248948 �qRtO1NAL TO CITY CL[RK � i� / ,. CITY OF ST. PAUL FCOE NCIL ND ���� $ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM coMMissiONE Victor J. Ted sco A� May 18, 1970 RESOLVED, that an extra in the amount of Twenty�seven Thousand Ninety-seven Dollars($27, 097 ) be allowed und.er Contract No. L-7152-2 i between the City of Saint� Paul and the Knutson Construction Company, said contract for the General Construction of Eagle Street Parking Ramp, and said extra to cover Addition of Portal Entrance to the Eagl� Street Parking Ramp, said. add.ition having been requested by the Civic Center Authority and agreement made with the contractor, and a memorandum of said agreement having been filed, with the Comptroller and countersigned by him. Charge to PIR. 6 000-603 to be reimbursed from 7420-603. Job #69-24. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� �Y 21 19i0 Yeas Nays . �y � t 197� Carlson Dalglish Approve� 19—_ Meredith � _—In Favor � Pete1 0� Sprafka U Mayor A gainst .'1�t1 n� Tedeaco '' .:�: PUBLISHED �JAY 2 3 19r� M�. Wis� lrt�lld�t (Peterson) _�� r CIVIC CENTER AUTHORITY ra� OF THE �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL ���,Q AUTHORITY RESOLUTION v Resolution No. CCA 179 RES�LVED, that an extra in the r�mount of Taenty--seven Thousand I�inetp-seven Dolla�s ($2T,097� be Allowed urider Contract No. L-7152-2 between the City of Saint Paul anS the Rnutson Con�truc�ion Company, esaid cvntract for the General Cona�ruc�fon of Eagle Stzeet Parking Ramp, and eafd extra to cav�er 1�dditfon of Pc�rtal Entsance to the Eagle Street Parking Ramp, aaid addition havi.ng been raques�ed by the Civic Center Aut�ority a»d agr�em�nt m�d� w3th th� �ontractor, rimc�. a memorand�un og said aqree�nent having been f�.led with th� ComptroZler and countersi,qned by him. Charge to PIR 600Q-643 to be reimbur�ed €rom ?420--603. Job �69-24. Yeas Nays ✓Farrell ✓Gephart Approve� � ' 19�_ ✓Judd vLeider In Favor �eredi tY: � ( Pesek ��' / _\\ `\�\ . .�,1.1_:1�__ �'_.�_.... 1/ \ 'V��Jr vifadman � - Tedesco• � Against Chairman c�'Ir. Chairman, Harmon