248947 �' ORIOINAL TO CITY CLtRK ������ CITY OF ST. PAUL FCOENCIL NQ, OFFICE OF TH CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIO�—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � M ay 18, 19 7� COMMISSIONE ATF RFSOLVED, that a net extra in the amount of Seven Hundred Twenty Dollars ($720) be allowed. under Contract L-7152-2 between the City of Saint Paul and the Knutson Construction Company, said contract for the General Constructirn of Eagle Street Parking Raxnp, said extra to cover Wire Mesh �,�,,,� Partition in Two Elevator Equipment Rooms at Plaza Level, additional Beam ` Stirrups in Plaza Level post tensioned. beams, and reduction in number of Paint Coatings, said work having been requested by the Civic Center Authority and agreement made with the contractor, and a memorandum of s aid agreement having been filed with the Comptroller a.n.d countersigned by him. Charge to PIR 6000..603 to be reimbursed from 7420-603. Job #69�24. MAY 21 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— , Yeas Naya 1�Y 21 197� Carlaon Dalglish � Approved 19—_ Meredith _jn Favor pa+o_ ��— � Mayor Sprafka � ��9 A gainat Tedesco r ` 1 { � R���� �•�•• ':`:";i PUBLISHED ff 4 k � m..�t.. �..c�.a.t r��n� MAY 2 � 197� � � . _ � CIVIC CENTER AUTHORITY • OF THE ����?/ CITY OF SAINT PAUL t7��'�' AUTHORITY RESOLUTION Resolution No. r[�A 1T8 RESOLVED, that a net extra fn the amount o� Seaven �iundxed Twenty Dollars ($720} ba allawed under Contrac� L-7152-2 between the City of �aint Paul and the Knutson Constxuction Company, said con�ract for t�.e Geaeral Cor�s�truction of Eaqle �reet Parkinq Famp, said extra to caver Wir� Mesh Parti�ion in Two Elevator Equigment Rocsms at Plaza Leve2, additional Beain Stirrups in Plaza I,evel post tensioned beam.s, and reduction in number of Peint Coatings, said work having been requested by the Civic Center Authority and agreament made with the contractor, and e memorandum oi said agreement havinq been fil.ed with the Compt- roller and countersfgned by him. Charge to PIR 6000-603 to be reiuiburs�d from 7420-603. Job #69-2�. Yeas Nays �arrell ' ` �Gephart Approved__f�V��, 19� ✓Judd �Leider In Favor ✓Nferedith Pesek � ' t , . w_�..:���, ��-:_.., �adman � Tedesco �� Against Chairman ✓�Ir. Chairman, Harmon . . � �