248940 . OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK - �+V�4� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. �ICErrsE Cor�tm�r� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ;�COU�L �OLU ION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � 97 May 21 1 0 COMMISSIONE DATE R�.SOLVED: That application for the transfer of On Sale Liquor Lica�.se issued to Sam Leifman at 2239 Fvrd Parkway to Sp�.ceburger, Inc. at the same address, which is temporarily closed be anci the same is hereby granted on the condition that within ��� days of licensee re-opening the establishment� they shall apply for the needed miscellaneous licenses to operate said business and shall comply with a11 requirements of the Bureaus of Fire, Health, and Police, and the the License Inspector pursuant to the St. Paul Legislative Code a,nd a11 other applicable ordinances and l�ws. Ado t �Y 21 1970 COUNCILMEN p ed by the Council 19— Yeas �vays MA�' 21 1970 Carlson � Approved 19�_ Meredith Tn Favor ,� Q �0��-1 Sprafka � �iaiing Mayor A gainst Tedesco . "���`�:�i z:°: ;�;�` PUBLISHED MAY 2 3 1970 nfa?Ri.• 1?r..td.:t crexss�on) O . r � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota �/� / t���V �e a�ti�eat o a�`ic �a et � � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commisaioner POLICE AND FIRE ALAxM ROGER M. CONWAY, Dcpoty CommLdoner DANIEL P.Me LAUGHLIN, Lieense Inspector May 21� 1970 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, Pti.nnesota Gentlemen: Spacebur�er, Inc. is joined by Sam Leifman in making application for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License No. ?739, expiring January 31, 1971, in the name of Sam Leifman at 2239 Ford Paxkway, from him as an individual to Spaceburger, Inc. at the same address. Spaceburger, Inc. will renovate the premises and open up at a later date. However, they also make application for the necessary miscellaneous licenses to operate the basiness, such �,s Restaurant, On and Off Sale Ma,lt Bevera�e, Tavern,Cigarette, and Sunday-�n-Sale Liquor lice�ses, at this time. This locstion temporarily is closed. It ws,s licensed for a sinilar business prior to this closing since 1955. . '1.'he officers of Spaceburger, Ine. are George F. Theros, President; Peter R. 3'heros, Vice-president; Nicholas Charles Boosalis, Secretary and Treasurer. In acidition to the three officers, Plato Mavroulis and Idicholas P. Strenglis are also stockholders. Mr. George Theros is owner and operator of King's Inn, a restaurant in St. Louis Park. Mr. Peter Therms is also associated with the King's Inn, at St. Louis Paxk. Mr. Boosalis is �mployed by the Sun Life Assuratice Co. of Canada. Mr. Ma,vroulis is a stock broker with John G. Kinnaxd & Co. of Mpla. Mr. Strenglis is owner and operator of Fies, Incorporated of Mpls. Very truly yours, _ � ��� . ��� j� License Inspector �,{cT . ���v l �� May 19 , 1970 THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND . ' CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL I hereby apply for transfer of the on-sale liquor *: �� license currently held by me at 2239 Ford Parkway, - �. . St. Paul, Minnesota, to Spaceburger, Inc. and Nicholas C . Boosalis, at the same address . Sincerely, SAM LEIFMAN B y °'� OSE H P. S MERS . Attorney-in-fact 630 Osborn Building - St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Tel. No. 227-7731 . � May 18, 1970 Council of the City� of St. Paul St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: The undersigned respectfully requests the transfer of a liquor license currently held by Sam Leifman at 2239 Ford Parkway to Spaceburger, Inc. , a Minnesota corporation, at the same location. - . .� e 1�3�-�-; `'�, , ' Nick C. Bo salis, Secretary Spaceburger, Inc. May 19 , 1970 THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL This is to certify that Leifco Realty Company is ' the owner of Lots 17, 18, 19 a nd 2 0 and 21 , Block 7, � St. Catherine Park, an addition to the City of St. Paul, otherwise known as 2239 Ford Parkway, and that as owner, Leifco Realty Company hereby consents to the use of the property by Spaceburger, Inc. for the purpose of operating a restaurant with associated on-sale liquor and other licenses. ,: Sincerely, . LEIFCO REALTY COMPANY �� � ,, ; By '� JOS PH P. UMMERS ( Attorney-in-fact � 630 Osborn Building � St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 � Tel. No. 227-7731 � CITY•C1F 8�lZNT PAUL D�PARZR�NT L�F' PiTBLIC S�FETY LIC�TSE D1V�SION De►te May 19, �,970 �.