249031 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK 2�9��1 � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C NCIL R SOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ~� �� ., COMMISSIONE DATF WHE1tLA3, The 6ity o£ Saint Paal, through ita �o�aissi��er of Pnblic Utilities (Conacil File kia. 24�863) has eattered into an agreement with the Alpha Design Consultaats Iac. to perfore4 eagineeriag serwices f0r street lightin� projects; sAd WHL�EA3, Said agreemet�t provides that such work shall be performed a: is reqnested in �riting fron tiae ta ti�e bq said Co�iesioner o� Pablic Htiliti�s; attd iiHBRBAS, Tke Alpl�a Hesign Consnitants Inc. will, at the request of said Com- �i.ssioa�r, iacar expease, and said coatract reqnires auch eupenses to be conp�ted and paid moathlq; no�, therefore, be it RB34LVED, That the costs bs charged to the Perosanent Improvement Bavolving Fund - Gode 6�00, to be reimbnrsed from such fgnd or fnnds and in smch esti�ated asount as indicated by� letter to the Conptroller for each ixprove��nt requested by the C�issioner. MAY 2 7 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��( 2 7 1��� Carlson Dalglish � Approve� 19— Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Mayor Sprafk� '�J�gainst �� �et�sH�n MAY 2 91��A Mr. President, Byrne O