249052 � ORI6INAL TO CITY CLHRK 2�9��;�� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE r�Cn�s�; cor�uT�F;i; CO NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � �Y 28 f 19�IO COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED: That Applicati on L-3818 for the tra.nsfer of On Sale Liquor License No. 7805, expiring January 31� 1971, issued to The Patio, Inc. (Old Corpc�ra,ticn) at 1¢20 West Seventh Street, be and the same is hereby transferred to The Patio, Inc1 (New Corporation) at the same address. On Sale Liquor Establishment TRANSF� (Licensees) Informally approved by Council May 12� 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council MAY 2� 19�— Yeas Nays Carlson fNAY 2 � 1970 Dalglish , A proved 19—_ Meredith U Tn Favor Ee�ersan-' • Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. Preaident, Byrne �g��SHED JUN 61970 0 �s�r a�°,..�. �c Q��P .s—tJ � �97� �� �-.�-�� ��� �' ,2 � 9oS.�` _ �� �� � � S" ' � CITY OF � � T. PAUL ��� �APPLICATI(�N FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application No. ..._.._.._� Name of Applican�....__. The PetiO, InC. ........ Age....._ ...._....__.____....__......._........._.........._...._..........................._...�_ .._...._...__. ... ...._.._...._..._ ........ _.....� Residence Addresa...�.�.4....�iI..._....�.�h S t..,..,.. S t.:.__F�.u1.,...._ik°:i r�n, _ Telephone No._.�2 5.'�678 Are you a citizen of the United Statea?_...__.Z.e S._...._...__..._........._...._.......................•--........_..........._...._..._.._.._..._.----....�......._._. Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, aoft drinlc parlor, or businesa of similar ttatureY "'........... ._..LY.Q._....» ......................._.......................""..........._............. . "'................."".................._...._................_...."""_""«"'.»......................_.. .. Whenand where►...:...il.one_----•-----_.........._..._...._...._................_..._.___....................._......_.............__._._..._...._..._.......__._.._..._.. . If corporation, give -name and general purpose of corporation..._.__........___......__..._.__.......�..c or�orat i on _t o .�,�,t:y�,g,�.__�..�._...�.�..�;��,ur�nt an�....._loun.pe....bus_iness,�sellin�, .and sispensin� food�tuffs 3c When incorporated?...,....�ay._.�...,_��_...._ �'��quors If club, l��w long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members?....._..._..not..a._club ____. __._� Ho«� many members?----...�1 one____...._.__..__...._.._......__._...__._..... Names and addresses of all officera of corporation, and name and address of general manag^er. . . . . . . . . .. . .. Ju'lius ��'�atlinsky, 2201. :�to. �lbert, St. Pau'l, �-�inn. President -��---.....-�--�---...._...7.....:..........••---.........._........__...._._.._......_•---�---�--.._...._.....__..._..__•_ _._...._..._...._.._....__ ..__... .__.. ........�....�........................""� ......t,�.��...,...?:.�.l.�.n_._�berle..,....8.��....rl�tch, St� .Pau"l, .I.�iinn. Vice President Secretar�, .. ... ..........................._...._...._...._....._-----..._.. T'"r'e�:s u�'�"�" N�,mes and addre�ses of Stockholders: ...Julius.._.��';atlinsky .2201. i�7o. �lbert, �t. Faul, ;��inn. _.._._.____..._ ..�:.�.s.,.-...rie:lexl.__.�b.e.r.le.,......�.7..3.....�:;�t�??.,,..St. Faul..�.....i�.inn. .. ................_---•----......_........._........ Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known...............'��.estern Surety.Cornorati.onw � Number Street Side Between What Crosa Streets �� Ward 1.�20 ��iest 7th � South � Otto � 7th ���ercer How many feet from an academy, college or university (mea�ured along streets) ?n_one _near � ....----._........... How many feet from a church (measured along atreeta) ?.......:.............��.'. bloc��s How many feet from closest public or parcehial grade or high school (measured along streets)?.�..b1oc�:s_._._,,, Name of closest school...__....'t�....Jar�e s _ _ _.__...._.... How axe premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?..............0 omme rc i�.l_._.