�.,.. _...... 1. �pplication for _ L3oenae 2, Nams of app].iaant or e F. Theroe PrestdeM, S eceburqer, Inc. 3, Bue3.nes� addre�� 2239 Ford Pmrkway xesidenoe�266 W�ooddale, St. Louis Park, Mlnn. 4. Trade aame, if any 's nn of H1 hlac�d 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp�tai]. Liquox Federal Tax Stamp ��w311 b�e usad. 6. !(�i what floor lcoated � ��� NumUer of rocmis used 4 � 7. Betweex� v�t oros+� s�reet��retin-Mt���� YIIhiGh $ide of s�reet Notth 8. Are pramises naar oaaup�ed '➢rha� bueinesa Ho�ar long -.�.,. 9. Are premisea no�r unoacupied xx Iiow long vacant ip �Q��B P�eviou� Uqe R�staurant � � 10. Are you a new o�ner y�� Have you been in a aimilar bus3.ness be�o�e Yes 1+Yhere�Q�s Inn"_gt. Louia Park �?en currently 11. Are you goi,xig to operste this busine�s p�rsonally No � If not, ydlo will operate 3.t Nicholas C. Boos�lis 12. Are yqu in a�ny o�her buainess a� the preaea�t tameKing's Inn, St. Louis Park, Minti. - _..,...�.._..,. 13. Have there been ar�y camplaints against y�our operation of �hia type oP p],so� No � �hea lllhere 14, Hav�e you ever had any liaense rea�aked���Phat reason and dste 15, �,re you � aitizen of the United Stat�s��Natfve Naturalxsed -.—,�.-�....- 16. Where w�sre yDU 'bornMinneacolis, Mirttt. Da�e of bixt�. May 18, 1930 17. I� am m�rried. My (wi�'e's) (husband'a) name and addresa ia Zpi� 4266 Wooddale, , . St. Louls Park, Minn. 18. (If ma rrie d Pame►1e) my m�ider�, name is 19, Hc>w long have you lived in. 3t. Paul Dp not l�ve tn St. Paul 20. Have you e�v+ax been arreeted NO '�3olatitm of �,rhat orunir�sl larr or ordin+aaoa .,.�,..�... i ns ist on record. 21. Are you a �egistered voter in the City of S�, P�►ul Yea X � No. (Anavaer Pu11 and oom 1ete1 , Theee a lica�ions are thorou hl ak�ecl��d and �n lsi.fa.ca�ion v�i. 1 be cauae £or eni.t► .' � - 22, Number oP 3.2 places within t�o blocka None 23. Gloseat intoxioating liquor p7�ae. �n. Sale Pudqe's ` C�'� 'Si�tle� " : � L"`$vid ROSen Zeo.�s - 6 �Iooka ��` 24. Nearest Chure�$t. L �r's - 6 bl^Ck8 Nearest Sahoal �t• ` undecided pendinq remodelinq 25. Number of baoths Tables Chaire `. 3toplql ;-:.. . � . �� � i�r ir��i�y.rirY� -� ��-� . +� 26. �hat oaeu�ticm l�ve �rou followed f or �he past five year�. (Give� na�q,ee �' �tp�.oy+s�� and date s s o amploy�ed.� 3 . Restaurant Operator - Kinq`s Inn, 39G1 Wooddnle A�e. , it. "Louia Pa�k, iuitnn. (owner� � y n. ., 27, Give r3ames and addres ses of �� pers ons, rea idanta of St. 1'au].,, ,D�i,�.*���� Win �3v� in.for�tion eon.oerning you. . _ �vame Georqe Vavculis Address 703 Linv�•ood Aveauo, S�. P��al, Mlnn. � �a� j�udd S . Mu11aIy a�dres s �gree of Ho•.or 82d�.., t�l, p�tul, Minn. ;; � _ ,� . . - . . � ' J �y-. 4� ... Sig ture o Ap , n ' t� ; Sta te of' Mixine s ota� . } ;,,, �,k .� z� �, �. � �38 ``� � r'°�,� . County of Rarnsey � ! �'� ��'� , GeOrge F. ThePOB being first duly, s�ern, depase�t'&� �nI►ys upon oath tha he has read e foregoing statemen� bearing his ai�� ��d kxlc�ra the contents thereof, and that the samQ ia true of his ovurr, kz�owled�a ��pl�.� re ta thosa mattera therein stated upon infor�tion and belief aad as tc-'thc�e m��ers he be3i.eves them to be �rue. - � � Si ture of A iaa Suba ribed and sworn to before me this �iQ day of 19� Nota Pub ie, Ram� Coun.ty, Mins3.esata �y C 'ssion expirsa {Notes �heae atatement form� are in duplicate. Both eopies must be f'tx11y filled cut� nnta ized, and returned to the Licenss Division,�f� 3?�SEPH P. SUMMERg Notary Publia, Aameep Conah'. Mtata. �Y Commisaioa E�c�c�r AuQ• 9� 1974, AFF ID.AV IT B Y APPL ICANT FOR RETAIL BEER UR LIQUOR LICENSE Re s ��Sale ���, Liaenae Na� of applicant � Business addz�ess �?39 ��rd�D�'kwe,�v�.____ Are �rou the sole awner of this business?�e if not9 i� it a �rtnership? corporation? �fes , other? Others interested in business, include those by loan of money, property or othertro�ises Nam���ter R. Thetos Address 58�9 �'eek Valley�,�� Shareheld�r �nd effiCer Edina, Minnesota j�jiche As . ..