248960 ORIGtt�/1L TO CITY CLERK 2����� / -, CITY OF ST. PAUL �oE Nc�� NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY — COMMISSIONE � pqTF RBS�LVED, That tl�e �om�aissioner vE Public t�tilitiea is hereby aathorized to retain the professional servicee of Doctor Aarold J. Panlus, professor in the Health D�partment of the tlniversitq of Minnesota an� �ffiliate� with the United States Departme�t of Health at the Universi�y of MiAnesota, who is a recognized expert in the area of sir pollution control, to evaluate the entire St. Paul Air Pollutioa Program, visit sampling sites and coaduct p�riodic instruction of the program staff, be f t FiT�TH�R RI�S�LVBD, that the cost of such study ahall be payable out cf Public �tilities Air Aollutioa Control Pro�raai Fuad No. 3525 ia th� aaonat of $200.00. �o-tt�irds of this amuunt will be reinbursed to the Gity of St. Paul by a federal grant. IMAY 21 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �IAY 21 1970 Dalglish / Approve� 19— Meredith �� Tn Favor � vo+�--- ''`� Sprafku U ��g Mayor Tedesco A Sainst ����'��:�x�i PUBLISHED MAY 2 31970 11�r. �.. �'reet�.ac �Peteredn� � DUPIICATE TO PRINTER ������ " CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER pATF RESOLVED, That the Cocrnuis�ioner of I'ublic Utilitiea is hereby authorized to rztain the profesaional servi.ces of Doctor Harold J. Paulus, professor in the Health DepartmenC of the University of Minnesota and affiliated with the United States Department of Health at the iTniversity of Minnesota, who is a recogni�ed exgert in Che area of air pol2ution control, to evaluate the entire St. Paul Air Pollution Frogram, visit san�pling sites and conduct periodic inatruction of the program staff, be it FURTHER RESOLVEll, that the cost of such study shall be payable out of Pu�slic Util3.ties Air Pollution Control 1'ragram Fund No. 3525 in the amount � of $200.00. Two-thirds of thfs amount will be r�imbursed to the City of St. Paul by a federal grant. ��� � � ���� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson r,E 3:�" '� " ' � �; . Dalglish Approved " � � 19— Meredith � n Favor rson �-, Mayor Sprafka A gainst Tedesco ']�skx�3�d,�$Y�1��'f���a: z..�. �.. � iV.hTL. �W�", Y:��t^r'L'i�B?ii �i':;�'�S`90Il� �