___..._...._.., _ _. ._.: _._�. On what floor located?...._.....G�o1�l�.....�loor_................ .. -- _..---��...................�--.......---��--------._...._................_........._..._---.............................----..........__.... Are premises owned by you or leased?...leased.____...� leased give name of owner.._....l�lfred �J. ::3ubbelke ..... .... ..... Ifa restaurant give seating capacity?..........�2.........--••--�------�................................................................................_.--------_....__.._.....-•---_...._-�----.......__._._..__ If hotel, seating capacity of main dining room?....._...__:��t a h o t e 1 Givetrade nan1e---.._-----�--•-�-•-- ---------------•---------•-•---- --------------------------------..._..----------..._..-•----- -------------------------•--------•-----------------�---�•--- Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: l�'�ain 3ar �oom only (The iMornutioa sbo�e mast be given for hotela and testauranCs which use more than one room for liquor sales). FIow many guest rooma in hotel?...._�.�t a_.h o t�1�.._._, Name of resident proprietor o� manager (restaurant,� r hotel)....._.._....__.n on e_._._..___._ ...__._.___�.____._._�.�� Give names and addresses of three business referenc�:...._.....:.. 1._...__._..._......_.._.._..._-------------�--__.__........_................_..._.._...._....__.__------•--�•-----....._...__..._.._--�------._...._.._..----...._.._._..._..._......._..._.........._.........__._...._.._...---�-- 2......__.._.........._._._..._.---�--•--------.._.._._._.__........__....__.._...._._........_..........._---._...._._....._-----___.._.._.__...-----.._..._....._.__....__-__....................._..-•-�--�--...._._.. 3.._.._.._................__.._.._...._....__.__.___......._._.._ ___._.__...._---_.........._...._...........-----_.._._.._._......._... _ ._......__..------.._._.._.----------•-••-• THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTACHED: ; ; � SEE OTHER SIDE p sTaz� oF Mn�xESar.�,, COUNTY OF RAMBEY, �• ...__._.._... Julius Matlinskv, President of The Patio, Tnr._ , . being l�pat du]y swp1�1, deposes and says that he has read the foregoing applicstion and lrnowa the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the b�at of his knowledge,information and b ' ` : __.._ .......---- �� �-� ribed and awom to before me t ' ..._. ....6 .day o __ .MaY.... ._�..__19 Z(L .. �!.�. _ .. � .._.. � _.. ... . . _ .. _...... tary Public, 8amsey County, Minn. � RALPH STACKL�Rn Mir+t�• Mycommission expirea...._.._._..•••.._.__...._.._-•••--••••-•..._,..._...._.�tary PuWlc. RamseY�O" tY• �973 MY Commission Expfres Aug. 19, STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSEY, gg' __._.Jul i u s T�la t 1 i n sl�.____�.___.. � .._.being 8rat duly aworn, deposes and says that..._k�.�..�S__.._.....,.the.. �'re s i d�.�,�.._ . f of....._...._..._...---•-•------••-�---_................_............._._...._. ....._._.-�---_..----- -•....._...._...._..�---_.�_ ..�...._.� , a corporation; thath�:.5....._...................................................._.....has read the foregoing application and knowe the contenta thereof,and that the satne is true to the best of..........._.his......_..._____.._._.._._.__.....,�owledge, information and belief; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the.corporate seal of sa.id corporation; that said application was signed, aealed and eze- cuted on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directora, and said application and the execution thereaf is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. �. K. ,� ' ... .-��-�:. ...._...._.Z���a�� �ubacribed and sworn to before me � this--------------�.r..-,..�-�day of..._�_...�G......_._.._.._._. � � _..._.........._-- -���..- -.l_!!:..-- -� .. ..__....._. ._._.. _ .. ... .... ._._-- Notary Public, Aamsey Count�, Minn. ��. My commission expires-.---_._.--.---•-----.L_W'�--''� .,, ,.� �- , `; ��+,r�: ' " �.... .