249078 . Ori�nsl to City Clerk � ` ` ' RDINANCE 249���g . ,/�` COUNCIL FILE NO � PRESENTED BY �. `�, ORDINANCE NO r � � � � � An ordinance axnending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, t� � approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN; Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striki.ng out the speci.fications for Golf Ranger and for Refectory Attendant; and by substituting in lieu thereof, respectively, the following: _1_ Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Sprafka Againat Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk �yo �O GvtJIJC �1 Form approved Corporation Counsel By r ' � OdQinal to City Clerk • 3 4 J � ORDINANCE 249���8 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publi cation. _ �4^ AUC 2 � 1970 Yeas Councilm n Nays Passed by the Council Carlson � � � Me�redisth ��-�-� � In Favor �� � Against Spra�ka Tedesco Mr. President �Byrn�3 �_ L�-z-� A ��� � '' ?g�0 pproved: Attest• c'_°'-...��_.� Cit er ��G� Ma or Y Y ��O orm approved Corporation Counsel By PUBLISHED • Dnplicate to Priatee ORDINANCE ��� �,-� � � � COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO f ���� 7� Sectian 2. This ord�.nax►ce ahall �ak.e ef;fect a�,d be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, ana publf�atian. ��_ ���'�:� � u i��� Yeas Counci�men Nays Passed by the Council Carlson�-�'�-�-� ��' � � � In Favor Meredith`���`__�-�-- �On �1 A gainat Sprafka Tedesco � ;�;; Mr. President (�rn�e�.��._� F�`.��`�' Approved: Atteat: � City Clerk Mayor O Form approved Corporation Counsel By Daplicate to Pa3nter ORDINANCE ;���� -�� COUNCIL FILE NO P�tESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO_ � �-� � � An ordir�ance �mendir�g Urdinance I�T�s. 760'�, entiti�d: ".An o�dina,rsc� fixi.�.g the duties ar�d re�po�.eibil�ties and the minirs�urn qvtalifi��tians far the variQUS cla��e� of pa�itions fi.n tha Clas.�ifxed Service o� the Ci�y, '� aPPraved February I3, 1q�5, a� amend+�d. THE C�UN�IL �3F THE !�ITY C?F �AIN� PA"�XL �7+�JE� C?RDAIN: ��ection 1. That C7rrdYn��e No. ?b47, apgroved Februar�r 13, 1$35, as arne�ded, b� s�d th� s��e i� hereby fu�her a.mended by striking aut the speciaf�catio�s for Gol� ��unger aad fo�r R�fectory Attendant; azad by suebsti.tuting irri lfeu therepf, r�sperti:vely, the fallowin�: _i_ Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish In Favor Meredith Peterson Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk Mayor O Form approved Corporation Counsel By � s • • �49�'��8 ��_�I� of cl.ass� C:SC?.��F �tr^�NCYE�{ Z)utie� arid z�es�unsibilities� �'�inder �i!pervis?an� �n e.nf.arcc Y'L:Z�� and regulal:ions u�or� a rnU.ni�ipal �c,lf �ours��; z�nd '�o perform relatcci work as as�ignet�. �:x.am�les �3i �varlc per�o:-itzEd° To su�er�is� condi:ct an the �olf �o.��.rsc: "I'a �oll<�L�� f'ees fram c;olfers ���ho fail to n�rch`se t��lcet5 at �h.;: �oif hoixse� �d �rotce�� �hc coL�rs�� t�o�-r� tr�s�assers> a� assis$ in su�c,x•�i.si.n,t�, �addi.es, ro xr;o�; bt,nkezs, grc.e.ns anri te:•es, To cic.ai� sand-=�raps and �:o move sFrinklers,: `I'o �han��: ct?.jr� on greens an�; to cF13n�;c>, L�;v rn�.rkc��•s, ivAiz�irr����z.n �iialifi:.z#:ions< ��:�,�Iz:'h-��rad�; educ�.�ion, ".!:;��t be at l.-�ast lg yrears c�f a�e, -Z- i , � . ' 249��8 Ti1:1e ��� classo �.2r.FEC�'G�Y .