249079 �::a�:� ., . ,. Oyi`fnaf to City Clerk � '+ � x ORDINANCE 24����� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY, '� ORDINANCE NO —_� r � F�,.,. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the mi.nimum qualifications for the va.rious classes of positions in the Classi.fied Service of the City, " e approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAT�i; Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the title and specification for Assistant Public Works Construction Engineer and for Assistant Sewer Engi.n.eer; and by inserting in its proper alphabetical order the following title, and specifications for Civil Engineer IV . � _7,.. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Against Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk M r �O �- - . Form approved Corporation Counsel By � O�ri�inal to City Clerk _ _ _ Oria�nal to City Clerk ORDINANCE ����}�� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO / `� � Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the title and specification for Assistant Superi.ntendent of Water Distribution and for Chief of Engineering Division-.-Water Department; and by inserting in its proper alphabetical order the following title, and specification for Civil Engineer IV--Water Department -3- :lUL 71970 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish In Favor Meredith Peterson Sprafka Against Tedesco �U L 7 1970 Mr. President (Byrne) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk Mayor �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By � _ lDuplicate to Printer ORDINANCE �<� -� � ���L��� .�cy COUNCIL FILE NO � PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO• ��/ �ectian 3. t his axdirxance shal.�. take effect and be fn £nrce on the first day of the firat pa}�roll periad follawing t�rty d�.ys after its passage, approwal, arid p�blication. -5- ��i� ,' �9�� Yeas Councilmen -� Nays Passed by the Council Carlson ��'�s�'�`���� � In Favor Fe�a dlr�au:_!,�,.`��U'�rl�, l_ r..' Sprafka �` Against Tedesco ���.���' . �;�'� Mr. President (�z��,--� ���- �'�' Approved: Attest: .�, City Clerk Mayor O Form approved Corporation Counsel By Dnplicate to Printer ORDINANCE .����,�� ::�� COUNCIL FILE NO. �� °�" PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO — Secti.an 2. That ��.id. ordinanc�, as amended, be a.�.d the same is hereby further a�ner�c��d by� �trikin� out the title and specific�.txan fox Assist�.nt 5up�rin'ten�.ent af Watex 'Jistribution and for Cl�ief af aEng�neering Div�si.or�--VV�'�.ter �e�artmer�t; and bgr ir��erting is ita proper alphabe�i.cal o�der ��a.e f�11o�.Ni.ng title, and s�ecific�,tion for Civil Engineex IV--'VV'ater Departmen'k 3 :����. � ���� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish In Favor Meredith Peterson Against Sprafka Tedesco y��� � ���� Mr. President (Byrne) Approved• Attest: City Clerk Mayor � Form approved Corporation Counsel By Duplicate to Printer ORDINANCE �����u;� ��� COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO�`��/ — An Q�dinanc� a.xrs�ndin�; C7r�inance I�To. ?b07, entitled: "An ordYna.x�ce fixi.ng the dutie� and r�spon�ibilities an.d the zninim,a.m quali#ic�.tia�.s for the va.rious c2as ses of position� in tk!e ��.a�sified �ervice af fihe Ci.ty, " appr�ved. £°ebru�.ry 13, �.935, as amended. `I"k3� CC)UNGYL t��' T�'� �ITY UF .5AI1�T FAtJZ DC7E� U►T'�I)�.II�': 5e+ction 1. Th.at C?rdinar�.ce i'Jo. 76Q7, approved �.�'ebruary 13, 1�35, as a�xendect., b� and 't�se sa�ne i� h.ereby further azxlended by striking out the titl� �.nd specific�.tion for A>5istant ?�uTolic V�'ork� Con�truction �ngi�eer and for A�sistant Sewer �nginaer; a.r.d by inserting in its proper �.lphabetica.� order the follawing title, and sp�cifications fflr �iYi.l Engine�r IV' -1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish In Favor Meredith Peterson A gainst Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor O Form approved Corporation Counsel By . .. •a . � . . . J �49���9 Titl-r. of clzass: Cd`,TIL EiVG:iN�EP, fi+--�VtTATER i�EPA.RTNiENT 3�L�ties �nd re:spor�sibili4i�s: L:ndcr dirc�`�i.oi�� i:o a�t °�.s a5�ist;tinf: ;;o a m�.ior divisio�z ht;ad of �1�� b`�T�'ci;r Degartm�n�; �wo be r�sponsiblc for �h� Engineering I�ivia�c�n af l:he ��rat�r Ucu<<z�Lrnen;:; and to p�rform z�Ia��cl ?Froz•k as �ssign�cl: Ex�m�l�� c� wnrk pr;zformccl° '�o assis� izz t'ht-; adminis�irakinr� of engin�ering work ir� a major rii•�i��ran of �izc �Yatcr Dep�.r*mer���:< '�'e st�.pc;rvisc; '�=lae �Nark of. �1��:. Eng°=i�.��s•ing Di��isian of �a:h� v'��a�r.r D�p�.�fime;n%.. '�o si�r�ur�,r�5e: 'chc designs, pl��,�.s� sp�c�ifivaLi�ns� es4ima�es o� cos�s of �he '���at�r I�c,���.zymr:n•�: dis•vr;.bL.tien sys��:ns> To assigs� �inc1 �uper�,�iyc :r�t work of engineers, 4c::hni�ian�p dr<<;i'tsm�n,. ,z�ad other assign�d ��rsonncl� .i o s�.�:,e�•�ise; the; ;�ork oI �:;va'.�r. m�,�.:i� and wa�er conne��ion cre��vs or� �11 rnc��.zz�•�n�n�e. �:ons�;,-r��4ion, repair; and zmergency� work: To ���n�:�L�l� v��i.';,h o�f:h�:r Ci�;� d�,p�,rtrn�nt�, t;��rility �ornpanies, st�.�� a�r�n�;.�s, �onsulcing �;ngzni;�rs� ar.chiie��s= and others who rna;r U� iiivolvi:d in �Na�i�r Depar�men�� rn�t�r�:rs: To as�ign ��n�i �u���vi�� �h� prt�p�.z�if;ion oi' pl�ns ai�d specifi�ations for �an�r-ra�;� -,NOrk; '�'o �tssi�n �.ntl st;,p�i�rise �ih� i.nsp�.r_`;,ion of con�ra�L' �voric �ind '4o s�e �h�,.�m sa::.:h .voi•k is in ;;.��csx�d�.n�:; with plans and spECifica�ions> To rn��.:�e r��o��s zind r�;�ommtnd.iyiQns� I�,�iinimt�m t;u;:�lifi��;:ioi�s; Coilc,ge gr�,au���ior7 in Citi?il En�;ine::�ri»g and �i�h� y��r�r profession�,l i;n�in��ri�g c-xp�ricnet,��� ic:us°� ;�u�o of.whieh rn��.s� h�,��c bc�n as a �i,��1 En�inc�r I�I-�Z�Ta'ic�� Depar;,men�, or �r����.i.�r9dlen�i:. 1�/�us� be a regi�wcr�d praf'ession�cl �ng�nc;er in the 5��,•�;� of N�innesof,:a: �No s,?bs•�i��a�;�an .for edu���i.crz: ; �4�. %��9���9 Ti�1e of �l�iss: _r C�,;rl� �'NGIN�ER �°.;1�'�._VSTATER �F:PARTNiEN�T Du'�ic s ancl re s�oiis ibi li;;i�s: . Und�r dir�c�.i.on� i:o �.�•t� -ws ��ssi.s�E��n� �o a �a3or ditrision h�ad of '�hr- �°ti'ac�;r Dcp�.r�tm�n�c; ��:o be r�sponsiUlc €or th�; Engin�ering I�ivie:,c�n o� 1:he �o�'at�r Dc-�p«z•�rnenHl �.nd i:o p�rform r.�l�.�ed J✓oz•k �i.s �,s�;,€;n��; r';:��mpl�s c� �nr,�rk pc:rforrne;d: '�'o �.ssis� iz� fihc adminis�x•�.�i.�zi af cnginuering zvork in a ma,jor rii•�risiozz of 4'ne I�rater Dep�r::mciz��< 'To super�is� fe:he work o� �Izv En��ncering Di�visi�n o�' Fhe 'dVa';c,r Lep�t1•tm�n.��:,. To sti�c:r�risL th� desi�n�, �la-�.sc. sptcifi�a2•ionsr L5�11"ri�.'r�S o:f �os�s of�he 'dLra�cr LP�par�mr:n�c di:.,�cr:,b�.�ion sys4:�rns, To a.ssYgz� ��,nc� su�c-r�i.s� �;.�h�� cvork of engineers, ���hni.�idras, dr��:��sm�n, and otner ���sign�d pr�rsonnel� 10 s�tiFci•`�i.sr; �h� �NOrk o� �,;�a�:�x IY'dcL.;IZ and �aa�er �onne��ion �rews on G;11 m�,?.n'cenc,:n��= �ons�Lx�,�y.iont repair, zind �mergency work� To r°r�ns�l� tivi�h oth�r Ci�s� dcp�.rtxxicn��t u�iili�y Gompanies, st�.�i agr•n-�x�s, �,onv�xl�in� �:n.�zn��rsg archit�:;d�s< <znd o�hers who may bc in�rolv�d in j�Fa��c=r Dc�purtmen'� mat�c,rs: :Co 4issi�n and sugervis� �:1�;� prcp��r��,�.ion of plans and sp�cifi�ations for con�rac� �,vox•k� '�'o �ssign ..�.nd super�i:;e 4h� i.�.spe:rYion of canYra�t �vorlc �.nd �o sec �xh�yr s�.�h �vork is in a�cord�n�e; with.plans and specifi�a�ionse To m�.k� r�por�s �tnd r�cornme:nd<i�yons, s Iviinirxium t�u�yli£i��:4ions� College �r��iuz�t-ian in Cic�il ��i�;inc:cring and �;igh� y��rsw prof�ssional �ngin��r'r.:�� cxp�ri�tzee,;�r l�:us°'a �iv,�o of. whi�h m�.�s;; h�.5�� bcen as a �i�;�zl �n��n�e:r ���-n�Va�c:z• :�'�epa.r�men�r, or c?i�a.z°°.�alcn�. Mus� be � r��i��er�:d �rof�cssi.on�1 cn�:;n;,�r in the St��,i:e of N;inn�so'�.a: �No stibs�;;i�:�.'wAan for �ducai:i.crz: ; �4� . ^ . ` . � n . 249��� "I'i*li; ��f cl<a,.�s: (:'��]:L. .