248935 ORI61NAl TO CITY CL6RK �4���� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. O FICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE L ES UTION—G ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY @2''t . ltiCZ'S COMMISSIONE DATF RESf)LVED, That the Cammission�r of Public Works be ea�d hereby is authorized and ordered to cause the� seetion of streets named in the accanpa�ying list on file ia the office of the City Clerk to be flushed, sprinkl.ed, or oiled for the purpose of public health and dust euppressioa Yor the year �970. � '�p M ' PROV t . orpor� �� �'� MAY 2 0 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19.— Yeas Nays 1V�AY 2 0 197� Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith �n Favor Peterson Sprafka t� Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHED MAY 2 31970 0 _ �`2���.3� DUPIICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE N�'. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterson CO M M I551 ON ER DAT� RE5(u,VID, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and hereby is authorized and ordered to cause the section of streets named in th� accc�anpe�z�yring list on f'i].e in the office of the City Clerk to be flushed, sprinkled, or oiled for the purpose of public heslth and dust suppression for the year 1970. ���� 2 � �97 0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ; * � .�'. . s��'� Dalglish r , Approved 19-- Meredith ( _In Favor Peterson Sprafka C3 Mayor Tedesco A gainat Mr. Preaident, Byrne O STREET FLUSHIl� s�,sox aF 1970 wara 1 Street Fro�nn To Arcaae csTPM&o xy Zaxpenteur Arlington Interstate 35-� Sdgerton Beanmont Payrae Drewry Lane Bradley Cottage Arlington Burr Collias Jenks Case Westninster Payne Collins Lafayette Payne Cypress Ca�e Lawsoa Cypress Jessa�ine Me�ryland De Soto Brainerd Ivy Dre�+ry Lane Ber��ont payne Duluth Maryland Orange Earl York Ivy Foreat CBTPMdoO Bridge Maw.yl�nc�. Frank Maryland Ivy �rove 1�S Mississippi Lafsyette Hawthorae Earl Ph�,l.en Park �raci:rth Miss FroYrtage Rd Westminster Fjyac iirth Earl prange Ivy De Scto Burr Ivy Eaxl Orange Keru�t Rd �runson Payne Lafayette Rd Grove Collias Maryland Mississippi 1� P Ry Misaissippi Frontage Rd I;yacinth Sherwood Horth Payne Payne Olive Grove Woodwaxd Orange Ea,rl phalen paxk Paxkway Drive Edgerton Laxpentettr Payne Seventh Larpenteur Preble Beaumont Payne Seventh Grove N P Ry S�tEET F?�USIiING s�sog t� 1970 �ard 1 Street From To University Mississippi I,afayette Westminster York Case Wheelock �ississippi Arcade York Mississippi Westainster S'IltEET FLUSHIl9C'r sr�sox a� 1970 Ward 2 S�reet From To "A" White Bear "B" Arcade Sixth CSTPM&0 Ry Bridge Barcl.ay Wilson Conway BarclaY Sixth I�.rgaret " Baixclay Minnehaha Reaney Baxclay Magnolia Maryland Barclay Idaho Larpenteur Bates H�,idson Rd Seventh Battle Creek Court Battle Creek Place E to cul de sac Battle Creek Place Cal de sac Woodcrest Drive Beech Arcade Earl Berland. Place McKnight Turn Around Birch View Court Valley View Place S to cul de sac Bi.rmingham Corn�ray Fremont Birmingham Minnehaha Reaney B�`� �35' w o� Johnson Pt Donglas Bush Mendota Forest Bush Hazel Nokomis California l,uella David Caxdina,]. Place McKnight Turn Around Clarence Old Hudson Wilson Claxence Fourth Sixth Clarence Prosperity Maryland Clarence lYebraska Idaho Clear White Bear 2�+0' West Comday Mounds Blvd Maria Conway Griffith WL Lot 8 Schwabe's Couwsy Johnson Etna Corn�ray Birmingham Hazelwood Couway Jayne Ruth Cutler Upper Af'ton Laxry Iio David Idaho California Dellridge Ripling McKnight Dieter ldaho Larpenteur Earl Thorn Seveirth Edg�brook Winthrop MeKn�.ght English McLean �udson Rd Serv I,ane English Wilson Third Etna. Old Hudson Third Etna, Margaret Minnehaha Etna Idaho 338' North Euclid Johnson Er�gl.ish Euclid Wilson Germ�,in SZREET FLUSHIl�G SEASON t�' 1970 Ward 2 Street Fran To Falcon Winthrop McKnight Faye N Park Drive Kim Place Fifth Mounds Blvd Maria Flandrau Place Upper Afton Turn Around Forest Seventh CSZ'PM8o0 Bridge Fourth Clarence 135` E (1359 E �#th St.) I''�'em°rrt Birmin8bam 195' west l�rness 206.27' 5 oP Hoyt Hoyt Germain Third Minnehaha Glenridge Winthrop Mc�night Graee Lane Flandrau Place White Bear Hazel Borth Park Drive Aim Iiazel Old Fi'udson Wilson Hazel Reaney Seventh Hazel Stillwater Meehanic Hazelwood Old F�.dson Wilson Hazelwood Cornday S to cul de sac Hazelwood Third Fremoat Hazel�rood. S ixth Minuehaha Hildin8 Luella Ruth Hillsdale Wiuthrop MeRnight Howard Wilson CorYway Howard Fourth Fif`th Iioward Ct Howard Cul de sac Iio3rt Furnes s Winthrop Hudson Rd N Serv Dr Maria Johnson Hudson Rd S Serv Dr Johnson Clarence Idaho McAfee Clarence Idaho Birmingham Hazelwood Jayne Wilson Comvay Jessaa�ine Johnson Pkwy Prosperity Johnson Pkwy Seventh Amea Kenna.rd Loeiise Leone Kennard Caart tTpper Af'ton Turn Around Ki� Plaee Faye Hazel Kipling Hillsdale � to cul de sac Kipling Upper Af"toa Dellridge Larry Ho Ruth MeKaight Leone Kennard White Beas Liader Caurt Conway Tarn Around. Longfellow Morningside �ipling Longfellow I,nella Ruth Louise Kermard Flandrau place Luella Longfellow Upper Af'ton STREET FLUSHIl� s�sox aF i97o �Tard 2 Street I�ron To Luella Old Hudson Wilson Lyon Louise Cul de Sac McAfee Hoyt Larpenteur A�a,gnolia Mechanic Aazelwood l�agnolia Yan Dyke Hazel Manton Idaho Larpe�teur A�axgaret Seventh Earl Maria Pl� Seventh l�srylax�d N P RY White Bear Maryland I,uel].a Ruth Mechanic White Beax Hazel Mendota Beech Bush Michael Upper Af'ton Larry Ho Minnehaha Greenbrier McKnight Mitchell Win�hrop Michael Morningside Upper Afton Edgebrook Mounds Blvd Cl�rmont Plua Mounda Blvd Third Seventh Nelson Upper A�'ton I,arry Ho Oak View Court Valley View Place S to Cul de sac Old Hudsoa Hwy �61 Luella Old Pt Douglas Hwy #12 Burns Pedersen Hudson Rd Serv Dr Wilson Pine View Ct Qalley 9iew Place S to Cul de sac Plum Mounds Blvd Bates 1� Powers Winthrop Michael Prosperity Magnolia Drway 168' N of Magnolia Prosperity Magnolis Maryla,nd Reaney Arca.de Seventh Rose Clarence W to cul de sae Rose Ba.rclay Tarn Arouad Ross Hazelwood Gex�ain Ruth 100` S of I,ongfellow Hudson Rd Ruth Agaryland Hyac i.n.th Sandra Lee Drive & & W Upper APton Upper Afton Seveuth N P Ry Arch White Bear Sixth Mounds Blvd Johnson Pkwy Sixth Birmingham Hazelwood Stillwater Iiazelwood W to Turn Around Stillwater White Bear McKnight Subnrban Earl W to Turn Around STREET FLUSHII� s�so� c� i97o Ward 2 Street From qb g'hird Mounds Blvd White Bear Third I�E Ma,ple (Third) 94' I��,Y Tote�a Rd Burlington Burlington TcyFrer Wilson Conway Upper Afton Miller Crest MeKnight Valley Vie�r Place McKnight W to Cul de sac Van Dyke Seventh Magnolia Warren Upper Afton Larry Ho White Bear pnllma,n Ames White Beax Jessa�i.ae yarpeateur Wilson Johnson Pkwy Clarenee Wilson 1467 Wil.son Euclid Wilson Hazel Ruth Winchell Arlington S to Cul de sac �1��'oP Lo�wer AFton Larry Ho Woodcrest White Bear Faye s��r FLVSgna� s�,so� o� 1970 wara 3 Street Fr� To Broadway Kellogg Blvd Seventh Broadway Ninth Mississippi Eighth Jackson Rosabel Eighth Pine Willius Fifth Jacksoa John Fourth Jackson Brc�adway Fourth John Kittson Grove SS Miasiss3ppi Zafayette Jackson ES Shepard IS #9� Jackson ES Twe].fth Grove John F'ourth Fifth Kellc�gg Blvd Jackson Viaduct (125' E of John) Lafagette Rd Seventh Grove N3nth Jackson Wacouta Ninth Broadway Pine Pine Fifth S i�cth Pine Eighth Grove Prince Broadway Pine Rosabel Kellogg Blvd Eighth Seventh Jackson Grove Sibley Shepard Tenth S ixth Jackson Broe.d.Way Temperance Eighth Piinth Tenth Jackson Wacanta Twelfth Jaekson Grove (prod) Wacouta Kellogg Blvd Tenth STREET �'I�JS� s�,sox aF i97o W�rd �+ Street From To Auditariwn Kellogg Fourth Auditorium Fifth Ninth Cedsx Rellcjgg Eleveath Cedar Twelfth Columbns College Kellogg Rice Columbas SS Wabasha Robert Eagle ES Shepard ��uogg Lighth Wabasha Jackson F1.eveath St Peter Jackson Exchange Bellogg Cedar Fifth Kellogg Jackson Fourth Seven Corners Jacksoa Hill Eagle Kellogg Jackson WS Shepard � #� dackson W3 Tr�re].fth Thirteeath Kellogg ES Su�it Seven Corners Kellogg 3even Corners Jackson Kellogg Blvd Ra�p �cchange & Eagle Kellogg M�� gellogg Tenth Mar�et ge11o$8 8t Peter Minnesota Kellogg Eleventh Minnesota TwelPth Colva�btxs Mulberry Kello�g Si�rth l�inth Stm�mit Jaekson Rice Tenth Sw�it Robert Miss Riv Bridge Columbt� W Robert ES Colw�bus W Thirteeath St Peter Kellc�gg College Second �labasha Sibley Sev�nth Seven Corr�er� Jackson S�h Sv�it JackBOn S�ith Kellcgg College Stm�it SS Rellogg Rice Terrth A�ain J�ckson Twelfth 220' W of Wabasha aaekson Wabasha Rellogg 117' N of Twelfth Wabagha ES 117' N of Twel.�'th Coluffibus Washington Kellogg Seventh STR�T FLZR3HIlIG s�,soR c� i97o �+Tard 5 Street Frc�m To Benson Homer 51�' East Chestrnrt Shepard Seventh Cliff St C].�ir S�ith Colbovrne Jeffersoa 428' Aorth Eagle WS 3hepard Rellogg Edgcumbe � 906' S of Montreal Hamline Edgcumbe Hamline Leacington �char�ge Forbes Eagle Fif'th Pleasant Rellogg Forbes Seventh Exchange Goodhue 97' W of ClifP Cliff Hamline ES Edge�nbe St Clai.r Highland Hamline Edgcumbe Hill Chestnut Eagle Hamer Stewaxt Severrth Rellogg WS College Seven Corners Lexi.ngton Montreal St Clair Lcymbard Lexington Milton Michigan 70' W of Cliff Cliff Moirtreal Edgcuffibe Elway Oakl.and Western Ramsey Oneida 100' N o�' James Seveuth Osceola Seventh Pleasant Otto Seventh Shepard Pleasarrt S3 S� Clair St Albans Ramsey Pleasant Exchange Rando].ph Hamline Duke Rankin ES Shepard 120' North Ryan Chestrnxt Eagle St Clair SS Hamline Pleasant St Clair Pleasaat Cliff' Seventh 350' W o� Hamner Seven Corners Sherman Exchange Ramsey Smith High Bridge Kellogg Stewart Ha�er 700' East Superior 60' W o� Cliff Cliff STREL'f FLt�HIl�G SEASO� c�' 19?0 Ward 6 Street Fram To Aanapolis Cherokee H'ts Blvd Dodd Rd Ar�napolis Bidwell Oakdale Baker 125' E of Chippewa Cherokee Cherokee Baker Smith Coneord Annapolis Waba�ha Congr�ss Wabasha Robert Curtice Livingston Robert Eva Fillmore Florida Fairfield Wabasha Starkey Fairfield Custer Robert Fi11ffiore Bidwell Plato George Cherokee Concord Humboldt George Winifred Isabel Wabasha Concord Isabel Livirigston Robert Ring Stryker Hall Livibgston Concord Isabel Oakdale Preseott State Ohio George Winifred Pla�o Fillmore Water Plato Starkey Robert Prescott Oakdale Woodbury Prospect Bid�►ell Hall Robert Anaapolis King Robert Concord Miss Riv Bridge xobie Concord 8tate Smith Annapolis Cherokee State Robert Coacord State Robie W Robie E State Fillmore Plato Stryker Baker Winifred Wabasha Winifred Miss Riv Bridge Walter Fairfield Fillmore Winifred 4hio Wabasha Winon,a Robert Turn Arounci ST�tEET FLUSHING s�so� aF 1970 ward 7 Street From To Arundel S�it Marshall Ashland Lexington Western Avon St Claix Laurel Carrcll 3S Dale Arundel Chat sworth Os ceol.a Su�it Concordia Virgiaia (vae) Farrington Crocus Plaee Fairmo�rt Goodrich Da].e Fairmount Carroll Dayton Lexirigton S'umm�it Fairmonnt Lexington Dale Faxrington Su�it A4arshall Goodrich Ha�aline 3yndicate Goodrieh Lexington Al1eg E oP Dale Grand Ha�line t3ak].and Grotto 77' 3 of L3.rn+rood Su�mit Hague Syndicate Dale Ha�line ES St Clair Portland Hamline ES Serv Rd 103' S oP Hague Selby Haa].ine E3 3elby Marshall Holly Victoria We�tern Iglehart Lexir�gton Arundel Rellvgg Blvd WS St�it College geat St�it Marshall �enwood Osceola & Aroun�i Park St Albans Lattrel 3yndicate l�ina La.wtoa Grand S�it Lexington St Clair l�arshall Lexit�gton ES Marshall Carroll Lincoln Hamline Short Line Rd Lincoln CMSTP&P Ry Os�kland Linwood Avon �sceola Maekub in Su�it Marshal l Marshall SS Ha�a].ine Lexington MarshaLl I,exing'ton Louis l�rshall 3S Louis 3t�it Milton Osceola Sv�it S�REET FLil�3HIl'� s�sox o� i97o Weixd 7 Street Fran To Nin�s 3ummit Selby (�,gland at�ait Western Osceola Milton Pleas�nt Qxford Osceols Sue�it Pleasarrt 1�3 St Clair St Al.bans Portland Lexington Smm�it St 97.bans� Pleasant 3t�it St Albans Iglehart Carroll St Clair NS Hamline Pleasant Selby Hamline Sumffiit Su�it Hamline Rellogg S�it Ct Lawtor� S�i� �ictoria Osceols l�rahall Virginia Snmmit Marshall Western S�ait Carroll s�r Fr�usxn� s�isorT a� 1970 . ward 8 Street From To Arundel Maryland Ora��ge At�ater Albemarle Rice Aurora Marioa Rice Carroll NS Da1e Arun�del Ceatral Dale Western Claghorn Como I,afond Cc�o Da].e Riee Concordia �ale �i.rginia (vac) Cook Dale Ser1t Cottage Cul de sac W of Western Galtier Cottage Albemarle Ricc Cnmberland Idaho Larpenteur Dale ES Carroll Concordia Dale ES St Aathor�r Larpentevr Farrington La.rch Atxater Farrington Cul de sae at NP Ry Arlington Front Dale Rice Fuller Farrington A�arion Ivy Albemarle Rice Jessamine Kent I�ackubin Jessam3ne Ct Jessamine 1$8' South La.fond Ce�ao Rice Larch Farrington 342' East Mackubin Cook Maryland Marion St Anthoqy IIniver�ity Marion Gs�ard Rail Ccrttage Marshall NS Louis St�ait Marylaad Dale Rice MinneYiaha Dale Co�o l�ebraska A�sion Rice Ravowc St Anthor�y Marion xice WS Irelaad Blvd LarpeYrteur St Anthor�y Da1e Rice Summit PPS Kellogg Rice Syca,�re Galt iex Rice University Dale Riee s��r �vssn� s�,soR a� 1970 wara a Street Frc� To Western Carroll Front Western Cul de sac Cott�ge �Theelock Dale Idaho Wheclock Galtier Riee Woodbridge Cottage Arli.ng�ton STREET FI.tTSHI�''r s�so� o� 1970 ward g Street Fro� To Acker Jackson L'Orie�rt Arch Jaekson L'Orient Arlington Rice Ir�terstate 35-E Aurora Rice Wabasha Capitol Blvd University Charlea Cedar Col�bus Co�o Central Wabasha Robert Central Pk E Columbus Ceutrtk7. Coltambus Ireland Blvd Wabasha Columbus 1�'S Wabasha Robert C�o Rice Capitol Hts Fourteenth Robert Jackson �-�r Riee Wabasha. ajraci.nth Rice paxg Ireland Blvd Rice �a�s� IVY Rice parg Jackson ES Grove Thirteenth Jackson Thirteerrth Arlington Linden Mt Airy Arch Zitchfield Paxk Sglvan 1�rY�d Rice Jaekson 1Kt Airy Jackson L' OrierYt Park Fuller Cc�o Park prange I�y Rice ES Ireland Blvd yarpenteur Robert WS Colu�b�s Th3.rteenth Robert Thirteeuth University Sherburne Rice Lookout Sycamore Riee Jackson & Cortland Place Trrelf'th Irela.nd Blvd 220' W of Wabasha Twelfth Grove (prod) IIniversity Univer�ity Rice 35 E Froatage Rd Wabasha WS 117' Pi of T�relfth Columbus Wabasha Colu�bus Fuller Wabasha park Usiversity Wa1es Mt Aix'Y Arch Wheelock Rice Mississippi Winter Capitol H'ts Jaeksoa STREET FLUSIiII�G sr�asox o� i97o Ward 10 Street Fro�nn To Bayless Crc�m�rell Raymond Caxleton University Charles Charles Carletoa Hampden Cleveland Ca�no City Limits Como City Limits Iiamline Cromwell University Baylesa Englewood Snelling Hamline E�a.st is Pearl Robbins Fairview University Minnehaha Hamline University Hewitt Hampden University Raymond Hewitt Aldiae Hamline Hubbard FairvieW Snelling Huron Idaho La�rpenteur I,afond Aldine Snelling Lexington WS University �an Slyke I,exington WS Nebra�ka Larpenteur Midway Pkwy Snelling Hamliae Minnehaha Prior Lexington Pi]lsbury University Charles Prior University Taylor Raymond IIniversity Como Robbins Eustis Manvel Snelling University Hoyt Standish Raymond N P Ry Territorial Rd City Limits E�istis Territori�al 8d Raymond Hampden University NS Emerald Lexington Van Buren Fairvie�r Snelling Va,ndalia University �erritorial Rd STREET FLIISHIA� sEaso�t oF i97o Ward 11 Street From To Aldine St Anthox�y University Amherst St Clair Linco7.n Ashland 3nelling Pascal Ashl.and. Hamline Serv Rd 3?' West Beechwood Fairview Snelling Berkeley Mt Curve 3nelling Bigelow Griggs Dunlap Bohland Fairvie�r Snelling Cambridge Princeton 3tmm�it Central Dunlap Lexingtcn Cleveland Miss Riv Blvd University Concordia Fry Lexington Cretin Ford gighland Cretin Highland St Anthor�r Cromwell Franklin University Desnoyer Ev.stis Pelham Donohue Syr�dieat e Gr iggs Edgcumbe Mux�ster 906' S of Moritreal Edgc�be WS 906' S of A�ontreal Hant7.ine Eustis Miss Riv Blvd Beverly Exeter Place Miss Riv Blvd Riverwood. Place Fairmount Woodlawn Cretin Fairmount Prior Fairview Fairmount Snelling Ham].ine Fairview Edgcvmbe Iglehart Fairview Shields University Finn Ford Highland Ford. Miss Riv B1gd Snelling Franklin �erald Uaiversity Frontenac Eustis De�noyer Goodrich Miss Riv Blvd Cret�n Goodrieh Cleveland Anherst Goodrich Snelling Ha��line Graham Tnrn Around 12' E of Wheeler Gra.nd Cretin Hamline Griggs Donohue University Hamline WS Fdgc�be Portland Hamline WS Serv Rd Portland Laurel Hamline i�S Serv Rd 103' S of Hague Selby Hamline WS Selby Marshall Hamline Marshall Concordia Ham]-ine St Arithor�y IIaivers ity Hampd.en Wabasha, Univers ity Hartford Miss Riv Blvd Mt Curve STREET FI�HING sr,�soR a� 1970 Ward 11 Street Fram � H��� Miss Riv Blvd gamline Hillcrest Cleveland �enneth Hillcrest Prior Snelling Hawell Hillcreat Highland James Fairview Snelliz�g Jefferson Fairview 5��,).3,� Juliet Fairview Snelling Lexington WS A�arshall University Lincola Fairview Macalester Lincoln Snelling gam].ine Macalester Pinehurst Highland Macalester Jefferson Princeton Macaleater Alley S o� Lincoln Simmnit Mar�hall Miss River Blvd Hamline Marshall P15 Hamline Lexir�gton Mayn�rd Drive Stewart A�aynaxd Dr E & W Mayr�ard Drives E & W Maynard Drive Seventh Miss River Blvd Prior Ee�erald Montreal St Paul Edgcumbe Montrose La.ne Hartford Randolph Montrose Place Riverwood Place Marshal't Mt Cnrve Ford Randolph Mt Curve St Clair Fairmount 1�x`tle Raynmond La Salle Myrtle Hampden Pillsb�^�r N�yr�tle Mor�tgomery Cleveland Norfolk Lane 1861 Norfolk Munster Osceola Sne111ng Ha�lirie Otis Exeter Place E�stis Palace Fairvicw Snelling Pascal Dayton Marshall Pascal St Aritho�y University Pelham Miss Riv Blvd Doane Pe�� I3 #94 University Pillsb�aiy l�yrtle Univers ity Pinehurst Howell Fairview Portland Cleveland Pascal Portland Ha,mline 90' West Princeton Miss Riv Blvd Macalester Prior Marshall University STREE"� FLUSHING s�sox oF 1970 Ward 11 Street Fr� To Randol.ph Miss Riv Blvd A�,�e Rankin WS Shepard 120' North R�� 120' N of Shepard Seventh Raymond Wabash University Rieerwood Place Otis Exeter Place Rome Fairview Saellin,g St Anthony Prior St Antho�y CMST'pg�p gy Fairvie�w St Anthony g x'Y Lexington St Clair Miss Riv Blvd Hamline St Paul Seventh Clev�land Sargent Woodlawn Wheeler Saunders Fairvie�w Snelling Selby Fairview Hamline Seventh Snelling ���� 350' W of Homer �8 Concordia Snelling St Anthony University Stanford Fairview g��u� Sta.nford Ct Miss Riv Blvd Stonebridge Blvd Stonebridge Blvd Jefferson St Clair Suaanit Miss Riv Blvd Haml.ine Syndicate Donohue University University SS Emerald Lexington Vandalia CMSTP8oP Ry University Vernon St Clair Princeton Wabash Hampden Vandalia Wellesley Fairview Snelling Wheeler Graham Seeenth Wheeler St Clair Sw�it Woocl7.awn Ford Highland Woodlawn Jefferson Goodrich Yo�n Cul de sac (W of #2459� Rankin CL STRE'E'P FI,USHIlaG sEasox o� 1970 wara i2 Street From To Central Lexington Dale Chatsworth Englewood Butler Chatsworth Frorit Van Slyke Camo Ave Como Blvd E Dale Como Blvd E l�aaryland Como Concordia Lexin�ton Dale Dale WS Carroll Coacordia Dale WS S'� Anthor�y Larpenteur Front Lexington Dale Grotto Front Hatch Horton I,exington Como Blvd Hubbard. Chatsworth Butler Lexi.ngton E.S Carroll Concordia Lexington ES St Anthor�y Van 31yke Le�cington ES Nebraska Larpenteur Maryland Camo Blvd Dale Milton Minnehaha Butler Minnehaha Pierce Butler Da1e St Albans Carroll Concordia St Albans 8t Airthor�y Central St Aathor�y Lexir�ton Dale University Lexi.ngton Dale Victoria Minnehaha Pierce Butler Wheelock Camo Blvd Dale s�r oII,� S�ASt�rr c� 1970 iiard 1 3treet Fr� To Arkwright �Thitall Arlington �irkwright Nebraska goy� Arlington Edgerton Wheelock Arlington E 3hore Drive A P RY Atlant ic Cook I�agnolia Atlantic lfebraska Larpeateur Beaumont De Soto pa,yge Bedf'ord Payne Minnehaha Bradley Beaumout Bush Bradley 114' � o� Case deaks BradleY La�rson Braiserd Brad.7.eY Ivy Cottage Bradley I�evada I�ebraslta Brainerd Arl�right Edgerton Brighton Place E Shore Drive Dulgth Brunson l�enqy Forth Burnqt�ist Me�griolia Marylr�ad Burr Jenks Arlington Bush Bvrr Edgerton Ba�h Payr�e Barricade E of Payne California Cul de sac W of Edgerton Payae CaBe Mississippi Westginater Case Payne Dnluth Cayuga W�stminster Ark`rright Chamber Nebraska Larpentenr Clark Whitall Case Clark Rose Maryland Clear Pa.yne Greenbrier Clear Al1ey W of Areade Foreat Cc�ok Mississippi 276' � of Atlantic Cottage Mi+asissippi iiest�inater Cottage Burr Bd�erton Ccttage Payne Forest Cypress Sims Ca�e Cypress Lawson Jessanine Cypress I�aryland Orange De Soto R P RY Buash De Sotc Whit�7.]. Brainerd De Soto �ebraska Wheeloek Dueheas 849 Duchess Case Dalttth Case Mar,�].and Duluth Cul de Sae La.rpentewr Earl WS N P RY York Edgerton Payne Larpeateur $nglish Arlingtoa Larpenteur s�r oiz� sr�,sox a� 1970 Ward 1 Street gr� �o Forest I�aryla,nd Wheelc�ck Frank York Maryland Fred Burr Bedford ��i� 1t)0' W oP Westminster Dtil.uth Greeabrier Wells Parkway �rive Grove NS I,afaye�te 30o Line Tracks Hawthorne Edgerton Eaxl F�crpkins De Soto pe,y�e g� Arkwright payne g� Parkway �rive Areade g� E Shore Drive English �aeinth Edgerton Earl Id�aho Wheelock Ridge Arcade I�o E Shore Drive � p Ry I� Wheelock Ridge Arcade I� B�'r' Jessie IvY Edgerton Greenbrier Iv3* Arcade g,�l Jenks Mississippi ��h Jeasemine Mississippi Bnrnqn.ist Jeasie �3���, g�h Jessie �lhitall Cottage J°� Gre�� ITnivers ity �enn�y Road 1� P RY Brunson Lafq}rette Collins De Scto I�aae Place E 8o W of Pk Jessa�ine Ma,ryland Lawson Mississippi Dtil.uth Magnolia Mississippi I�agnolia l,aae Asagnolia Lane Magnolia Johnson Pkwy Mendota Wells Wheeloek Mi.nnehaha �ivoli payue Montana Arkraright De Sota Montana Parkway Drive Areade Mt Ida Rivoli De Soto Nebraska Arkwright Br�d].ey �ebrask,a Edgerton Arcad,e P�ebraska Atlantic English Mevada Arkwri.ght Areade �orth De Soto payne STR�E`P OII+I�G SEA501� E)P' 1970 Waxd 1 Street --- Frc� To Oli�r� Woodward Uaivers ity t?range Edgertos Earl E}tsego Lafayette Mt Ida Payne Grove Seventh Pettit �ruason 70 ft i� o�' Payne (pavement) Pine Grove University Preble Payne Mianehaha Aeaney Edgerton � P RY Bridge Rivoli }+�+5 Ft S of Mt Ic1a Minnehaha 8ose Westmiaster Dnluth Russell N P RY Ca�e Searle Ivy Sherwood Sherwood Edgerton Forest Simss 100�`t W of West�ainster Arkwright