03-49Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Council File #02-1131 dated December 4, 2002, said 2 resolution being the Final Order necessary to the approval of the following street improvements 3 necessary to complete said improvement identified as File No. 19861 for the Margaret and Atlantic 4 RSVP Paving and Lighting Project: MAI2GARET SIREET SIXTH STREET FIFTH STREET FOURTH STREET FREMONT AVENUE EUCLID STREET WILSON AVENUE CLARENCESTREET ENGLISH STREET ENGLISH STREET CLARENCESTREET BIRMINGHAM STREET ETNASTREET FOURTHSTREET JOHNSON PARKWAY EAST FRONTAGE RD. JOHNSON PARKWAY EAST FRONTAGE RD. WAKEFIELD AVENUE JOHNSON PARKWAY WEST FRONTAGE RD. JOHNSON PARKWAY WEST FRONTAGE ROAD HL3DSOi3 ROAD WAKEFIELD AVENLIE FRANK STREET WILSON AVENUE GRIFFITH STREET EUCLID STREET CONWAY STREET CONWAY STREET FREMONT AVENUE FREMONT AVENUE FOURTHSTREBT FIFTH STREET MARGARET STREET BEECHSTREET FRANK STREET HANCOCK STREET GOTZIAN STREET DULUTHSTREET ATLANTIC STREET coun�si Fne # oz , yq Green Sheet # �� 0 \O RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA a� - JOHNSON PARKWAY TO CLARENCE STREET - JOHNSON PARKWAY TO CLARENCE STREET - JOHNSON PARKWAY TO CLARENCE STREET - 70HNSON PARKWAY TO CLARENCE STREET - JOHNSON PARKWAY TO CLARENCE STREET - JOHNSON PARKWAY TO ENGLISA STREET - JOHNSON PARKWAY TO CLARENCE STREET - WILSON AVENUE SOUTH TO CUL-DE-SAC - WILSON AVENiJE TO EUCLID STREET - CONWAY STREET TO THIRD STREET - FOURTH STREET TO MARGARET STREET - MARGARET STREET TO THE SOUTH - SIXTH STREET TO THE SOUTH - CLARENCE STREET TO TFIE EAST - MARGARET STREET TO FREMONT AVENUE - ENGLISH STREET TO WAKEFIELD AVENUE - JOHNSON PARKWAY TO THE CUL-DE-SAC - MARGARET STREET TO THIRD STREET - THIRD STREET TO GRIFFITH STREET - EARL STREET TO GRIFFITH STREET - EARL STREET TO FRANK STREET - HIJDSON ROAD TO WAKEFIELD AVENUE - EARL STREET TO THE EAST - HUDSON ROAD TO THIRD STREET - GRIFFITH STREET TO THE WEST - GRIFFITH STREET TO THE WEST - GRIFFITH STREET TO JOHNSON PARKWAY S=l:1:7_7�J�i'7�i�TTii iTi�f�:7:��iY - GOTZIAN STREET TO JOHNSON PARKWAY - HANCOCK ST. TO JOHNSON PARKWAY - HANCOCK STREET TO ATLANTIC STREET - EARL STREET TO DULLJTH STREET - EARL STREET TO FRANK STREET - MARGARET STREET TO BEECH STREET - MARGARET STREET TO THIRD STREET - SIXTH STREET TO JOHNSON PARKWAY - MARGARET STREET TO SIXTH STREET - FIFTH STREET TO THIRD STREET 45 46 47 03 -y9 � 2 � � 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 and, WHEREAS,19% of the property owners on Hudson Road from Eazl Street to Frank Street have petitioned to be removed from the above project � WHEREAS, the Community Council of District 4 for Dayton's Bluff passed a resolution supporting the above petition and, WHEREAS, Public Works has requested the removal of Hudson Road from Frank Street to Griffith Street, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That said improvements on Audson Road from Earl Street to Griffith Street be cancelled and rescinded from its Final Order. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the remainder of the Final Order to continue in its entirety. ��° � ,`� s� 0 3 -� T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: 12/ 2 Green Sheet Number: 204010 EPAR7MF.NiDIItECCOR CITYCOUNCII, ootac[ Person aqd Phone Number: Glenn Picha `�� 266-8851 1 � � �Y "3 �� ET DIItECTOR .& MG'I. SVC. DIIL �— r YOR (OR ASSISTeNT) OUNCII. RESEARCH -J GtJ , �o � �.063 `�-�wse,�.-�'� 3 4 ust be on Council A enda b: OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: pprove the Resolution to delete from the F5na1 Order. ouncil FYIe No. 02-1131 Finance (Real Estate FYIe No. 18961 CO.MMENDAT[ONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECi �) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS M[JST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: 1. Has the person/firm ever worked under a con[raM for this department? YES NO PLA[iPl@iGCOhA'OSSION A STAFF �. . Has this persoNfirm ever been a CiTy employee? YES NO CNIL SERVICE COMh�5510N . Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any YES NO current City employee? CB COMhD'ITEE Ex lain all YES answers on a se arate sheet and attach. ITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTONTTY (Who, What, When, Where, Why?): 79 % of the property owners on Hudson Road from Earl Street to Frank Street have petitioned to be removed rom the Margaret and Atlantic RVSP,18961 project. Public Works has requested the removal of Hudson Rd rom Frank St. to Griffith St. from the Margaret and Atlantic RVSP. DVANTAGES IF APPROVED: '� E�,J E I V ED roperty owners will have the pending assessment status removed from their prope�es. C 4 2002 ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � � 1 s O�' tl� one. JAN 0 3 20Q� ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ending assessments would remain on the properties for an indefinite period of time. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO NDING SOURCE: ACTI'VITY NUMBER: - INANC7ALINFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) � Y�rc3C¢�'��;;��1'�'�7�4ps x��8'� � � ��0�7 � ���� Dayton's Bluff O3 -y � � � � � District 4 Community Council /.. ` 798 E. 7th Street, Saint Paul, MN 55106 • Phone 651-772-2075 • Fax 651-774-3510 .. V�isit our web site at www.daytonsbluff.org December 11, 2002 Dan Haak Saint Paul Pubiic Works 900 City Hall Annex 25 West 4� Street Saint Paul MN 55106 Dear Dan, Thank you for coming to our Housing Environment and Economic Development meeting on December 9, 2002. As you know our board passed a resolution supporting the Hudson Road residents request to opt out of the street work on their street. The neighborhood has a petition with the needed amount of signatures. They contend that their street is in very good condition, just redone a few years ago. They also voiced concerns that the construction traffic for the Johnson Bros. Site may ruin the street If you need more information or have any questions please call me at 772-2075. Thank you. Sincerely, ��� �P� Karin DuPaul Community �rganizer ��������������� �/ • ' I / / ����������• �� Page 1 of 1 - . • From: Dan Haak <dan.haak@ci.stpaui.mn.us> To: PEfER WH1TE <peter.white@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, GLENN PICHA <glenn.picha@ci.stpaul.mn.us> Date: 12/16/2002 1:07 PM Subject: Margaret - AUantic CC: MARK WEERSMA <mark.weersma@ci.stpaul.mn.us> Peter and Glenn, Hudson Road from Earl to Frank has decided to opt out of this project. They have gotten the required 70% signatures and aiso the District Council approval. Since PED is planning a development for the Johnson Liquor site I think I will also delete the block of Hudson Road from Frank to Griffith. Please send an order thru City Council to delete Hudson Road from Earl to Griffith from this project. Thanks Dan Haak Street Engineering / Construction Division City of St.Paul, Dept. cf Public Works 900 City Hail Annex 25 W. 4th Street St.Paul MN 55102 Telephone: 651-266-6084 Fax:651-292-6315 email: dan.haak@ci.stpaul.mn.us url: htto:!/www.ci.stpaul.mn.us/ file://C:�Documents%20and%20Setfings\glennpi\Locai%20Settings\Temp\GW} 00OO1.HI... 12/18/2002 {� Date: I �� ' � � � � WHEREAS, The City of St. Paul is planning to construct new concrete curb and gutter, a bituminous 63 ��� surfaced roadw�y and lantem style street lighting on ��±.SSan Rc� . between �a� and re�nk as part of the Residential Street Paving Project; MARGARET - ATLANTIC WHEREAS, The City has a policy which aliows property owners to petition to have an individual street removed Erom a Residentia! Street Paving Project; W HEREAS, if an individuai street is removed from a project, it will not be eligible for street reconstruction until the end of the Residential Street Paving Program, which is scheduled for completion in the year 2015; W E, the undersigned property owners hereby petition the City of St. Paul to remove the reconstruction of above referenced street from the Residential Street Paving Project ----� i I 'I r- i ,_ = i��l ; ' I li � i jl �I i � � �I�I �i ��1 I � I ��l � � I � r,? , , ; ��� �� ' � �. i I' I � I . ,I ' I' � �' .,,.:.: I� I I I I I /, ;—� ; I I i I '-�� -��-�-- .! !, I ; I � u I � p� I � �_ „ -- ' � I I �� � � ' , � �� � �' i .- ✓�— ���� II ' __ , i f�— I: �! J � ; � , —� 't -- �i� I'i � J � � ' II' � � L -, T- i I . 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