese American event, or any 23 public function organized by the Vietnamese American Community, subject to the permit requirement of the 24 City; and 1 BE IT FUTHER RESOLVED that the City of Saint Paul encourage county officials and state legislators to 2 pass legislation recognizing the yellow flag with three red stripes as the official flag of the Vietnamese 3 American Community and encourage local school districts to adopt similar resolutions recognizing the yeliow 4 flag with three red stripes as the official flag to be displayed in the schools. O3 � S�` 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Yeas Nays Absent Benanav � Blakey �/' Bosuom � Coleman �/' Harris ✓ Lanhy �/ Reiter �� 1 12 Adopted by Council: Date c� 00 13 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 14 sy: 15 Approved by 16 By: j Date � ° <-/� �. A If.r:t�/�a". �� Requested by Deparnnent oE � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � �3 -Soa- No 205230 GREEN SHEET �� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES u��� u��— ❑ fJIYATd11EY ❑ CIIYCLiRI[ ❑ F�IRNCI0.LiFRVICFSOR ❑ R11111CLU.]ERV/�Cf.'TC ❑ WYORIOR�eSL4TRNn ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) . ��,.... .� �.._ i`--� ���� �� ��� � . .�----�, ��--- .� . NMENOATtON Approve (A) or Reject (R) Eti50NAt SERVICE CONiRACTS Mt/57AN5WER THE FOLLO WING QUES'RONS: . i. HasthispersoMrmevervrorkeduMeracon4actPorthisdepaAment7 _ PLANNING CAMMISSION YES NO q6 COMMIiTEE 2. Has this persoMim ever been a ciry empbyee'7 ' CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION YES ' NO � , 3. Does ihis persan�firm possess a sltill no[ noimallYpossessetl by arry arreM aty emPloyee? VES NO 4. ts Mis P�oNfirm a tarpeted vznCaYl YES NO COS7/REVENUEBUDGETED(dRCLEON� SOURCE ACTNIN NUMBER YES NO INFORMATION (IXPWN)