S3ms Edgerton Frank Thirteenth Olive John 3'hirteenth I,aPayet�e Soo Li.ne Tracks waaena Fayne EL 691 Waaer�,a Walsh York ��raei�rth Walsh Alley S of Cottage Ic�ra Waver�y i5ot W of bafayette I,af�yette Weide Wells All�r � of Orange Weide Wheelock Idaho Wella Edgerton Wall Wells SS Wall Weide Wells I�'S Wall Weide Wells Weide Fore�t �Testmi.nster 900 ft S of Whitall York Westminster Case Larpentetar Wheelock Arcade Forest Wheelock Ridge Iclaho Wheelock Pkwy Whital.l. Westminster Payne Woodward Brunson 54 f't W of Payne (pa.venerrt) York Westminster Forest York Earl Frank STREET OILIIQG SEASON OF 1970 Ward 1 N & S Alle�-Arlington-Revada-Bradley-Edgerton Alley-Arlington-lYevada-ESgerton-Pe�yae Alleg-Arlington-Wheelock-Payne-Greeabrier Alley-Brad].ey-deasie-Lawaon-Cook N 91' of Alley-Bradley-Jessie-Cook-Megaolia Alley-Burr-Bradleg-Law�on-Cook Alley-Case-Jenks-Bradley-Jessie A11ey-Case-Jenks-Ec9gerton-Pay�e Alley-Case-Jenks-Payr�e-E }+69' Alley-Caae-Jenks-Green�rier-Walsh Alley-Case-Jeaks-Walsh-Weide Alley-Case-Jenks-Weide-Arcade Alley-Case-Jenks-Mendota-Forest "T" Alley-Ca�e-Jenks-Forest-Cypress Al1ey�-Case-Jenks-Cypress-F,arl "T" Alley-Case-Jenks-Earl-Frank B & W A11ey-Cleax-Cottage-Pa�e-Greenbrier "L" Alley-Clear-Cottage-Walsh-Arcade "T" Atley_Clear-Cottage-Arcade-Mendota "T" Al1ey_Clear-Cottage-Mendota-Forest Alley-Collins-Beaumont-De Soto-Bvrr Alley-Ccok-Magnolia-Westminster-ArkWright Alley-Cook-i�nolia-Fdgerton-Payne Alley-Cook-Magnolia-Payne-Greenbrier Alley-Cc�ok-Magnolia-Greenbrier-Walsh Al1ey-�c�k-Magnolia-Weide-Arcede Alley-Cook-2�agnolia-Arcade-Me�dcta Alley-Ccc�k-Magnolia-Forest-Cypress Alley-Cook-Magnolia-Cypr�ss-�arl E & W Alley-Cook-Magnolia-Eaxl-Frank Alley-Cook-Magnolia-Frank-Duluth Alley-Cook-Magnolia-Dnluth-Atl.antie "T" Alley-Cottage-Sherwood-Payae-Greeabrier Al].ey-Cottage-Sherwood-Greenbrier-Walsh E & W Alley-Cottsge-Sherwood-Arcade-Mendota "T" Al1ey-Cottage-Sherwood-Mendota-P'orest Alley-De Soto-Burr-Jenks-Lawson Alley-Edgerton-Seaxle-Ivy-Sherwood Alley-Geranium-Rose-Arcade-Mendota s��r ozzn� SEASON o� 1970 Ward 1 Alley-Gerani�-Rose-Mendota-Forest Alley-Qeraaium-Rose-Foreat-Cypresa A11ey-Ger�nium-Rase-Cypress-E�rl "T" Alley-�eran3.nm-Rose-�arl-Fr�nk Alley-Ger�,ni�m-Rose-Frank-Dn].uth West N & S Al1ey-Hawthorne-Orange-Edgerton-Payne � 8� t� Alley-Hawthorne-Orange-Edgerton-Payne Between We�t H & S Al1ey & WL 621 E. Hawthorne "T" Alley-Hawthorne-Orange-Payne-Greenbrier Alley-Hawthorne-Orange-Greenbrier-Walsh All�y-Ha�rthorr�e-Orange-Walsh-We ide Alley-Ha�thorn�-Orange-Mend4�a-Forest Alley-Hawthorne-Orar�ge-Forest-Cypress Alley-Hawthorne-Orarige-Cypress-Earl "T" Alley-Hawthorne-Orange-Earl-Fra,nk Alley-Hawthorne-4range-Du].uth-�halen Park Alley-Hc�pkins-North-�runson-Pa.yrie "T" Alley-�racinth-Ivy-Payne-Greenbrier Alley-��rac inth-Iv�'-Mendota-Forest n,Pn A11ey'-�yacillth-Ivy-Ea2'1-FTS21k A11e�r-�rac inth-Ivy-F'rank-Orange "T" Al1�g-Ivy-Clear-Payne-Greenbrier "T" Alle�*-Ivy-Clear-Arcade-Mendota Alley-Jenks-I,awson-Edgerton-Pa.yne Alley-Jenks-Lawson-T�eide-Arcad.e Al1ey-Jenks-Lawson-Arc�cie-Meadota Alley-Jenks-Lawson-Mend.ota-Foreat A11ey-Jenks-Lawson-Forest-Gypress A11ey-denks-Lawsoa-Cypress-Taxl E & W Alley-Jenks-Lawson-Eexl-Frank ALley-Jenks-Lawson-Frank-Duluth � & W and East I� & S A11ey-dessamine-C�eranium-F�dgerton-Payne E & W All�y-Jeasamine-Gerauit�m-Payne-Greenbrier Alley-Jessamine-Geranitun-Greenbrier-Walsh a»ey-Jessa�ine-Gerani�n-Walsh-Weide E & W Alley-Jessamine-(�eranima-Mendota �L lct 9 (904 Geraait�) ALteq-dessamine-Geraaium-Forest-Cypress "T" Alley-Jessaffiiae-Geranium-Earl-Frank A71ey-�essamine-Geraniu�-Frank-Dulnth "�" Alley_Jessamine-Maryland-Dnl�h-Laae Place s�xx�r oa,n� s�so�r o� i97o Ward 1 "T" Alley-4r�nge-I�acinth-Earl-Fraak Alley-Preble-Payne-Minnehaha Alley-Rose-Maryland-Arkwright-Clark A71ey-RosrMaxy].and-Greeabrier-Kal�h Alley-Rose-Maryland-Walsh-Weide Alley-Rese-Marylaad-Weide-Arcade Al1ey-Rose-Maryland-Arce,de-Mendota "T" Alley-Ro�e-Maryland-Earl-Frank Alley-Rcse-Mary].and-Frank-Daluth Alley-Searle-Payne-Iv�r-Sherwood "H" Alley-�her�ood-Arlington-Edgerton-Payne "T" Al1ey-Sherorood-ArlingtoA Pe►yne-Greenbrier Alley-Sher�rood-Arlington-Gre�nbrier-Walsh "T" Alley-Shex�rood-Wh�elock-Walsh-Arcade "T" Alleg-Sherwood-Wheelock-Arcade-Mendota "T" Alley-Sherrrood-�iheelock-Mendota-Forest "H" Alley-Sims-Case-Edgerton-Payne Alley-Sims-Cas�-Payne-Greenbrier Alley-Si�as-Caee-Greenbrier-Walsh Alley-Sims-Case-Walsh-Weide Alley-S in�-Case-Areade-Me�adcr�a Al1ey-Sims-Case-�[endota-Farest "T" Al1ey-3i�s-Caae-Cypresa-Barl "�" Alley-3ins-Case-Earl-Frank A11e�-Wells-7ork-I�dgerton-Pa�tne Alley-Wells-York-Payne-Greenbrier Alley-Wells-York-Mendc>ta-Forest Al1ey-Wells-York-Weide-212' Ely (804 York) Alley-Wheelock Pkwy-Nebrask�a-Parkway Dr-Pa�rne Alley-Wheelock PkWy-Nebraeka-Payne-Greenbrier Al].e,r-Whitall-i�ells-Edgerton-Payne "T" Alley-York-si�as-Westminster-Arkwright Sast I� d� S Alley-York-Si�s-Edgerton-Payne Alley-York-33ans-Payne-Greenbrier Al1ey-York-Sims-Greenb�fer-Walsh Alley-York-Sims-Walsh-Weide Allcy-York-3i�s-Arcade-122' We�t (807 York) Alley-York-Si�s-Arcade-Mendota Alley-York-Sims-Meadota-Forest s�r oizn� S�ASON OF 1970 Ward 2 �"treet Frcya To Algoaquia Nokomis Ga,se All�tom, �lildview, Wiathrop 8c Lenoa froffi 8prings ide 140' W of �Ti.sthrop A�ea Johason Pk�yr Hazelwoc�d Ames Germain Hazel Am�s Ruth Edge�water 8v�es Place 98nes �ihite Bear Areade Co�►ray FOUrth Arlington H P RY Curve Arlington Fnrness Wiuthrcp Atlantic Third CSTPM & 0 RY Barclay Mcl,ean Pacit'ic Barclay Co�ray F'reanont Barcls�y� York 194' �y oP Case Barclay Mar�land Hoft Bates Mounds Blvd Hudsoa Bates ( E & W of Triangle) Seventh Manry Battle Creek Rd Lower APton Upper APton Beeeh Earl Birmingham Beech Hazel�rood Wkiite Bear B3.r�inghamm Burns Pacif ic Bir�ingham Old Hudson Comre,y Bir�inghs� Alley 3 of �argaret Minaehaha Birmingham Maxyla�d Hc�yt Bix�ingham Idaho Lar�penteur Breen �cho Rose Breen Hawthorne �yrseirrth Burlington McEnigY�t Lower APton Burns Moe�nd 435' w of dohnson Bt�rns Clareace White Bear Burns Ruth Snbttrban Bush Walsh Arcade Bush Forest Etna Bttsh Germain Sazel Bush I�okaffiia MeKnight California Aennard White Bear California Ruth Ceuwe Case Johnson &dgewater Cherry Mounds Blvd Bates Christie Place Hazelwood Larpenteur Clarence Btirns Hudson Clarence Con�ay Third Clareace Sixth Ma.rgaret Clarenee Aiinnehaha Case Clarence �taryland I�ebraska Clarence Idaho Larpenteur Clear Hazelwood Germain Clear �enaard Winthrop STREET 4II,II� s�so� a� 1970 wara z Street Fron To Clermont Mounds Blvd Bttrns Cc�ereial 350' S o�' Conway Fonrth (South) Conway Maria E I�iae of Tell Conway GrifPith Johnson Pkwy Com�ay Hazelwood White Bear Couway Rt�th MeBnight Cottage Hazelvood Winthrop Craig Pl.a�ce Idaho Larpenteur Cu,r�re Ivy Rnth CurYe Iowa California Cypress MeLean Seventh Darlene Ho3rt Larpeatevr David Hoyt Tdaho Dellwood Greenbrier Margaxet Dieter Nevada Hoyt Iiora Ct W �ora Lane Upper Af'ton Dora Ct E Dora Las�e Upper AFton Dora Lane Dora Ct W Dora Ct E Dalfxth Sixth C ST P M 8� 0 RY Echo Anes Breen Edge�ater E & W Rd� Case l�arylaud Eicheriwald S 3xth Seventh Eighth Maria l�orth F1liott Place Bates Mounds P.`nglish Burna Old Pt Dcuglas Etna Bnras Pacific Etna Minnehaha Bush Etna Ame� Mechanic Etna Maryland Ivy Etna Arlington �tebraska Enclid Hudeon Johnson Pkwy Tuclid Germain White Bear Fifth Maria Clarence Fif'th Gex�aain 184}+ E. Fifth Fif th Hazel Meknight Flandrau Place Upper Af'ton Louise Flandrau Wilson Ames Flandrau Echo Larpenteur Forest McLean 3ev�nth Fountain Pl (Both Rdwys) North 117' Nly Fourth Mounds Blvd Clarenee Fourth Gex'�aia �ite Bear Fo�arth Hazel McKnight Frank �horn Ht>dsoa Rd (Serv yarle) Frank Iiudson Wakef ield Frank Margaret 3eventh Fremont Arcade 200' E of Earl STREET OILIHG s�cn� o� i97o Ward 2 Street Frc� To Fremoat Gotzian Clarence Fremont Birmingha� Hazelxood Fremont Ger�in i!Thite Bear Fremout Hazel McSnight Furnes s Ivy 206' 8 c�' CI, of Hcyyt Gary Place goyt Idaho Geranium Herbert Kennard Gera,niv� �okomis Edgewater Qrermain Wilsoa Third Germain Mints�haha Still�rater Gernain ivy Idaho Gc�tzias Johnson Margaret Greenbrier Seveath 125` N of Margaret Griffith (W Rdwy) Burns 100' I�orth Griff ith M�i,ean Pa.cit'ic Griffith Johnson Third Hancock Third Maxgsre�t Haxthorne Flandran Breen Haxthorne White Bear Ivy Hazel Third Reaney Ha.zel Severrth 3tillwater Hazel Mechauic Jes saatin.e Hazel Maryland Larpentet�r Sazelwood Burns TH �12 Aazelxood 2�4innehaha York Hazelxood Ames Maryla,nd $azel�rood Ivy Christie Place Herbert �eraaium Ma,r�rlsnd Hope Fovrth 1►�trgaret Hope A]1ey 8 of Minnehaha Iriiinnehaha Haward Com�ay Fonrth Howard Minnehaha 3tillwater Hayt McAfee Rtxth Eyaeinth gennaxd Breen Hyacinth t�Tkhite Bear Ivy Id�ho � P RY Mcaffee Iclaho Clarence Bir�ingham Idaho F�azelxood Curve Ic�ra Hazelwood I�azel Iowa Ruth Cnrve Iroqnois Nokoanis Case Ivy Claxence McSaight s��r oa,n� s�so� c� 1970 Waxd 2 Street Fra� To Jessamine Kennard Breen Jessamine Nokomis Edge�water Johnson P�r Burns Pt Douglas (W Serv Drives) Johnaon Pkt�y s�, #397 Alley � of Ross (W Serv Drives) Johnson Pk`+y Buras McI,ean (E Serv Drives) dohnson Pkwy Sb #3� �nsh (E Serv Drives) Jordan Stillwater Case Rennard Burns Hwy #12 Kennard Old Hudson Case Kent�ard Jes saairie Larpentenr gingsford A�es Rose I,a Crosse White Bear Hazel La Crosse Rt�th Edge�ater I+ake Bush St illt�rrater Londin Lane Lonier Afton McRnight Louise glandrau Place i�Thite Bear yuell8 Iiawthorne Ivy Lue11s Idaho Larpenteur McAfee Topic Lane Hoyt McLean Mounds Blvd Clarence McI,ean Harclay �ennard Magnolia Prosperity Meehauie Msgnolia Ruth Edgetaater Manitou Iroquois Case Maple Hudson Enclid Maple Comday Greenbrier Margaret Greenbrier Seventh Mmrgaret Earl McKa3ght Maria Wilshire Pltm► Maris. Seventh Ei.ghth I�laryla�d. White Bear Luella Maryland 8okomis McSnight Mechanic Magnolia Birmingham (prod) Mendcrta Wilson Beech Miller Crest Lane Upper Afton Cul de Sac Mohawk Manitou Case Montea�a Hazel�rood Curve l�ound Z'horn Ht�dsoa STREET 4II�I� SEASV� c� 1970 �iard 2 Street gr� �o l�ebrask� McAfee Winchell Aebrasks D ieter �linthrop Nevada Winchell Dieter �evacLa Hazelwood Curve ATewca�be Seventh p�asha i�y Nokc�is Rea,ne"Y McKnight l�ar'th Fotsr►tain P1ace Seveath �ortonia Minneha�a Stillwater Ocean SZ �81� 25?' I� of Seveath 4='�8� Keanard Brees �'�8e White Bear Ivy PaciPic Forest pt Dpugl,a,s Pacific English ��, Pacific II S Hw�r �f>l Hazel�os+d Paci.f'ic Hazel�rood ffi1Y �12 (Serv Drive) Pederse� Buxns U g AWy #� Pedersen Alley S of �'hird l�it"th Ped�rsen Bnsh Hokaaais Pedersen Aawthorne I;yacinth P1unn Bates Msple Prosperity C 3T P M & � RY Magnolia Prosperity Me�ryland Arlington Prosperity Hazelwood yarpenteur Reaney Walsh Arcade Reaney Seventh McKnight Rose Herbert C�1. de Sac Rose ICennard Breen Rose Nokomis �dgewater Ross Seventh Johason Ross 1�+U' W of C]arence 329' E of Clarence Ross Gex�ain 158' E of Van Dyke Ross Waukon Howard Rowe Place Flandra� Plaee White Bear Ruth Minnehaha Fokc�enis Ruth M�nitott l�gnolia Ruth I�rac irrth Arlington Rnth Curve yarpent�nr Scenic Place Pedersen Winthrop Seveath White Bear Haael Seventh �Taukon McSnight 3herwood Prosperity Winthrop s��r o�n� s�so� oF i97o �Tard 2 Street From �o .. Short Mounds Blvd Bates Sins Flaadrau Van Dyke S ianen S ixth Seventh Sixth Johnson Pkwy Birminghaa� Sixth Hazelwood Kennaxd Sixth Flandrau White Bear S ixth Wi�throp McRnight Springside Drive Winthrop (Pavement) Burlington Stillwater dohneog Clarenee St illxat er Haz el�rood Whit e Bear St�burban Easl Frank Suburban Hazelxood Kennard Snburban 150' E of Ruth Bnrns Surrey Mounds Blvd 158' E of Bates Tell Cornray Third TewRna �okomis Manitou Third NE 90' 1�Ely of Maple Arcade Thorn 6�+0' W of Earl (end of St) Iadian Mouads Pk Tilsea Nokamis MeKni.ght Topic I,ane Mc.