249000 - �49Q�1� ORI6INAL TO CITY CL6RIC CITY OF ST. PAUL �COE NCIL NO. '' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ' DATF RESOLVED, that the Council hereby ratifies and approves the action of the Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review for the Housing, Building and Fire Prevention Codes at its meeting of August 13, 1969 , pertaining to the property located at 1475 East Maryland, owned by Josephine Baciak and described as : Except the South 16 ' of East 50' of West 100 ' , the East 1/2 of Lot 7 and Except the West 100 ' , the East 1/2 of Lot 8, Block 4 , Roger and Hendrick ��re Lots No. 2; waiving Section 54.11 (5) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code that every dwelling unit have a hot water heater and hot water system on condition that all other Housing Code items of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be complied with; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that such waiver be granted until such time as the property at 1475 East Maryland be sold or the ownership transferred at which time said waiver be nullified; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this resolution to the Ramsey County Register of Deeds. 'Clf;,1� APpR�V Ep �CRP °�ATIpN ��UNSEI� MAY 2 b 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ���,� � � ���a Carlson Dalglish pprove� 19— Meredith C; Tn Favor Peterson ' Sprafkw D Mayor A gainst A�*,l,�r+ra_ Mr. President, Byrne �H� MAY 2 91970 � � �`.r � � r STATE OF MINNESOTA � County of Ramsey es. „� crrY oF s�nv�r reui. � � Haxry E. Maxshall,------•-----------•.............City Clerk I+----------------------•-•---------•--.......--•--------•---......_..... !"� of the City of Saint Paul, Minn�ota do hereby certify that I have compared the attached copy of Council File No.......���....._....-•---------- as adopted by the City Council..._......_M.�_26th�--•....................19.7�---•-•--.. o and approved by the Mayor------•----•-----M_ay 26th�........................19.��.--------- ti � Q with the ori�inal thereof on flle ia my office. r. 0 -------------------------------•------------------•-----------------------------.._..---•-•--------------------------•-•---•------..._.. 0 � --------•------------------------•-----------•---•-------••-----------------•--•-------.._....._.......---------•------------...._...--- N Q ..............................•-•---------------------......-�---------•-----•---•---...._...---------...---.._ ......_....----.._.. � -------------------------------------•-----.....-------------------------.......__.....--•---•------------------�--...._..------•--••--- � � -----------------------------------------°--...-------------._.......---°---------......-^-----------._._...----------°•--.......... � W ; � ' •"-""'-""""".'-••""•"'-""""' _ "...-""'•""-'•"""""......_.."""""".._......""""••'--"""""--"•- �¢ '. � � •"-'-""'..............""-""'•"""'....._...__...'-""•"..."""'-"'..._.........."".._._...._...._......"'..._.."""'• ^V ✓' `+� ^ ' ...._......""•"' . --...--'...--""'-"""""...'-"""""'.._...'---'•"""""".... , ...-"'........."•"""-"--^"' �.\L ]� O �d ...._.....�""'».._._.....-""""""""'-".....-".................'-•"""""'-"........""'-"........ . "'....-'°-'•- .��,n�� . � ......"'...�.'-"""-"'---""...............""""'-".......""......."""""-""""'....."""'._........""""'--•"- '� .., I further certify that said copy is a true and conect copy of �'` said or�ginal and the whole thereof. ;�` , WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Citq of Saint Paul,Minn., ; � thi�..............�_.26th.--day of...-- ---- ------M�Y.:........-------•---------.A. D. 1 .... ._._. �O .._..... . `---' ----- ----- •------- . ...... --- - ---- ------------- - -- Citq Clerk. � 5 ,� tio � 2 u 4 � �1 �.�l s� sa�E ' `�'�/ �����.y DU?LICATE TO PRINTER CI I 1 OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. . F!LE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY yictor J. Tedesco o�r COMMISSIONER t��SOLVLD, that tne Couneil hereby rati�ies and ap�roves th.e ac:�cion of tl�e �aint Faul I3oaru of I�p�eals anc� R�view for the iiousing, �3uild�.ng and I'ire Pr�vention Coues �t its rneeting of s�ugust 13, 1969 , peri:�inirig t:.o tr�e property locat�d at 1475 Last T�taryland, owr.ed k�y Jose�hine :�aciak a.nd ctescribed as: �xcept the South 16 ° of East 50 ` �f r�iest 100 ' , the I::ast 1/2 of Lot 7 and �xcept the �iest 100' , the East 1/2 of I,ot 8 , �locl. 4 , Roc�er ancf fi�ndrick acre Lots ivo. 2; � �nTaiviny Section 54.I1 (5) ofi �he Saint Paul L�cislative Gade tliat every '' 3welliny unit hav� a not water heater anci hot water s�stem an condition i that a11 othEr t�ousing Coae items of th� Saint Paul Legislative Cod� ' be coir�plied �aith; anu be it � � �'URTT;LR I��ULV�;D, that such waiver be granted until such timc aa � tlze �roperty at 1475 �ast iEiarylana lie sold. or the ownership transferred � at wl�iicn tiii:e said waiv�r :�e nullifieci; ancl be it FIi�1ALLY Rr,SULV�D, that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and ciirecteci to transmit a co��y of this resolution to the R�nsey County I:e��ister of lieeds. 'iviAY � �� ���� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—. ; � � > Yeas Nays �:� , , Carlson 19_ Dalglish Approve� Meredith 6 ln Favor Thomas R. Byrne Peterson Mayor Sprafka 0 pgainst �deses-- Mr. President, Byrne O