03-486Presented Refesed To Committee Date 1 RESOLVED, that the rate ofpay for the classification of Library Training and Organizational 2 Development Coordinator/Supervisor be established at the rate set forth in Grade 13 of Bazgaining Unit 3 09, Saint Paul Supervisors Organization, Salary Schedule, and be it 4 FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in farce on the first pay period 5 following its passage and approval. Requested by Department of: Hum Resources Office r � � � By: Form App�oved by Ci�Attomey � for � Approved by y rl Date _� By: p�i�✓'✓L�q Council Ftle # Q3 —yg` Green Sheet # 200111 RESOLUTION �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Work�I.�brery 'tmg & OD Caord Adopted by Council: Date o Adoprion Cerlified b� Council Secretary 1 �: , . . , �„ � _ � � . � �� µ'µ DEPARTMENT/OFFICElCOUNCII,: DATE INITL4TED GREEN SHEET NO.: LOOI S 1 ' Q� � y� Human Resowces . 5/2/03 "� CONTACT PERSON & YHONE: A7E IIa17'IaLDATe John Shockley, 266-6482 , D�,�,,,� D� � , �,,. �o,��, : . ASSIGNED 24]YAT[ORNEY �R`7/' CiTYCLFRK , MUST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) NUMBER AOR , ROUTING flrypxQp�SERVDIR fWANC1AI.SERV/ACCfG . ORDER . 3MAYOR(ORASSS.) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES_1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncriox xeQuESrEn: Approval of the attached resolution to establish the rate of pay for the new classification titled ' Library Training and Organizarionat Development Coordinator/Supervisor in Grade 13 of B.U. 09, Saint Paut Supervisors Organizarion, Salary Schedule. " RECOMMIIJDATIONS: Approve (A) m Reject (R) PERSONAl. SERVICE CONTRACTS MUS? ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUFS710NS: ` ' I. HastLicpersonffmneverwodcedwderacontractfordrisdepamrent? ' PLANNAIG COMb1ISSlON Yes No -� _CB COMMI7TEE 2. Ffas Utis petsoNfitm ever been a city employee? ., CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION Ya No � 3. DoesthispersoNSrmpossessas}a7lnotnorsnallyposseuedbyanycimrntcityemployee? Yu No 4. Is tltis persodfum a tatgekd vendor? Yw No — Esplain all yes answers on sepante Sj10Et `dII(1 'dtt`dGtl t0 gl'EEII S�ICQt INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTiJNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): This action is a result of a classification and compensation study at the request of the Library Director. The study ' was necessary to recognize the additional supervisory responsibilities assigned to the position as a result of the reorganization of the Saint Paul Public Library. It was deternuned that the SPSO bargaining unit assignment is appropriate because of the addition of fuil supervisory responsibilities. nnv�vTncES �F nrrxovEn: Equitable compensation commensurate with the level of dufies and responsibilities of the - � posifion will be estabiished. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: There will be an increase in salary, however, the costs aze allotted in the current Library's budget. �, DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: EC]ll1t8UlE COIlI]7811S8Y1011 W1II ROY UC CSx3UI1SIle(1. ��.� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED7 � . : FLJiVDINGSOURCE: ;..____----- -- ACTIVITYNUMBER: ry� p�� � � FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � �y�h C�n#�s ��� � � �� � �,AY 2 � 200� ��.� �!l`Y ,q�'�'�RNEY '� G:VShared\ClassiflCLASS\Consultant-ShockleyUohn's Class Work�I,iMary Trng & OD Coord Supv Green Sheet.wpd Og � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy Ke[ly, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: RE: LIIIa3 WIICOX Library Public Services Manager Library Michele A. Stegall Human Resources Specialist Office of Hnman Resources December 16, 2002 CLASSIFICATION STUDY RESULT OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES Angie Nalelrsy Dirutor 400 City Nal! Anrse: 25 Wese Founh Street Saini Paul, Minrsuota 55702-1631 Telephone: 657-16b6500 Joblirse: 657-266-6502 Farcimile: 657-292-7656 We have completed our study of the job class Library Training and Organizarion Development Coordinator, Deborah Willms incumbent. We have reviewed relevant job information, interviewed the incumbent, supervisoi, and compazed the posirion with xelated classes and positions. This study indicates that a new posirion needs to be created titled Library Training and Organization Development Coordinator Supervisor in St. Paul Supervisor Organization (SPSO) grade 13. Should you choose to implement this acrion, you will need to iniriate a requisition and send it through the required process. Clu the incumbent is being paid $ 2,051.76 step nine (PEA), If you chose to implement this action the incumbent will be paid $2,266.64 step thirteen (SPSO). If you choose not to implement this, you can undertake offier measures to keep the position at its current level. The process can be simple or involved depending upon the needs of a particulaz study. It may involve any one or a combinarion of the following: restructuring the duries of the studied position to reassign higher-level duties to other posirions, modifying elcisting processes and procedwes, or studying an entire unit iu structure, functions, and operations - for the possibility of a