�fee Clarence Upper Afton Burns Miller Crest I�ane Urban Place Mounds Blwd Bates Utica �Tordan Iroquois Dan Dyke Wilson Third Va.n Dyke Minnehaha Seventh Van flyke Alley S of Maryland Ivy t�an Dyke Id�aho Larpeuteur Wakefield l�aple Frank Walsh Minaehaha Bush Wa�a.kon Pedersen Still�rater Weide Reane3r Bush Wilshire Place �c�tinds Blvd �sxia wilson M�xia llog Wilson Wilson 640' W of Griffith GrifY'ith Wilson Birmingham 1467 Wil�oa Wilson Euclid White Bear Wil�on Ruth MeRnight Winchell l�evada Hoyt Winthrop Btu�ns Sttburbaa Winthrop Fif'th Margaret Winthrop Minnehaha Reaney Winthrop Arli.ngton Nebraska STREET OILING s�sox c� 1970 Waxd 2 Street Fro� To York dohason C].�xence York Bi.rxinghan Vsn Dyk� STREE`P OTLING SEASt7i� E)F 1970 Ward 2 "H" A11.ey-Arlington-Nevadla-White Bear-Hazel Alley-Bates-Mound-A[cLean-Hudson Al1ey-Beech-Mis�nehaha-Meadota-Forest Alley-Beech-Minnehaha-Forest-Cypress A11ey-Beech-Minnehaha-Cypress-Earl Alley-Beech-Minnehaha-Eaxl-1104 E. Minnehaha A11e�r-Beech-Minnehaha-Frank-Dn].uth Al1ey-Bush-Ross-Earl-Frank Alley-B�sh-Ros s-Frank-Dt3].uth Alley-Bush-Ro�s-Dfal.uth-Atlantic Alle�-Bush-Ross-gennard-Flandrau Alley-Bush-Ross-Flandrau-WYlite Bear Alley-Bt�ah-Ross-White Bear-Va�n Dyke A11�-Case-LaCrosae-White Bear-Van Dyke "T" A11ey-Clear-Cottage-Flatidran-�hite Beax Alley-Corn�ay-Third-Arcade-Mendota Alley-Comray-Third-Mendota-Forest Alley-Corn�sy-2'hi.rd-Forest-Cypress Alley-Coaway-Third-Cypress-Eaz�l Alley-CorYway-Third-Ear].-Tell Al1ey-Cottage-Sher�roc>d-Ruth-370' East Alley-E1�iclid-Corxway-Forest-Cypres s A].ley-Enclid-Conway-Cypress-Earl Alley-Fifth-Sixth-Fcrest-363' E to End Al1ey-FiPth-Sixth-G<3tzian-Atlantic Alley-Four-�h-Fifth-Mendota-�'orest Alley-Fourth-Fif'th-Forest-Cypres� A]1e3*-Fourth-Fi�'th-Haucock-Gotzian-1150 E Fif'th-F'owrth Alley-Fot�rth-F ifth-Atlant ic-Jo�nson A11ey-FremoYrt-Fourth-Mendota-Forest Alley-Fre�ont-�'ourth-Forest-Cypress Alley-Fremoat-Fotarth-Atlantic-Johnson Pkw� Alley-A'ridson Rd-Wakefield-I�ple-Foreat Alley-F�a.d�oa Rd-Wakefield-Cypress-Earl Alley-Hyac3.nth-Ivy-Van Dyke-Hazel A].ley-Indian Md.s Pk-Burns-Reserve-200' East E2 of E � S� alley-Ivy-Arlir�gton-Winchell-Ba.rclay (along�ide 1�+27 Barclay) "T" Alley-Ivy-Clear-White Bear-Hazel "T" Alley-Ivy-Clear-liazel-Curve Alley-LaCroase-Ames-V'an Dyke-Hazel STREE2' OILII�G s�sox � 1970 Ward 2 Alle3r-McLean-Paeific-Cypress-Earl Alley-Mcl,ean-Pac if ic-Earl-Frank Alley-McLean-Pacific-Fra�nk-1173 McLean E & W Alley-Margaret-Beech-Greenbrier-Hope Alley-Margaret-Beech-Arcade-Mendota Alley-�4a,rgaret-Beech-Mendota-Forest A11ey-Margaxet-Beech-Forest-Cypress Alley-I�as�aret-Beech-Cypress-P;axl Al].ey-Margaxet-Beeeh-Frank-Ihtluth AlleY-�,argaret-Beech-Atla,ntic-dohnson Alley-Margaxet-Beech-Flandrau-White Bear Alley-Maria-Bates-McLean-Short Al1ey-Maxyland-Hawthorne-i�hite Bear-Van Dyke A11ey-Minuehaha-geaney-Walsh-Weide ALtey-Miruiehaha-Reaney-Arcade-Men�dota Al1ey-Minnehaha-Reaney-Forest-C�press Alley-Minnehaha-Reaney-Cypress-Earl A7.].egr-Minnehaha.-Reaney-Earl-Frank Alley-Mianehaha-R eaney-Frank-Iiu].�.th ALley-Minnehaha-Reane�r-Atlantic-Johnson All�y-Minnehaha-Reaney-G7.arex�ce-Etna A11.ey-Minuehaha-Reaaey-Van Dyke-Hazel Alley-Minriehaha-Rean�y-Hc�ard-McSnight West N 8e S Alley-Nevad�a-N�braska-White Bear-Hazel E & W Al1ey-ftevada-Nebraska-T�Thite Bear-Eazel Fro� West N & S A11ey to WL lot 22 (1830 I�ebrask.a) East N da S Al.ley-Hevada-Nebraska-White Bear-Hazel Alley-Pa.eific-�dson Rd-Cla.rence-Etna Al1e�-Reaney-Bush-Walsh-Weide Alley-Reaney-Bush-Weide-Areade A1tey-Reaney-Bush-Seventh-Cypress Alley-Reaney-B�sh-Eaxl-Frarik Alley-Reaney-Bush-Atlantic-dohnson Alley-Reaney-Bush-Flandrau-White Beax Al1ey-Ross-Seventh-Frank-Duluth Alley-Ross-Seventh-Duluth-Atlantie Alley-Ross-3eventh-�enaard-Flandrau Alley-Ross-3eventh-White Bear-Van Dyke Alley-Sehool Grot�nds-Mary].�nd-Pan I?yke-80' East ALley-Seventh-Stil].water-Hazelwood-Germaia Al1ey-Seventh-Stillwater-genaard-Flandrau STREET OII,Il� ssaso� oF i97o wara 2 A11ey-Seventh-Stiltwater-Flandrau-White Bear "H" Al1ey-Sher�rood-Arli�gton-White Bear-Hazel West 1� 8a S Alley-Sherwood.-Arlington-Hazel-Cvrve East N & S At].�r-Sherwood.-Arlingtoa-Hazel-Curve E & W Al1ey-Sherwood-Arlington-Hazel-Curve i'rom West �' & S Alley to East � & 8 At1ey Al1ey-Sims-Case-White Bear-Van Dyke Alleyr-Sixth-Margaret-Arcade-Mendota Alley-�3xth-I�argaret-Mendota-Forest Alley-Sigth-Maxgaret-Cypress-Farl Alley-Sixth-Margaret-Duluth-Atlantic "L" Alley-Sixth-Seventb-I�aple-Eichenwald Alley-S ixth-Seventh-Eichem�ral.d-Iic�pe Alley-Stillwa.ter-Case-Yan Dyke-Hazel Alley-Stillwa�er-York-Kennard-1679 Stillwater A11ey-Stil].water-York-Hazelwood-275' West Alley-Suburban-McLean-F�ar1-1078 McLean E & W Alleg-Third-Fovrth-Bates-1�Saple Alley-Third-Fremont-Ar�ade-Mendota �l7.ey-Third-Fremont-Forest-Cypre�s Alley-�hird-FremorrE-Cypress-Earl Alley-Th3rd-Fre�mont-Atla.ntic-dohnson Pkwy E & �i Al1ey-Third-Fremont-Hazel-Ruth Pram East N & S Alley-Ruth East N & 3 Alley-Third.-Fremont-Hazel-Ruth Alley-Wak�Yield-Wilson-Earl-East-].103 Wakefield Alley-Nilson-Eb.elid-Cypress-Eaxl STRLET OIGING s�so� a� 1970 wara 3 � 4 Street gr� To Balsaffi Broa�d.way Pine Grove SS I,afayette Soo Line Tracks John 3eveath Eighth Kittson Sixth Seventh Neill- Sizth Seventh Olive L, #94 Eighth PaYae Grove Alley South Spruce Broadxay Piae Terrth BrosdWay Piae Willins 3eventh Grove Spring Eagle ?,ot 1 Blk 20 Thirteeath SS Robert Jackson Alley-Robert-�ackson-Twelfth-Thirteer�h STREET OII,Il9� S�sc� oF 1970 Ward 5 Street From �o Adri.an IS 35-� xathatiray �S� Seveath ptto Albion Adrian Leuingtoa � St Clair Seventh Arbor James IS 35-E Ar�nstrong Pleasant Drake B��- �e S�ith B�►Y Butternvrt IS 35-T Bayard Hamline Edgcvmbe ��'d Pl�s�� Victoria ��'�'� Cariton Bay Beechwood H�.l.iae Syndicate Benhill Rd St Cla.ir 2�0' E of CL of Benson Deubeaer P1 Glen Terrace E.1way Berkeley Syndicate Griggs Bohls.nd Place Iiamline Edgcvmbe Butternut 777 Butternut Bay B�tternut 16' N of ItL of Bay Sm�aac Cantoa fltto Seveuth Cecelia Stanford gt C�,s,3,r Chat s�rorth Seventh Jef ferson Chestrnit Sev�rrth Pleasant ClaY Uneicla Erie Clifton Raadolph Pleasant Colbourne Palace Jefferson Colbourne 428' N of Jefferson Superior � James Grace Dealton Henson 3eventh Deubener Place Benhill Rd St Clair Douglas Goodrich Raa�sey Dausm�n Barrieade at Cliff Gc�odrich Drake T�searora (prod) Randolph �� Randolph (pa,vement) Pleasant Elesaor Hamline Montealm Place Eleaaor Pleasant Seveirth � Ryan Wilkin E� Western C M ST P & P RY Trie Randolph (pa.vemeirt) S�perior �change Wilkin Forbes s�x�r o�� s�so� a� 1970 wara 5 3treet Fraffi To Forbes Pleasant �eventh Ford Hamline Ecigcwmbe Forster Canton Bay FtLlton Raadolph Pleasant Garfield Gooarich Pleasant Glen Terrace Benson Young�n Goodhue Duke 97' W of Cliff Goodrich Pleasarit Alley E of' Leeeh Grace Pleasant Ba�r Grace Osceola Western Griggs Iii.ghland St Clair Harrisan Goodrich Douglas Hartford Hamline Edgc�be Hatha�ay Adrien Seventh Highl�and Edgc�be Montcal� Place Hillerest Aamliae Syndicate Irvine Park Ryan Ryaxi Irvine SS Walnut 35$ Irvine Ivan Wag Benson 176' E of Selm� I,ane da�es Hs►ml.ine EL #1063 James WL #1022 Shepard JefYerson Hamline Fdgeumbe Jefferson Pleasant Colbaurne duliet Iiaffi].ine 160' E of Lexington Jt�n,o Ham].ine Edgct�be Jwao Lexington EL #1085 Juno WL #1037 436 E oP Yiew� Jvno Seventh Drake Leech Goodrich Ra�sey MeBoal Dougla.s Wilkin May 3eveirth Alaak� Miehigan WL lot lot 3 �592 Seveath Michigan Western 70' �T of Cliff Middleton Yista Rogers Milton Otto d@fYerson Milton Benhill Rd St Clair Monroe Ct Pleasant Victoria Mor�tcalm Ct HigY�a�d Highland Montcalm Hill Montcalm Place 108' East M,c►ntcalm Place Highland Ec3ge�mbe sTxx�r o�zna� sEA,soN t�' 1970 Ward 5 Street From To Niles H,amline Edgcumbe l�igeut CMSTPBaP RY St Clair Oneid�a Seventh Superior Orrin St�wax�t SchefYer Oscec>la Tuscarora Seventh Otto Lexington Seventh Palace Hamline Lexington Palace t+�L #998 3eventh Palmer Pla.ce - Eleanor Bayaxd Pinehurst Ham].ine 3yridicate Pleasaat i�L #1144 Victoria Race Albion Chatsworth Riehmoad 155' S o�' Milw Ry (pave) 130' �I o�' Milw Ry (pave) Richmond Seveath Goodrich Ridge Edgcumbe HigYil.a,nd Rogers Seventh Otto RV� E]� Chestn�t 8chefPer Hamline Montcalm SchefYer Leaington Seventh SchefPer Victoria Stewart Selma Lane Ivan Way Idprrtreal Shex�n Ryari Fatehaage 3herm�an Seventh pleasa� Spring Washington Chestrnatt 3tanford Hamline Griggs Stewart Ward I,ine Ho�aer Stewart fftto Tascarora 8turgis Westerrt Dotag7�a�s Sumac But�errmt Stewart Superior (3neida 60� w of Cliff Synd3.eate Beechrroc>d St Clair Thompson Ra�usey Pleasant Toronto Randcjlph Grace Tnscarora Pleasa� Osceola Vance James Palace Qance .TefYerson AI, #346 Victoria Otto Jeffer�on Vi�w Seveuth Pleasant �ista Race Leair�g'toa s�x�r oa,n�c s�sOR c� 1970 Waxd 5 Street Fro� To Walnut Hill Irvine Park Walnut Irvine Park Trvine Ave Watson H$mline Montealm Place Watson Pleasant �ieW Watson �eveath Drake Webster Randolph James Webster S�venth Grace Webster 3t Cls�.r Pleasant Wellesley Han].ine Griggs Western CMSTP&P RY Pleasaxrt Wil.kin Bluf f' Ra�asey Youngman Rankin WL Rankin CL s��r o�n� s�so� c� i97o ward 5 Allcy-Adrian-Severxth-Albion-Ala�ka Al1ey-Arbor-Oseeola-Jaffies-Palace Alley-Ax�strong-Juno-Milton-Vietori�, Alley-Armstrong-Juno-Victoria-VieR,r Alley-Bayard-Hartford-H�nil.ine-3yridieate Alley-Bayard-H�rtford-Syrldicate-Griggs "T" Alley-Bayard-Iiartford-Griggs-Edgcumbe Alley-B�,yard-Tuscarora-Milton-Victoria "T" Alley-Bayard.