�nosalis. - cer Pl�to M�vr�,��� M tnn�apolis, M inn. Minnetonka, Mlnn. -14.ic}�a °�;���— If a corporation, givs its name Edlrta, Mlnn. Are you interested in an�r way in any o�her Retail Beer or Liquor buainess? yes As sole own.er? Pax°tner3 Stockholdex°? �s (ltherwise? (Through loan of money, etce Explain) Addresa of such buainess and nature oP inter°est in same � Avenue St. Louis Park Mi Signature of a '-can Sta,te of' Minna s ota Georqe F. Ther�a ss C ounty �f I�msay _ Ge�'qe F. Theros being first dul� sworng deposes and saya upon oath the►t he has read tha foregoing affidavit bearing his signature and lrn�+vs the conten-ts thereof; that the same is true of his owm la�owledge9 except as to those matters therei.n stated upon infoxmation an.d belief aud as to thase matters he believes them to true. ��� 3ignatux°e of a icant Subsar bed and sw�or°ra. to bafore ma �his��day of ��.�/ 19�n �____.___ i Not u lica �?am.se Countya MYi.nnesota JOSEPH p, g� �°y C ��°. Aamaep C'qmtt� Mi�, °m'°'eai°n ExPu� Auy. 9, 197� My aarnmiss�.on expires 19 s�� � ��so�A) ) SS C()t7NTY 4F RAMSEY ) GE,�O�'�e F. Thet'os being first duly awflrn, doth depose and say that he makes thia e�ffidavit in connection with applioa�ion for " On Sale" liquor li.eenae (" �le" malt beverage licenee� 3n the City o� $aint Paul, ,Minnesota; that your affiant is a reaident of the State of Minnesota► and haa resided therein for �Q yeara, months, and 3.s now and has bae� for '�he tazne above mentioned Q bo� fide reaident of said State and �he�t he now residea at 4266 Wooddele � Addreas st. Louis Park , Minnes ot�. City or Tovm ; , ,. _ � SubaQribed and a�rorn to bef ore me this�da�r of 19� �ta b1 a, Ra,mse County, ndinnesota �fy co�unisaion expirea .__,'I P. SUMMEA$ .....y �"ublic, Ramaep Cot�IItp, Miaa. /+rY Commiseion Expuw RttQ. 9, 197a C TrY (7F &4I�VT PAUL AEPIIRT�NT C7�' PUB�,TC S�AF'�T'Y L ICEN3E D NI8 xql� ��e May 19 �.9 70 ,�, .,.,.,..... ,....,,..�.. 1. $ppliaa�Gion for On-sals Ll uor Licenae 2. Name of s�pp].icaa� pet�r R. Theros Vice-Pre�. , Spaceburger, Inc. 3. Businesa addxes� 2239 Fotd PetkwaY &eaidenoe 582U Creek Va11ey Drive, Edina, Minn. 4, Trade nar�, 3.f ar�y Kinq'a Inn o�Highland 5. &etail Beer Federeal Tax St�mp Retail Liquor Federal Ta� Stamp���vi11 be uevd. 6. !(h� �rhat floor locsated 1 and 2 Number of roo�na uaed 4 � 7. Bet�u�een vvl�at croas etreet��;��in—Mt. Cutv� Whioh aid� of atreet North 8. Are premiaea now ocaupied '�h,a� bue3x�,esa Haw long .....,....» 9. Are premi�es no�r unoocupied� I3au� long vaaantl0 months P��,ou� UB�, Restaurent .__._._ 10. Are you a new o�ner ypg �ve you beex� ir� a aim3.],etr bueineas before+t_ Ye� �.�.....� Where Kin�'s Inn�,St. Louis�_Park_ �Ilhen cucrently 11. Are you go�.ng to apera�e thia buainees personally No � If not, who wil� aper�te it N1Cholas C . Boosali8 12, Are you zn any other buainees at the preaent timaKina's Inn. 3t. L�ia Perk_ Mtnn 13. Havc� there been any oomplaints againet your operation of this type of plaat+ No ...��., �Vhea '�fh�9re 14, i-tavs you ever had any liQen�e revoked���yVhat reaaot� snd d�te 15. Are you a aitizen of the United Sta�ee��Native Na�urali��d .......�.......,. 16. 1Nhere w�ere you burn��saQ,��1��,Minn. ,* , I�te of birth july 2� 1936 . , ... .� ...�.�.�..., 17. I am n�rri,ed. My (wife's) (huaband's� name aa�d addraes is Arle�s, 5820 Creek Valle Dri 18. (If m�rried fema,le� my mai.dea na�e is 19. Hovr long have you lived in S`b. Pie►ul Do not llve tn St. Paul 20. Have yuu e�rer beea arres�ed �� �iolatian of vphat or9.�uitlal le��r or ord�.n�anoe ... . .,..�..,..... Mi Zl. Are you a reg3st�red voter a.n �he C�.ty o� S�. Pf�ul Yes X � �Jo, (Anawer �ul� and aom lete]; . These � �.3�cat3.ona are thorou h]. cheoked a�t �aat 1.aifliaation w31 be oauee �or ena.� . 22. Number oP 3.2 places within t�ra blocsks NOtie , 23. Closest �.ntoxiaating 7.iquor pl.aoe. �?n Sale Pudq�'s ty,�'P Rs1e U+l�V1d RQ�ati 24, Nearest ChurehSt. LeQ's - 6 bl�Cks Nearest Sahoal 3t. :L9p'81 – 6 h O k��� u llnq _ . .�,{;.; 25. Nurnber af �aoths Tables �haire St�eia. � � . ....�,,���..«��:. 26. �Ithat oocupatian l�ave vou followed f or the past �'ive y�ears. (Gri.ve xu��e�9 �,smplpye� .`> �� and date s s o employ�ed.) �r, _ ��. Restaurmnt Operator - Kinq's Inn, 3901 Wooddale Avenua, �t. �u� Pat�l�,<'#Vl;�nn. : . - . � - � �3h�x1 ,..� . . 