reorganization. If you have any questions or need assistance in tlus matter, please call me at 266-6490. An Affuxnative Action Equal Opportunity ADA Employer os -�Y� COMPENSATION STUDY REPORT CLASS STUDIED: INCUMBENT: Library Training and Organizational Devetopment Coordinator DATE STUDIED: PERSONS CONTACTED: STUDIED BY Deborah Willms december 12, 2602 Incumbent and Supervisor Michele A. Stegail APPROVAL OF CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION MANAGER: (Signature) Backs�round 2-a Z (Date) The incumbent, with the approva� of the Library Director, submitted a revised job profile. Our o�ce was asked by the Libraries to determine the appropriate compensation. The position was first studied in 1999, since then the Libraries has undergone reorganization. In the past, the position did not supervise. With the reorganization, the position has changed and has been assigned the supervisory duties of the retired Office manager. Studv Comaonents 1.Review ofjob profile 2.Interview with incumbent 3. Interview with supervisor 4.Comparisons 5.QES evaluation and analysis 8. Recommendation Job Descriotion The position directs and manages long and short term planning processes for the City of St. Paul Public Library. Typical duties perFormed include: ➢ Directs and manages personnei functions and activities such as overseeing scheduling of interviews, and monitoring sick leave usage. ➢ Directs long and short term planning processes such as strategic planning and strategic initiative process. ➢ Directs staff training and devefopment functions. ➢ Directs and manages the Library budget process. ➢ Serves on the Director's Administrative Workgroup. ➢ Serves as the Library's liaison to the Perrie Jones Library Advisory Committee. ➢ Supervises one Secretary, one Account Clerk, two Payroll Clerks, and two Clerks 11. a3 y�� Comaarisons The position was compared to Librarian il, Librarian ili, Library Information Resources Coordinator, Office Manager, Training and Organizational Development Specialist, Senior Consultant-Business Consulting Services, and Library Training and Organizational Development Coordinator job classes. The Librarian II, Library Information Resources Coordinator, and Library Training and Organizational Development Coordinator, are in Professional Employees Association (PEA) grades 14, 19 and 10 respectively. The Librarian III and Office Manager are in St. Paul Supervisor's Organization (SPSO) grades 18 and 10. The Training and Organizational Development Specialist, is in Classified Confidential Professional (CCP) grade 14 and the Senior Consultant-Business Consulting Services is in Non-Representative grade 22. Librarian II: Positions in this job class perform intermediate level professional librarian work. Additionally, positions in this job class have typical supervisory duties including supervising the daily operations of a branch library, a small division of the Central Library, or acts as an assistant supervisor in on of the major divisions in the Central Library or in an area library. Also, this position supervises, coordinates, and implements the collection development and maintenance program for a particular library or library department. Librarian 111 Positions in this class perForm supervisory and full pertormance professionai library work in planning, organizing, evaluating and directing the overall operation on an assigned centra( department of area library, or system wide coilection development. Librarv Information Resources Coordinator: Positions in this class perform highly responsible planning and administrative work in directing the operation of the programs and projects for planning, organizing and developing the information systems for the Saint Paui Library system, ensuring these are comparable with other City Systems. Office Manaaer: Positions in this class perform administrative and supervisory work involving the planning, organization and direction of administrative and or/ clerical work. Also these positions perform administrative and expert clerical work. Traininp and Orqanizational Develooment Specialist: Positions in this class perform skilled pro#essional work in assisting o�ces and departments to determine and meet theirtraining and organizational development needs, assesses organizational problems and plans to improve effectiveness. Also these positions design, plan and instruct management employee training. Senior Consultant-Business Consultinq Services: Positions in this class provide highly responsible professional consulting services to members of City departments and offices in improving their individual, group and organizationai effectiveness. These positions also assess organizational concems, plans and conducts interventions. Librarv Traininq and Orqanizational Development Coordinator: Positions in this class perform skilled professional work in assisting senior staff and various elements of the library system to determine and meet their development and training needs and to increase individual and organizational effectiveness. o� -yP'4 The position in question is a hybrid position. It combines the duties of the Library Training and Organizational Development Coordinator job class with those of Office Manager