248939 - 248��9
PRESENTED BY rjg� ],9� 19'70
R�;SOLVEDt �hat application for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License issued to
the eelebrity Lounge, Inc. st (old eorporation) at 655 Selby Avenue
to the Celebrity younge, Inc. (new corporation) at the same address,
and their application for Restaurant, Off Sale Ma,lt Beverages and
Cigarette Licenses at the same address� be and the same are hereby
granted on the con�$ition that within �� days of this d�te said
applicants shsll comply with all requirements of the Bureaus of Fire�
Health, and Police and the License Inspector pursuant to the St. Paul
Le�islative Code and all other ap?�licable ordin�nces and laws.
MAY 21 197:0
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19—
Yeas Nays
Carlson �Y 2 � 19��
,��_ Approved 19—_
Meredith �n Favor � O
1 CbClO ,
Spr�.fka � �t1►l���
Tedesco A gainst
� �,�� �,..oM�
g���rso;;} PUBLISHED MAY 2 319?0
* ' � ' O
Capital of Minnesota ��
�e a�ti�e�t o ablic c�a et
p �
POLICB Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH
ROGER M. CONWAY. Depaty Commissioner
DANIEL P.Me LAUGHLIN, Lieense Insycetor
�y 19, 1970
Honorable Ma.yor and City Council
Saint Paul, Minnesota
Currently the Celebrity L�unge, Inc. are holders of �n
Sale Liquor License No. 7792, expiring Jarsuary 31, 1971, at 655
Selby Avenue, wh3ch is on the North side of the street between
Da,le and St. Albans Streets.
Zanthia A. Stone and Lillian Bellamy are the two officers
and stockholders and they join the new ownership officers and
stockholders who arill operate under the same corporation name,
Celebrity Loung�e, Inc., in making application for the transfer of
the above license from the Celebrity Lounge, Inc. (old corporation)
to the Celebrity Lounge, Inc. (new eorporation) at the same address.
�he new corporation also makes application for Restaurant,
Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigaxette licenses for the same location.
This location has been licensed for a similar business
sir.ce December i961. The preaent licensees, Celebrity Lounge,Inc.
ha�ie held the license since March 1965.
The offieers of the new corporation ownership axe William
Page, President and `i'reasurer; and Mary �. Page, Vice-president and
Secretary. The stockholders are 4lilliam and Mary E. Pa,ge.
Mr. Page is self-employed in the Rea1 Estate Business and
ha,s been Manager and Bartender at this place of bc�siness under the
formerly ownership.
Mrs. Pa�e is a housewife and has no outside employment.
Very truly yours, ,
� . //�`�"�C�
���f , �
License Inspector
' ��7C � SA INT PAUL
p�P�►j�NT aF FvsLre sJ1FETY
1'�ts �' 4�r �.9�
� � � »��-.. ' .- . r�..-.^ . . .- r - . w�+�r�w�
. -. x„•r,y � . ,,...., . ..,
. . _ �,,,., -�- ' ' , . .
�3:t _ c_'3 -3�j� g :,�- • i �� � � �+
-,r— �
1. �,ppiioatidn f or � . ��e �t.�i.l Lxqnvr. `. . � . . _ .ioenae� �
.�-�- —
2. Nams of aPPlicant Willia� . . Pa�� • tr�sid�t wd Tr�aw�r o! C�l�ioarityy Lw��, Ime•
3. Buainess addrese 6�5 �s1�9 �fe�ei �t.Ps��eaidenve �'� �� ���ss St. Panl� �[i�m.
4. Trade nautie, if e►ny Cslsbrit�r I�e�unge; �e. -
5. Retail Beer Federal T�x S�a� �tail Liquor Fede�a�. Tax Sta�•5�Q �.11 be u�ed.
6. L�i wha� flo�r �.aoated rfrst t�loor Number of roc�s n�ed � O ' C
7. Bet�Rea vA�a� Q�osa stree�a �a1Q and �t.Al.b+u�s Nh�.ch ea,de of etreet �orth
8. Are premisee naw oacup�ed V•° 'V�hat bus3.ness Liqvor g� long � ��'�
9. Are premi.ses naw unDaoupied � I�o�uv 7,ong vacant •` Previ,ou+� Uee �
10. Are you a ae�v o�n.er Yea �ve you been �.xt a �imilax bus3.nesa before �o
�fhere '"' �Ilhen �'
11. Are you going ta opers�e this bueine�s persaa�s�.ly Ias ,
If not, who wi.11 operate it ....
12. Are you ix� any other bus�ness at the p�e�en� t3�a t��
13. Have �hezrer beax� an.y aoanplaints ag�ina� yaur cperation of th3.s type of place ��
�hen "' Whexe ��
14. �iave you ev�r had any lioetase revoked �Q �hat rea�am and date Nd
1 ,
15. Are you a aitizen of the United Statee?e� Nat3.ve Yes Naturala.zed
��.. �...
16. VYhere �w�sre you box�n Ha$tiMr I+I��eisd te of b�.rth May l� 39Z?
. � � . �. .,....,.�-..,�.,+
17. I, am m�rried. My (wif�'s) (�s�l�e-) ��e a�a ada�s� ;.e � F. ?�ag�
$b? Ha�e �v�au�, �t.. Panl, I!t�ta�aota5 51�1t _
18. (Tf ma rrie d Pema le) my ma iden raame ie ""'
19. �r long have you �.�.ved in St. P�u1 1� 3►rars
20. Have yoa ever been arreeted Te� �Ti.olatia� of v�hat crimi.�m�. �,aw or ord3ne►noa
.,-......_._.. _.......,..
To the best of applicant's knowledg�, the offenses wer.e considered misdemeanors
2l. Are you a �eg3.atered voter in the Ctity of S�. P�u], xN Ye� Ro.
(Ana�uer ful�.y �nd oarapletiel�. Th�$e a 1�cationa are �ha�rou h]. checkad and sr�
�alsificatio�. �r11�be aauee �or en .
. .
22. Number of 3,2 places within two blocks �Qn•
23. Closest �.nto�icsating liquor p],aae. �Dn. Sale Y Bl�ok �� 8a7.� � D�Otk :
' �
24 Nea re s t Church � F'��lq Naa res t Scho ol 5 � � �� •
25 Number of booths � Tables ��' ' Ckaair� N�1• 3toola �'� `
26,� ��hat ocaupe�tion have vou followed for the psst fie�a yesrs, (Give n�m.ear o� e�ap�,oysra
. . .
. .
and dates ao�employ�ed.) , ,, _
! , •
Rtal �etate Brok�r ••► 8�1,!' e�nplo�d � .
_ L � � � :
' z;.
I . _
27� Gi�e names and addreasea of t�ro peraons, reaides�ta o#` S'�, �'aul� ylitin;� i�hp i�►�: giy+e
inf ormativn Qonaerning you.
N�ma l�r. Donald 5m�.th Address Libe�rty 3ts't�► H�k� Sa�l.l�$ and S�l��,
,, . � `
Name Mr. LeRoy Thielen Address �5� �lpper i��,em Road� Sts �'�1, 1d3rtet�rAap�a .
;;<,. .
_. , � t � � . � . 4
. . igna ure o ��� iQan �';�
�"�tate of �3.x�s�esota� � • :�`� _ �;
� County of �iamsey ) .
�f';'I� • pA�� being f�.rst duly s�varn, depsse� ax�d ae►yr�
upon oa�h t he has raa he foregoing statement bear3ng his �igAa�a}�s s�d l�no�rs
�he contents thereof, and that the same: is true of his o�n. lc�,o�rledga,.e7cce�at aa t4
those �ttera therein stated upon information and belief aad as to thp�e m�t��rrs
he bel�eves them to be trueq �
t� ! 4,
i�na ure of Appliaa�.t Zl sim . ps�
acx�ibed and s�vorn to before me
t i 7�1- day of M�' ls 70
� t
N tar Publzc, eY Ye Muanesota
a�''Lin d. L�rd� _
A� Cc�uniasion expires peQ�ber 28��973 _
{ ote s These atatement forms are in dup].icate, Both eopies must be Fully filled out�,
fltarized, and returned to the Lioense Divisian.�~
Res � Sale Ret�i1 LiQuor' yioen�e
Name of applicant Williaiu . Paga • Pre�mident a�nd Tr�sarer of Gml�b.rit� Loung�, Ino�
Bu�iness a�3drees b55 selby .Avenve, St. Paul, Minneaota 5,�7.Ot�
Are you the sole owner of this business? � e If not� is it a partnerahip? •
corporation4 Yes , ot�her? '
4thers interasted in business, include those by loan of money, property or otherwisea
Name Mary E. Page Addres� �2 HaBve A�e. g� Vica Pr�a. �5ecretar�r and
,. . - ------- -+ n---� -p r�ctora
' �e e i y a�ge, o•
and ao-o�ner of _a,�or,�,orat�
� a o Ce e it� Lovnga�
If a cs orporation, give its name Ce1e�x'ity Loungei Inc•
Are you interested in an�r way in any other Retail Baer or Liquor busineas? No
As sale owr�.er? -- partner? �"' Stoeskholder? "'
Other�ise? (Through lo�n of monsy, etcs Explain) �nn�
pddreas o#' such bueiness and nature of interest in same ���e
` �
Signature of appli ant a��
State of Minnesota)
C ounty of �msey
W�'I� � �A�� being first duly sw�orna deposes and says upon oath
that he haa read the foregoing affidavit bearing his aignature and ]�.iaws ths eontents
thereoP; that the same i� true of his awn I�o�+rledge9 except a� to thase matters therei.n.
stated upon information and belisf and as to those m�tters he believea them to he true.
$ignature of ap�_liaw �����
Subao ib d and s�orn to bafore Yne
this day of Ms�y 19 70
Notax°y ublic, Rame ounty, nnesota
Martin J� yyci�
�dy aommission e�cpires Deaembe�' 28 19 ?3
s�a� � ��rrESOrA)
� ss
bein.g first duly s�rrorn, doth depose
and say that he makea thia affidavit in conneotion with application for
"�� Sals" 3iquor license ("�` S`ala� malt beverage license� in the �ity of
Saint Pau1, Minnesota; that your affiant is a reaident of the State of �inneso�a
and hae resided thersin for �s yeare, � months, and is
naw and has bsen for the time above z�aentioned � bor� fide rei8ident of said S'�ate
and that he no�r resides at ��'` �a�� ��enue! S�� Paul�
� Addrees
Ra�eey �OVntp , Mi�n.esota.
Citp or To�ro.
�" - �
W�,Zl�.ata . �'a�,�
Subsaribed and a�r�rn. to before me
thisl, �day of ��Y 19 70
otary lalio, Ra,m aunty, nneaata
�Iartin d. Iyden �c�t�er 28� 1973
My oo�isaion expirea
LIC�TS'� DNISIt7N Date � �� �� ?0
1. Appliaation �or tlet-�ala �tai2 Liqvar - - - Licenae
2. Name of spplicar�,t M� �' ��e ' �ice ?resfd�t and S�eretary oi' C�l�brity Lounge� I�+o.
3. Busi�.eas addres� �� �e�-ba► A�emv�� :�t. �,sidar�oe �2 Ha�v• As�nue, SL. Paul, �eaota
4. Tre�de na�s, i� a�y ee].�ba�ity Lovng�, Inc.
5. Retail Be�r Fedexal Tax Stam�� �tail Liquc� Fedexal Ta� $t�a�p �����,1 be uaed.
6. t� what floor located ���t �°Or Nwnber o� roaaas uaed � rooma
7. Betwaen what arua� stz�eete ��• ��� �t.Albaris ��Qh aide Af atreet N°��
3Eaa L3.quor lt� yeara
8. Are pxs�3.ses nc�r ocaupied 11hat bu�3.r�.ess Horo�r long
, ,_-.�.,.... _
9. Are prern��e� na�r c�.occupiad��` How long roacan� � Pxevi.ous Uee �
.......... ,
10. Are you a new o�er Y.e� Have you beer� ia a si.m�.lar b��iaaess before ��
�fhere � i�hen �"`
11. Are you goi,n� to operate thia businesa persox�].ly � �
If not, v�o will operate it �'�1�3am , �'ar,e
12. Are you in any othe� busineaa at the �reavx�t tims �Q
13. Have �here been az�y oom��.aints againat your operatf.on of th3s type oP placo �a
� � .w.. . _� � - .
�he3a 1Nhere
14. Hav9e you ever had any liaense re�oked �� What rea�on and da�e +
15. dre you a CX'�1Z9T1 of the United Sta�es ��� Nat3.ve "Y�$ Nataralized �
��.. ......_.-..�
16. 1Nh.ere vwere you boarx� �.atti�sbergi M�,ss, Aate o#' birth Agri.l 2t3� 1935
17, I� am m�rried. My (�) (huaband's) name and address ia
�1111aq+ , t'aqe,. 86� Raoue �Avenue, �t. pau�,, �13n�ee�ota�
18. (TP marr�.ed Pemale) my an�iden n�ame ia �r'Y �• �1}.L�ts
19. �r long have ypu 7,ivec� i.�. 3t. Faul �� i'sa�t�a ;
2Q. Have �roa ev�r baen axre�ted �� Yiolatian of what or�i�s]. ].a�r ox ordixu�►ace� No=fit
...,....�.�....� ....._.._....
21. d,re you a regist�red aoter in the C�.ty of $�. P�ul �°i Yes � Na.
(�naw�er fulx and oam letol . The$a a 1i�e�'��.ons are thorou h�. aheckad as� �a
laifica�tion. vri7, be e�►use �or eni.e► .
� � ' � Y . . - . . . . . . � . ..
2 Number oP 3.2 places within t�ro blocks . �oAe
...._._. .:
23 Closest intoxioating liquar placse. �Dn Sale 1 Blbok- �� ��� 1 H3pwlt
24 Nea re e t Church � ��o�ks Nea re s t Saho 01 5 or 6 bd.o0]t� �
25� Number oY baoths i5 Tables �ott� Chair� Norst, S�oola _ , �
26 �ha� oacupation have vou followed f or the p�st fi� �rssre, {Give riames �a3` �ploye�e
and datss ao employed.) �
Hou aewif e , .
� .
. .., ., _ .
27,II Give namee and addreases of- �wo peraons, reaidents of i5�, Pau].,: �;,�.wh� �a� g3.�e
infox�tion con.oern.ing you.
I�Ir: Doe�ald �3�.th Lib��y St►a,ta Bata�R 9nelkirrg �nd Sslb3►i
Name Addreas , �►
I�� _ _ ,�.t. k'��3��-�i��r�sat� �...�
�I Name�'1ot► N. �tcme Address 373 il�'• Tdeho Av�t+sy ��• Tiw1,� l�irn�eeota :
, :
�I --
, �
ignature o App ican � ' �, �r�
II� Sta te of' bd9.nn.e s ota
�ss �
County of Ramsey � �
T�AI'�1' �'. PAt}g being first duly s�arn, depo�ee a�d aey�s
upon oath t he has rea he fbregoin.g statement bearing hia $ig�tu}�O and I�o�va
the contents thereof, and that the sam� is true o� his er�m l�owledge eaoapt eia to
thoae matters therein stated upon infor�tion and belief aad as t�� thos�e ��ter�
he beSa.eves them to be �x°ue.
ignature of ppliQant K }?� p��
Subs ribed and sv�rorn to befare me
this � day o� � MI�,� 19 ?� �
� .� .. 1'`f. �' '� ' !
` T. y Fuu!�., i<��,,._c, C.,:�, ;� .:...;t,
ota y Publie, 8amsey o. ty, xnnesota '�..y Cc::r�zi�sic;; �,,:.�e, ��:r�:::+r �3, �3i�
�y C '�sion expires
(Note Theae statement Poz�as are in 8uplicate. Both eopies mus� t�e ftiilly filled cut�,
nflta ized, and returned, to the License Divisian.� .
Re s th� Sale t�tail ?r�iqnor Licsenae
Name of appiicant Ms�ry �. Page � �saratary and Vic� Fr�sd.d�t os aa..�rsty i.onn�., z�.
Bu�iness address 655 s.�.�► A��ye, St. Pavl� NiraA�aota
Are �rou the a�le awn.er of this business? No e If' not9 is it a partnership? M
corporation? YH8 , o#sher? '�
4thers intereated in bus�.ness, inelude those by loan of money, property or otherwiaes
Nama iiilliam . Page ,�ddres� 862 Hagus �venuai Hawr Prea.end Tr�as�tr'eacc' ot
" . su , Q,�..o�,� ot ao�rporat�
If a corporation, gige its nama C�lebrit,y Lounge, Inc,
Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Bser oz° Liquor businesaR �
Aa aole aa�mer? �- Partner? "" S�oekholder? �'
(?thex�wise? (Through loan of moneya etca Explai.n.� N
�ddreas of such buainess and nature of intereat in same M
Signature of pplican� ; � �r� P�g�
State of' M:inna s ota�
�s s
C ounty of �msey
MARY E. PAGE being first duly sv�arn.a deposes and says upon oath
that he has read the foregoing affidavit bearing his signature and lrnows the contents
thereof; that the same is true of his o�m lai.o�wledge9 except as to those matters therein
stated upon in.forn�tion and belief and as to those matters he believes them to be true.
Signature o£ ap cant M�y p��
Subsor' d and: sworn to bafore me
this � day of I++�SS 19 T�
` MARTIN J. Ll'��,�
Notary Pubiic, Ramsey Co_�t;, F;�i��,
Notary ublic, oun.t 9 $�C5.nn85ota �Y. Cotnmission Expires December 28, 3�73
I�y ao�n.mission expirea 19
s�i� � ��so�A)
� s�
��Y �• p�►�� being firat duly a�ox�n, d�th depose
and say that � he makes thia �f fidavit in conneetion xith applioation f or
" (hn- Sale" liquor licen8e ("� `Salen malt beverage license) in the �ity pf
3aint Paul, E2innesota; that your aPfiant is a resident �f the 3tate of Minnesota
and has resided therein for ly years, months, and is
noor and has bsen �or the time �bove Yttentioned a bona fide reaident of said State
and that a he now residea st ��2 f� � v�nv�
� Addrea s
St. Pata]. , Minnesota.
Cit�r or Tovm
Ma�y ::, ag
Subsaribed and sw�rn to before me
this �� � day of M€�y 7C�
v ` l �
otary b1ia, Rama un , nnesata
My co�ission expires
f No�ary Public, Ramsey Countl�. �.tiR�.
M� Commission Expires December 28. 1973
r .
�tA'�' �,� 3.g7"0
To The HonQrable '�ay�ar
an d
±'�ity C auncil oP the �.ty o� it. Pav3,
Coi�Tt Hause
�t. -• aul, �?inrre�ota
Plc�ase be advised that I, as ox�an�r o`' �x1.1 corporat� stock of
Ce1eY�eity Lounge, �nc. a A'�.nn�4o�a carporaticn, hav� sold artd
aaaign� a1.1 �ry �i�ht, title anca i?�-Cere�t in anu to said cor—
porave �tock �tc►s
WTLr.ZA�i PAG�, aind
A�iARY �;. PAQ��
and I, thersfors� requ�st �Y�at the C ity C ouncil of the City
of St. I'au1� M�.n�aesota� apprave tne said s�le and txansfer
c,f s�i� a�rporate stoek to 1�9.17.iam , �?a�e a�d Mary �:. Pa�e
and that the �n—�ale Lie�c�c�r �ic�ns� loo�t�d a►L 655 Selby Av�nue�
St. Paal, �inna�e►t�.' and op�ated under C�lek�i'Ly Lcunge, Inc,
�o ref2ect their nam�s as �wner�.
Respe�fu 11y yvu rs�,
C:EL�H�TY I.btT�{�E, I�'C.
�Y � � � -
�an t�i � � , St�, Pr�ei en
2�y �� ��
Ta Th� I�onorabl� Maypr
an d
Citv �ouncil of the City of` St. P�,ul�
�o�art HousQ
St. Pau1, Minnesot�
Please be advised that w�� W�.11iari , F�e and �lary �. Pa�e�
�ave ��archased a11 corporate stack or' Celrebrit� Loung, Tnc-
orporated' a 1�Sinn�sota cor�oa�ation, �hich corporation �!3 th�
o�•ner of the On Sale Fetail Liqut�r License lc�cated a'� 655
Seltr,r .Aver�u�, �t. Pa�l, M�,nn�oota, il"bl�i ?.�NTHZ� A. �`P(1A3E� sai�
stoak-holder of saic; cv�parat�,on; �nd
�� therefore� requ�st the C#,ty Council of the Cfty af �t.
Paul to ar�prov� sai��i �ale �n� transfer oP �a�.d co�pora�e
stoek to ��, �nd that ovr namea b� �a r��I�►�ted a�es��Td3.ng�,y.
���pectFul_ly pourg,
�, � �,.
d�l�l i�m . ?' .��
\." °".,��( �
�.��y.�.'�"..�„_ ...�.�....
sry �,. ag