03-490a- Presented By: Referred To: WHEREAS, a 2003 financing and spending plan needs to be established for this grant; and RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ati Committee:Date: 2 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Police Deparhnent, has received a grant trom Minnesota Join Together Eor 3 a Zero Adult Provider (ZAP) program to reduce youth access to alcohol around the Saint Thomas and Hamline 4 campus areas by actively enforcing underage drinking laws; and 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 �� 23 24 25 26 27 28 2y 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 �VHEREAS, the Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 0£ the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriation funds of $4,935 in excess of those estimated in the 2003 budget; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 2003 budget: CURRENT BUDGET 436 - Special Projects-Police FINANCING PLAN: 34064 - Zero Adult Provider (ZAP) Program 3699 - Other Miscellaneous Grants Total Changes to Financing SPENDING PLAN: 34064 - Zero Adult Provider (ZAP) Program 0141 - Overtime 0439 - Fringe Benefits Total Changes to Spending Council Fite # 03 - y90 Green Sheet # 205418 (:IiANGES 4,935 � 4,350 585 � 4,935 4,350 585 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts this grant and approves these changes to the 2003 budget. Adopted by Council: Bate: a, a c Adoption Certified by Council Secreta By: I Approved by � �. � ° W:i� by City Mayor AMENDED BUD(GET Minn. Join Together U+P Program Requested by Department of: D�PaRiMENT iFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INI7IATED / ro�;ce 4ns�o3 GREEN SHEET No. 205018 CONTACT ERSON 8 PHONE INITIALJDATE INmnWA7E Chief �V1111aR1 FlIIriey 292-3588 1 UEPARTMENf OIRELTOR 5 crtv couxa� MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) �/�,, PleaseprocessASAP. O3 cmanonner • —' ❑crtrc�cnK �.Z���� �FRNNCIALSERVICESqR_ �FPLINCU1l5ERV/ACCTG �YOR(ORASSISTANT) �HUMANWGHfS TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AC710N REQUES7ED Approval of the attached council resolution accepfing a Zero Aduit Provider (ZAP) program grant from Minnesota Join Together and establishing a 2003 financing and spending plan for the grant. RECOMMENDATION AppfOVe (A) of ReJEC[ (R) PERSONqL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this persoNfirm everworked under a contract for this depatlmenfl PIANNiNG COMMISSION YeS NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this personmrm ever been a ciry employee? CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION YeS No 3 Does this oersoNfirtn possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current aty employee� YES NO 4. Is this persoNfirm a targeted vendoR YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and aflach to green sheet INITIA7ING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY(WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The City of Saint Paul, Police Department, has received a grant from Minnesota Join Together for a ZAP program to reduce youih access to alcohol azound the Saint Thomas and Hamline campus azeas by actively enforcing underage drinking laws. A 2003 financing and spending plan needs to be established for ttus grant. (Attached is a copy of the grant applicationJ ADVAN7AGESIFAPPROVED Additionat enforcement of underage drinking laws around the Saint Thomas and Hamline campus areas of Saint Paul. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None. � �� � � �� ���°i.'�1 e �is'�,fl�v DISADVAN7'AGES IF NOT APPROVED � �� r,� � %l91� ' ` � Eri�. . �, ��tF C'.ITY �4,T�'i +�� �` r Loss of grant fund available. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION E 4,S3S.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE Minnesota Join Together grant ACTIVI7YNUMBER 436-34064 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) Minn. Join Together ZAP Prograat GranLCr.gs2003 , �1-�.1D Miuuesota Join Together Coalition Mini-Grant Application Proposal must be limited to a total of five pages. Proposals should be sentto: Sheila Nesbitt Minnesota Join Together 2720 Highway 10 NE Mounds View, MN 55112 +��� ��f � �� z��� � �� ,� / Applicant/Organization Name: Saint Paul Police Department Contact Person: Amy Brown (Fiscal) Senior Commander John Harrington (Operational) Address: 100 East 11 Street City: Saint Paul State: MN Zip: 55101 Daytune Phone: 651-292-3507 J.H.