27, Give names and addresaes of t�ro persons, residents of St. �'au1, �3,nt�;*# ��i i�n �i�e informs�ion oonaerning you. �a� George Vavoulis Address 703 Llnwood Avenue, St.:�'.�ul, Minn. Name Tame�t Thetos Address 694 3. Kenr�ath, $� P�►u�:�,;.'�Itnn. ' ,; , . . , , ... i Si� � o Ap a� i; Sta te of' �inne s�ta) . i )ss County of Rarnsey } �� -" Pet�t' R. Theros being first du].y svvorn, depvsei� "a�m$ +�ye n ' 3 upem oe, h t a he has rea the foregoing sta�ement bearing his sig�'�q,� i�d la�,o�a � the contents thereo�', and that the same is true of his ao� 1�.rnrledg�:e�� �� to those mattera therein s�ated upon in.f'or�tion and belief aad aa tc�`t�. �� �me��ers �`° ' he believes them to be true. , ; . i' . i . �� . � � � � . Sigx�at of Appliaan Subs ribed and sworx�. to before me � � , this' day of �d.t�. _19� D . —�---_. � Nota ubli , Ramsey� ounty, Minneaota � My C 'ssion e�pirss (Not s These statemesit formrs are in duplicate. Both ec�piea mus� be Puily filletl out� no riEed, and returned to the Licenss Division.�'� - � JOSEPH P. BUMMERB Not�Y Publio. Ramsey Con�Y. Minn. . .�[y Commiasioa Expua AuQ. 9, 197Z. _. : II AFF IDAV IT B Y APPL TCANT ;� FOR 1 RETA IL BEER OR LIQUOR LTCENSE � Re s nn Sale i.i��n� Lioenae � Name of applicant S acebur er c Business addiess 2239 Ford Parkwary_ Are �otz the sole awner of this busines s?��e If not� is it a pax�tnership? corporat�on? Ye8 , o:�her� Others interasted in business, include those by loan of money, proparty or otherwiaes Nama �icholag C. Bnosalia Addresa 3Q18-1Dth Ave. Se, x� Sharehold�r and nfficer Minneapolis, Minn. Plato Mavrculis 3900 C�ttaQe Lane ,Shar�old� M innetonka, M inn. ��+a�ehc�ldar Edina, Minn. reorge F. Theraa. 426s wpodrials _.��rwhpld�r,�nd pfftcer St. Loui s Park, Minn. If a csorporation, give ita name Are you interested in an�r way in any other Retail Beer or Liquor businesa? �e� Aa aole owner? Partner3 S�ocskholdex^? yes Othex°�ise? (Through loan of money9 etce Explau�.) Address of such buainess and nature of interest in same � Av . �_—y_ Sign,a e of a p 1 icant stat� of M:lnne s ota) Peter R. TherCs �s a C ounty of �msey Peter R. Theros being �irst duly awarna deposes and says upon oath that he has read the foregoing affidavit beaz^ing hia signature and kn.c�►rs the contents thereof; that the same is true of his own l�owledgea except as to those matters there3.n. atated upon inforn�ation and .belief and as to those rs he believea th to be true. ,: % ' Signa of applic Subsoribed and sworn to baf�re me �his day of 19 „a� Not Pub ica Ram �r Cotxr�.ty, Niinnesota �OSEP[i F►. �iJNi!VIERS �`�•tuay Y�.�;:.;:c:. Fiamsep CovntY, Minti. �ST OO�Tl.�831021 expirea 1.9 MY Commisuon Exp�zes Aug. 3, 1972. s�a� � �[�so�A) ) S8 C(�UNTY flF RA1ti�SEY � P�t@' R. Th�toB bein,g firat duly sqrc�rn, doth depose and say that he makes this a�ffidavi� in connsotion with applioa�ion far " On Sale" liquor licenae (" Sa1s" malt beverage lioense� in the �i�y of Saint Pau1, Minneaota; that your affiant is a resident of the State of Minnesota and has resided therein f'or �j 3 yeara, months, and is nc�ar and ha� been for �Ghe time above a�entioned a b�na fide reiaident of said State and that he now residea at 5820 Cteek Vslle Dtive � Addrees Edina , Minnea ota. City or To�,m Subsoribed and �worn to before me this ' t�Q�v� day of 19� �tary blia, Ramaey tY, Minnesota �r co�ission expires JOSEPH P. SiJMMER$ Nota�y Public, Ramsep Couatp, Miaa. My Commisaion Exyssea AuQ. $, 1972 C ITY C/F 8A Z1VT PAtiI� pEPARTMENT !OF pUBLIC S�Ak'ETY L�C$�TS'F D1V'�SIQI+T D�te May 19 �,g 70 _�. 1. Appliaa�iozi fo� On-sale Llquor L3.cenae 2. Name of applicant - C 3, Busines$ add�es� 2239 Ford Parkway Residenae 30�-lOth Ave. $o. , Mpls. 4. Trsde na�e, if any � 5. &etail Beer Federal Tax 51;�mp Retail Liquor Federe�l .Tsa 3tamp��wi11 be used. ..�...,. 6. � vQhat floor looated � An� � Nwnber oP roo�s uaed 4 � 7. Betvueez� vvhat oros� etzee�s ��et�n�Mtt Cutve Whioh aid� o� atree'G � 8. Are premiaes naw oaaupied �h�,� bue3�ness Ho�r long ,....r�» 9. 1�re pr8m1898 no�r wn�ocupied� I�auv long vacant 10 montha Previoue Uae Reataurant .�..�. 