-T�sca�rora-Caraton-Seventh-Bay Alley-Beechvood-Boh�and Place-Hamline-Syndicate N & S Alley-Benhill-St Clair-Milton-Deubener Al1ey-Berkeley-St Clair-Syndicate-Griggs Alley-Bohland Place-H311crest-Ham7.ine-Syndicate Alle�r-Daly-Toronto-Seventh-Palace Alley-Dc�uglas-Smith-Forbes-RamBey Alley-Duke-Colbovrne-3t. Clair-Michigan A11ey-Fc�gcumbe-Moatcalm-Highland-Eleanor Al1ey-Edgcumbe-Montealm-El�nor-Scheffer Alley-E].eanor-SchefFer-Hamline-Syudicate Alley-�i.eanor-Saheffer-Syndicate-Griggs Alley-Erie-Duke-CblSTP&P RY-St Clair Alley-Goodrich-McBoal-$�ith-I,eech Alley-Hartford-Watson-FIamline-Syndicate Alley-Fiaxtford-�iat son-Syndicat e-Gr iggs "T" Allcy-Sartford-Watson-Griggs-Edgcumbe Alley-Highland-Eleanor-Ha�line-Syadieate Alley-Highlaad-Eleanor-Syndicate-Griggs Alley-Hillcrest-Ford Rd-Ham�,ine-Syndicate All�y-Ja�es-Palaee-Has�line-Syndicate "H" Al].ey-Jaeaes-Palace-Edgcumbe-Leacington Alleg-Jefferson-Wellesley-Syndicate-Griggs E 8� W Alley-Jvliet-Edget�be-Edgcmabe-Lexington East I� & S Alley-Juliet-Edgct�be-Edgcuabe-Lexington Alle�r-Jul i�t-Jefferson-Iiaml.ine-Syndicate Alley-Juliet-J�ffer�on-Syndicate-Griggs Alley-Juno-Randolph-�iaml.ine-Syndicate Alley-Juno-Ra.ndolph-Syndicate-Griggs Alley-Juao-Randolph-Griggs-Edgc�be Alley-Lc�bard-St Clair-Lexington-Benhill Rd All�y-MeBoal-Forbes-Leech-2()9 West s�xx� o�� s�sox c� i97o Ward 5 Alley-Michigan-Snperior-Oneida-�rie Allcy-Michig�n-Superior-Rick�ond-Western 1� of N & S Alley-I�iles-Jnno-Fiam].ine-Syndicate E & �T Alley-ATiles-Juno-FIamline-8yndicate Alley-Niles-Juno-Syndicate-Griggs Alley-Nile s-Jtmo-�r igg s-8dgctno�b e Alley-Palace-Juliet-Ha�l.ine-Syndicate A11ey-Palace-Juliet-Syndicate-Griggs N & S Alley-Palace-duliet-Grigg�-Edgcumbe "H" Al1ey-Palace-duliet-Edgc�be-Lexington Al1ep-Pa.lace-Pleasant-Cha.ts�rorth-Milton Alley-Pinehurst-Highl.and-Hamline-Syndicate Alley-Pleasant-Jef�eraon-Cbatsworth-Milton Alley-Race-Ala.ska-Yista Alley-Randolph-Ja�aes-Hamline-3yndicate Al1ey-Randolph-James-8yndicate-Griggs Alley-Randolph-James-Griggs-Edgc�be "T" Alley-Randolgh-Ja�nes-Edgcumbe-Lexington Alley-Randolph-James-Lexington-EL #1074 Alley-Randolph-dames-Fu.ttoa-Vi�rr Al1�y-Randolph-James-Yiew-Bay Alley-3cheffer-Bayard-Hamline-�yndicate Alley-3cheffer-Bayard-Syndicate-Griggs Al1ey-Seventh-Race-Alask�-vista Alley-Smith-Leech-Forbes-Ra�sey Alley-Stanford-Berkeley-3yndicate-Griggs Alley-8y�dicate-Hidge-Bohlaad Plaee-Ford Rd Alley-3yndicate-Ridge-�'ord-Highland Alley-T�scaxora-Wataen-I�ilton-Victoria Alley-Tus car ora-W at s on-Os c eo].ar Dre�ke Alley-Watson-Armstrong-Milton-Vietoria A17.ey-Watson-Armstrong-9ietoria-View A11ey-Watson-Niles-Hamliae-Syndicate Alley-Watson-2�iles-Syndicate-Griggs E 8s W & lf� of 1� 8e S Alley-Watson-Ailes-ariggs-�dgcta�aabe Al1ey-Wellesley-Stanford-Syadicate-1325 Wellesley Alley-Wellesley-Stanford-Syndicate-Griggs Alley-Western-CI�3'P&P RY-Ee�a.-St Clair BTREET OILIDTG s�soN c� 1970 ward 6 Stre�'t From To Ada Coneord Congrese Alabama State 230' E of Che$ter Alice b Around Park Ohio Cherokee AndreW Wyoming Wir�ona 9r�drew Belvidere page Aadrew Robie Winifred Anita Concord Congress A�polis Oakclal.e Kaasas Aruiaapolis St ickney Concord Baker Cherokee Dodd. Rd Baker Stryker Aobert Baker pakdale 200' E of' Woodbt�ry Bancroft Concord Congress Belloxs Sidney Delos Belvidere Alley W of Winslox Woodbnry B�lvidere Brown 300' East (Guard Rail) Belvidere Andrew Concord Bidwell City Li�aits Prospect Blvd (SL 130 W Sidney) Broxn Armapc�lis Belvidere Brown Sidney Page Br�rn Prescott Robie Brown Winifred NL ��F69 Charlton Dodd. Rd George Charlton Winifred Cangress Cherokee Arm�apolis Baker Cherokee Smith Ohio Chippesra Annapolis Cherokee Hts Blvd Cliriton Concord Colorado Colorado Winslow H�a11. Colorado Wabasba E to End of Street Congress Ohio Wabashs Congress Robert �tate Congress Ada Bancroft �urtice ChippeWa Charlton Cnrtice Robert Andrew Curtice Highxay �56 Concord Delaware Annapolis Baker Delos Bellows 360' E of Hall nelos wabasha 75' wly Delos Staxkey 150' 8 of Qreem�ro� Flizabeth Bidwell Stryker Blizabeth Ha11 232t W of Ha11 Elizabeth (both rdxys) Hall Humboldt Elizabeth Hmnboldt I,ivingston Elizabeth Robert 23�' East s�s�r o�n�c s�sox a� 19?0 waxd 6 3treet Fra� To Gorman Annapolis Wy+c�ing Gcirman Page George Greeriwood Coneord Deloa Ha�7.1. Anna,polis Prospect Blvd H�rvard Anna.pc>lis Belvidere Harvard Curtice Prescott H�boldt Ct�rt ice George Isabel Ohio Wabasha Isabe7. Robert State doy 120' S of Winona Fiater Kansas Ann�apolis Concord ICing Cherokee Stryker King Humboldt State Livingston Ann�polis (�eorge Livingston Isabel Wcod Mana�in Annapolia Cherokee Mor�cn Chippewa Waseca Morton Bellows 110' E of Rober� l�iorton State Brown Mt Hope Curtice Preacott Oe�kd,�l.e Annapolis Prescott Ohio Annapolis George Ohio Winif'red 114' i�IW]y Onega Congress Coneord Orlea.n,s Page Cherokee Ottawa Annapolis George Page Ghip�e�Wa BidWell Page Dodd Rd Andrer� Page WI, ��32 Concord Parnell Colorado Woc�d. Prescott Bro�m 293 Prescc�tt Robie Maaom�:n Humnboldt Robie State Brown Robie Andrex gansas Se�i.nole Curt ice Page Sidney Chippeira Bidwell Sidney Winslox Stryker Sidney Ht�mboldt High�ay #56 Sidney l�an�as Curtice Starkey Concord Plato STREET OILING SF.ASON t� 1970 Ward 6 Street Fr� g� �tate Concord Robie W State Robie E tPtah State �il].more AlabAma Steven� Ottawa State Sitiel�ey Anaapolis Coacord Stryker Atu�apolis Balser Stryker WinifYed Prospect Blvd Waseca Cit� Limite (756 Waseca) George Water At3napolis 935' E of High Bridge t�aterloo Belvidere Curtice Winifred Concord Bancroft Winifred Brown Audr�r Winona Chippewa Charl�oa wi�On� Bidwe]1 Robert ilinona WL of 17� � Wi.nona �Tc�dbtuy Winona WL �412 Kaasas Winc>na Waterloo Stiekn�r Winslc�r Annapolis Prospeet Blvd Wood Parnell Robert Woodbury Annapolis t�y+oming �iaod.bury Belvidere Preacott Wgoming Chippewa Charlton Wyoming �Tisslcr�t Brc�Ka wyoming Aarirew #�68 Wyo�ing Waterlco Stickney STREET 4ILIPG SF.ASON 0�' 1974 ward 6 N & S Alley-Annapolis-Wyoming-Winslow-Stryker "L� Alley-Anaapolis Wyaaaing-Ha]1-Gor�e,n "L" Alley-Annapolis-'�iyomi.ng-Robert-i6o �. Wyaming A]1eg-Baker-F1iza,beth-Gor�aan-56 E Elizabeth A]1ey-B�,ker-ging-E1t�awa-wmith Alley-Belvidere-Curtice-Waterloc�-420' East Alley-Charlton-Waseea-Morton-Baker Alley-Cherokee-Ottawa-Wyaming-Winona. All�y-Cherokee-Otta�a-Winona-Curtice Alley-Concord-Robie-State-Ada Al1ey-Concord-Robie-Ada-Anita At1ey-Concord-Robi�-Asita-Bancroft Alley-Congress-Isabel-Bellows-Bidwell Alley-Curtice-Sidney-Ohio-Charlton 1� & S Alley-Curtice-Sidney-Robert-Riverview Alle�r-CtLrt ice-Sidney-Harvard-Woodbury Al1ey-Delaware-Cherokee-Wyoming-Winona, Alley-Delaware-Cherokee-Winc3na-Curtice Alley-Delaware-Cherokee-Curtice-3idnqr Alley-Delaware-Cherokee-Page-Morton Alley-Dela�rare-Cherokee-Morton-Ba,ker A11ey-Delos-Colorado-Clinton-Greem�roc�d Al1ey-E7.izabeth-King-Bidwell-Winslaw Alle�r-George-Robie-Robert-125 E. George Al1ey-Isabel-Delos-Bellows-Bidwell Al].ey-Isabel-Delos-Cliuton-Greemrood "L" A11eg-Sing-Cherokee-Otta� Alley-Livingston-Robert-Sidney-Page East N & S A]1ey-Morton-Baker-Bellrnvs-Bidwell A11ey-Morton-Ba�er-O�dale-Mt hope Alley-Oakdale-Att Hmpe•Page-Morton Alley-Ottawa-Smith-i�yoming-Winona A11ey-Ottawa-Smith-Winonar-Cnrtice Alley-Ottawa-Smith-Cvrtice-5idney Al1ey-Ottawa-Smith-Sidney-Page Alley-Ottawa-Smith-Stevens-George A]1ey-Page-Morton-Mt Hope-Harvard Alley-Presco�tt-Concord-I� Hope-lgBT �iest Alley-Prescott-Concord Brawn-291 Prescott Alley-Rivervicw-Osl�dale-Curtice-Sidaey STR� OILII�G s�isox a� 1970 ward 6 Alley-Robert-Cli�on-WiniPred-Congress A11ey-Robert-State-girig-586 Aobert "L" Alley-Robie-Winifred-:itryker-Hall Alley-Sidney-Page-Waseca-177 Sidney ALley-Sidney-Page-Mt Hope-Iiarvard Al1ey-S idnegr-Page-�rvard-Woodbury Alley-Smith-l�e.nc�i�-Ann�apolis-Wyoming Alley-Smith-Mano�in-Wy+oming Winona Alley-3mith-Matwmin-Winona-�urtiee A11ey-Snith-I�iom�n-Page-Morton A11ey-Sm3.th-Mano�in-Morton-�3aker A11e�y-Stxyker-Iiall-Annapc�lis-Wyoning Alley-W3n�.fred-Congress-Bellows-Bidwell �111.ey-Wiui.fred-Congres s-B idwell=Winslow A]1ey-W inif'red-Congres s-Ads�Anita A]1ey-Winif`red-Congress-Anita-BancroPt N & S Alleg-Winona-Belvidere-Bidwell-Win�lc�r N & S A11ey-FTinona-Curtice-Manv�in-Ohio "L" A11ey-i�inona-Curtice-Ohio-Charlton Alley-Winslc��,r-Stryker-Wy�aing-Wi.nona Alley-WyoBning-Winona-Harvard-180' �est Alley-Wycmoi,ng-W inona-FZarvard-Wood.bury Alley-i�yram�.ng-Winoria-stickney-518 E Winona STREET 0�7IIG s�sox a� 1970 ward 7 Street Froffi qb Arundel M�arshal7. Carroll Ashland Syndicate Lexington Avon I,at�rel Carroll Carroll SS O�cPord Dale Chatsworth St. Clair Osceola Chatswvrth Sw�it Carroll Dayton Hamline Le$ington D�nlap St Clair Fairmount ,n�ap Goodrich Marsha.11 Dw,n].ap Lane Fairmount Goodrich Fair�aount Aa�nline Griggs Fairmount 280' W of Dnn].ap L�xington Fisk Laurel Carroll Goodrich 8y�tdicate Griggs Good.rich ClKSTP&P RY Lexington Grand Oe,k].and Lawton Griggs St Clair Fairffic� Griggs St�it 1�arsY�7.]. Grotto St�it Carroll Hague Hamline Syndicate Heather Pl.ace Grand Heather Drive Heather Drive Heather Place St�mait Irvine Western Walnut �eEtt Marshall Carroll Lavrel Schuneman Synd,icate Linwood Plaee L�aington Avon Louis Dayton 1�arsh�,L7. Mackubin Marshall Carroll Milton St ClaS.r Oseeola Milton Su�it Carroll (�1s Grove St Clair Osceola Osceola. Hamline Grigg� Osceola Dualap Milton t�ford St C].�ir Osceola (�ford S�it Caxroll Portland Ham7.ine Syndicate Portland CM'4TP&P RY Lexington s�r o�n� s�ASO� v� 1970 Ward 7 Street From To St Albans Sum�it Iglehart Sa.rgeat Ha�].ine Griggs Schnnem�an Lavrel Hage�e Syadicate St Clair Portland Syndieat e Ashland l�e,rsh�.l l Victoria St Clair Osceola Victoria Marshall Carroll Western Irvine Summ�it s�r o�naG s�sox a� i97o Ward 7 Atley-Ashland-I,avucel-Syndicate-Griggs Alley-Ashland-Laurel-Grigg�-Dun].ap Alley-Dagton-l�arshall-H�nline-Syndicate Alley-Dayton-Mar�hall-Syn.dicat�-Griggs Al1ey-Daytoa-Marshall-Griggs-Dunlap Alley-Dayton-Marsh�al.l-Dua7�ap-I,exington Alley-Dayton-l�iaxshall-Chatsxorth-Milton A11ey-Dayton-Marshall-Grotto-St Alba�ns Al1ey-Fair�ouat-Goodrich-Iiam].ine-Synciicate Alley-Fairmovnt-Goodrich-Syndicate-Griggs Alley-Goodrich-Liacoln-Aamline-Syndieate Alley-Goodrieh-bincoln-Synd.icate EL 1259 Goodrich Al1ey-Graad-Su�it-Namline-Syndicate Alley-Grand-$tuem�it-Griggs-Dunlap All.ey-Grand-Summit-Qxf'ord-Chat s�orth A]1ey-Grand-Sta�o�it-Chat sworth-Milt on "L" Alley-Grar�d-Summit-Oa�Cland-Heather Drive Alley-Iiague-3elby-Milton-Victoria Alley-Hague-Selby-Grotto-St Albe�na Alley-Holly-Ashland-Victoria-Avon A]1ey-Hol],y-Ashlaad-St Albans-Dale Al1ey-lglehart-Carroll-Cha,tsworth-Milton Al1ey-Iglehart-Carrolt-A�ilton-Yietcria Alle�r-Iglehart-Carroll-Dale-T�ent Al1ey-7.�lehart-Carroll-Mackubia-Arundel Al1ey-Laurel-Hagta.e-Grotto-3t Albans Alley-Laurel-Selby-Da].e-gent A1.1.ey-Laurel-Selby-Kent-Mackubin Alley-Lincoln-Grand-Syndicate-C1�2�P&P RY Al1ey-Lincoln-Grand-C'�TP&P RY-Duulap Alley-I,incoln-Grand-Dunlap-I,ex ington Alleq-Mar�hall-Iglehart-Lexir�gton-Oxford Al1ey-l�arshall-Iglehart-Qxford-Chatsworth Alley-Marsha,].1-Iglehart-Chatsworth-Milton Alley-�s ceola-Fairmount-F�a,m�.ine-3yndieate Alley-�seeola-Fair�ou�rt-S�ndicate-Griggs "T" A11Cy-OsCeOlS-FBirmOUIIt-DUt�lap-Lpcingtoli E & �l A11ey-oseeola-Fairxo�at-tiiI, Lot 9 Chats�rorth Alleyr-Osceola-Fair�noua�t-Vietoria-Avon Alle�'-Portland-Ash].and-Griggs-Dunlap s��r o�na� SEASOR oF' 1970 Ward 7 Alley-Portland-Ashland-Lexington-t�ford E & W Alley-Por�land.-Holly-Grotto-St A1ba�ns Alley-Portland-Holly-St A].bans-Dale Alley-St Clair-Lirn�rood-(bcPord-Chat�worth Allegr-St Clair-I,inwood-Chatsworth-A2i].ton "T" Alley-St Cla�ir-Osceola-Dvn].ap-Oak Grove "T" Allcy-St Clair-4sceo].a�-Oeh Grove-Lexir�gton Alley-$t Clair-Sargent-Ha�lise-Syndicate Alley-St Clair-S�rgent-Syndicate-Griggs Alley-�argent-Osceo].a-Synd3.cate-160' W of Griggs (pave�ent) Alley-Selby-Dayton-Milton-299' East A1ley-Sum�it-Portlaad-Haml.ine-Syndicate s��r oII,� s�so8 a� 1970 wara 8 Street From To Albe�marle At�a,ter Lawson Albeanarle Cook Geranivm Albemarle Rose Ivy Al.bemarle Cottage I,nrpenteur Arlingtoa Dale Rice Arnndel St A�rthony G A Ry Arundel St inscn bisaxqla.nd Arundel Wheelock 520' N of �ebraaka� Atwater Mackubin Albemarle A�.rara Dale M�r ion Blair Dale Como Burgess Da1e Galtier Charles De�l.e Rice Cohansey Wheelock Nebraska Cr�ck Arur�del R iee Cottage Dale i�Theeloek Cottage Galtier Albe�axle C�berland Engle`rood G N I� Ct�berland I,aWSOn Maryland Ct�berland Arlington Hoyt Danforth Maryland Cottage Dant'orth Arlington Aebraska Denslow Burgess Alley North Edmund Dale Rice El.f'�lt Cha�,rles Cc�ao Englew<�od Arundel Western Farri.ngton Al].ey S of Fuller Ccymo Farrington Atwater Ivy Farrington Arlington Hebraska Fuller Dale Farringtoa Galtier Fuller Co�o Galtier Atr�rater Ivy Galtier N P Ry R/W Arlington Geranivffi Western Rice Hatch Dale Kent Hatch Macknbia Rice Iioyt Cuffiberland Western Idaho We�tera Virginia Ivy Ga1t ier Alb�arle STRE�T OII,IIiG s�,so�r o� 1970 wara 8 S�re�t gr� � Jessamine Western Rice Ke� Carroll Concordia �errt Central Mi.nnehaha ��t C� Jes samine geat Maryland I�ebras�a Lafond Da1e Galtier Lafond Marion C� I'a'WS°a Da1e Rice Loeb La.wson Jessamine M���� Carroll Concordia M��� St Antho�► ����,�, Mackubin Atwater Cook Mackv�bin Ox'an6e �'ebra�ka Maxion Univers ity C�►o Me,x�ioa Atwater Ivyr Maxion Cotta6e NL 1�b9 l�rion Mat ilda �'rout Zyy - Milford Gal�ier Rice Nebraska Dale Wh�elack Rorton I,awson Maryland 4�'�e Da1e Mackubin �'�@ Farrington Galtier 4�'a�e Galtier Rice Rose Farrington Riee �ld St. Anthonpr New St Aathor�}r WI� #4G)9 Western Schletti Orange Nebrsska Sherburne Dal� Rice Simcoe Atwater Wayzs,ta 3t inson Keat lf)0'E Arnndel Stinson Western Galtier �ha�s Da1e Cc�ao �PP�B Dale Galt ier Van Bnren D�e C� Y3rginia A]1ey 8 of Fuller Cam�o 9irginia Front pr�g� Virginia Nebraska Idaho Wayzata Galtier Rice Western Front Mazyland Western Wheelock I�o �Toodbridge Atwater Ivy Woodbridge Wheelock Larperit�tr STREET OII,ING s�sox aF 1970 Ward 8 Alley-Alb�marle-Rice-Wayzata-Frcnt Alley-Albemarle-Rice-Cook-Jeasaai..ae Alley-Albeaarle-Riee-4range-Iv�y Alley-Aurora-University-Dale-Bent Alley-Aurora-University-Arnndel-Western Al1ey-Aurorai.-University-Galtier-Msrion Alley-Blair-Yan Buren-Mackubin-Aruridel I�y-& Sly-Alley-Burgess-Dale-C�w E & �1 Alley-Burgess-Dale-Cc�o Al1ey-Burgess-Stinson-452' W oi Galtier (305 B�trgess)-Galtier Alleg-Central-Fuller-Kea�t-Mackubin Al1ey-Ceatral-Fvller-Western-Virginia Alley-Charles-�dmund-Dsle-gent A11ey-Charles-Edmuad-Kent-liackxibin Alle�r-Charles-Ede�und-Galt ier-Marion Alley-E�d�und-Tho�as-Dale-�er►t E & W Al1ey-Edmuad-Thc�as-Arundel-�iestern Alley-Farringtoa-Matilda-Jessa�iae-Gerani� Alley-Farrington-Mat ilda�-Orange-Ivy Alley-F'rorrt-Hatch-Arundel-Weat ern Alley-�ller-Aurora-Dale-Keut Al1ey-Fnl.ler-Aurora-Aru,ndel-Western Alley-F�l].er-Aurc�ra-Galtier-Marioa Al1ey-Galtier-Marion-Atxater-Milford Alley-Galtier-Marion-Wayzata-Frorrt Alley-Geltier-Marioa-Jessamine-aeranit�m Al1ey-Hateh-Laweon-l��in-Arnndel Alley-I,a.fond-Blair-De�le-Rent Alley-La�ond-Blair-gent-Mackubir► Al1ey-Lafond-Blair-Araadel-�lestern Alley-I,oeb-gent-I,�wson-Cook Al1ey-M�arion-Woodbridge-Wayzata-Front A11ey-Marion-Woodbridge-Hatch-I,sWSOn Alley-Marion-Woodbridge-Cook-Jessamine Alley-I�4arion-Woodbridge-Jcssasine-Geranivm Alley-idarion-Woc�dbridge-Gerani�-xose Alley-Marion-Kc�dbridge-Rose-l�arylasd Alley-I�Sar ion-Wood.br idg e-Marylaad-Orange Alley-�Iax ion-Woodb r iclg e-Orang e-Ivy "T" Alley-ldaryland-Orange-Galtier-t�arion N 8a S Al].ey-Maryland-Orange-Alba�arle-Rice s� oun� s�so� a� i97o Weir d 8 E b id Alley-Msryland-E7range-Albema.rle-Riee Alley-Matilda-Galtier-Cook-Jessa�ine Alley-Sherburne-Charles-Dale-Retrt Alley-3herburae-Charles-1Cent-Mackubin Alley-Sherburne-Chaxles-Mackubin-Arundel Al1ey-3herburne-Charlea-Farrington-Galtier Alley-Stin�on-Frorit-Galtier-West to Turn Around Alleg-3�insos-Froat-�'arrington-362' West Alley-Thc�mas-Lafond-Dale-Reat A11ey-Tha�as-Laf'ond-Arundel-Western Alley-IInivers ity-Sherbt�rrae-Dale-�ent Alleg-Yan Buren-Minnehaha-Dale-Beat E 8o W Alley-Van Burea-Minnehaha-Arundel-We$tern Al1ey-Western-Virginia-Tho��as-Lafond A]1�y-Western-Virgiuia-Cook-Jessanine Alley-Western-Virginia-1595 Virginia-I�aho "T" Alley-i�eelcck-Cott�ge-Kent-Schletti Alley-Woodbridge-Albe�arle-W�,yzata-Front Alle�r-Wovdbr idg�-Albe�arle-Hat ch-I,awson Alley-Woodbridge-Albemarle-Jessamine-Geraaiwa► N & S Alley-Woodbricige-Albtmarle-Maryla�nd-Orange E & W Alley-�Ioodbridge-Albe�arle-Maryland-f)rarige s��r o�n� sr�.sc� a� 1970 �1arfl 9 Street Fro�m To Abell J@ssamine Hawthorae Abell Wheelock Larpenteur Acker 8ylvan �ackson Agate Sycamore Geranium Arch Rice 2�0' W of Capt. Hts (pave) Atsrater Rice Sylvan Aurora 98' E of Cedar Robert But'�alo Acker Granite Capitol Blvd Cc�o �+6' P� of Winter Capitol Rts. #711 Capitol FPts #820 Capt Ats Case Jackson Agate cay,�a aa�$on Er, 2i4 cayvga Charle8 Rice Capitol Hts Ccok xice Sylvan Cook Jackson Soo Line Ry Elk Acker Syca�c�re Fro�rt R ice Sylvan �enessee Buffalo ffi, 205 Genessee Geranium Rice Agate Gre�aite Jackson EL 207 Qranite Hardenbergh Pl Lyton Place At�a.ter Hatch Rice Sylvan Hawthorne R iee Sylva�n Ho�rt Rice $yl.vaa Io�a Rice Soo Line �* Jaekson Arlington Larpenteur Jeaks Jackson Agate JeBSaa�ine Rice �0' E of Agate I,awsun Rice Sylvaa Lawsoa Jackson Agate I,itchfield Rice Park Lyton Plaee Rice Sylvan Magnolia Rice Agate Manitoba Rice Sylvan MarYland EL, #75 MarYland EL �112 l�arylsnd Moirtana Rice Sylvan Orange Rice Sylvax� STR� OILING s�so� c� i97o X� Waxd 9 Street From To Park Camo 93' �t of i�linter Park Acker Urar�ge Park Morr�ama Wheelock Robert University Capitol Hts Rose Rice Soo biae Ry Sims Jackson �ge,te Stellar Lyton Place Atxater Syca�ore Jackson E Agate 3ylvan Acker Ivy Sylvan MoFrtana Hcyyt Thixteenth �'S Robert Jackson Va�lley Capitol Hts Jackson Wanda Wheelock Larpenteur Wayzata Rice Park Wi.nnipeg Rice Sylvaa Winter Rice Capitol Hts York Jaeksoa 16g' E of Agate STREET OILIl� s�sox oF 1970 ward 9 Alley-Aaker-Genessee-Buffalo-L'Orient N & 8 Alley-Atwater-Winnipeg-Aice-Park Alley-Fror�-Hateh-Psrk-3ylvan "T" Alley-Genessee-Granite-Buffalo-L'Orient E 8e W Al1ey-Geraaiwn-Rose-Rice-Park Alley-G�rani�m-Ro�e-Park-3ylvan Al1ey-Geraniva�-Rose-Abell-Jackson Alley-Hatch-I,awson-Park-3ylvan � & S Alley-Ha�rthorae-Orange-Rice-Paxk "T" Alley-Jeasamine-Geranium-Rice Park "L" A11�y-Lawson-Cook-Rice-Park Alley-7,awson-�ook-Park-8ylvan Al1ey-I�agnolia-�'essamiae-Park-Sylvan Al].ey-Manitoba-Wayzata-Rice-Park Alley-Si�nns-Case-�ackson-200' Sast N & 3 & E & W Al1ey-Syca�ore-I,yton Plaee-Park-Sylva� "T" Alley-W3tltlipeg-Maxlitoba.-Rice-PaY'k s��r oan� s�►so8 aF 1970 wara io Strret grom Tp A1baqY Alley T of Snelling Ham].iae Albert IIaiversity Pierce Butler Albert Wynne Co�o �lbert Franksoa Hoyt Aldine University Butler Rte Almond Snelling Ha�al.ine Arlington Saelling Chelsea Arona Wynne Ho�yt Asbury IIniversity l�nglewood Asbury Midway Pkr�y Arlington Asbury Sebraska Hoyt Atty Scudder Ray�ond Bayless Bayless Place Robbias Bayless W Eaymond Bayless Place Bayle�s Place TS #284 Crca�weli Berry University Pearl Bisea Midw�y Pk�y Midxay Pkwg Blair Fairview Lezington Blake Gordon Langf'ord Pk P1 W Blake Langford Pk P1 E Raymond Bourne L�stis Ke�ton Bradf'ord Ellis Endicott Branstos (E of Park� 150' S of Headon 204' A of Hendan Branston (W of Park 150• S of Hendon 22�+` N of Hendon Branston 21�' N of Hendon Hoyt Breda Winston #1612 Breda Breda #1552 Breda Hamline Brewster (both sides park) Raymond Raleigh Brc�apton DoswelZ Cc� Bu�'ord Brc�upton Ccamo Buford Gran�ham Cleve]and Califc�rnia Dunlap Lexington Can�Pield Saellirig Pascal Canf ield �ii].bert gaatine Carleton Charles Territorisl Rd Carter Eustis Cleveland Charles Berry CurYeir Charles Raymoad Carleton Charles Hampden Vandalia Charles Prior Fa,irvie�r Charles Aldine Lexingtoa Cha,rlotte He�itt Butler Route Chelffisford &iapp Carter Chelffisford Doswell Ifu.c�l,e�r Chelsea Arlington Id�ho Chelton Prior Fairvie�r Chilcoffibe E�stis Reston Clayland Chelton Taylor Clayland Clayla.nd. 3t �'airvic�r STREET OII,IPiG s�soR o� 1970 w�a io Street Frca To Co�m�nxealth Hillside W �cl of Park Ca�onweatth (SS Park) W End of Pa�rk T �nd oY Park Cc�om�realth (�'S Park) W End of Paxk E End of Park Co�am�mreal.th E End of Pe►rk Cleve].�nd Cromwell (Both Sides park) Bayless Ple�e Marnrel Cur�'e�r Univers ity Charles Dakota Raymond Wycliff Doswell Eu�tis Clevele.nd Dudley Grantham Clevelaad Dunlap University Hubbard Dtinlap Montana Laxpe�esar F�mand Aldi.ne I,ex3.ngtoa E].1.is Territcrie�,l. Hampden Endicatt 2430 Wycliff Hersey Engleirood (both sides park) Minnehaha Fairview S�gle�wood Fairview 3nelling Tnglewood Ha�line I,exington E'ustis Hillside 725' S of Co� Errerett Cc�art G N Ry �asota Fair Plaee Snelling Arona F'airvie�rr Minaehaha Butler Ferrnrood Hcyt Larpenteur Frankson Midxay Pkwy Ha�liae Fry Univers ity Butlex Fu]ham Alley S of Hendon Hc�yt Gibbs Kascrta Cc�o Gordon (both eides trian�le)Caxter I,arigford Pk W Gord.on (both sides of "Y") Langford Pk E 8��nd Gra,ntha� Doswell Gra�rthan � � W Graathati E Grantham 1412 Grarrtham Grantham E Buford Grantham (3ra�stham W Graatha�� Grantham Granthan Grar�tha� E 8s W goyt Griggs Univers ity B�rtler Griggs Hc�yt Idaho Hamline Hewitt G � Ry Hamline Jes�a�►ine Larpesteur Ha�►den Raymoad BayleBs Hendon Cc�o Cleveland Aersey Fiampden Endic�t Hewitt Prior Clayland Hewitt (both sides park) Clayland. FairvieeMrr s�r o�n� S�ASCn� o1P 1970 Ward 10 Street From To Hewitt Fairview Aldine Hewitt Ham].ine 119�+ Hewitt Hi]lside I�stis Cv�o Iiolton Minnehaha Butler Holto� Arli.ngton Hoyt Howell Che].ton ��ylor Hoyt Fulham 465' E of Granthaffi Ho�t Sne113.ng I,exingtoa H�ibbaxd Holton Albert Hubbard Ha�ml.ine I,exington Hunt Place Territorial Rd � to End Ataron Arlington Idaho F�rthe Doswell Dudley Idaho Hamline Leaiagton Ic�wa Dunlap Le�cington Kasota Raymmond Gibbs Seston Co�omrealth �iford Kn,app Hillside Cleveland Rziapp Place Bnapp Como I,afond Fairview Aldine Lafond Snelling Lexington ?�angford Pk Pl W N P Ry 195' North La,ngford Pk (both sides) Bayless �'ns.pp Long Raymond Ell.is Lt�dlow � P Ry Gordon Luther Place 320' N oY Camo Grantha� Mc�ialey Frankson Arlington Manvel Robbins Raymond. Merrill Hoyt Idaho Midwa,y Pk�y N Serv Dr Snelling Haml.ine Midway Pkwy S gerv Dr Snelling Hamline Montan�a Dunlap Lexington Nebraska Snelling Chelsea Pascal University 125' N of Taylor Pascal Wynne Hoyt Pearl Et�st is Bayles s Pennock Ha�well Tatgnn Priseills Raymond �ribbs Raleigh Brewster Cv�o R�ymond Cleveland Dudley Raymond Place Raymond Alley Aorth Robb ins I�a,avel Raymond S34tEET DII,Il'�G s�►soR oF 1970 Ward 10 Street Fra�a To Scudder Blake Cleveland Sea1 Territorial Rd Ellis Seminary Ha�line Leuington Sheld.c>n Frankson Nebraska Sheldon Hcyt �+19' S of Hoyt (end of Street) Sherburne Aldine Lexington Simpson University Fngl.ewc�od S�mpson Midway Pkwy Hoyt Syndicate University Taylvr Z'att� Minnehaha Taylor Taylor Pricr Fairview Taglor Wheeler Hamline Ave cul de aac Taylor Ha�7.ine SI, 1318 Taylor Territorial Rd Ha�pden Vaadal.ia Thom�s Fairview Lexi.ngton Valent ine Eust is Co� Van Bvren 3nelling Lexingtoa Vandalia Territorial Rd Capp 8d i�eeler ihsivers ity 341.�' S of Thcymas Wheeler Thoaas Taylor Winston Wynne Co�o WyclifP Hersey Et, #2�30 Wynne Win�ton Snelling Fro�tage Rd Wyane �1563 Wynne Hamline Yout�g Taylor B�tler Route STR�P 0]ZI19� s�sox d� i97o Ward 10 E 8a W Alley-Albaqy-A]�aond-Snelling-Arona Alley-Albert-Sheldon-F'rankson-Arlington Al1ey-Albert-Sheldon-Arlington-Aebrask�a Al1ey-Albert-3heldon-Nebrask�-HcYyt "T" Al1ey-A]�ond-Canfield-Snelling-Arona Alley-Almosd-Canfield-Arona-Paseal "T" Alley-Arlir�gton-�ebraska-Ha�mline-Huron "L" A71ey-Arlington-l�ebraska-Huron-Chelsea Alley-Arona-3impson-Frank.sos-Arlington Al1ey-Arona-8impson-Arlington-�ebraska A7.].ey-Arona-Simpson-Nebraska-Hoyt „L" Alley-Bayless-Peaxl-Eustis-Cra�irel]. Alley-Bayless-Plaee-Pearl-Cromwell-Bayless Al1ey-Blair-9an Buren-Wheeler-Aldine All�y-Blair-Van Btitren-Aldine-Fry Alley-Blair-Vaa Burea Pascal-Albert Alley-Blair-Van Burea-Albert-Hamline A71ey-Blair-Van Baren-Syndicate-Griggs A1].ey-Blair-Van Burea-Griggs-Dnnlap Alley-Branston-Grantha�a-Hend.on-Hoyt E & W Al1ey Breda-Cc�ma-Winston-Snellirig Alley-Breda-Co�o-Arona-Pasc�]. Alley-Breda-Ccmo-Pascal-Albert Alley�-Breda-Cc�no-Albert-�a�l.ine Al1ey-Brewster-Co�-Raymond-Gibb� "T" Alley-Buford-Como-Bro�rptaa E & W Al1ey-Carter-Dosirell-Gove-2170 Doswell West N & S Alley-�arter-Do�well-Keston-Co�o "T" Al1ey-Charles-rrdmund-Fry-3nelling "H" All�-Charles-Ednvnd-Snelling-Asbury West I� & S Alley-Charles-Fdmund-Sinpson-Pascal Alley-Chasles-Edmund-Pascal-Albert Alley-Charles-Eda�nind-Albert-H�line Al1ey-Charles-Edm�nd-Syndicate-Griggs Alley-Charles-Edm�nd-Gr3ggs-Dvalap A11e�r-Charles-Fdm�ad-D�u17.ap-I,exington Alleyr-Chelmsford-F�ythe-Buford-Hendon Alley-Chelsea-Merrill-Hoyt-Idaho "H" Alley-Co�nonwealth-Carter-Como-Che].msford ss��r oa,n� s�so� oF i97o Ward 10 $ 355` o�' E & W Alley-Cc�ao-Albar�,y-Snelling-Arona Al1ey-Cc�o-Alba�y-Arona-East to Turn Around nT" Alley-Ccmto-Albany-Paseal-Haml.ine "T" Alley-Ccrmo-Hendon-Fulham I� & S Alley-Doswell-Buford.-Cbelmsford-Fj�rthe E & W Alley-Doswell-Buford-I�rthe-Rsymcnd N 137' of West N & S A11ey (b�een 2330 and 23�+0 Yaleatine) Doswell-Val.eatine-Kes-�on-Co�o R & S Al1ey-Ec�mtxnd-Thomas-Fry-�aelling "L,� Alley-Edmnnd-�homas-3nelling-Asbvey West N & S Alley-Edffiund-Thomas-Asbtu�Si�pson "H" A11eY-Edmund.-Th�as-Simpaon-Paseal Alley-Edmund-Tho�nas-Pascal-Albert Alley-Edmund-Thamas-A7.bert-F�line Alley-Edmund-Thamas-Iiaail.ine-S�rnd.ieate Alley-Edmund-3'hamas-Syndicate-Griggs North E & W Alley-Engle�irood-Hewitt-Pascal-Holton N & S Alley-Englewood-Hexitt-Albert-FIa�m].ine E 8a W Alley-Englcwoc�d-Hewitt-Albert-Ha�].in� Alley-Englewood-5eminary-wy�dicate-Griggs Alley-Lngl.ewood-Se�minazy-Griggs-Dunlap Al1ey-Gibbs-Raleigh-Brewster-Cosno Alley-Gc�rdon-Bn�,pp-Hillside-I�ngford Park Alley-araathaan-Cleveland-Dudley-Hoyt Alley-Griggs-Du.nlap-Hoyt-�orth to Tura Armxnd Alley-Haavline-Huron-Hoyt-Idaho Alley-Haaspde�-I�anvel-Bayless-8aymond West � & S AL1ey-Hendon-Dudley-Grantham-Chelmsford East N 8a S All.ey-Hend.on-Dudl.ey-Grantha�-Chelmsford Alley-Holton-Albert-Axlington-Aebraska Alley-Holton-Albert-Nebraska-Hoyt Alley-Hoyt-Io�wa-Dunlap-Lexington Al1ey-Huron-Chelsea-ffiebraska-Hc�rt Alley-S'�ron-Chelsea-Hoyt-Idaho Al1ey-H�the-Raymond-Buford-Hendoa Alley-F�ythe-Raymc>nd-Hendon-Dudl�y A]1ey I,afond-Bl,air-Wheeler-Aldine Alley-Lafond-Blair-Aldine-Fry "T" A11ey-Lafond-Blair-Fry-Snelling Alleg-bafoad-Blair-Sin�son-Paacal Alley-Lafond-Blair-Syndicate-Griggs S�EET OILIlIG SEASOx �' 19?0 wara io Alley-Lafond-Blair-Griggs-Dunlap "T" Alley-Lafond-Blair-Dunlap-Lex3.ngton "T" Alley-Long-Ha�pden-Raymond-Bradford Alley-Minnehaha-Chelton-Prior-Tatum E & W Alley-M3.naehaha-Chelton-Tat�Engle�ood 1Q1y & Sly Alley-Minnehaha-Chelton-Tatvm-Englewoc�d. A]1ey-Minnehaha.-Englewc>od-Fairview Alle�r-Pascal-Holton-Nebra�ka-Hayt Allay-Ray�ond-Cleveland-Carter-�oswell A11.ey-xaymond-Cleveland-Hendoa-Dndley Sly2 of West l�q.y & S],y alley-Scudder-Knspp-Cc�o-8aymond Alley-3heldon-Ha�mline-Frank�on-Arlington Al1ey-Sherburne-Charles-Aldine-Fry "T" ALley_Sherbttrne-Charles-Fry-Snelling Alley-Sherburne-Charles-Snelling-Asbuiy Al1ey-Sherburne-Charlea-Asb�-Sinrpson Al1ey-Sherb�rne-Charles-Simpson-Paseal Alleq-Sherburne-Charles-Pascal-Al.bert A11ey-Sherburae-Chaxles-Hamline-Syndicate Alley-SherbBrne-Charles-Syndicate-�riggs Alley-Sherburne-Charles-Griggs-Dunlap Alley-Sherburne-Charles-Dunlap-I,exi�gton Alley-Simpson-Pascal-Franksoa-Arlington All.ey-S impson-Pascal-Arlington-aebrassl�a Alleg-Snelling-Asbury-Fair P]ace-Arlington E & W Alley-Taylor-G H Ry-Aldine-Charlotte E & W Alley-Taylor-G 1� �-CY�arlotte-Fry E d� W Alley-�lcr-G N Ry-Fry-Snelling (E & W A11ey ra.aa fron Fry to 186' E) Alley-Territorial Rd-Playground.g-Groffiwell-Htu�t Place All�y-Thammas-Lafond-�'sirview-Whe�ler Alley-T'home►s-LaPond-Wh�eler-Aldiae Alley-Thomas-Lafbnd-Aldine-Fry "T" Alley-�homas-Lafond-Fry-Snelling West N & S Alley-Tha�as-La�ond-Sixpson-Pascal Alley-Th�as-Lafond-Pascal-Albert Al1ey-Tha�as-Lafond-Syad.icate-Griggs Alley-Thamas-Lafond-Griggs-Dunlap n��r Alley-Thom�s-LaPond-Du�L1.8�p-Lex3.�to�1 Alley-University-Sherburne-Asbury-Simpson A11ey-IIniversity-Sherburne-Simpsvn-Paseal s�� o�n� sr�so� c� 1970 Ward 10 Alley-Un3versity-Sherburne-Paseal-Alber� Al1ey-IIniversity-Sherbtirne-Haml.ine-Syndica�e A1].ey-University-Sherburne-Synd.icate-Griggs A11�r-University-Sberburne-Dunl&p-Lexington Alley�-Yaleat ine-Buf ord.-Brcymp�t oa-Ke ston Alley-nan Burea-Minnehaha-Wh�eler-Aldine "T" Al1ey-van B�tren-Mianehaha-Aldine-Fry �iest 1� & 3 Alley-Qan Bnren-Minaehaha-Saelling-Asbury Alley-Van Buren-Minnehaha-A�bury-Simpson Al1ey-Yan Buren-Minnehaha-Simpson-Pa�ea1 A71ey-9an Buren-Minnehaha-Albert-Iia�line Alley-Van Buren-Minnehaha-Hamline-Syndicate Alley-Van Buren-Minnehaha-Syndic�te-Gri�gs Alley-Van Buren-Minnehaha-Griggs-Du,nl�p Alley-Wynne-Breda-Arona-Paecal Al1ey-Wynne-Breda-Al.bert-Ha�l.ine S�tEE'P OII,Il�l3 s�,soR c� 1970 Ward 11 Street From To Albert Highland Hagne Aldiae S�i� Caxroll Alton Youngnaa,� 3eventh Ann Arbor Cretin �'inn Asbury Alley S of Iglehart Coscordia Ashland Cleve].and Snelling Ashland Pascal 37' W of Hamline Front. Rd Bayard Mt Curve Snelling Bayard Pascal Ha�a.7.ine Beacon St Anthor�r Univers ity Beechfrood Bohland P'airview Benson Alton � #2354 Benson Madison Rankin Berkeley Pascal Hamline Berry Franklin Ellis Beverly Rd St Anthony St Arithox�y Bohl.and. Clevela,nd �airview Bordner Place Cleveland Retnra Ct Ba�wdoin Itaeca Haffipshire Bri�ohall SchefPer St Clair Carroll Cretin Fairview Carroll WL #1794 Pascal Carroll Syndicate Griggs Clifford Beverly Rd St. Anthoa}r Colby Bowdoin Hampshire Colett� Prior MagoPfin Colvin Edgc�be Davern Cro�well Bever].y St. Antho� Cvrfe�w Otis Desno�rer Curfew N�yrtle Univers ity Davern Shepard Rd CI�TP&P Ry Davern St Paul St Clair Dayton Miss Riv Blvd Saratoga Dayton Pascal Hamline Delano St Pe�l Kenneth Desnoyer bnerald L�stis Dewey Su�it Rab]yn Dewey St Aatho�r Univers ity Doane Eust is Ray�nd Dorothea. Colette St Paul Dttnlap Bigelc�w Central Eleanor Mt Curve M�►calester Eleanor Snellir�g Hamline Ellis �erald Univeraity Elsie Lane Miss Riv Blvd Cleveland s��r oa� s�so� o� i97o wara 11 Street Fro� To Pi�erald Mis s R iv Blvd Ot is F•merald Franklin Univeraity E'�.st is Doane ut Anthony F�ceter Place Riv�rKC�od l�arshall Fairmount Cretin Prior Ferdinand Carroll Rablyn F'eronia Prior Fairview Field Murray Prior Field Edgcumbe Davera �� 1�So�in H�pshire �� Highl.and Hartford F inci Niles S�it Finn Selby 3t Aathoq}r Frontenac 3t Anthor�y �s�is �r'Y 3umnait Concordia Fry St Anthony University Glendale Beverly NL #575 Glendale Wabash l�yrtle Gc�odrich Cr�t in Cleve].and Graham Prior gorfolk I,an� Graham 12' E of Wheeler Davern Gri.ggs Carroll Concordia Griggs St Antho�r ponohae Hague Fairvie��,rr Paveaaent W of A].bert gag�e CI�.STPdeF Ry Hsmline Hampshire Colby Bcr�rdoin Ha�shire Hcywell Pdgc�be F�ampshire Yorkshire Davern Haaapshire Ct Ha�pshire 8 to Tarn Arouad Hartford Mt Curve Cleveland Hartford 116' W of Fairview Ha�l3ne Herschel Ashland Carroll Herschel St Antho�y IIniversity Hilltop Colvin Edgc�be Howell Edgcumbe Hi]lcreat Hawell Elean,or Ba,ya�rd Hcywe]1 Randolph Palace Ho�well 8tanf'ord Grand Iio�well Su�it Roti�yn Iglehart �retin Fairvi�rr Iglehart WL #1804 Pasea►]. Iris Place I,ynnhurst W I,ygnhurst E Itasca Misa River Blvd Eetnrn Ct James Cretin Faireieeurr Jame� Pascal Ha�line STR� OILII!� s�sox a� i97o Ward 11 Street �'r� To JeFferson Miss Riv Blvd Fairvie�r defferson Saelling Ham.tine Josephine Eles,nor Bayard Juliet �retin Fsirview Jtaliet Pascal Hamline Jnno Cretin Clevelai,nd Juno Fairview iiheeler Juno Davern Snelling Kenneth I�orfolk Sheridan Senneth Saunders Bayard Kenneth Randolph St Clair genneth Alley 3 of Prineeton Goodrich La 8alle Wabash IIniversitg Laurel Cleveland Hamline Serv Rd Lincola Cretin Fairview Lower St Dennis Upper St Dennis Edgct�nbe Lynnhnrst E Feronia IIniversity Lynahurst W Feronia tTaiversity Macalester Beechwood Pineh�rst Macalester Highland Jefferson Madison Yon�ngm�,n Seve�rth Msgoffia Miss Riv Blvd Return Ct MagofFin Colette St Paul Merriain Lane Wilder 3t Anthon�y Montgomery Wabash University Moatreal Cldveland St Pavl Moore 3vam�it Merri� Laae Morgan Clevel,and Return Ct Morgan Colette Werchester 1�rgan Edgcwoabe Da►vern Mt Ct�rve Randolph St C].s�ir Munster Prior Davern l�urray Norfvlk Field �rrtle Craanwell Haymoad �iles Cretin Cleveland Niles Davern WarKick l�orbert Laa�e Dorothea St Paul Norbert Plaee l�orbert Lane Norbert La�ne Norfolk Cleveland II, #1861 Rorfolk Seventh Blvd Stewart Oakley Prior I,ynnhur�t E Orme Ct Ha�pshire S to Tarn Around Orme I,ane Orme Court Uraae Court Ot is E`ust is Ha�erald s��T o�� s�so� o� ig7o tdard 11 Street Fro� ?b Palace Cretin Fairview Palaee Snelling Hamline Pascal H3ghland 391' R of Aartford Paseal Randolph $elby Pascal t�rshall Concordia Pelham Doane NL �571 Pierce St�it Iglehart Pierce Carrall Coneordia Pierce St Anthor�q University Pillsbury Rsy�nd 140' F.ast Pinehurst Ait Curve Haw�ll Pineh�rst Fairview Snelling Portla.nd Pascal 90' W of Ha�l.iae Prior Miss Riv Blvd Return Ct Prior St Paul Yorkshire Prior Eletsnor Bsyard Prior Ra�ndolph Marshall Quirnia St Paul Edgcembe Ramlow Place Cleveland Return Ct Raymond. Bever],y Doaae Retura Ct Prior Itasca Return Ct MagoPfin Yillard R3verwood Place E�eter Place Cretin Rob�yn Creti.a Wilder Rob7yn M�rriam Lane 1870 Roblyn WI, Lot 4 B].k. 13 Roblyn pascal 2y0' E of Pa$cal Rockwood Snell3.ng �t, #2255 Rcrme Wilder Fairviet�r Roy Highland Scheffer Rog St Anthon�y University St Denais Conrt Lc�wer 3t Dennis TJpper St Dennis Saratoga Scheffer Dagtoa 3argeut Snelling Na�nline Sawnders Clev�land Fairview SchefYer ARt Curve Clevela�d SehegPer Fairvie�w Hamline 3elby Eseter Plae� Fairview Selby CMSTP&P Ry 330' w of Bridge ghelby N 8� S Drives 