(3521) Evening Phone: E-mail Address: amy.brown@ci.stpaul.mn.us ,�ohn.harrington@ci.stpaul.mn.us Amount Requested: $4,935 1. Describe your project in detail. What are the goals? What problem or situation do you want to address? One of the greatest inhibitors to the successful completion of a college degree is the use of alcohol. Underage drinking and alcohol abuse is a problem and major concern of universities across the nation. The high-risk use of alcohol contributes to numerous undesirable outcomes including but not limited to; failure to earn a degree, poor academic performance, driving under intoxication, disorderly behavior, sexual assaulUrape, personal harm, harm to others, and numerous part I and quality of life violations. Underage drinking often occurs at student-occupied housing in residential areas near campus. Off-campus parties where alcohol is present occurs frequently near campus and offers an opportuniry for underage students to drink and abuse alcohol. It is the intention of the Saint Paul Police Department to reduce off- campus parties and thereby discourage underage drinking from occurring. The Police Department defines two primary goals to prevent underage drinking of students. (1) Law enforcement operations will focus on adult providers of alcohol to minors at off-campus parties near the Saint Thomas and Hamline campuses. Enforcement officers will seek out and arrest all identifiable alcohol providers. (2) Minors at parties will be cited for consuming alcohol in hopes of deterring future alcohol use. Through a strong and visible police presence at and around Saint Thomas and Hamline University, Saint Paul Police intend to reduce the number and frequency of off-campus parties that foster underage drinking. In cooperation with the college 1 aa -y,�v administrations, we will identify chronic locations where alcohol is being made available. College students will be held accountable via court unposed sanctions and universiry disciplinary policy. 2. How does your project promote policy change and support MJT's policy priorities? This project both supports policy change and MJT's policy priorities by helping students change perceptions of underage drinking. First and foremost, it sends a message to underage students that drinking alcohol is illegal and that regarding underage drinking will be enforced. Secondiy, enforcement of underage drinking laws is part of MJT's plan to provide education and guidelines for underage at-risk students. - 3. How will your project reduce youth access to alcohol in your community? Our project will reduce youth access to alcohol around the Saint Thomas and Hamline campus areas by actively enforcing underage drinking laws. Saint Paul Police officers wiif participate in special operations on Friday and Saturday nights during peak hours for off-campus parties. The operation will determine the location of off-campus parties, go to the perspective party, arrest alcohof providers, and issue citations to minor underage students who have used alcohol. In actively enforcing underage drinking laws and discouraging underage drinking parties, students will be both more hesitant to host underage drinking parties, and underage students will be less likely to attend underage alcohol-related parties. 4. What other organization, agencies, and individuals will participate in your project? (Note: Attach a list of any key collaborators with address, contact names, and phone number.) The partners involved in this project are the Minnesota Institute of Public Health, Hamline University, Saint Thomas University, the Zero Adult Provider (ZAP) community coalition, and the Faith Partners in Austin, Texas. For this mini-grant application, most partners will take a m+nimal role. This mini-granYs sole purpose is to increase targeted enforcement involving underage drinking. All other partners will take a more active role in the primary grant to Prevent High-Risk Drinking of Violent Behavior Among College Students. 5. If your project includes youth, how will they be involved 'm your project? This project funds enforcement for the Saint Paul Police Department to uphold underage drinking laws and prevent underage drinking. 6. Describe your plan to use the media to promote your project or results. The media will be an active partner in promoting the initiai mini-grant enforcement project through student newspaper and cable N. Stud �t ho attend underage drinking parties will, by word or mouth, advertise to thei ow students that the 2 03 •y�o police aze present actively pursuing off-campus underage drinking parties. What other projects has your group/organization carried out in the last three years that indicates we can expect you to be successful with this one? In the past few years, the Saint Pauf Police Department has participated in similar efforts focused on adult alcohol providers to minors, off-campus parties, and enforcing underage drinking laws. The year 2002 resulted in a significant number of arrests and citations related to underage drinking laws. From April to May of 2002, the Saint Paul Police Department responded to 45 complaints of off-campus parties. This was a reduction of over 100 calls from 2001. Two (2) citations were issued to adult providers of alcohol to minors and 75 minors were cited for underage drinking. From August to November of 2002, police responded to 79 off- campus party complaints. Seven (7) adults received citations for contributing alcohol to minors and 130 minors were cited for underage alcohol consumption. The Saint Paul Police Department has demonstrated knowledge of parties and action to enforce the prevention of ofiF-campus underage drinking parties in the past and will build on past successes for future action. 