10. Are you a ne�r o�mer Y� Iiave �rou been �.n a aim3.lar bueineas before No Where �11hen 11. Are yau go3,z�g t�p aper�►'�e thia buainess �erso�ally yss � If not, w�io will ppera�e it 12, Sre you in any other buainess at the present t�ma Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canade 13. Have there been any oomplaints against your operation of this type oP pl.aaeNp ._,.., �hen 1Nhere Z4, l�ave you ever had any lioen�e revoked NO ��Nhat reQaon and date 15. Are you a c�.t�zen of the United Stat9e X Nstive Naturalized �.,.. _.._..._..�..._. 16. Where w�ere you borx� Minneap�lie, Minn. De�te of b3.rth December 31, 1938 17. I� am married. My (wife's) (husband'a) name and address is Anqie, 3018-1Oth Ave. _,._.____ South, Mlnnsa olls, Mlnn. 18. (If married fe}�,1e� any msiden r�ame is 19. $cr�v long hav9e you 13.ved in St. Raul Do not livs in $t. Paul 20, Hsve yoa ev�ar been axxeate�d NO Xiolation of vvhat ariin�x�al law� ar ardi.r�ace ...,,....._,_, -------_ Mlnor traffic violations ma e�i�t;�n:reco�d. 21. Are you a regiatered voter S.n the� Ca,ty of St, R�ul Yes X No, (An.awer full and oom 1ete1 . Theae a 13a�tions are thorou hl cheoked and �zt sifiaation vr3.7.1 be c:au�e for en�.a . 22. Number of 3.2 places within. t�ro blocka Nena ' '�F •. . . l+iwWii�il Illsr'1}IA�+MTw+�� _ � 23. Closest �.ntoxicating liquor p]aoe. �?n S�le Pudq�'s ExPP `$�a�p. ' << �av3d Rosin ' -.-...._ ...,...,,..,�....,, 24. Neares� Chureh 3t. L09'8 � 6 b_�ck8 Nearest Sahoal 3t. L�O'4 - 6�blocka �� unddcided pending remode+ling �; t:. 25. Nwnbsr oP booths Tables �k,�ir� Stools` -, �� 26, at oacup�ticm have you followed f'or the psst �'ice �ars. {Give namea�o�' emapls�y�sra and date s e n employ�ed.) . Ay Sun Life Assurance Co. �f Canada :` �_ ;, .�.�,M . 27. Give names and addreasea of t�vo persons, residents of 8t. �'au1,;�,�„� �4� �i3a �;3.�v+er. inform�tion ooncserning you. Name George Vavoulis Address 703 Linw�Od Av!►QUe, �t. �`�iu1:, Minn. ame T�ea Thero� Addres� 694 3. Kenne�t� S�«.P���� ���. . ,u:; �,- :� i �, �: _ i � , � � � . , i tare o �. p aan, • State of �7.z�sa.esota� ss `� ounty of Ra�ey � _ ..,,, Nlchola� Charlae Boosalis being first duly s�arn., de�sqa :� aay� pon oath t he has rea he forego�ng sta�ement bearing his ai�t�s �pd 1a�,o�s he contents thereof, �nd that the same is true of' h.is own, l�,awledge �� �►� to hose matters therein stated upon informstion and belief e�nd as t� �hcsae�'�s►tters e belzeves them to be tx°tzeo � C �' Signature of A plioant Subsc�°ibed and sv�rorn. to before me - this I ��� day of �. 19�Q � . NotaY' ubl s Ra,m.�ey Cout�tya M�nesota My C 'ssinn e�pires ` (Note These st�tement forms are in duplicate. Both copias mus� be Pully f3.11ed out, nuta ized, and returned to the Licenss Divisiari,� JOSEPH P. SUMMER3 Nuic_y Public, Ramssp CamtT, Miab. ' �y Commisaion Expues A�. 9, 197a �i 'I . - � . . � . . � Y, �. j � . � . . . �. � . . .... . AFF IDAV 1'r B Y APPL ICANT FOR RETAIZ BEER UR LIQUOR LTCENSE Re: pn Sale Llquor i�icenae Name of appliaant Soacsburcer. Inc. Bu��.neas addzess Z239 Ford Packwav Are y�ou the sole owner of this business?�e If nota is it a partnership? corporatian? Yes other� � Others intereated in business, in.elude those by loars of money, proparty or otherwises Name plato Mavroulis Addres� 3900 Cotta e Lane Hoav 3hareholder Minneton a, Minn. Nicholas P. StrenQli9 5228 E�answepd Iane Shar�holder Edlnai, MinneaoRa Peter R. Theros Sharehold�r and offlcer tna, Minnssota Georqe F. Theros 4� Wooddale Shareholde and offlcer If a corporation, give its name St. Loui= Park, Mlnti. Ars you interested in an�r way in any other Retail Beer or Liquor business? u„ ..��---�----- ,As sole owr3.erZ Partner? Stockholder? Othex°�vise? (Through loan of monsy9 etcs Explain) Address of such buginesa and nature of inter°est in same L°. Signature of appli ant State of' Mi.nnesota Nicholas Charles Boosalis ss County of f�msey Niaholas Chacles Boosa118 be�.ng first duZy awarna depose� and says upon oath that he has read the foregoing affidavit bearing his signature and laiowa the contents thereof; that the aame is true of his a�m. lrnowledga9 exeept a� to thnse matters there3.n stated upon inforn�ation and belief and as to those rriat�ers he believes them to be true. � Signature of applican Subsoribed and sworr� to before me thia�day of 19�p� , ,TOSEPH P. $tTM1VIERg Neiaxp p��c, Ramsep Couaey, Miaa, Nota Pub ic, Ramae�y County, Minnesota DQY Commission Ex�w Au�, g� 197$ My ao�ssion expires 19 s�� � �n�sorA) 3 S� Ct7UNTY OF Rl1�S�Y Nicholaa �ha__r1���oQsa�s being Pirst duly avrorn, doth depose and say that he make� this affidavit 3.n conneation �rith applica�ion for " On Sale" liquor licanae (" Sa1s" malt beverage license� i.n the �ity of 3aint Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant ia a reaident of the State of M:i.nnesota and has resided therein f nr ���rears, moatha, aad is n�r and has been for the time abo�re mentioned s bor� fide rei�ident of aaid State and that he now residea at 3018-1Oth Avertue 3outh � Addre�s Mi nea lis , Mitznes ota. C�.ty or Tov+ra � Subeoribed and s�orn, tes before me this ��day of_�� 19 �a \ , �tar b a, y County, Mi.nnesota My oommisaion expirea JOSEPH P. $UMMERS Nota:p Publia� AamseY County. Mina. �Y �a� F.:p�s Au�. 9, 1�77L CITY C� 3A�INT PAUI� DEPAItTA�NT UF PUB�TC S�FETY LfG�l'SE D�.VTS�ON Dats Ma 19 1�70 .,....�,... 1. �pplioatio�n for pn-sale ii or Licenae 2. Nams of applic�at pleto Mavroulis, 3hareholder, Speceburgsr, Inc. 3. Busineae sddress 2239 Ford Patkwey ��idence 3900 Co�ttaqe I.et�e, Minnetonka� Minn. �. �x�de �oantia, i� any Kin 's Inn of Hiqhland 5. Retail Beer Feds�rsl Tax St�mpw l�tai� Liquor Feder�l Ta� Stsmp��il� be u�ed, 6. thi vuhat floor looated 1 and 2 Nwnber of' roaans u�ed 4 . 7. Betvaeen afie►t orcas streats Cretin-Mt. Curt►e ��,Qh side of street Notth 8. Are pr�m3.sea n.ow cc�upi�d Y�hat business Hc�v long -,.,�..... 9. Ara pr9mi�ee xtow t�ocoupiec�Iiaw ],ang vaaant 10 month� previ,oua Uep Restaurant 10. Are you a xiew o�rner Y�e�ve yqu b�er� in a aimilar bueinesa be�ore No VPhere 1Phen 11. �re you going to opere►te this buainees persar�ally No , If not, ,�o �ri11 ope�►te �t Nicholas C. Boo�alis 3tock broker with john G. Kinnard and 12. Are you in any other busi,nee:s at the p�eaent tim� C�mQanX,� 740 North 3tar Center, Mpls. 1S. Have there been any aomplain�s against your operation of this �ype oP pl,aoe NO ...-�... �han �here I4. Have you ever had any lioenae revs�kee���lVhat reason and dat� 15. Are you a citizen of the United 3tatea Nat3.ve X Natura];isad ..*.....,� _..,........... 16. YPhere �rere yoa born 3t. Paul, Minnssota Date o� birth April 20, 1928 17. I. am �,rried. My (wife 's) (husband's) name and addre$a is Marala, 3900 COtteqe �_....... Lene Minnetonka Mlnn. 18. {If m�rried fex�ale� my msiden name is 19. St�sv 7.ong have you lived f.n. St. Pi�u]� Do not llvs in $t. Peul 20. Have �on evar be�n arrested Na V'iolat3:on of wha� criminr�l la�r or ordi�aaaoe �_. ........_ Minor trsffic violations may exist on record. 21. Are you a registered voter i.n fihe Ca.�y of S�. Paul Fea X �- l�o. (Ana�er f'�x11 and oo� 18te1 . The�e a �.�oat�a.ons are thorou hl cheakod e►zid aa sifioatiun wtl, be aauee for en3.a . 22. Number oP 3.2 places within two bloclos_____�Jone . . '� '�`�++�rMlM�ilrr�i 1�fi��IMIrI��.r.��r.� �. - � ' 23. Closest 5.ntoxieating liquor plaae. On Sale Pt1dQS's �'3" �� ,$;'�f���tQ�eA, : a � � 24. Nearest Church St. Leo's � 6 bixks Ne�r�st sonool 8t• �o�e - 6 bloCks ''�_� undecided pendtng cemodelinq �-��- . 25. Nwuber of' booths : T�bles _ �hair� St�a2�. :� � � . - . . .F��ii Y�..��ir:�..+r.+....r.� . ' . � . . . . . , .�R. .. . . 26. �hat ocscupation have veu f�llovoed for the p�st fi�e �ear�. (Give naaie� `v� �mploy�ers and dates a o employ�ed�) Stock broker with john G. Kinnerd and Com an 740 North Star Cm�t�r, �,�an olia, Mlnn. ., _�t : � �; � 27. Give r3ames and addre�ses of t�vo persons, reeidenta of St. �'aul,. l�a,����p� �t� �3ro+�t inf ax�tion Qonaerning you. g�,� George Vevoulis Address?03 Littwood Avenue, St, FeHI� Minn�aaota Name �udd 3. Mullaly Address�g�o onor Hldq:, $t..�p��l, M1Atu�� � � a r � ��' ,: j � �� ,,�; A $A � , . . . . s' Q� �.Ci'pp Zl � ,,� rw ; �`ta�s of Ma�.esOta� � �` � �#��� a � � �s ;� '.� ,;,�... � �;�� � Coun.ty of Raxnsey , , ° , °` �.� being first duly s�rorn, de��s� ,�q� iltt�,� upon oa h t at he has rea the Poregoing �tatement bearing his si�;aatt��is�$ 'kncr�rs � the con�ents thereoP, and that the sam� ia true of his own kno�+rledga e�� a� ta . � �' � .,�-� those ma�ters therein stated upon inform�tion and beli ad aa ta thoqe �t���s e believes them to be true. � , gnattare of Ap iQan Suba ribed and sworn: to before me 'bh i s �l da y of yy�•A� ��19�� -,r---�- . ota ubli , Ramse County, Muzn.esata My C 'saion expires _ �Note a These st,atement fnrms are in duplicate, Both copies must be f'uxly ��.�,1ed cu�, no�ta ized, and rsturned to the License Divisian.�� OSEP'H P. BtJNYME�g o:ar� ?�uhlic, Ramse4 A������� y Commiss:on k:xDuM sza� � �n�rnrESOTA) � ss CpUNTY OF RAMSEY Flato..11�6aurOU�i= being first duly a�rorn, doth depose and say that he mskes thia affidavit in conneation xith applioation for " On S�le" liquor licenae (" Sa1a" malt bsverage licenae) in the eity of 3aint Paul, Minneaota; that your aPfiant ia a resident of the State of �tinnesota and ha� reaided therein f'or 1��► year�, months, and 3.a nc�r and ha s been f or the t ime ab ove m�anti oned a b or� f ide ra�ident of sa ici Sta te and that he now residea at � Addre a s Mlnnetonka , MinnesotQ. City or To�+rn ,, , ` , . Subsori.bed and svr�rn to before me this_�_day of �i �_19 �O � � 1ics, Ramaey County, E�innesota I�y commission expirea JOSEPH P. SUMMERS Notary Public, Ramsep County, Minn. My Commiesion Exp�sea Aup. 3, 13�2. AFF ID�V IT B Y APPL ICANT FOR RETAIL BEER OR LIQUOR LICENSE Re a pn Sale Ljquor License Name of applicant S ceburger, Inc. Bu�iness address 2239 Ford Parkwav Are ��u the sole owner of this business?��e If note is it a partnerahip? corp�rationZ yg� , othar? Others interested in busi.ness, include those by loan of money, property or other�risea Name NiChnlas P_ fi�enall� Aaaress 522_8 F.san� eed anA H�?..3h,ar�lrier icholas C. Edina M innesota ,,,�T Boosalis �ni�-ipth Ave. 30� �ia�ehol�e� an� n�iCer Peter R. Theros 58Z0�c�eek�/aAe�ive Shareholder and officer Edina, Minnesota G�orge F. Theros 4266 Weeddale Shar�heldar and effiC� If a oorporationa give its nams St. Louis Park, Minn. Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Beer or Liqu�r buainesa? H� As eole ownsrl Partner? Stoel�older? Otherevise? (Through loan of money� etce Explai.n.) Addreas of' such bueinesa and nature of interest in same , � �,. ;� , ` tu e o appl cant State of Minnesota `� Plato I�I r�ulis ss C ounty �f l�msey Plato Mavroulis be9.ng first duly awarn9 deposes and says upon oath that he has read the foregoing affidavit bearing his signatu and kn�rs the contents thareof; that the sama is true of his oam ]�.owledgea exce-p�� to those mat therein atated upon inform�tion and belief and as to tkose m�� believes t o be true. % ,., ' GG . gnature of pplican Subsa °bed and sworn ta before me this day of 19�_ Not u ic, �r County, �nneaota � cs oznm�.s s i on ex i re� 19 JOSEPH P. svM�g � p Nota:Y Publia, Ramse4 C�n�, ��'ng' DLY Camm�s+loa ExDuM Au�• 3, 197�. C ITY OF 3A INT PAUL DEPART�NT OF PUBLIC S�AF�TY LICTNSE DNT$�QN �t°_,....,.1l�.�uc,�..�.�9�0...,... l. Applioa�ian for .. Licease 2. Nama of app�,iaant $ ebuc er Inc. 3. Businesa address 2239 Ford Parkway Residenoe SZ28 Evanawood Lana, Edfne, Minn. . 4. �rede aam�e, iP any Kinq'a Inn of Hiqhland 5. Retail Beer Federe�l Tax Stamp�t�il Liquor Fsdere�l Tax Stamp�11 be ueed. 6. L�i what floor loeated 1 and 2 Number of roasns uaed 4 � 7. Between wha►t oruss etreet����n_M�R��N�iNh3.oh side of atreet North 8. Are premises ¢ovv pccupiqd `9�� bu��neas How long 9, Are premises no� unoocupied�-I�aw 7.aag �oan� 1n�Qn�,� Previoue Uae Res�,�{�,r� 10. Are you a new wrner- �e��ve you been in a aim3lar buaineas be�4re No �Yhere �Ifhen 11. Are you going to operate thia buainees per�ona],ly u� , , I�P T � I . • IA �! 1�14�1 If not, y�o will operate i� Nicholas C. Booselis 12. Are you 3,n an.y other bueinea� a� the p�reaex�t tim�e Pies, Inc. , 908 Csntennial Pl. , Mpla. 13. Have there been any aomplaints against your operativn of this type oP place Np __..,._,..._.r, When '�lhere 14, I�Iave you ever had any lioe�se revol�ed NO �hat raaeon and date ��� 15. Are you a citi.zen of the United State� Na�ive X Idaturala.zed .,...'...._.., ..�...�,._....... 16. YYhere vuere you boxn 3t. Paul, Minne�ota D�t� of bir�h April 25, 1922. 17, I am married. My (wife's) (hasband's) name and addrese is Kaliops, 5228 Evanswood Lane, Edine, M inn�sote 18. (If m�rried �exa�►le) my m�iden i1ame ie 19. �Ivw long have you lived #�a S`�. Paul Dp npt live in St. Peul 20. Have you ev�ar been arxested NO Xiolatio� of what ar3m3,naL law qr ordizuinoa _..__.r.._.. ..__...,_ Minor trafflc vloletions ma extst on record. � ' 21. Are you a registered votar in the City of S�. P�►ul Y�s�� Na• ,,.__....,,... (Ana�uer full and aom le��l, Theee a l�.catio�.s are thorou hl chaoked arut �a lsificsatioa va�ll be cauae for ena.a . 22. umber of 3.2 places within t�vo bloaks ;__NoAe . ``< : ° I � '�^r^"'n"�.'wM�"�UMIl�.IFilll�l�M+•�r�r W r�.�.�r�.r.� . . 23. �loseat intoxicating Iiquor place. On 3ale �aQa�a {�f'P ��� ; �Yid ROS�n .____.. . �; 24, ea re s t Churc}�_ L.we'a — 6 hle�k s Nea res t Saho ol $t. L�O'� — f b1��� ' 25. undsalded D}�c�n� remodelCnq : umber of boaths a e Chaire StQO�,�. ...r�.;.�� .��--- 26. t oacupatian l�ve vou followed f or the psst fiee �ar�. (G3.ve �a�e�g � �%�►pl0y�srs nd date s s o employ�ed.) ' s �"��,= . .:�a ; �>. . : .... '1 '� . ies Inco orated 908 Centenniel P1nGe, M tnneapolis, M inn. 5540�,�ow�� � � ,.; . . � . � 27. ive names and addre�ses of ��ro person�, residents of St. �'aul, 1�3.zu�,��,_�� i�n� �3.v+� nformativn conaern.ing you. ame Geotge Vavoulis Address 703 Llnwood A�vsnue, St. P's��l, Mlnn. �,� judd 3. Mullaly Addres� Deqte@ Of HOCiOt' Bldg. , $��,�1u1, Mlnn. ;. � ��h :� ,,W� .; • �� :� , i ure o APP Qan �'� ate of Minnesota� � � ' , ., sa 't� `' ,�.�� oun.ty of Ramsey � .�-- M Ni 18s P. 3tren lis being first duly sworn, depvi�el� .�t� ��y� � pcm oe� h that he has rea t e foregoing statement bearing his sigbettu�. �tc� ]aa�o� he eontents thereo�', and that the same is true of his o�vn.��.a�rledge;���# �� �a` hose �ttera therein stated upon iriformstion and belief and as ta tho�p ;�'�era e belxeves them to be true. � ture of Appliesan .: Subsa ibed and sworn to before me � this day of 19� 0 Nota Pu lic, Rams County, Minneso�ta �y C 'saion expires _ (Note These a�atement forms are in dupl.icate. Both copies must be fRx11y..�iY�ed outj npta ized, and returned to the License Division��r : ASEPH P. SVMMERS �T. ,� ,,;�,,... F�,,isey CountY. .�ima tlu3. • 1osZpx������s,� :�t Ccmmis�, � .NY AFFIDaV IT BY APPLSCAN2 FOR RETA IL BEER OR LIQUOR LICENSE Re a Ort �1e Lictuor Licsenae Name of applicant Spacsburqsr, Inc. Bu��.ness addiess 2239 FOtd Parkway A�°e �rou the sole owner of this businessR��, If nota is it a partnership? corporation? y�g , other? Others in�erested in business, inelude those by loan of money, property or otherwises Name Plato Mavroulls Address 3900 Cottage I.ana, xow 3harehold�r Nicholas C . Boosalis 3018-1gt�i �Le l�o: Shareholder and officsr Peter R. Theros 5820 Creek Valley Drive Shareholder and officer Edine, Mlnn. Georq� F. Thsros 4266 Wooddals 3harehold•r and offic�r 3t. Louis Perk, Mlnn. If a a orporation, give its nams Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Beer or Liquor business? NO As aole awner? partner? Stoekholder3 (}thex°wise? (Through loan of money9 etcm Explai.n) Addresa of' such bu$iness and nature of intex°est in aame � � � ' S° ture of applicant state of �.nnesota lcholaa P. 3trenqll: ss C ounty of �msey Nlcholaa . St�nqli: be3.ng first duly sworna deposes and says upon oath that he has read the foreg��ng affidavit bearing hia sign�ature and knmevs the contenta thereof; that the same is true of his own. lrnawledgea axcept a� to thDSe matters therei.n stated upon infarmation and belief end as to those matters he balieves them to be trae. l -L�J S ture of applicant Subscs�°ibe and sv�orn to before me - this�G�,�day of 19� N ry blic, R�mae�r County9 Minnesota No a YHPubh'�m e4 C°tln 3,?�irn. �IST a OT�TL13 3 7.Ori ex pi re$ 19 �y Co�sion FacPU� Au4• . s�a� s� ��so��,) � ss CaUNTY OF AAMSEY _ _ _ _ I4�chol�s P. Strsnalis be3.ng firat duly auorn, doth depose and say that he makes this affidavi� in connsction with applioation f or "Qn Ssle" liquor licenae (" S'ale" mal't beverage lioense) in the �ity of 3aint Pt�u1, Minnesoba; that your affiant is a ra�ident of the State of Minnesot� and haa resided therein for year�, months, and is noPr and has baen for the tune �ba�re mentioned a bo� fide reiaident of aaid S�tate and that he now residea at 5228 Evanawood n� Edina Minneaota + Aaarese Edin� , Minnesota. C i y or T o�+rn Subsaribed and sworn, to before me this �iday of 19 �a a b ia, Ramae County, fi[Qinnesota �Iy commission expires JOSEPH P. SITMMEAS ,��,�� NotorY �ubli onREx ypueaCAuQ 3� i'v y� 8Qy Commias►