248975 . 24���5
� co�a��te rro........�...
T6eundersignedhereby propoeeet�hemakingof thefollowingpublioimprovementi bq the Citq ot Saint Paul�vi:.:
Conde�naing and taking an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, c�ts and fills, including
rigbt of re�oval of lateral support froa sub'�ect land or re�aainder thereof, occasioaed by
euccavratioas t�ereof or co�structior� of slopes in the radin and s�rfacin with bit�inous material
the-a l l e i� 6LK� 2 HAZEL P�1RK D f V. 4 f r� WM i te Bear, Ave. to Yan ke St. G-1942)
Dst�i this....` 22nd.�.....daq af,..�. May 7p
. ' Cotinoilman.
WHER,EA$� A written propoeal for the making of the�following improvement,vis.:
Condea��iag and taking art ease�aent in the land neceasary for the slopes, cuts and fil:i�s, inclu�i��
r 1 ght of remova 1 of 1 atera 1 support f rom su�J act 1 a�d or rdaa i nder tk�ereof, occas i oned by
................................. .._................ ............._.._..........................._.... ,.,..»......... ..................................................
excavatioAS tb�reof or construction of slopes in tiae.gradi�„apd�surfacing with„bitami�oas �aaterial ;
the ai ley�in�BLK...2..HAZ:EL.PARK..DIV�w�4�frc� �Ihite.Bear..Ave. to Van,Dyke.St� (6�.19�t2)
having been preeented to the Counail of tbe City of 8aint Paul ..................................._.............
therefore, be it
RESOLYED, That the Commissioner of Fubtio Worke be and ie hereby ordered and direated:
1. To investigate the nec�esity for, or desirabilitiy of, the ms�ing of esid impmvemen�.
Z. To inveetigate the nature, ext�nt and e�timated coet of eaid imprnvemeat, and the total eoet thereof�
� 3. To furnieh a plan, proSle ar eketch of said improvemen� :
4. To state whether or not aaid improvement is seYed for on the petitioa of three or mora ownera :
_ b. To seport upon atl of t�e foregoing tnattem to the Commiesioner of PSnaaee.
MAY 2 2 1970 ;
Adoptedby the CouneiL.._...........................................................�.......... •
Councilmaa Dalglish MAY 2 2 19�0
. Ca r 1 son Approved..... ............._.............�..�...................
Peterson � �
Tedesco �... ..w.
Ma. PaES�a�rrr Byrne Mayor.
� '.� fo�tisHEO � MAY 2 91���