8. Provide a timeline for your project, listing the major steps you will take to complete it, who is responsible for carrying it out, and completion date. Step Person/Group Responsible Completion Date 5 enforcement nights 1 Sergeant, 3 Police Officers June 30, 2003 9. Provide a budget for your project. Be specific about how you will spend the money you are requesting. Do not list "miscellaneons" or "supplies" or other general categories as items. Item Cost 1 Sergeant X($48.00lhr X 13.434°!o fringe) = 54.45 X 5 Hrs X 5 Nights =$1,362 3 Officers X($42.00/hr X 13.434% fringe) = 47.64 X 5 Hrs X 5 Nights =$3,573 *Hourly rvage represents overtime wage. Total Budget $4,935 10. Is additional funding required to complete your project? Yes No Do you have commitments for those funds? Yes No (applied for a grant) List any additional funds and their sources. List only funds you have secured. Source Item to Pay for Amount . o� - 490 11. How will you follow up on your project? What do you anticipate will occur after your project is complete? The follow-up for this project will consist of: (1) Compiling the number of complaints of off-campus parties, the number of citations to adult providers of alcohol to underage students, and the number of minors cited for underage drinking. (2) Reporting the relevant information to Hamiine and Saint Thomas University. (3) Continue to communicate with crime prevention personnel from both universities, providing an avenue that promotes options to continue the efforts to reduce underage drinking among students. The Saint Paul Police Department anticipates continued funding for future enforcement efforts. The Saint Paul Police Department is partnering with Minnesota Institute of Public Health, Hamline University, Saint Thomas University, the Zero Adult Provider (ZAP) community coalition, and the Faith Partners in Austin, Texas to expand upon the program. This program will incorporate aicohol prevention education, enforcement of laws pertaining to alcohol use among underage students, and a social marketing campaign that creates a stronger link beiween university and law enforcement strategies. 12. In what ways can you/your organization participate in the Minnesota Join Together Coalition? The Saint Paul Police Department will continue to participate in the Minnesota Join Together coalition by providing law enforcement services and establishing relationships that will promote future partnering opportunities. 13. By submitting this application, the organization and individuals involved in this project agree to comply with all reporting requirements as requested by MJT, to provide documentation of project activities, data on compliance checks conducted, and copies of any media coverage. Agreed Date April 17, 2003 (Print Name) � 66/_13i20a3 14:34 Ta61e of Contents •[ZAP Y-3�ROLS RECEIVE l'E�1POitAK�" F"UNDI�iG i 65129236d� FOR ZA�DIr1TE RELE,�iSE 2vSay 2, 2G03 �L.eVL� V CD MAY 14 2003 Contact� 5heila I�esbitt, Minnesota Join Together Office: 763-427-53t0 Mobile: 651-247-7103 drITY ATTO{���PATROLS RECE2VE TENiPORARY FUNIIING 03-yRo � [5aint Paul, MN� — T(te St. Paul Police Department has been awa;ded a$5000 grant to support its Zero Adult Provider (ZAP) pattols. The pafrols focus pn complaints oi uaderaga drinidng parties and noise disturbances. They aim to hold party Izosts, notjust underage drinkers, responsable The patrals have been funded through the city foc the last two years, but city and state budget pressures had put zAP patr�ls on hold. "We offered this small amount offunding to he�p during the cnsis However, St Paul rvill need to decid� hc7w they are �;oing to support ZAP once this grant is over," commented Jeff Nachbar, projec[ director for Minnesota Join Together. 5ome city afficia(S have tried to ensute ZAP's survival. '"None of our city's enForcement efforts have done as much as Z,AP to get at the root problem of underage drinking and to improve the relauonships ber.veen students and their neighbors, culleges and their residenual neighborhoods,° said St. Paul Gity Councfin.j�mber 7ay Benanav "Phe grant for the patrnls was awa�•ded fror.� tf�e Minnesata Join Together Coaliuon t� Reduce Underage Drinking and the h4inaesota Aepartment of Public Safey. Over the past six years, M7T has aw•arded mo�e than $9U,OUt7 to pre��ea�tion efforts across the s�ate. t##k W INIJESTIGa-IONS PAGE f�_' lutpe.;�u�cbaxil.ci.stpeui.rimuz'yrrvlcthv cont:xrotls'N,calppCm&ttcmdrn'1862z?z of 1 51 ] 3,2003 2:ZG Fivf