job class. The position's duties match those of Library {nformation Resourczs Coordinator class more than any other Library class of position. However the, Library Information Resources Coordinator is also a hybrid position that is involved in planning and administrative work a�d information systems work. The position in question is not involved with information systems. The position has similar duties to the Training and Organizational Devefopment Specialist, and Senior Consultant-Business Consulting Services positions however, both of those positions have Citywide responsibilities. The position also has duties in common with Office Manager positions however; the Office Manager job class duties do not encompass the position's training and organizational development duties. As mentioned above, the position is responsible for directing and managing the planning processes for the City's Library. Additionally, the position is responsible for managing the internal personnel affairs of the library. These are basically the same duties that were present in 1998, when the position was first studied. The addition of supervisory responsibility is the major change in the position. The best match for the position is the current job specification however, with the addition of supervisory responsibilities, it is necessary that the position be reallocated to a new class and assigned appropriate compensation level in SPSO bargaining unit. Q.E.S. Evaluation and Analvsis In 1998, the Q.E.S. factor analysis total points were 1,920 at that time the position had no formal supervisory responsibilities. As was mentioned above, the position has supervisory authority. This increases the total points to 2,055. The Q.E.S. analysis supports the allocation to grade 13 in the SPSO salary schedule. Recommendation it is recommended that the position be allocated to a new class titled Library Training and OrganizationaV Devetopment Coordinator Supervisor and assigned to grade 13 of the SPSO bargaining unit salary schedule. o� -`1rS• OFfICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES Ange(a S. Nulezrry, Direaor CTI'I' OF SAINT PAUL Randy Kel/}, Mayor TO: Gina LaForce, Duector Saint Paul Public Libraries FROM: John H. Shockley ��� Td � Office of Human Resources DATE: � February 3, 2003 Twenty Day Notice 400CiryHauAnnes 2S Wesi Foutth Street SainlPaul,Minnuota 55/01-1631 7e7ephone: 651-1666500 Jobtine: 651-2666502 F¢rcimJe: 651-292-J656 Pursuant to City of Saint Paul, Civil Service Rule 3. (C) this memorandum is to inform you that the following changes are being made: • Creation of the class specification titled Library Training and Organizational Development Coordinator/Snpervisor • A resolution wil] be processed to establish the rate of pay in St. Paul Supervisors Organization (b.u. 09), Grade 013 JSltf Attachments An Affumative Action Equal Opporhuvty ADA Employer OfFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES Angela S. Na!¢ny, Director CITY OF SAIIVT PAUL Rand}� Ke[I}�, Mayor February 3, 2003 Helga Kessler, President Saint Paul Supervisors Organization Regional Water Services 8 4`" Street East, Suite 200 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Re: Twenty Day Notice Dear Helga: 400 Ciry Ha11 Annee 25 West Favth Street Sain:Pavl, Ninnuom 55101-J637 69 _�iF(, Teleyhone: 651-26665Q0 Jo6liae: 651-1666502 F¢scimHe: 651-192-7656 Pursuant to City of Saint Paul, Civil Service Rule 3. (C) this memorandum is to inform you that the following changes are being made: Creation of the class specification titled Lihrary Training and Organizational Development CoordinatorlSupervisor A resolution will be processed to establish the nte of pay in St. Paul Supervisors Organization (b.u. 09), Grade 013 Sincerely, � �f/ �vl��C2.�.�-�y ohn H. Shockley vl Office of Human Resources JHS/tf Attachments An AffirmaTive Action Fqual Opportunity ADA Employer The City of Saint Paul Class Specification Proposed Title of Class: DESCRIPTION OF WO12K General StatemenE of Dnties: o� .y� CODE: 245B BU: 09 Effecrive: Performs skilled professional and supervisory work in assisting the senior staff and others within the Saint Paul Public Library System to detemune and meet their organizational development and training needs; oversees various . Library System administrarive functions such as budget preparation, accounting, payroll and central human resources activities; performs other related duties as required. Sunervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a division manager or the Library Director. Sunervision Exercised: Provides supervision of assigned staff and serves as a project manager/team leader as assigned. TYPICAL DUTIES The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all posirions in this class. Consults with and surveys managers, supervisars, and employees in order to diagnose problems and detemune development needs and potential areas of concern; coordinates those needs with the overall planning process and the visions and goals of the Saint Paul Public Library System. Facilitates or serves on a variety of training, development and planning committees within the Library, the City, and external Library associations. Facilitates interventions focused on