��.TTENDANT �LI�J.C-.'5 azad respon�i�ai1_itic�o �.7nd�r st:�p�r. �ision, to �ssisF ij1 tl�c operation of a park refectory; and �to perfoz•m relat:�d c�vox•I: as assignc�l, �1�am�lc� of tivork perfo=_°mecl; 'T� scll xcfr�;shment�, i��elc.di�a� Iun�hes, s�ndwich4s, and £o�,rtaiz� spccialii:ie5, '�'o n�alce �a�ie?�riehc�� fouzitain �t��:�i�tlities_ coffecs ete�. 'I'o sell E olf. �:zcire�'s� To acccunt fo� ��.��,. xo assisw in t�.lcin� inve;ntori�s. I'o kee}� �ot•�nw�rs and t��.zip�nt;nt in a elean and sar_itary . c�ncliti�n, I;rinixi���m qtialifa.cation�: Eigki�llm�rad� e�ucaL-iono :;-A�.;.�t l�s a� least 19 ycaxs of age� 3., A Y' ;�49� �8 'r_�'.-1e, of cl�ass� GOLk' R.P�NC;ER Di�ties ar�d x•esponsibilitie.�� ��nc3�r sc.pervisionr to en�orce ri�.i_�s and re�ula�ion� ��.pon a mun;.ci�al �;ol.f. courss�� �.nd �o perforzn relatcd worlc as assigned. �_xarnples of �,vor.c perforzx;ed� "�'o saper.�ise condt�et on the �olf �oe;�,rse; To �oll�ci fLes from golf�r.s who fail to gt�rchase ticketa at �he ;olf hotise. To prot��� 'che cou�5n fro:r� trespasGers, i o assi.s� in su��rvisin� caddies, �o r,�o��� bunl;�r�, greens and tc�c;s� To cleaiz sar_d��ra�s �nr3 i;o rnovc; sprinklers� `�'u ci�an�t: Gl;.ps on �xct.ns and to �hange tce rxiarkerse :tZinim��;,m qiza3.i.iications: Eighth���:-ad� education, �,�;sxst be at lc:ast 19 years of age. _2� � �49���� '�'itle o:f class: R�T'ECTQR x ATTEND.A:iVT L�uties ancl r�&�?011u1k3111.'�I�s: r�7azdei superdision, to a�:,i�•d ii� th� operation of a park ref�ctor}�, and �Eo perS.orm relat�d t�o.rlc 3s a�signcda E;cam�les �f work perfo�z�ied: 'To sell refi•�shrn�n�s, inclt��in� ltxnc�ie�, s�zndwi.Chcs, and fota.'��).Fl speciali�Eies, To m�lce 5arid�viche�, :EouTx�ain ��,ecialities, co£f�e, etc,. 'To sell �;01!' i;icketsa '�'o a��aun� for cash< `�0 7.551�w in t�iking inventorics. 'Fo ?ceeY� c��ti.r,��ers �nd er��.ipm�nt in a elean and sanitary 4ondifion, ��iinimt;qrn q�zaliiicatians: .�.i�h�hmgrade educa�ion� Iy:t�.st be a�: lr-,ast 19 years of a�e� �,3.. OFFICE OF TH � CO�MPTROLLER �� � ���� SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA 55102 I I LL LOU McKENNA ��� "' City Comptroller August 19, 1970 Mr. Harry Marshall City Clerk BUILDING Dear Mr. Marshall: The enclosed Council File No. 249078 was referred to me for approval shortly after the new administration took office. I recommend approval of the ordinance. Sincerely, (/ � — ou McKenna City Comptroller O �� � �,�-� �, � ,J e 5, lg7o Hon. Lou McKenr�a, City Comptrol].er. Dear Sir: The Council r to for your review and a proval the attache ies Ordi es C. F. 2�+9078, 2�9079 and 2�9080 a ctin� var Ci 1 Service titles, which ordi�ances w� up far �'hi Re�ding at City Council toci�y. Very truly yours, City Glerk AO�hp 2�9�F�8 � This ordinance changes the specifications for the classes of Golf Ranger and Refectory Attendant. In both cases the minimum age is reduced from 21 to 19 years of age. , ��� � �. 1, � ^ � _.l ��.�t.-j ' ? 1�. L� � , � �S . • �-� I st �` 2nd Laid over to � 3rd and app � `' —Adopted r f� � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays i Carlson Carls�in Dalglish Delglislr!��'-�' Meredith � Meredith � Peferson ��9��� �, � Sprafka Sprafka Tedeuo Tedesco Mr. President Byrne Mr. President $yrna� �'YL�- �� i� O �