248943, 1 ; � 2485 3 c���xo..... � PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT � , and PRELIMINARY ORDER. �� Theundereignedhereby proposeethemsldngoithefollowin�tvubltatmorn.ement i+.+b•t�*.,�,f�,►i�t F�►„�.vts.: ,_, ,, _, Construct publ ic_ sanitary seaer, in BREMStEIt STREfT frow_S�el l i�.,n__ ._... .- _ __._�_...�....�....,,.,. . Avenue to Aibert Street; tn ALBERT STREET frvn J�ssawine Street t� --.. Brawster Srreet•, .ac�d.�t.aa..tba.,f..o�t-lowRi�►g.�.ibed•-3�..�oet-��+►�e�t.�eNa� . ._.... easea�nt, the center lise of rvhich is as foliows: Co�aencing at tMe int�'�s+�ct"fe�iti .d"F° tfi�"Ce�I�t'�t''1"Fre3"�f'�i��sw��'te�':�"St�r��'f'�n�? Aibert Street -"'... � thence easterly along the centerline of Brewster„Street extended a ..., _ ....... distance of 30 feet to the point of begining, thence easterly along the Dt. .. prevtous described line a dista�te of 221 fest, the�ce �deflecting left an angle of 89° 20' for a distance of 28D.$ .feet more or lass to the south iine of Wynne Ave, and there termi�ating. �-�--� Also construct a sewer pump station in the above described easement. Also construct sewer service connections. Said sewer construction to be undertaken �Ithin a �O f�t tempora ry � easeme�t centered upon �,he, above des�ribed 20 foot permanent easement. (S-1299) � _ � � . . , WHER.EAB, A written provoeal for the making of the following improvement, via.: ............ ...,.. ..�.,..__�.. ,....�......,_......_...._._.. _... ,.,., ........�...� ,...._.__.... ._,. ._.._... »_ Cons t ruct pub 11 c san i ta ry seM�r i n BItEMSTE� S'�REET f raa S�ae 11 i qg ............ A�►.eaue...ta..Al�ert..S�.c.eat;..,;�..1��R�--&TR�����#re�►-�ssa�l�e�..-Str�e+�,�.��, .�.,�w.�.:��.:..,�., � Brewster Streat; and in the followi� described 20 f�ert J pere+ar�ent seaer -~------• e�asen�ent, the�� ��nter 1 tne of which is as fot lows: Cor�mencing at the""� " "' intersection of the centerlines of Brewster Street and Albert Street __ �..�. thence easterly along the centerline of Brewster Street extended a hsving : =��istsnce of �0 feet 't� the pciint of beginni�g, thence ea�sterly along the ---- t6erefc� : P�revious described l ine a distance of 221 feet, thence def)ecting left an an,gle of $9° 20' for a di.;tance vf 280.8 feet more or less .to the R"`'` 'South line 6i` Myi�ite Ave. �nd there terminating. 1• ' �/4is�o' zons�ruGt a s�sa►er pu�p� 'statian �n the' above describe't! easement. Z, - .�Also coStstr.uct sewer�servi.cs ��anectiat�s. _ a. Said s,ewer construction to be undertaken within a 40 foot temporary easerti�nt �erttere� u�on the above described 20 foot permanent easement. 4. (S�i299� .�� a. � � b. '1'O lepOi6 upon su oz r�na rvn�guy,y�i;w.,�o w �;,v wu,...,00..,.�. ... �,usnw. Adopted by the Couaa'1..._...................»........�`�'�..z...�..�y 1�........ Ysse MAY 21 1970 Councilman Carlson Da1 g 1 is h Apprnved.................................................................. �S�v�,���-�as�d � Meredith � � �� r�r o,.�.� Te�lesco _ .................. ���'����°. �lKl�►t� Msyot. . �p� �„�. �2ss Yresidaxt (Peterson) � � � � ��� ���'� PuausHEO MAY 2 3 19T0