248979 �
Tuesday, May 26, 1970 �����
CONSTRUCT AND/OR RFCONSTRUCT StDEWALK In the 3 foot alley in Portland
Terrace from Kent St. to the West line of Lot l , Portland Terrace and
from the East-West alley to the south line of Lot 7, Portland Terrace.
trees on the south 13 feet of Lots 2, 3 and 4, Portland Terrace (M-0517).
The order to reconstruct a concrete walk in the 3 foot alley and
to acquire a construction easement is before the Council on the basis
of an order initiated by the Commissione� of Pubiic Works.
The initial request for the construction of this walk was inftiated
by one of the property owners in Portland Terrace about te� years ago.
Since that time the matter has been called to the attention of several
of the City Departments. The problem of constructing the walk will
present several probiems.
Portland Terrace is a recta�gular parcel of property roughly 108
ft. by 127 ft. located at the corner of Portiand Avenue and Kent Street.
This parcel has been divided into seven lots and the land is almost
totally occupied by buildings. A three foot alleyway was dedicated as
a public access to the rear of these p�operties. A walk was constructed
in this aliey to serve the rear yards.
Two large trees have encroached into the alleyway and the root
structures of these two trees have heaved the walk. . In order to
reconstruct the waik in the alleyway, it will be necessary to remove
these trees. This is the pur.pose of the construction easement.
The estimated assessment is $11.25 per assessable foot basad on
an estimated cost of $1 ,382.00.
Since the property owners on this improvernent were notified on
this metter, it has been brought to the attention of the Department
of Pubiic Works that the fence along the north-south ailey encroaches
into the alleyway approxlmately lf2 to i foot and the root structure
of a tree located on Lot 1 encroaches into the alleyway and wiil
disturb the sidewalk. In order to prope�ly complete this pro,ject,
the removal of the fence and this t�ee should be considered at this
time. This wii ) add $500.00 to the project cost which will increase
the estimated assessment per assessable foot to $15.30. The notice
to property owners should be smended to include this additional amount
and to acquire the temporary construction easement in Lot 1 .
. -2-
_ Since the construction of this walk concerns primarily the
' residents of Portland Terrace and since the general pubiic will
not use this walk, the engineering reconmendation is neither for
� approval nor denial.
IMPROVE HAMLINE AVENUE (City Project P-0340B) from University Ave. to
Pierce Butier Route as follows: widen, grade and pave; construct
concrete curb and gutter; construct street� atley and driveway returns;
tonstruct a bituminous overtay; construct storm water dreinage facilities;
construct sewer, water and gas service connections; reconstruct a
traffic control system;where necessary, reco�struct co�crete walk on
both sides of Hamline Avenue f rom University Avenue to Sherburne Avenue;
and do ali other work which is necessary and incidental to complete
said tmprovement.
The existing pavement is 7- inch reinforced concrete constructed
in 1926. The surface is rough, but the concrete appears structurally
sound enough to be used as a concrete base overlaid with 2 3/4 inches
of asphalt. In the biock north of Hewitt Avenue there is no pavement
and is only an oiled street in rough condition.
The existing traffic volume on Hamline between University and
Pierce Butler varies between 2,800 vehicles per day j ust north of
Minnehaha to 6,300 vehicles per day Just north of University Ave.
Our 20 year projections range from 6,000 vehicles per day north of
Mi�nehaha to 13,000 per day just north of University.
This traffic volume warrants widening the first block (University
to Sherburne) 2 feet on each side, comp]ete grading a�d paving of the
last block (Hewitt to Pierce Butier), and a bituminous overlay on
the remainder of the project. At Mi�nehahe, Hamline is offset and has
been constructed to ease traffic flow. There are streetcar tracks
from Minnehaha to Thomas which wiil be renaved o� the west side for
sewer construction. Existing sidewaik is generally good, but in
ptaces where the sidewalk 1s constructed of tile blocks, or is in
poor condition, or where it is not possible to match the prapqsed
imp�ovement, it witl be removed and replaced.
Due to a new storm sewer (ProJect S-0971-G1) from Thanas to
Seminary, many drainage structures wiil have to be replaced. The
tond i t i on of the rema i n i ng dra i nage st ructures wi 11 detern,t r�e w1,�ttrcr
they will also have to be replaced.
The improve.ment will provide a smoother and conti�uous type
pavement of adequate width.
Estimated construction costs are $171,600.00 of which $24,000.00
� � are property assessments, $123�380.00 are 1970 Capital improvement
Bonds, and $24,220.00 are 1970 Minnesota State Aid. The cost per
' front foot for paving is $4.00 for "A" t� "B" Residential and $6.00
for "C" Residential � Cortmercial and Industrial . The cost of curbing
from Hewitt Avenue to Pierce Butier Route is $2.00 per assessable
It is the engineering recam�endation that this order be
Respectfully submitted,
Richard A. Schnarr
Chief Engi�eer
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DU*LICAT6 TO MllNl�t ' .
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. • . " CIN OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO
' t�REAB, ths @ourtoii of th� ttity ot 8aint Paul ha� '1�!'or�
it a finai ord�r p�rtaining to the oonstruation o! sid��ralk in
3 loot ali�y in portland T�rraoe lrom lC�nt strs�t to t!� rrt��
lin� oP Lot 1, Po�rtiand Terrao� ancl l�rom th� saRt-x��rt alle� �o
th� •outh lint ot Z�ot 7, Por�land Terr�so� a� p,�ps�d und�r pr�-
liminary ord�r no. l�BQ�, and final order no. ��89�'8, xb�iah
matt�r ha�r. b�en er� !cr htaring btlor� the i3oanail snd aontinutd
from ti� to tin�e !ar �he p�por� of h�ar�ng a11 inttz*t�rt�d
per�ons in the ma'�t�r and to det�rmir�e the n�cs�aitr o! said
improv�m�nt; arrd
iiH�tBAB, a petttiQn ot ramonatranee against thi� aarc�tr �aN
b�en fil�d in propor form and in t'uli oompiiance with S�otion
��3 0! th� Qharter ot th� Ci�y ot Sair�t paul, �iah ptti�ion o!
re�on�tratnoe tronld pr�v�rnt thi Counail lrom praoseding Mith said
improvem�nt unitss �t.thin txaa ty EPO� days lrom anc� a!'ter the
tiling o! s��d pttition tht Qounail by r�solution, •hall d��lar�
suoh isrovs�lnt to b� a public nstKesitys nor, th�rttor�, be it
RBBOLVSD, tt�at the Qoanoii of tt� Qity of 8aint laul do�s
hereby declart tt� �taid imprcvem�nt to b� a�d oonetitute a publie
neosssity and ttu�t �lu hsaring hsrein b� oontinued to suoh lattr
dat• as �louncil �hall d�termine.
�, 11 1910
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—.
Yeas Nays
�� A�v� AUG 1 1 �� 19—
�°�e � Tn Favor
Sprafka Q Mayor
Mr. Preaident, McCarty