248938 OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK " '���� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Lze�rsE cor�� ' COUNCIL ESOL TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � `� `�J 27-1 1970 CO M M I551 ON E DATF aESOLVED: That application� for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License issued to The Trend Bar, Inc. at 1537 University Avenue to Dick's Trend Bar, Inc. at the same ad.dress and their application for Sunday-On-Sale I,iquor, Restaurant, Tavern, Off Sal.e Malt Bever�ge and Cigaxette licenses for the same Iocation, be and the same axe hereby granted on the condition that within ,.�� days of this date s aid Dick's Trend Bar, Inc. shall comply with all requirenents of the Bureaus of Fire, Health� and Police, and the I,3cense Inspector pursuant to the St. Paul Legislative Code and all other applicable ordinances and laws. " ��,: � � �pY 21 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays Carlson , MAY 2 1 ���� ��, Approved 19—_ Meredith �/ � � Tn Favor po*nrann ' Sprafka � ��tllf� Mayor A gainst T�esco PUBLISHED MAY 2 3 1970 ::� ......;x:: Mr. Vice Yresicles�t (�eterson) � CITY OF SAINT PAUL ����� • Capital oP Minnesots , �e a�ti�e�t a k�lic c�a et . � � PoLiCE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commisaioner POLICE AND FIAE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, Depoty CommLsioner � DANIEL P.Me LAUGHLIN, Lieense Inspeetor r'aJ L�� �970 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul,Minnesota � Gentlemen: Dick�s Trend Bar, Inc. is joined by the Trend Bax, Inc. in making application for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License No. 7709, expiring January 31, 1971� f�om the licensees� The Trend Bar, Inc. at 1537 University Avenue to Dick's Trend Bax, Inc. at the same address. Dick's Trend �3ax, Tnc. also make application for Restaurant, Tavern, Off Sale Ma1t Beverage and Cigarette Licenses and also includes Sunday- On-Sale Liquor License which is a new license for this location. This location has been licezsed for a simil�,r business since 1934 and the present licensees at this loc�tion since 1962. xichard McEwen, President, is the sole officer in the corporation and he is also the sole stockholder. For the past 12 years Mr. McEwen ha.s been manager of t�� food cha,in store, National �'ood �tores, Inc. of Hopkins, Minnesota. Ve�y truly yours, _ ���I�C � ��� , � �' License Inspector �yl�� �O , C ITY C�F SA INT P,�UL DEPARTA�1�� flF PtTBLIC S�AF'ETY LICEI�TSE DIV�SION Da te .�- �� 19 7 0 -.►..... 1. A,pplioation. for L3cenae 2. Nams of sppl3a�at �. C �C,�s -�.1 � — j,�l � � � ,�.yr'JC, 3. Busines� addxes�_ IS31 UI�i V� �-v� Rea idenae�]Z,� L -N L u Z, � 4. Trsda name, if any lc�cs � —N ct �A .1'a�. 5. Re�ail Bser FQdersl Tax Stamp Reta,�.l L�quor �ederal Tax Sta�n���3,11 bv ua�c1, 6. C`�i v�3iat f].00r locsated �� �' �j���umber of roaaus used �►e�� �- , �....._..,._ 7. Bet�aeen �at orosa s�ree�s - yPhich �ide o� $treet N (,� 8. Are premises no�r Qoaupied �Ih,at business S � Hc�r lo� ��-- .�.�.� �, g �s 9. Are premi�ee r�ov�r unaQaupied Haw long vacar�t Previoua Use 10, Are you s aew o�mer_ �p�j I�ae you been in a aimilar bueineae befarq Aap ---�-----• Where 1Vhen 11, Are you going to operate thia bu�iness pereonally , IP not, who will ope�te it 12• Are you im any other bu�ine�s at tha p�eaen� tit�ra�� ..�...�..�.�.�....+ 13. ffave there been any oomplaints against your operation of thi� type oP plaae �... 1Vhen lllhere I4. Iiavs you ever had any lioer�se revoked what reas�on and da�e _.__.�..__.� 15. Are you a aiti�en of �he United Statea �11."S Native,S,��.-^S Natural�.zed � ��r�ir'� F�rF��..r 16. 1Nhere w�ere you born�{��.Qj.l��S�-.:...�. De►t� of birth �' Z I°�.� 17. I am � m�rried. ]�y (wife`s� (huaband'a� name and addresa ia���(��d����� � .� C IZ l''N i� � � �/�c•�a �'.r t � 3 18. (I�' m�rried female) my msid�n �,ame ie How 1on have u live 3aa St, P�►ul Iq 19. g YQ � �,..1�.+.����g._._..r.. . , , ,.. ... V 20. Have �roa evoBr bsen arreated p Violation of what orima,r�l ].aro� or ordis�anoe -,-------,-- -,..-.,...._ 21. ,�re yoa a regis��red voter in �he City oP S�, Pl�ul l/ Yes No. (Answer full and oom letel . The$e a ],ica�3.ox�s are thorou'h� ohook�d a�;d e�x� aification �rl 1 be oauae for en . i � � � 22. Num�er oP 3.2 plaees �rithin two blocka �n/e� • . . . n I +�w+�Mi+r+4+iAY I��IIi�IYMfl�'S?�l�+ 23. Clo est �.ntoxicating liquor p]aoe. On S�1e �,�J j'�,��) .T�'�' Salm� ,��gr((f /� � 24, Nea st Church � �g •— Nearest Sahool � .zS�p� r , ; �..T��.��� �,�,. ...�.�—.� 25. Nuu�sr of booths '� T�bles �.Z. Chaira �'O Stoo�.a, � . ' . . Mr+l� . . 26. �Itha occupation have wou fo7.lov�d for the psst five yaars. (Give ns�e�t e�` �Imploy�sra ana aates o employed.) . f � ItJ � d�leL`'`$ G��JC- s — !2 3 , � t , � ,.R � . 27, Giv names and addrseses of t� persons, residents o�` S�. �u�, ��y��� �t�i; �iv�e inf xmation eonaern3ng you, N� „�. D. l"tL'IAIIPICGIS Addrese '" �G���-� Z�Z Z ? Nam� � Address �3 E" 11/ � � - .r , � g 3�t e,:,� �- ��' igna ure o app icsan Sta e of Minne s ota� : .,,, ; ,_,�, ; , � ss� �5 �`����� Co� ty of Ramsey � � � � � , r being first duly s�rorn, deposd��t1 ax�t BAy�a up hat he as rea e foregoing statament bearing his s3�tt� ��td �q,oxs � the contents thereof, and �hat the sam� is '�rue of' h.ia ve�n. lmc�rladga s�e� 4a tc► f tho e matters therein stated upon inf'ormation and beliaf and as to thbte �,�t��r+� � -�. he eS�eves them to be �rue. � r Sigr�ture of Ap Iioant ' Subacri d and sworn t4 before me this �' day of 19� . IJia ublie, mse Coun.ty, M�xanesflta �� C 'ssion expires ��'H �. wEtt: � e n n!y, Mlnrt {l�ote s �hese statement Poi�s'�`are `in"$up"lie&��;���oth eflpias m.ust be f1,t11y t3.1�od out, nvtari ed, and re�urned to the License Divisian,�'r ; . I I , AFF IAAV TT B Y APPL ICANT � FOR RETA IL BEER OR LIQUOR LICENSE Re a Sale LiQenae Name of applicant �L� � C � — ' � /lJ� ,�i9�� �?, Busineas address�s�� �Il�� l). !–WC.' t�.e� Az°e �rou the sols owner° of this business? a If n4ta is it a partnership? corporation?�_ - � ,, o:�her? . Others interested �n busi.ness, inelude those by loan of' �x►oney, property or otheru�rises Namel�. �1�bCLGC�I.� Address ��,µL Haw �d���/ � 1 . M�I�-I��o� ��8b Sfa��bu���: l.�� G�Qcd..�-�., If a csorporation, give ita name �tc..�<g_�C�1�, �j�}I� �U` • Are you interes�ed in an�r way in any other Retail Baer or Liqu�r businese? �p As sole o�rasrl Partner? Stoekholdex°? Othe�se? (Thraugh loan oP money, etca Explain.) �,ddress of such buainess and nature of interest in same M� Signature of applicant St�,t� of 2�nnesota sa C oun.ty of F�msey bei.n� first duly sworn9 deposes and says upon oath that he haa read t e foregoing aff davit bearing his signature and ltne�ta the content� thereof; that the same is t�°ue af hie awn lrnc�wledge, except as to thuse matters there2n atated upon inPox�nation and belief snd as to those tters he believes the to be true. $igna uz°e of applicant Subsoribed and sworn to befmre me thie � ay of 19 �� 1 No ary ublic, �r County, Minnesota KENN�;H ,J, yyEr� My oommission expires��Pub��c, �t�+98�n Cou�ty, M►�en. cb. I�,1974 s�� � �n�sar�� CtnINTY OF AA�SEY � �$ � l � (.=N � being fir�t duly avrorn, doth depose and say that he makea thia affidavit in connection �rith applioation fc�r " Sale" liquor license (" Sale�' malt beverage license� in the �ity of S�int Paul, :Minneaota; that your affiant ia a reaident of` ths State of �Iinnesota and has rssided therein f'or '�i ye�z�sd �D mo�nths� aud is n�r and has been for the time abarre n�ran�ioned a bor� fide resident of said State and that he now reaides at ,�, � C - t' � Addreas ,J 7 �J.l J� , Mihn.e s ota. Cit�r or Town . � Subsoribed and aworn to before me tMis � day of 19 � . ot�a blia, ey Co ty, �innesota �{ERIV�i�°�'t�f .�. `E`Jh"�' My commiasion expirsa ��t�r'��'',t��,��, ��.$,�r,n���. r,�c,t.�. �rr��ra Ex v,. :n9��.;4 �zt�e F�:�te. �%t.r 1 ys•i _ w dRFIDAVIT FOR SUNDdY LI�IIOR LICENSE APPLICATION Nama RLvhard llofi�s� Reaidenoe Addresa 728 W. Larpet�etu' Ave. Lioensee 3vatida�r-On-�ale-Lic�ntor Addreaa of Businesa 1'�3'� �.versi�� I hereby apply for a Special Sunday I,iquor licenae. I have a Restaurant �C�t(�rosa oat one) licenae with aeat�;ng aapaoity for 6!! p1n8 _ peoplee , 3igned /J�kt.Q h�rd MeE'�A. P�Ae s./ Dl,qr�� Tt*er�d Har. Ind. S'Eate of ��nn.escrta) )SS C otmty oP Rameey ) � G'Il being Piret duly �rorn, depoaea an �ays upon uath tha he haa rea th,e furegoing affidavit bearing hia �ignatu�^e and -�iv�re the oontents thereof� that the aame ie true of his awn knvwledge, exoept ae to those �tters there� a�ated upon infoxznation and belief an.d as to those mattera he bel.ieves them �o be true, Signature of ap licant Sub��ri:bed,and srovorn t befar�e me thia v� da� of 19� -G��n.t o Aiotar°Sr bl , sey Coiuxtq, °x�n s ta My ocm�mis i expirea �o ��S— 1s 7a DOROTHY J. P,AUNKELWITZ Notary PuClic, Ramsey County, Minn. My Commission F,xpi[e�Qc,t,�.l9ZQ � • _ , � May 1970 License Inspector of City of St. Paul : Department of Public Safety Public Safety Building lOth and Minnesota Streets St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Re: License of The Trend Bar, Inc. 1537 University Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota Genttemen: The undersigned corporation has entered into an Agreement of Sale and Purchase with Dick's Trend Bar, Inc. , a newly formed Minnesota , corporation, for the sale of substantially all the assets of the under- signed corporation, including, the on-sale liquor license and other licenses issued for the operation of the business at 1537 University Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. A condition to the consummation of this sale and purchase is the transfer of said licenses from the under-. signed corporation to Dick's Trend Bar, Inc. Accordingly, the under- signed corporation respectfully requests the transfer of said on-sale liquor license and other licenses from the undersigned corporation to - Dick's Trend Bar, Inc. Assuming said sale and purchase is consummated, and the transfer requested herein is approved, the subsequent transfer of said on-sale liquor license is to be restricted by a Security Agreement entered � into between the undersigned corporation and Dick's Trend Bar, Inc. r � . . . •. . . � License Inspector of City of St. Paul , May Page -2- Thank you for your consideration in this matter. - THE TREND BAR, INC. By ��� _-, t =":"������ -s J. C. Melchior, President Gentlemen: The undersigned corporation, a newly formed Minnesota corporation, respectfully requests the transfer to the undersigned corporation of that certain on-sale liquor license and other licenses currently issued to The Trend Bar, Inc. , a Minnesota corporation, for the operation of , the business at 1537 University Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota o The undersigned corporation acknowledges hereby that if said sale and purchase is consummated� and the transfer requested herein is approved, the subsequent`fransfer of said on-sale liquor license is to be restricted by a Security Agreement entered into between the undersigned corporation and The Trend Bar, Inc. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. � DICK'S TREND BAR, INC. r By Ri hard McEwen, President ,