��i�r�.:�i":�t E F_r� ,��1' .i�u':ie.s anci r�.��ans•ii�ili��i:as: '..;;�r�L;- dil<::��ian, �a a�i. �i� �,ssi.s�an�} ��o a zn�tj�r di.�i3ic�n h��,.d of Y?:c :E'�.a.c1i� 't�:7orlcs T1ck_�a:z•:�m��:zi'�: 'co s�g vc; as #:��.�ni���l c�z�u2��,nt r:a 4��c C;hi+s� �'n�ii�c;er odi new ��on:�l.r;x �:ngineeiY.i�S� f.sIO�V�4vy anci �o p�s�:to.rm ielz��:e�, v✓os•Iz as a��i�n�:d. T��.�,_�z-�-.�,;leW of t�r<7r�c pr,�;:Cr,rrn�n: ic:: a�:_i.s'i i.n su�c�r�isi.�� w��e work r�a a ma�or �r.ga3�.i�l�ing di��rision c�� ",i�� '�t�hl'z�: z'�o�-ks :f�e��ar•:n�t.n�.� To �ur.•�rc� .s a `w���.h�?�,z�l. ��n��l�an� �o T:Ix�: �h?ri En�;ine�r on r�ew carnt�lr.c en�i�ierin�; g�°Qblems s��a,h :ts pollu'i:ian ;iba`.�emc,n� a?.zd m�,.s; �-ra�sita l�� .,eiasfll� �,vi2:�. �ot�.ntv�, c?',�.`Yer .=i�ic i e��ral 'Go����^rnrn�n� o�fieials ���ac! ���;Lh a-c��r�;eent�iti�r��:s �:C u��ali,ty corr�p�.nic;s �ind v�iih ei:�y- c�:�i:e:� i��ardi.n� p,{i��li.c �,vorks �xoje��s., - i C`i ��r1�<'6�.� 1�.1�G1,1'1 e l:'',n��ln�:'�.J.'�.}.�.� nC;�:.'.�Iu �l �ilt'� L'���/ ct�� rr� �Qn�.Ej.i.Li. lon�vr;�n;e. �l�.nnii:� t.o ci�.icrmi.nc, nred�d p~o;j�c:s {.or �he prc�>c.�n'r ��1d f�:,:�ui•c� '�'a as�i.W� in Ch� nY�garnt:wo.i tr� €it�sa;ns, dc,�'a�l�d pl�zn�� �l�l'"`w�'t�YCCLI:�.OiZS . LL1�LY �;5''1T71` ' � „° ^� r _ � a ct:iCS Oi �-O��a, 70 c u 51u`C :II �.^�Z:lI1�� S�'LiC�2C Sp l'��FO 1:5 b ancl Y'C:�'J:�TX�C�IlLi2l,�1�T18 :c�`�,rdf-�g so?id tivastr clispc�s�:.I�. d'�1�S5 ;:Z�i.1.751'� I3TOLI�ZY3S, ��nu �-✓c�.fi�s< I�aoi?.figi�n �an;ro].� Tc� m�L�cc� r�noYt� anc3 t•<�ca:_ran�nd�.�tion:�o �;1i�:i�s�u.m �=�',;��ttZi£ic:ttiaras: C^,Iie�e vr��clta,�ztxon in Civi� ��'z�gii���rin� �.:ici ci�;h'�, }t��.�'sG prof�ssiun�l engin�crin� c.cperir�nce.� a'i I.���;�t: �:�u,�o ye�.rs oi: tivhi�h m�si h�,°�e bcezx a� ��r, Civ�GI .�rz;il�.�cr .lI'�.,�x �c�,��i�;�al�}xa��: M���i. be u �-�gis�Eered �rof�ssi�n.ui en,�i;zeer i.;z •Gt�r� �tw:c of I+dzinn�sc�-� �Tvo suasti2t;�ion 1C)I' tC��.:t�i2.';;10I1� j .� �„._; 249�`�9 �itic of cl.�z::;�; C.:fV'Li, .s�'���!':[ti�ER �V' ?�t:'t:es ar_c res�:,izsi�ili�i�.: ?.j11��z r.:iir�:��`ion� ta act �.s a:ssi.s4:�,n�t •to a rnajor di�risi�sti h��.d of �hc: �'ui,1i� ��,Torlcs �7c��i°�m�:.z��; `�O &�I'TC �,� #echnical con5t�ltant ,.0 4:rc �t_icf �:n�ai�eer oiz zzevvFr �omplcac �ngincering praj�c�cs; �:�n�i �o p����u.�m relateG �.vark �,s �tssi�netl, ��_.cample� �f -,rrork pi;rforn�ed: '�'c� ��.s�;.s. .i� :�up�r�risin; ft,e �ork oZ a major Lngineering div�i�ian of '.'n�: �'�.bli�: ��'o�°ks De�:far':n��rs�t, to u�x°���^ :�s w ;;���:ni��l consz,l'tzn;: :o thc Chi�f Enpincex on new co:rz�lc;,�:. c:n�ineez•:.n� pz•oUl�ms such as pollutio» a.ba'�emeni anci rna;s ?