248992 ' ������2 ��ORICyfNA�yl.TO�CITY CLERK ` - - • ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa NO. . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � � �'�" DATF WHEREAS Title VII of the Housing Act of 1961, as amended, provided for the making of grants by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to States and local public bodies to assist them in the acquisition and develop- ment of permanent interests in land for open-space uses where such assistance is needed for carrying out a unified or officially coordinated program for the provision and development of open-space land as part of the comprehensively planned development of the urban area; and WHEREAS, '�hd City of St. Paul herein sometimes referred to as "Applicanti1 desires to develop certain land known as the Frost Lake Recreation Area, which land is to be held and used for permanent open-space land for recreation purpores; and WHEREAS Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the regulations of the Department of Housing and Urban Development effectuating that Title, provide that no person shall be discriminated against because of race, color, or national origin in the use of the land developed; and WHEREAS it is recognized that the contract for Federal grant will impose certain obligations and responsibilities upon the Applicant and will require among other things (1) assurance that families and individuals displaced as a result of the open-space land pro�ect are offefed decent, safe, and sani- tary housing; (2) compliance with Federal labor standards; and (3) compliance with Federal requi.rements relating to equal employment opportunity; �and WHEREAS the land proposed to be developed for open-space use was acquired with a Federal grant under Title VII of the Aousing Act of 1961, as amended; and WHEREAS it is estima.ted that the cost of development of said land will be $55,000.00; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul: l. That an application be made to the Department of Housing and Urban Development for a grant in an amount authorized by Title VII of the Housing COUNCILMEN �Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafku Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne �O . �����2 +DqdlilN.�TO�CITY�ERK ' — CITY OF ST. PAUL FI�E NC�� NO. r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEN7ED BY COMMISSIONER DATF -2- Act of 1961, as amended, which amount is presently estimated to be $25,000.00, and that the Applicant will pay the balance of the cost from other funds available to it. 2. That the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings is hereby suthorized and directed to execute and to file such application with the Department of Housing and Urban Development, to provide additional information, to furnish such documents as may be required by said Department, and to act as the authorized correspondent of the Applicant and that the proper city officials are authorized to execute such contracts as are re�ui.red by said Department. 3. That the proposed development is in accordance with plans for the allocation of land for open-space uses, and that, should said grant be made, the Applicant will develop and retain said land for the use designated in said application and approved by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. 4. That the United States of America and the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development be, and they hereby are, assured of full compliance by the Applicant with regulations of the Department of Housing and Urban Development effectuating Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. 5. That the United States of America and the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development be, and they hereby are, assured of full compliance by the Applicant with the Federal labor standards imposed under Title VII of the Housing Act of 1961, as amended. FORM PPRO � , q$S � orpora � n o'+ � MAY 2 6 1��Q COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—. Yeas Nays �Y Z� ���� Carlson Dalglish pproved 19— Meredith �n Favor Peterson ' Sprafku J Mayor A gainst �e6�9ACO� Mr. President, Byrne 1�BLISHED MAY 2 � �•��a �� �`����2 DUPLICATt TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL ��ENC�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY pATF - COMMISSIONE -2- Act of 1961, as amended, which amouat is pr�s�atly estimated to be $25,000.00, and that the Appl3cant will pay th� balance vf the cost from other funds avai.lable to ii. 2. That the Commi��ioz�er of Parks and Recreation az►d Publ�c Buildings 3s herebp suthorize�d and dixected to execut� and to file suc,h app Ltcation with the Uepartment of I3ousiug and IIrban Develc�pment, to pYOVi.de additional infoxmation, to furnish �nch docutnsaxs as maq be required by ar�id Departrnent, and to act as th� authoxized correspandeat of the Applicant aad that the proper city off9.aials are authorized to ex��te such contracte as are ze�uired bq said Departiuent. 3. That che proposed denelopment is in accordanc� with plans for the allocation o� land for open-spaae uses, and that, �haul.d said grant be made, the Applicant will develop and retain said land for the us� designatEd in said appl3.ca.tion �nd approved by th�e Departt�nt of Hoveia$ and Urban Develop�ent. 4. That the UaiCed States of .Aa�rica and the Seeretarq of Houain� and Urban Development be, and they hereby are, assured of full compliance by the Applicant �ith zegulationa of the Dep�rtment af Housing and Urban Development effectuatin$ Title VI of the Civi�. Rights Act of 1964. 5. That the United States of America and the Secretary of �Iousing and Urban Development be, and they hereby are, assured of ful.l compliance by the Applicant with the Federal labor standards impoeed uader Tit7.e VII of the Housing Act of 1961, as aiaended. �I►AY 2 c� ���;� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �����;;��r Y, ��, , ,ry;�� Carlson Dalglish Approve� 19— Meredith n Favor Peterson Mayor Sprafku �' A gainst .�� Mr. President, Byrne � DUPLICAT4'TO PRINTER �`�LJ�,�� CITY OF ST. PAUL �o�NCa NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSfONER DATF WHEREAS Title VII of the Housing Act of 1961, as am�aded, provided for the making of granta by the Sec�r�tary af Housing and IIrban Development to StaCes and local public bodies to assist them i.n the acquisitian and d�velop- ment of permanent interests in l.and for open-space uses wh�sfe such ass3stance is needed for carrying out a uuified or afficially coord3nated program for the provision and development of open-space land as part of the comprehensively planned development of tha nrban area; �ad WHEREAS, tH8 City of St. Psts1 herein sometimes referred to a� "Applicant" desires to develop certain land k.nowa as the Frost Lake Recreation Area, which laad is to be held and u��d for permanent open-5j)8C8 land for recreation gurposes; and G7HEREAS Title VI of the Civil Ri$hts Act of 1964, and the regulatioas of the D�partment of Iiousing and Urban Aevelopment effectusting th:t Title, provide that no person shall be discriminat�d aga3.nst bec;auses of race, color, or natianal azigin iaa the uae of the land dev�loped; aad WFIEREAS it is recogniz�d thaL the contzact for Federal grant will impose certai.n obli�aCione and responsibilitiea upon the Applicant and wiZl require among othex th.ings (1) assuranc� that families and individuals displaced as a result of the open-space l�nd pro�ect are offef�d decent, safe, �ad sani- tary housing; (2) compliance with �edera�l labor standards; and (3) compliance with Federal requirements ze].atiag to equsl em�ployment opportuaity;�.snd 6JHLREAS tha land proposed to be dev�loped for open-spaee use was acquired with a Federal grant under Title VTI of the Housing Act of 1961, as amended; and WHEREAS it is estimated that the cost of development of said land will b� $55,Q00.00; NOW, T�iE'R�FORE, BE IT RESOLVED by th� City Couacil of the City of Saint Paul: l. That an application be made to the Depaztment of Housing aad Urbsn Develapment for a grant in an asaount suthorized by Title VII of the flouaing COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approve� 19— Meredith __In Favor Peterson Mayor Sprafku A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne �