249080 Orialnal to City Clerk • a � _. � RDINANCE 249��0 � ; COUNCIL FILE NO 1 PRESENTED BY , ORDINANCE NO � y����.� s � � �j An ordin�e amending Ordinance No. 3250, entitled: "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Servi.ce Burcie au of the City of Saint Pau1, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor, " approved August 20, 1914, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 5ection 1. That Ordinance No. 3250, approved August 20, 1914, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by stiriking out of Section 6, where they appear in Grade 50 under the heading "Professional Group", the titles "Assistant Public Works Construction Engineer" and "Assistant Sewer Engineer"; and by inserting in lieu thereof the title "Civil Engineer IV". Sectinsi 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 6, where they appear in Grade 50 under the heading "Professional Group", the titles'Assistant Superintendent of Water Distribution" and "Chief of Engineer�g Division-- Water Department"; and by inserting in lieu thereof the title "Civil Engineer IV--Water Department". Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. Approved: ivil Service Commissioner �� 7 �910 Yeas Councilme Nays Passed by the`�ounci� Carison �� / Meredith Tn Favo� Peterso�c�- � Sprafka Against Tedesco ��2 �� Mr. President ��? ��� 7 19�0 � Approv ttes : s; ty C1 k a r �O — Form approved Corporation Counsel By ' 0 RUBLISHED DaD�i��to Printer 4RDINANCE ������ 9� COUNCIL FILE NO — � a� ORDINANCE NO. �� `�"" T"� — PRESENTED BY l�,i ardinarice amending t�rdia�ass�e No. 325(�, entitled: ��An a�mi.nastr�tiv�a fl��inax��� relatinrovin� and adoptin� aervice I3u��::eau of th� Gi�ty of Saint gau1, �PP U rules a�nd r�egulationa t,herefor, r' ___. approv�d August 20, 19��, as amend�d. THE �OUN�YL �F' TY3lE C�'�`�I O�" ��.IN'T PA.Lii. ]at��5 ORI�AIN: Sec�iar� 1. That �rd��ce No� 3250� apP�oved August 20, 19].4. �.s a►xriend�ed, be ax�.d the sar�e i$ her+�by` further am�nded by etl6iking out of �e�tion b, where they 2�ppear in €�rade 50 uxxder the heaciir�g �'prnfessYOns1 ��'ou�". "th� titles "�A.ssistant �.'ublic Wor�$ G°��'�ructxon En�ineer'► and �'Avsi�'ta.nt ��wer Engineer"; �ad by insex'tin� in lie�t 'ther�of the titic "Civil Eng�.neer IV". 5ectio$ 2. That sa3.d ardi�ance. as �mended, b� a�r�� the same is hexeby furthe� amended by gtr�ikza�g aut of Section 6, wh�re th�y appear in Grade 50 vx�.der 'the �.eading "professYOna�. Group►�, th� titles�Assist�►n.t Superis�tend+�nt af V�'at+er Distributian" and "�hi�f of JEngfxZeer�g Division-- �ater :Departme�t''. and 'by �iasextin� in lieu th�r�of th+� title s'Civil Engi�.�ee.r IV--Watex Departme�t". Sect�am 3. �'his ordinanc+� ghall take effe�t a�d b+� in force on the first day of t�i� fi.rs� payroll per�ad. �ollawia� thirLy d�ys after itB paasager approval, axzd publ3c�.tio�:. App�roved: Civil e�vice C�mx�i�aione�r `.��,�`' .' ��7�l �.. Nays Passed by the Councit — Yeas Councilmeny�;�' �., Carlson i �' '�����,;�, � In Favor `p�ed�����;�.1,��,.i'.: �r Against �. Sprafka C, �s ;` ? �,��'� �. � � �. Tedesco . ._ .�y�N �,-.,'��� ��.�9 _ S� �- . � I st - � 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app��"� ea��+�a�_ Yeas b( �a Nays Yeas : "' , Nays ��� //�� Carlson Carlson��'V L Dalglish _ Meredi+h M ak��"�7�rL� ���� ���' P eredith Peterson �laiseR-- � Sprafka Sprafka Tedesco Tedesco Mr. President Byrne Mr. President Byrrre�-�1,��� O