249121 ORIGIliAL TO CITY CLlRK � i lJ��/l CITY OF ST. PAUL N�N�� NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMI85 ONE • qTF JdA� 3s�97� WHEREAS, hcrthaestern Bell Telephc�pe Co�pawy, a d�ly constit�ted public uttlity coa�pany under a�d purs�ant to the laws af the State of Minnesota has filed several appl ications Nith tiae f.o�issicner of Publ ic Worka for the instaTlatior� a�d n�aintenapce of pe�blic oe�tdoor coia telephone bootl�s i� accordance with the provisioAS of Chapta�r 51 of the St. Paml Legislative Code as amended by Or�inaace �b. 12724, approved !!ay 19, 196�; and said Cawnissioner of Peibiic Morks bas duly investigated said applications and �aade his report recowae�di�g tMe granting of each; �ow, therefore, be tt RESOLVED, by the Cowncil of the City of St. Panl that said Conncil hereby finds that the subJect installations Nill serve �ublic coAVewience and necessity and will �ot coAStit�te a substantial MiA�rance or hazard to pubiic traffic; and sald Couacil herebr grants each of said applications and authorizes th� Co�issioner of Public Works tv issue to tbe applicaAt ca�pany a City of St. Paul periait; subJect to and in cwupl iar�ce with tbe tenas and coaditions of said Chapter 51 of the St. Pa�l Legislative Ce�de as so �ended, such installations to be at the fotlowiAg spmcified locatto�: (1) In bouleva rd area 6' woest of cnrb on Cleveland Ave. and 34' north of c��b on Marshail - NW corner of •intersection. (2) Ir� boulevard area 11.6' west of the cwrb on Stryker aad 16' south of the c�rb on 6eorge - SE coraer of inters�ctiop. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council�u N 3 �,`O 19— Yeaa Nays �u� 31970 Butler Carlson � Approve�l 19— Levine Tn Favor Meredith a �a yor Tedeaco � ASainat Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED JUN 61970 �� o���,�,�,��,� 249�21 ` CtTY OF ST. PAUL N una� N� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK '� COUNCIL RESOLUTION-6ENERAL FORM c�oM��iu�DioN� Robert f. Sp�afka o�.� JYnt �.1970 MIEREAS� NortMMesta� dri i Tii�phon� Ca�anr, a dirly coast ttdtNi pubi ic uti 1 ity cc�mpany nnd�� and pnrsuant to ths la�+s of tta Stst� 01' Mi�swta h�s filed s�wr�l �ppl tcations with the Co�wtssioner of Publ ic Morics for ths in:tallation and �alataanc� of public outdoor eoia t�t�'hon� booths i� aaco�d�nce with th� provtstons of Chapter 51 of t!a St. Pa�l l.y i s 1 at t v� Cod� as s�nder by G�d i nsau Mo. 12724, ap'rowd ll�r 19. 196hs and �aid CowNtssioaa� of iubi ic Wbrks hss dnir inwstl�t�d �sia sppi tutlafs and �de his r�port r�ca�eading the 9rs�tinq of �sch; now, tl+��faro, ir� tt RES�iLVED. by the Couacil of th� City of St. I�adi that said Council h�nbr fiAds thst ths subJ�ct instal lations wil i s�rv� pwbl tc co�wni�nw aad aec�ssity and will aot constit�t� a substanti�l AiAdranw o� hazsN to pdbi tc t�aftic; and safd Caa+cii l+�r�by 9rants ach of aid �ppi tcativns and suthoriz�s th� Co�wissi�fr of Public Mbrks to iss�� to th� arplicsat co�pa�r a City ot St. hnl p�n�it; subJ�ct to and in co�plisnc� wtth th� t�nis a� condttions of satd Chapt�r 51 of the st. Paut Lyisl�tiw Cod�e as w a�ad�d, wch installations to be at ths followinq sp�ffi�d toutian: (1) In boulevard a�ea 6' wsst of qerb on Clswlaw� Aw. and 34' north of curb an M�rshall - 11�i corn�� of I�t�rssctio�. (2) In bodlevard s�M 11.6' wtst of tbe cMrb on Slryke� and 16' south of th� crrb on 6�0� - SE conN� of t�t�rs�ctiou. �� 3 1970 COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Counc;� �9._ Y� xay° J U N 3 1970 Butler Carlson APP�o"'� 19_ �°�e ir Favor Meredith �-�p� � ' st Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty ��