249113 ; . .,
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,R��'utian Ratifying Asse�ament By
In the matter of the assessment of �Mi'it�� #1�►M` � iM��►i � �t#�Mr #� �►
�1�t r! r#i�rs�s aM w�k 3�rt+�t �1ss� �e�t !�1!•��
_�t� �r. i, �� Mr. 1
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� �'.0. 7 1 - fo. O�aaola A�:. Msst si�i� fra� N. iavN►tb !t. t� ?+iue[a�t ��a.-'= "�> �
. and oa the saat aida of So. �?acsels Av�. ira� W. Sevas�th St. to the
south�rest property li�e of Lot 4, Audttoo's Sub. llo. 4S.
]1+.�. #238734 - Palace Ar�.. bo th a ides fra� 3 evatith S t. to Dalr S t.
' 1►.0. *243a70 - fli�land PkNy., oortb si�e fro� ariap 3C. to Syadic�te St.
� l.0. #243SS0 - Slssaor Aw., both aid�a fra� Ed�cabs �d. to Cri�s it.
F.O. #233969 - 8illcrtst Ave., both sidss frar Balin� Aw. to Syndicats St.
1�-�lSE�ut.E: _ , _ . , _.;�..-. . _ ,.. . ,, . _ _. _ _ � .
--— •.,�.
1�.0. *237191 - 80. Osc�ola A�e., we�t, sid� fraN ,a. S�rt►snth St,.. .to ,�uscarata ,�1it�t.. ._. „
� aad c� th� sa�t aids a� Sa. Osceala'��ve. tros �t. s.v�cn at. to tL� y
soutbnrsat prop�rt� line of Lot 4,, �Audito�r�s ,S�b. 1�0. i►�, �_ ,_ „
8.0. '�'23a'�34 - Pala�c� A�rs., both sides lror se�iiatb St. to �1�r i�t. —•
T.O. *2+�3350 - �leaaor A�e., both sidsa fraa Ed;cu��te �d. to 6ri�s St.
1�.0. #233l69 • '�illcr�st ��rs., barth •idoa fraa �li�e Avr. to 8�rnd��ate St. as-
_ _ _ . . _ ° rY, _
be it therefore
RF.SO�LVED, That tlie said assessment be and the saxne ia hereby in all respects ratified, and the
same ia hereby ordered to be submitted to the 1}istrict Gourt of the County of Ramsey for canfirmation.
BE IT FURTHEIt R1E►SQLVE�D, That the said assessment be and it ia hereby deteamined to be
payable �n � equal installments.
Yeas Nays '�UN 3 �''O
�a�lso� Adopted by the Councii
Mere:�;,i� . ��� 31970
P���%�-� Approved
iTedesco �
� � Tn Favor
�G��� r
� A gainst
Fo� a,-z z� iasa a� PUBLISHED a��N 6 ��10
� � �491f�� -
.� GTTY OF ST. PAUL �g��
Report of Completion of Ass�easment �
In the matter of the assessment of 4�►q�; �!� � � � ��� � �•
+�� �! s�w�i'Mr �t � �ar�i�a1��1 I�Matr�r� 1�� 4l�M�,
�:. .
�� �• �f �I�M'�' �r �
—---- _ -----
. . j
t �$ ,
0. 91 - So. Osceola Ave. , W�st side fron W. 3eventh St. to ?uacarora Ave. 1
, and on the east side of So. Osceola Ave. frc�m W. Seventh St. to the '
southwest property line of Lot 4, Audffo��s Sub. No. �►5.
�c0. #238734 • Palace Ave., both sides fros� Seventh St. to Daly St.
� �,;
,�,�.; F.O. #243870 - Highland Plcwy., north side fro� Griggs St. to Syndicate St.
h 'k;'�F.O. #243550 - Eleanor Ave., both sides from Edgc�abe Rd. to Griggs St.
F.O. #233969 - Hillcrest Ave. , both sides from Ha�aline Ave. to Syndicate St.
_':: .:; ., _ , ,.., . _.._ : �
NON-A �.�:„
__ , .. .. , .
F.O. 237l9'3 - S�o. Osceola Ave., west side from W. Seventh St. to Tuscaroaa Ave. � �
and on the east side of So. Osceola Av�._ fro�a W. Seyenth St., to_ th�s, . , � : ��:
- south�est property line of Lot 4;` A�ditor=s Sub. lio. 45. -'
F.O. #23873� - Palace Ave., both sides from Seventh St. to Daly St.
F.0`. #2�+35SQ - Eleanor Ave., both sides from Edgcumbe Rd. to Griggs St.
F.O. #2339b9 - Hillcrest Avee, both sides fro� Hamli�e Ave. to Syndicate St.
pea�turea necessarily r�n�urrect ror�.ira m�oanectian vi�ith-�Iie makmg of the-aboveimpravement, viz:
Total construction costg . . .. . .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. . .. . . . . $ 13�,608 15
Engineering . .awd .Iaspecttaa..... . . . .. . $ 1.706 02
I� .Y��.�4�1��4�.�Ra��+E��$@�.eAC .�4�'Y�ces , � 36 53
Postalcaxda . . . .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. ... .. .. .... . .. .. $ 7 2Q
Publications . .. .. .. .. ..... . .. .. ... . ... .. ........ . $ 72 00
Collection costs . .. . . ... . .. .. . . .... . . . . .. .. .. .. ... $ 144 00
Court costs for canfirm.a.tion . .. .. .... ...... .. .. .. . $ � ��
Comptroller's Coets 72 DO
TOTAL EXPEND'Z'1'UR�S .... . . .... .. .. . . .. . .. .. $ 15,653 10
Charge to . ... ...R�20-7A1.. . . .... . .... .. ... . . $ . 2,73Sz 1�
. .. ... . .. ........ttQm-As�se,�$�ble. . . .. .. . . .. . .. ... $—�...�.3os �_
Net Assessmen.t . . ... . . .... .. .... .. .... . . .. . . .. ... $ 11�08 17
Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer-
tained, tawit: the aum of $ 11,608.17 upon each and every lot, part or parcel af land deemed
benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot,part or parcel of land in accordance with
the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, a.nd that hereto attached,
identified by the signature of the said Cammiesioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment aa
com�leted by him, and which is herewith aubmitted to the Gouncil for such action t eon as may be
considered proper. ,
Dated May 6, 1970 Commisa' er of Finance.
Form R,-Y 2M 10.68 8a� �`"'v