problem solving, conflict resolution, strategic planning, and identified concerns. Designs, administers, and delivers employee training and development programs. Assesses development needs and priorities; recommends and designs development programs for management, professionals, and other staff. Evaluates extemal consultants and recommends their selection; assesses their effectiveness and evaluates the work product. Represents the Library as liaison to the Peme Jones Foundation. Oversees various internal Library human resources actions, such as scheduling of part-time pazaprofessional staff, new employee selecrion process, orientation, and training. Serves as the Library System liaison to the City's Office of Auman Resources in such areas as recruitment and assessment, classification and compensarion, monitoring of sick leave and workers compensation claims, diversity planning, performance management and staffing, and scheduling. Oversees the Library System payroll function and supervises assigied payroll staff. Facilitates the development of the Library System budget priorities and oversees the budget preparation process and the accounting functions. COMPETENCIES LIBRARY TRAINING AND ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT COORDTNATOR/SUPERVISOR 'RAINING AND ORGAIVIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR/SI Page 1 Proposed Title of Class: LIBRARY TRAINING AND ORGAIVIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR/SUPERVISOR CODE: 245B su: 09 03 -y� Effecrive: Demonstrates an understanding of the full range of theories, principles, practices, and trends involved in the operarions of a major library system and demonstrates an ability to identify problems and recommend appropriate resolurion of problems associated with library operations. Demonstrates an understanding of the full range of theories, principles, practices, and trends of training and organizational development including needs assessments, change management, team building, group process, adult learning, and success measurement; demonstrates an ability to idenrify appropriate interventions required to resolve the full range of problems associated with the work. Demonstrates an understanding of the full range of strategic planning theories, techniques, and tools, and demonstrates an ability to resolve the full range of problems associated with the strategic planning process. Demonstrates an understanding of the full range of modern supervisory and management theory, principles, and techniques; demonstrates an ability to apply this understanding in providing leadership to a work group. Demonstrates an understanding of the common principles of budget prepazation and accounring; and demonstrates an ability to apply this understanding to resolving the common problems associated with the work. Demonstrates sldll in operating a computer keyboard, mouse and peripheral devices, such as printers, scanners and duplicaring machines; demonstrates an ability to use a broad range of library job related sofrware such as email, word processing, spreadsheet, database manager and presentation applications; keeps current on advances in job related software. Demonstrates an ability to independently prioritize one's own work and the work of others, be attenrive to detail, and provide assistance to and coordination of the wark of others. Demonstrates an ability to plan and manage projects, negotiate and meet time lines and define, measure and evaluate resulCs. Demonstrates an ability to gather, analyze, and organize information, conduct comparative analysis, make recommendations supported by identified facts, and present clear recommendations to management. Demonstrates an ability to effectively communicate in writing, spealdng, and listening; demonstxates effective public speaking and presentarion skills; demonstrates an ability to write reports that can be easily understood by the reader. , Demonstrates effective group leadership ability by encouraging individual participation and creativity; is supportive of others and group decision maldng process; demonstrates an ability to effectively manage conflict. Demonstrates an ability to identify the service needs of a diverse group of internal and external customers and effectively respond to those needs. Demonstrates a commihnent to conrinuously improving customer service; demonstrates an ability to promote effective customer service through example and coordinate customer service. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor's Degree and four years of professional level experience in a public librazy system including at least one year of supervisory experience; and two yeazs of experience in the following: 1. Conducting assessments of complex organizational problems. 'RAINING AND ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR/SL Page 2 Proposed Title of Class: LIBRARY TRAINING AND ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR/SUPERVISOR CODE: 245B BU: 09 C9 -4E'�• Effecrive: 2. Planning and conducting interventions to solve complex problems and improve effectiveness. 3. Designing and instructing all levels of employee training. 'RA1NiNG AND ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR/SL Page 3