249036 I OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK 2�9�t�� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUN ESOLUTION—GE ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterson COMMISSIONE - DATF M'�Y 26, 19�TO WHERF�AS, The Public Stairway heretofore ma,intained adjacent to and in the section of :�nith Avenue between Cherokee Bouleva,rd an.d Water St. has been severely damaged by vandals an.d is in an urisafe condition; and WHEREAS, The residences in the area north and west of said stairways have been substantially removed; and WHERF�IS, The stairways have been barricaded and not in service for approximately t•wo years with no resultant complaints; and WHEREAS, The public good no longer requires the existence of said stairway but rather that the interest of the public requires that the stairway be removed rather tha.n irnrest further considerable sums in the renovation and consta.nt maintenasice of said stairway; now therefore, be it RESOI,VED, That the removal of the stairway is hereby authorized and the Com¢nissioner of Public Works is directed to disma.ntle and remove said stairway; and be it FURTI�R RESOLVED, That an adequate barricade be erected and maintained by said Commissioner at the south extremity of the said stairway in the aforesaid sec�ion of S�ni.th Avenue to the end that none of the same shall be available hereafter for public travel thereon. FORM PPR E As . Corpo ti n uns 1 MAY 2 7 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �AY 2 7 1910 Carlson Dalglish ' Approved 19�_ Meredith �� Tn Favor Peterson � Sprafka � Mayor A gainst �9-� Mr. President, Byrne �1BLISHEQ MAY 2 91970 O ������ DUPLICATE TO PRINTBR � ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER �obert �'. �'e-terson �,, . DAT�y 2���,970 E���Li�i�:�!`�, ��'he �'ublic Stairway heretofore maintained ad�s,cent to and in the yection of Smith <�.venue between. Cherokee Unulevard and dd�ater �t. has beei� severely �ed by vancla].s and a.s in an unsat°e conclii;ion; �,nd f�:t'�'F�i;1�,�, `i'he residences i�� �:he �rea z�.orth azid c•r�st o�' said s�;airca��-s hr.�v� been substan.ti�.11y removed; and ?;1��t'.�.'!S, '1'he sta.irways �a,wv� be�z1 7��.r.•ic��d �.r�d nat in service i'or �:�p�rox�.a;;ately two ,yearu Fritla �o r�sultant complaintU; �.nd. i`;��1�:;����, 'i'�ze �ubJ.ic �o�d no lon�er ree�uire� the exist�nce of s�.id Utaizw�,.y bu�l; rs;,ther that th� ir���rest of the ��u.blic re�uir�s tizat �he s-t��irwa�r be Y�ciilavec�. r�,�l;}ac:r th4�n invest f:.ix•��her. c�nsid.era��le� ;�`�,(171�; :lii '��IC: Y'e.110'di�;tlQLl �l.I'L:J. CQi25'�',r�1:1'� TIl�lI1�E,`1':�,t1Ce J�' :,D,1.Ca. ;����.lx'4Tfl.y� no�-r t;here:('carc:, bE it �'�:��T;�I:;.,D, `i�at the removat ai' �;t�c sta,ircrwy is iie�•�.i�,y- a,.��Lhori.�c�. �:.nd �L.se C;on�ali.is.ioziex• of .:'ublic `�,xox�l:s is a:�rected to d1:�x���:::..r��?e ar�d r�m��ve sw:;.ct st�;.ir�:���.y; arid 'u� it � iail�i� l ii;.'��vT�J_i:�i� �:.�1���. ^ � C;.(3_f:CaLc?,te L�.rx'1C�.G.0 'u� �.CC;CIiE'Cx t711u. �..Y= , ' rru���r�tairli:d i;,; saiu �or,�na.wu�,c��:�x �:�; tlzi svL�.tY? extx•eml��;�;� o� tY:e s•,�i�l. ;�i;�zis•�•r�u;," �_n -t;he a.f'ores�,ic,. �eci;ica�� c�1' ;:�rni.�h f�ver.ue �E�� th�� er.cz �L�?�„t T:lQI1C O:i t:I1G S�iIE: :i�lui� �'iC c V':1.��a�.E,' 'L1eS'E.'���',E.,-'T' 1°.U:C" 1')L'.i7�_1C 'GY'�VC t liil(:�:`G Oxl. � f�:�f/�d � 6 �a��4�;�. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays CarLson �i�r.. , + Dalglish � Approved 19�_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka � Mayor e e ASainst Mr. President, Byrne 5F