249035 ! 2�9��5 ORIfi�AL TO CITY CLBRK . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. , • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL L TION-GENE L FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterson COMMISSIONE TF APPROVAL OF PI.ANS RESOLVED, That the pians and specifications as submitted for grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 7, HAZEL PARK DIVISION 4 from White Bear Avenue to Van Dyke Street. Also construct a sewer for storm water purposes in the alley and in an easement to be obtained on, under and across Lot 19, Block 7, Hazel Park Division 4 (G-1905), ander Preliminary Order 242922, approved April l , 1969, and Final Order 24536�+, approved August 26, 1969; ALSO, grading and sr�rfacing with bituminous material the E-W alley in Block 2, Con+o Park Second Addition, from Oxford Street to Arg�le Street and the N-S alley from the E-W alley to Hatch Street. Also construction of a sewer for storm water purposes in the said N-S aliey and in Hatch Street from the N-S alley to Chatsworth Street (G-1875), under Preliminary Order 246142, approWed October 31 , 1969, and Final Order 246933, approved January 13, 1970; ALSO, grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in BLK. 2, VIRGILIA Dld. from Jackso� St. to Agate St. (6-1431), under Preliminary Order 246767, approved Decea�ber 23, ig69, and Final Order 247922, approved March 18, 1970; ALSO, grading and surfacing with bituminous materiat the aliey in Btock 21 , �►UERBACH AND HAND'S ADDITION frvm Cook Avenue to Jessamine Avenu�(G-1878) under Preliminary Order 244263, approved June 4, 1969, and Fi�al Order 245585, approved September 16, 1969; ALSO, grading and surfacing with bituminous materiat the alley in BLK. 1 , M�NSON & SIMONTON'S ADD. TO ST. PAUL in Ramsey Co., Minn. from Dunlap St. to Lexington Pkary. (G-1935), under Freliminary Order 24b959, approved January 13, 1970, and Final Order 247924, approved March 18, 1970; COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19-_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne O � ORIOI�AL TO CITY CL6RK ,{��"� � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL �9���� • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE N�'. � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COM M I55I ON ER DATF PAGE 2 ALSO, grading and surfacing with bituminous material the E-W ailey in Blk. 3, COMO PARK 2ND ADD. from Churchill St. to Oxford St. and the N-S aliey i� said Bik. 3 from the E-W alley to Hatch Ave. Also construct a seaer in the ailey for storm water purposes (�-1528), ander Preliminary Order 244163, approved May 29, 1969, and Final Order 246587, approved December 9, 1969, be and the same are hereby approved and the Catmissioner of Public Works is hereby directed to order said work done under Public Works Contract Mo. 70-G-1949; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the cost of the above improvement iaciuding engineering and inspection expenses to be included wtth the assessment against benefited property. MAY 2 7 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays �Y 2 7 1J7� Carlson Dalglish A roved 19—_ Meredith �n Favor Peterson '' Sprafka Mayor U A gainst m-��:,��- Mr. President, Byrne '�s�E� MAY 2 81��8 0 � t s�r" � ��� �#� Dlf UCAT6 TO PRIN78R CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Rabert F. P$tC�SOY) COMMISSIONER DATF APPROVAL QF PLANS .,._..,.. �...� � RESOLVED, That th� plans �nd specificattons as submitted for grading and surfscing with bttuminous material the atley in Slack �, HAZEL FARK DIVISION 4 fran White Bear Avenue to Van Dyke Street. Also consfiruct a sewer for storm water purposes in tha alley and in an eas�nt to be obtained on, und�er and across lot 19, Btock 7, Haze1 Park Dfvision 4 (G-190$), under Preliminary Ordc�r 242922, approved Aprii 1 � 1969� and Final O�der 24536�+, approv�d August 26, 19b9; A1.50, grading and surfacing with bitucnlnous material the E-W alley in Slock 2, Crxrna Park Second Addition, from Oxford Stre�et to Argyle St�eet and the N-S alley fran the E-W alley to Hatch Street. Also constructio� o� a sewer for storm water purposes in the s�id N-S aliey and in Hatch Street fran the N-S al }ey to Chatsworth Str�set (G-1875j, under Preliminary Order 246142, approved October 31 , 19�i9, and Final Order 246933, �pproved January 13, 197(}; ALSO, grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley ir� tiLK. 2, VfRGILiA DIV. from Jackson St. to Agate 5t. (G-1431 ), under Preliminary Ord�r 246767, approved December 23, i969� and Finai Urder 247g22, approved h1arch lfi, 1 y?0; ALSO, grading and surfacing with bltuminous materiai the a] lsy �n Black 21 , AUERBACH AND HAND'S ADDITIOtd f rom Cook Avenue to Jessamine Avenue(G-1878) under Preliminary Order 244263. approved June 4, 1969, and Final Order 245585, approved September 16, 1969; ALSO, grading and surfscing wifih bttuminous mafierlal the a1l�y in 9LK. 1, MANSON S SIMONTON'S ADD. TO 5T. PAUL in Ramsey Co. . Minn. f rom Duntap St. to l,e�cington Pkwy. (G�1935). under Preliminary arder 2469g9� approvad January l3� 1970, and Fin�l Order 247924, approved March 1$, 1970; COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor Tedeaco A 8ainst Mr. President, Byrne O . DU!�LICATE TO PRINTBR �L������ CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER �ATE pac� a ALSO, grading and surfacing with bituminous material the E-W a11ey i n Bl k. 3, CQMO PARK, 2PID AOD. f�om Churcht l l St. to f)xfo�d St. and the N-S alley in saJd Bik. 3 from the E-W atley to Hatch Ave. Also construct a sewer in th� aliey for storm wat�r purposds (G-i$28), u�d�r Preliminary Order 244163, approved May 29, 196g, and �'inal Ordar 246587� approved December 9� 1969, be and the samt are her�eby appraved and the Commisstoner of Public Works is hereby directed to order said work done undsr Pubtic Works Contract N�a. �0-G-1949; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the cost of the above improvement including engineering and inspection expenses to be lncluded with the assessment against bene�Fited property. �W� � � 1���� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays �,g r 4r , a,r ,�: Carlson '�� ` Dalglish _ � Approved 19__ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson � Sprafka Mayor .�a�� A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �O