248952 OR161NRL TO CITY CLBRK � i\J��2 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. 'LICENSE COMMaTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN�IL R,�SOLUT ON—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �� ��-� " MEl,Y 21� 1.97� COMMISSIONE DA7F W.E�'�f2EAS: Proper notice has been received as to ch�.n�e of an officer in the Criterion, Inc. , 739 University Avenue, holders of On Sale Liquor License No. 7804, expiring Janu�xy 31, 1q71� therefore, be it Ft�SOLVED: That James Zien havin� resigned the office of the Pice—president and bein� replaced �a by Robert Sandler as Vice—president with no�ther other changes in the corporation, be and the same is hereby approved. �n Sale Liquor �stablishment Chan�e 4fficers Informally approved by Council 5-1g- 70 �Y211970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci]__ 19— Yeas Nays carlson �Y 2 1 197 0 Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor �� '-- �etZr bYt� . �q� ayor Sprafka ,% A gainst Tedesco � � PUBLISHED MAY 2 3 1970 ::�'•"' ��'�;�:���.�:� ,Mr. Vtss Pr�sidc-at (Peterson) � CITY OF SAINT PAUL �"' � ` ' Capital oP Minnesota �� . ��g� �e a�ti�e�t o a��ic �a et p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FI$E PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Cammiasioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, Deputy Commisiioner DANIEL P.Mc LAUGHLIN, Licenee Inepector MaY 19, 197� Honorable Ma.yor and City Council Saint Paul, NIi.nnesota Gentlemen: Currently the Cri�erion Restaurant, Inc. are holders of On Sa1e Liquor I,icense No. 7804, expiring January 31� 1970, at ?39 IIniversity Avenue. 3'he present Vice-president, James Zien has resigned his office and is repl�ced by Robert Sandier as the new Vice-preaident. There is no change in the other officers nor the stockholders. AttachEd is a copy of their letter of notification on this cha,nge. Very truly yours, � � ( C" .�Il� Licens� Inspector �j� a� �,. �•., ^ /f' `f,({�'� - .� i�i y�a s U Y � r 'M O , f � r Y . THE � . • . . �I�orf�iuioeta Jinoet" , • , r / � KesEauranE * We Cater to Parties and Banquets 739 UNIVERSITY at GROTTO Phone 227-6546 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55104 Ak��h. �6, �9�0 . I�.. Da,i. lr1 cicu�li.l,in. L.i.cerr.�e 9n.�pec.tv2 • l u6.Li.c Sa�e,fc� l3,�. S.t. %a.u.l, lr)t�vr.e�v.ta De.aa. lfLc. lr1cL�: Tl�.i,a .i.� .�v .i.rr.�viun y,vu o� a chaRq.e .i�e. �h.e v��i.c�.o v� #1i.e Cir,i�e�u,vn. I�LL. �ame.� Z.i.e�r. udw wo,e vcui v.i.ce pa.�.i.den,f luie ae.�.i�rced and h.da mvved .� ��:��. lfLr.. /?vbe�%t Sa�dLe� o� �QO �. Cir�vve.Cafr,d-lrlp.La. lh,i�rn. .i.a ou�. nelv v.�ce p2e.�.�d�e.t. , . !?eopec.t� . 9.D. Sand�e�c 1�,����16�g�9� �� o �� q`�l• �%�4q�9�0 �, R F �, rn C F �, � � oep(/�f�s�/V�D � S of pub',cDa P�' �� �£�� l��F.6ti��' . . � CITY i�F SAINT PAnI► " r DEPART�NT � PtJ$I,IC SAFETY � LiCSAtSE D�tiISI�4 Date��p• 19 �J 1. appii.aati:an for G � , �c•'� a n ��P S�au�c,n( .. ��,�,��eE _ �/ 6�vo,� LiQense E� Na� Of e►pp�.3t3&Tl'Fi � O b-�Y'� �U �G��^(���„�'" 3. Buainesa addr�sa,r /�C� t� h; �c�5 ,t Residenae �,�.� � �'�rd�,R.� a n � _ 4o Trade x�ame, if a� 5o Retail Beer Federal Taa 3tamp�Retail Ziquor Federal Taz 3tamp�11 be ueedo _ . . __ . 6• Qn wh�t flaor located (', �`�,�(� Niunber of rooans usad'�:, 7o Betw�sen �at cros� atreets r`�a d- ^;,K�rs;� lAhicsh side of etreet�qr'��_ _. � . _ 8. �re premisea naw ooa�pied '�ts'�hat bu�inesa �«}q�� E'�' Ha�r lmn.g� �'�y�wr� �_��,. _.. _. , 9. �re premiaes naw unocoupied W b Ho�r long 4acant --- Previou$ �.se `�"' . _�.. _ _ lU, �r� you a new a�om.er�p `Hatve g�ou been in a similar busi.ne�s before �Q '�here 1Rhen 11. Are you going to operate thie business persariallyr .RS i �tL� � ry��t�"' _ --r If not, who �rill opere�te it 12. �I►re you in anq o�her buainess at the �esent tim�e � Z� _ _ , . . _ 1�, Save there been any Qomplainta a�ainat your oparation of thia type vf plaQe �0 yPhen i'�iere _ 14. II��e you ev�sr had a�q 1iQense revoksd �N0 l�at reason aad date s - - - - 15. Are qot� a �itisen oY the IIn3.ted S`tateg _�S_Rative�es_Naturalized ,� . J°'�°' lfo Ahere wvre yau bos°zt �1PL.S . ���nr• I1ate of birth / S y/ � 17. T am �( m�rried• My fe'� (huaband°s) naa�s and addre�a is a�Y; G�� tn R����� � -7 � � � �Y OJt,� w CO P{� 1, � J � b � p�'•.S � ��{ i � 1�1 �"'— 18. (If married fem�le) a�y ma�dezi name ia 19. Hoe�r long have you lived in St. Paul r,.. reSnw"�� '�,", � 1'Y1 ��„S , T'..' �Do Hav�a you e�+er been arrsated��'Violation of �r}aat ariminal ].e►�r or c+rdinance�� - , 21, Are qoa a re�iatered voter in the Ci�r of $t, Rgul Ys� � X Noe �_ _ _ . ' (Ane�er Pully and Qompletelya Theae a 1ic3ation.s are tMorou hl ohecked e►nd aa falaification �rfll be cauee fo� en.�la _ ` ' . 22, �umber oP 3,2 plac�es within tevo blook� ' 23�► Cl4aea� i�toxiae►ting liquor plaQe. (Ai Se►le�� ����t9ff Sale 24, Ideareet ChuraY� Ne�rast Sehool 25s Number of' boathe --"' Tablea S5 Chaire ;�.� 0 :tools �,,� 26. �t oceupe�tian have you follovred for the past fiqe yearso (Give namea of' empl��ax°� and dates eo emplo,�eda� � �c,-G`� l�'a',.•— �^w�� �o���S6� � CvY�"S s — J�� � rdx I�',atit�Y `,�►�,. �t. P�-,,l v---- ���-�� ` " '' " - c�,; �a o �rr1. {.��� r� �:,a�,V�rl� � �1a►�r6-� ��� o. �' �� atid��,.� a�� _ . _ _ _ _ . _ � 2?, Giv�e� x�etmes ancl addr�aseea of t�ro persons, residents of 3t„ �ul, M3.nnp, �rho esan gi�a info�tian ouziaerning youa xame T 6b G��� �- �aare�8 `31�`t La�,�►- s�, j�ehh;s ��_ ��. �c�� 1 2T�me � 6�1-. l..Jv i��� .Addl'A98 �h��C.� 0''` "� � �a►.) 3ignatur� o pp zean 3tate uf Yit�.r�a�ota a� C oa,n�G of Rameey Ci� .� . . �-✓ l ` ti n � being first duly svrorn, depaaee arsd say� upon oe� t he � rea e forego statemen� bearing his signature and kna�a the caa�tente thereof� and that-the aams 3.s �rue- of hie o�ern laloarledge e�cept as �o thoae me�ttera therein a�ated upar�. inform�tian and balief and as to t oae matte�°� he believ�ea th�am to be true. �����e , _ . J � .�, 3ignattu°e of �pplioan vQ�,��`��' Subeoribed and suoPn ���,�,ae m�a ' � �� � �y this day o�' � y�0 - � . No i°yy ia� : Countqa , e s e� - v �q C ar�3.e s��n ex�p�re s �"�'�—�� � _ (Notea Th�se statement fcrms are in duplicate. -Both aopies muat be fully filled outa notarised,� ar�ci returned to the Liaonse Divis'ione�� , � AFF IDAV I,�T B Y APPL ICANT , FOR � RETA IL BEER OR LIQUOR I.ICENSE Re: (7 h Sale �; U Y Licenee •-�-��— Name of applioant_Rc� b.�� 1 �. �0.h� ��Y Busine3s addx°ess �3� U h�V2r$ ,� � �vt � � �. �'"AV' . 1 ' ► � h1� . Are you the aols owner of this buainess?�e If not9 is it a partnerahip?�Q _ corporativn?_ y Q� , otsher? Others interasted in business, inelude those by loan of money, property or otherwisei Nama_ c�OrG1� S�r�1��r Address�3�1 �}h', �t rS '.�� Hovv Qt�l,��r- �h',t9� �0�•��'2;ir- �3 1 �v v S� �W hS �V i �d�i n ,�� �� �f a c orporat�ion, gige its rjams �Y',��c r;a^ �,Q S�A� r��.I �^ C , Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Beer or Liquor businesa? N � As sole owner? partner? Stocskholder? Other°vvise? (Through loan o�' money, e�ce Explain) �,ddresa of such business and nature oP interest in same � - Signature of applicant State of Minnesota - ss C ounty nf �msey ���� , Si� � being first duly a,�rn, deposes and says upon oath that e has read the foregoing a fidavit bearing his signature and lrnows the contents �hereaf; that the same is true of his crtrm lrnowledge9 except as to those matters therein atated �i information and belief and'as to those matters he balievea them to be true. � •es� � � � � � �a'y '�, g S gnature f a plica t °'� "o Subsori ed a�d`�,Ls� ta hafore me thia o0 j �� � �� �" ���' -� No�ary ublic, 'ey Countya Minneso My cs ommi.s s i on ex�ire�� �7� � � ,..�. . � � ' ` sTATE � MrNNESO�A) Ct7UNTY OF RA�d[SEY � S� �U "Je►I �� SAn� I�,Y being fir�t duly s�vvorn, doth depoae and say that �he makea thia affidavit in connectioxi �rith appliea�ion for "�r1 Sale" liquor licenae ("�Sale" malt beverage Iicenae� in. the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; that your �ffiant is a resicient oP the State of �Iinnesot� and has rasided therein for .�`Q years, � (� manths, and is nvPr and has been �or the time above n�entioned a bona fide rssident of said State and that`� he now residea at -/Ov � . pv2 qn � O � Addreas f��• r"' �o.,�G,�� , Mit�ne s ota. City or��Town ' � � S . ��� Subsa�b"��d and a�rrorn to before me � G � �:; �.� this_ �9-y y f __ , _ ��� �' ry b1 �,r�a _ aey ounty, fid3nneaota �- �° ���` 2 -��� �ty cso�issian`�c�res � .� � ��� ��. � 19, 1970 Hon. William E. Carlson, Tenth sr�d Mian. Sts., _ Caasr. of Public 3aPety, St. Ptul, Mit�D. _ Attn: Mr. �niel P. Mcl.sughl�n: _ Dear Sir: The City Council today informally spproved the application oP the Criterion Reetaurant, Inc., holders of On Sale Liquor License No. 780�, expiring Jan. 31, 1970, at 739 University Avernu, for a che„nge in officers as follo�a: Robert Saadler replaces J�ames 2ien who resigned e�s Vice President, at�ri there is no change in the other of�ic�rs �r t� atockholders. Will you pl�ase perepars the custamsry reeolution? VerY �'�Y Y�'s, City Clerk hP