�r�insi+� _t � co�zsclii� �,rii.h �oiz.nty�t �tu� a3ici Fc:der�I C:�v��rnxn�:nt of�ic�als <�n�3. �s✓i.;:�� .��:rresenfi�Lir;->.� o.� �?�:�Iity� comg�.r�ics arid zNi�h Ci.�y offi��:,�� :-c�az•cli.n� pucliv �c�rlws pro�e�ts� �"c p�od��cu f�.1����re e�t�i.ne;�:��z�.�, ra:�e�.s ol t1�e ::i.�;r �.nd Y:o �andu�.'i: l.on�tta�.�:.n.Ue �la;.�nin; to ci�termi.nc� ?�e�e:d�.d �iCt�C�;.6 �or whe p-resc�:.:: z��z�? f�,;;u�e. �o a�si�i: izz L'n� nx�c;�<.��a}:�cyn of d!�Sljil$� ��L�.il�d p?ans� s=�et�i.�'i�.:i2�.ons; ����:1 cs•6imGi;�s of �osvs. To ��,ssis;: i.�z r�Za�ci��t� s;;�titlie;a, rr��orL•s;, an.c� rc�ommend��icsns Y�`;:i:i,�i"1� :Q�.lr� �1Jcl.rifC.'. C�Zu�O.�",ci.i, X'z1:=?SS `,:Tcl?1Sx$ p�Oi��G;11Ey .P,Ci '1✓c!'L'�`•i' �?O��'.i�'1GI1 C011�:7'OZ; `?�c� m�t.tcr. ;.�p�rts az��3 rc.c�=��-1Li�d�.tions� �:Ii.r:�.?r,L�m ,�•�.�,-�li.£ication�. Cc,lle�c ;r�;,d.i�{_�i�n i.n �ivil �:��i�i�eri.n� a�zrl c;ig�rc geazs� gro£cssianal �ngin��ring� e:���r;ri�z�.ec; a% 1cas�: i:��o ye�,rs ot' v✓hi�h mt�sf h�,�e �;;�,� as <z Civ��.i I'nUinc;�r �;�'�,oz ec+,��i�•ral��n�;.. I��1�z�4 be u r.�gis�i:cred �arofc��wzai��1 e.3z�i;zee� i��. •�.zc ��are of Minr_e,sc�a. E�To st.,bsti�:�a'i:ion :o�• �cI�J.�w'�iun, y .:2�. MaY a, 1970 Mr. Jahn Haider Director ot P�rsoru�el Civil 3ervice Bureau Dear Sir: The City Council tocia,y gav� Firs ed to the following ordinances which will come up fcr Readf�ag on June 5, 1970: C.F. 2�9078 - amendin d. No. , S ification� re Golf Ranger d ReY�eto ttendar�� C.F'. 2�9079 - amendin Ord. No. 7 , Sp�aif'i.cettiqns re Asst. Public � Conet tion Engi.n�er, As�t. Sewer eer, neer IV� Aset. Supt. of Water ibutio , e�' oY $ng3.neeririg Divi�tion-•Water D�pt., C vil Eng3neer N--Water Dept. C.F. 249 - ea�end� d. No. 3250, C.S. Rule� re A+�st. Public Wor�s C tructicra Engineer, Aset. Se�er Engineer, Civtl neer IV, Asst. Snpt. oY Water Dietribut3on, Chief Engi.neering Divi$ion--Water Dept., CiviZ r N�-Wa�ter D�pt. Very truly yours, City Clerk n� 249��9 These ordinances es�ablish a Civil Engineer IV and a Civil Engineer IV--Water Department in lieu of other specialist positions in the Public Works Department and in the Water Department in Grade 50. If creates a broader description so that there may in the future be additional Civil Engineers IV. �' -- � � ° I st � . • 2nd _ Laid over to � � � 3rd and app ' � —Adopted Yeas 3� "`� b Nays Yeas ,��i,� > Nays �1 Carlson Car son Dalglish _ Meredith ����,�J� Meredith ���n�' Peterson e Pe#ersorr— Sprafka Sprafka CJ Tedesco Tedesco Mr. President Byrne Mr. President BYrne���CC�� O