330• W of Bridge L End of Brid�e 3helby Place SL Shelby Place Edgeumbe Sheridan Cleveland Davern Shields Fairvie�r Aldiae 3Y�i�lds Pierce Snelling Snellir�g Severrth Edg�umbe Stanfc�rd Mt Curve Fairview Stanford Snelling Hamline St e�rart �'orf olk Ward L ine STREET OILING SEASON OF 1970 Ward 11 Street From q� �� Munster Sh�riclan Su� El�anor Aay�,rd St�nmit R Drive Wheeler (Prod) Snelling Sum�it S Drive Wheeler Bri�ahall (prod� Sumner Norfolk Sherid�n S�ner Highland Bayard 3tanr�yslope Lane Edgct�b� T�xn pround Snsan Colette St Panl Syndicate Marshall Carrell Syndicat� St Antho�r ponohue Te�rple Ccjurt Cretin Roblyn Thure Cleveland Retura Coart Dpper St Dennis Davern Low�r St Denni�a Villard Cleveland Return Ct Villard Ct Villard Turn Arouad Wabash Cro�well Ha�pden Wabash Vandalia Cleveland Warwick Seheffer St Clair Watson Cretin Cleveland Watson Davern Saelling Wellesley 1�t Curve Fairview Wellesley paseal ga�ril,ine Wheeler NorPolk Grahaffi Whee].er Severrth Field Wheeler Highland HastPord, Wheeler J�o St Clair Wheeler Su�anit Carroll Wheeler 3� Atttho�r University Wilder Montreal Bohland Wilder High7.and Bayard Wilder S�amit St Antl�or�y Woodlawn Highland Miss Riv Blvd Woodlawn Randolph JefYerson Worcester Cleveland Rett�rn Ct Worceater Prior St Patil. Wordsworth Prior Seventh Yorkshire Cl�veland St Pavl Yorkshire Prior Davera Yorkshire Ct Prior 220' We�t STREE'T OILII�G SEASON � 1970 Ward 11 "T" Al1ey-Ashland-Laurel-Cleve].and-Wilder Al1ey-AsY�land-Laurel-Mc>ore-Pr ior Al1ey-Ashland-Laurel-Prior-Howell Alley-Ashland-Laurel-Hc>trell-Dewey Alley-l�hland-I,aurel-DCwe3r-Fairview Alley-Ashland-Lanrel-F'airvieeFrr-Wheeler Alle3r-Ashland-Laurel-Wheeler-Herschel Alle�y-Ashland-I�aurel-Hersehel-Aldine Alley-Ashland-Laurel-Aldine-Pierce A11ey-Ashlaad-Laurel-Pierce-Fry N & S Al1ey-Ash].and-Laurel-Fry-Snellir�g E & W and West N b S Alley-Ashl.and-Laurel-Snelling-Saratoga Alley-Ashland-Laurel-Saratoga-Pascal Alley-Ashland-Laurel-Paseal-Albert Al1ey-Bayaxd-Kartford-Wheeler-Davern A11ey-Bayard-Hartford-Davern-I�acalest er "T" A11ey-Bayaxd-Hartford-N�acalester-Snelling N & S Alley-Beechwood-Bohland-Maealester-Snelling Alley-Berke].ey-St Clair-Mt Curve-Cretin "T" Alleg-Berkeley-St Clai.r-Finn-Cleveland "T" A11ey-Berkeley-St Clair-Cleveland-Renn�th Alley-Berkeley-St Clair-ICenneth-Prior Alley-Berkeley�St Clair-Prior-Horyrell Alley-Berkeley-St Clair-Howell-Fairview A11ey-Berkeley-St Clair-Wheeler-Davern "T" Alley-Berkeley-St Clair-Davera-Macalester "T" Al1ey-Berkeley-St Clair-Macalester-Snelling A1.ley-Berkeley-St Clair-Paseal-Albert S & W Alley-Berkeley-St Clair-Albert-Aamli.ne Alley-Bever].y-Pillsbury-Raymond-8t Anthon�r Alley-Bri�hal].-8aratoga-Aaxtford-Niles "T" Alley-Brimhal7.-Saxatoga-Rand.olph-Palace Alley-Brimhall-Saratoga-Jefferson-Stanford Alley-Brimhall-Sara-�oga-Stanford-St Clair A1.7.ey-Carroll-Rob]yn-Cret i.n-F inu Alley-Carroll-Roblyn-Finn-Clevel�nd Alley-Carroll-Rob],yn-Hvwell-Ferdinand Al1ey-Carroll-Boblyn-Ferdir�aad-Dewey Alley-Carroll-Rob]�rn-Dewey-Fairview Alley-Carroll-Concordia-Pierce-Fry S�tEE� OILIBi� s�isc�x o� 1970 w�a u. "T" A1].ey-Carroll-Coneordia-Fry-Snelling Al1e�-Carro]1-Concordia-Asbury-Pascal Alley-Ceutral-University-Dunlap-Lex3.ngton A1].ey-Cleveland-Wilder-Eleanor-Bayard Alley-Cleveland-Wilder-Iglehart-Carroll Alley-Cleveland-wilder-Carroll-Roblyn N & S Alley-Cromwel�.-Pelham-B�verly-205' ivly A11ey-Cra�rell-PelY�a�n-Doane-HI, #610 E & W All�y-Dayton-Marshall-Exeter-Cretin A11ey-I)asyton-Marshall-Finn-Cleveland A11ey-Dayton-I�rsha�l-Cleveland-Wilder Al1ey-Daytor�-M�rshall-Wilder-Moore Alley-D�yton-Marshall-Moore-Prior A]1ey-Dayton-Marshall-Prior-FIawell Alley-Da�yton-Marshall-Hc�well-Dew�y Alle�r-Dayton-ASarshall-Dewey-�'airview Alley-Dayton-Marshall-Fairvic�r-Wheeler Al1ey-Dayton-1Karshall-Wheeler-Herschel Alley-Dayton-Marshall-Pierce-Fry A11ey-Dayton-l�arshall-Fry-Snelling "T" Alley-Eleanor-Scheffer-Mt Curve-Cretin Alley-Eleanor-SchePfer-Cretin-Finn Al1�y-Eleanor-3cheffer-i�heeler-Davern Al1ey-Fleanor-SchefYer-Davern-Macalester Alley-Fleanor-Seheffer-Pascal-Albert "T" A17.ey-Eleanor-SchefYer-Albert-Han].ise "T" Alley_Fairmc>unt-Goodrich-Finn-�leveland Alley-Fair�anount-Goodrich-Cleveland-Kenneth Alley-Fairn�unt-C,00drich-Hcn�rell-Fai.rview A & S Alley-Fairvie�r-Beacon-Shields-SL Lot 5 (�03 Beaeon) Alley-Feronia-Iris Place-Lynnhnrst W-Lynnhurst E "T" Al1ey-�'ord-Pinehurst-Mt Cvrve-Cretin T �e W Alley-Ford-Piaeharst-Cleveland-Renneth Alley-Fry-Roy-Shields-38�' l�orth "T" Al1ey-Goodxich-Lincola-Finn-Cleveland Alley-Goodrich-Lincoln-Cleveland-Prior Alley-Goodrieh-Lincoln-Prior-Hawell Alle3r-Goodrich-I,incoln-Howell-Fairview E & W Alley-Goodrich-Zincoln-Fair�iew-Wheeler "�" A]1ey-Goodrich-Li.ncoln-Snelling-Saratoga Alley-Goodrich-Lincola-Saratoga-Pascal STREET OILII�G sr�sox oF 1970 Ward 11 Alley-Grand-Sumnnit-Cretin-Finu Alley-Grand-Sum�it-Finn-Cleveland Al1ey-Grand-Su�it-Cleveland-Prior Alley-Grand-St�mmit-2�A' E oY Fairviex-Wheeler � & S and E & W Alley-Grand-Stunmit-Saelling-8aratoga Alley-Grand-St�it-Albert-Ha�line West N & S and E & W Alle�-Hart�ord-Watsoa-Cretin-Cleveland Alley-Hartford-Watson-I3�vern-Macalester N & 3 Alley-Hightand-Elear3or-Mt C�arve-Cretin Al1ey-Highland-Eleanor-F�-Clevel.and Alley-Highland-Eleanor-Paseal-Albert "T" �17.ey-Highland-F1ea.nor-Albert-Hamline "L" A]1ey-Highland-Scheffer-Roy-Saelling Alley-Iglehart-Carro7l-Hc�well-Dewey Alley-Iglehart-Carroll-WL 1805 Iglehart-laheeler Alley-Iglehaxt-Carroll-Wh�eler-H�rschel "T" Alley-Iglehart-Carroll-Snelling-Asbury Alley-Iglehart-Carroll-Asbury-Pascal A11eg-James-Palace-�Cretin-Finn A11ey-James-Palaee-Kenneth-Prior "T" Al1ey_dames-Palace-Ha�ell-Fairvie�w "T" Alley-James-Palace-Fairview-Wheeler Alley-James-Palace-Wheeler-Davern `�H" ALley_daa�es_Palace_Macalester-3nelling Al1ey-James-Pala.ce-Pascal-Alber�t "T" Alley_daeaes-Palace-Albert-Ham].ine Alley-Jefferson-Wellesle�r-Mt Curve-Cret3.n Al].ey-Je�'f erson-Wellesley-Cret in-F inn "L" Al1ey-Jefferson-Wellesley-Finn-Cleveland A11ey-Jeffersoa-Wellesley-Cleveland-Renneth Alley-defferson-Wellesley-Renneth-Prior Alley-Jefferson-Welle�ley-Prior-1875 Jefferson A]1ey-J@f'Person-Wellesley-Wheeler-Davern "T" Alley-Jefferson-�lellesley-Davern-Macalester "T" Alley-Jefferson-Wellesley-Mace.].ester-Saelling A11ey-Jefferson-�ellesley-Pascal-Albert "T" Al1ey-Jefferson-Wellesley-Albert-Ham].ine Al1ey-Juliet-JeFferson-Cretin-Fixin A11ey-Jvliet-Jefferson-Clevelar�i-Ke�neth Alley-Juliet-JefPerson-Kenneth-Prior s��r on,� SLAS�N OF 1970 Ward 11 Alley-J�s].iet-Jeffersoa-WL 1904 JeFferson-Fairvie�w Alley-duliet-Jefferson-Wheeler-Davera "T" Alley-duliet-Jefferson-Davern-Macalester "H" Alley-Juliet-Jefferson-Macal.ester-Snelling Alley-duliet-Jdfferson-Pascal-Albert "T" Alley-J�liet-Jefferson-Albert-H�].ine Allty-Jtu�c>-Randolph-Cretin-Finn Alley-Juno-Randolph-Finn-Cleveland Alley-Juao-Raadolph-Fa,irvieW-Wheeler Alley-Juno-Randolph-Davern-Macalester A11ey-Jun�o-Randolph-Me►calester-� i�ot 32 (EI, 1603 Juno) Allery-Laurel-Selby-Wilder-Moore A11.ey-Laurel-Selby-Prior-Hcwell Alley-Laurel-Selby-Hcywell-Dcwey A]1ey-Le�urel-Selby-Dewey-Fairview Alley-Lincoln-Grand-Cretin-Fian "T" Al1ey-Liacoln-Grand-Finn-Cleveland Alley-Lineoln-Grand-Cleveland-Prior Alley-L inc oln-Gra�d-Pr ior-�ia�rell Al1ey-Lineoln-Grand-Fairv3ew-Wheeler A11ey-Lincola-Grand-Wheeler-Cs�bridge Alley-Lincoln-Grand-Cambridge-Macalester "T" Alley-Lincoln-Grand-Snelling-Sa�ratoga Al1ey-Lincoln-Gra,nd-Saratoga-Paacal Al1ey-Lincoln-Grand-,Albert-Haml.ine Alley-Marshall-Iglehar�-Cretin-Fiun a»ey-Ma�rshall-Ig].ehart-Finn-Cleveland Alley-Marshall-Iglehart-Clevelaad-Wilder Alley-Marsha.11-Iglehart-Wilder-Moore Alley-Marsha�ll-Iglehart-Moore-Prior Alley-l�arshall-Iglehart-Prior-Howell Alley-Marshall, Iglehart-Ho�weLt-Dewey Alley-Marshall-Iglehart-Dewey-Fa�irvieW Alley-Maxshall-Iglehart-Fairview-�Theeler Al1ey-Marshall-Iglehart-i�Theeler-Herschel All�y-A�arshall-Iglehart-Herschel-Aldiae Alley-Marshall-Iglehart-Aldir�e-Pierce Alley-Marshall-Iglehart-Pierce-Fry All�y-MarsYiall-Iglehart-Asbury-Pascal Alley-Miss Riv Blvd-Mt Curve-Hartford-Randolph N & S Alley-Mt Curve-Cretin-Randclph-Jefferson S73tEET OILIlaG s�asox o� i97o Ward 11 E & W Alley-Mt Curve-Cretin-Randolph-JePferson Alleq-I�t Ctu�re-Montrose Lane-Hartford-Randolph Alley-Aiux�st er-Wordsworth-Edgcwnb e-WYieeler "T" Al1ey-�iles-Juno-Cretin-Finn "T" Alley-Niles-�uno-Finn-Cleveland A11ey-Niles-Juno-Davern-Macalester E & W Alley-Niles-Jtino-Macal�ster-Snelling S� o� N 8a S Alley-Norfolk-Grahatia-Sue-Seventh-Norfolk baae Alley-�,sceola-Fairm�ount-Albert-Hamlirie Alley-Pal.ace-duliet-Cretin-Finn "T" Alley-Palace-Je�.7.iet-Finn-Cleveland A]1cy-Palace-Juliet-Cleveland-Kenneth Alley-Palace-Juliet-Prior-1838 Juliet A11ey-Palace-Ju].iet-Fairview-Wheeler Alley-Palace-J�].iet-Wheeler-Davern "T" Alley-Palace-Juli�t-Davern-Macalester "H" Al1ey-Pa]ace-Juliet-Macalester-3nelling Alley-Palace-Juliet-Pascal-Albert A11ey-Pinehurst-Highland-Da�ern-Nlacalester Alley-Portland-Ashland-Moore-Prior Al1ey-Portland-Ashland-Prior-H�rell Alley-Portland-Ash].and-Howell-Dewey Al1ey-Portland-Ashland-Dewey-Fairview Alley-Portland-Ashland-Aldine-Pierce Alley-Portland-Ashland-Pierce-Fry E & W Alley-Portlat�d-Ashland-Ssratoga-Pascal A.l7.ey-Princeton-Fair�ouut-Cleveland.-Kenneth "T" Alley-Princeton-Goodrich-Fairvie�w-W'heeler South E 8e W Al1ey and. M & S Alley-Princeton-Goodrich-�Theeler-Amherst Alley-Raadolph-James-Finn-Clevelasd Alle!y-Randolph-Ja�ea-�enneth-Prior A11ey-Randolph-James-Prior-Ho�well A11ey-Randolph-James-Howell-Fairview Al1ey-Randolph-Jaffies-Fai.rvie�w-Wheeler Al1ey-Ra.ndolph-Jaaaes-Wheeler-Davern "H" Alley-Randolph-Ja�me�-l�tacalester-Snelling Alley-Randolph-James-Pascal-Albert E & W Randolph-Ja�es-Albert-Ha�].ine Alley-x iverwc�od-S elby-ESc�t er-Cret in Alley-gob]yn-Ann Arbor-Cretin-Fina s�x�r o�n� s�isox oF i97o Ward 11 "T" Alley-Roblya-Finn-Te�ple Caurt Alley-Ro�ae-Saunders-Hc�rell-F airv iew "T" Al1ey-St Antho�r-3hields-iiheeler-Hersehel � 8� S Alley-St Aathoqy-Shields-Herschel-Aldine "T" Alley-St Atlthol�y-Shields-Pierce-F=y' E & W Al1ey Prom Fry to N & S Al1ey-St A�tho�r-Shields-Fry-Roy Pq' & S Alley-St Antho�r-Shields-�y-Ro�y N & S Alley-St Anthor�y-Shields-R�t-Snelling frc� St Anthon�y to SI, �04 Roy E & W Al1ey-3t Anthonpr-Shields-Roy-Snelling Al1ey-St Clair-Sargerit-Finn-Clev�land Alley-St Clair-Sar�eat-Prior-Howell "T" Al.ley-8t Clair-8argeat-Hawell-Fairvie�r Alley-St Clair-$argelrt-Fairview-i�heeler Alley-St Clair-Sargent-Saelling-Saratoga Alley-St Clair-Sargent-Saratoga-Pascal Alley-$t Clair-Sargerrt-Pa�cal-Albert Alley-St Clair-Sargent-Al.bert-Hamline Alley-Saratoga-War��iek-Hart�ord-Niles "T" Alley-saratoga-Waraick-Ailes-Randolph Al1ey-Saratoga-Warwiek-Randolph-Pa]ace Alley-Saratoga-Warwick-Palace-Jefferson Alley-Saratoga-Warwick-Jefferson-Stanford Alley-Saratoga.-Wa,ririek-Stanford-St Clsir Al1ey-Saxgent-4sceola-Snelling-Saratoga Alley-Sarge�t-0sceola-Sara.toga-Pascal Alley-Sargent-Oaceola-Pa8ca1-A].bert Alley-Sargent-Osceola-Albert-Iiamline 1� & S Alley-Sargeirt-Princeton-Finn-Cleveland Alley-Sargent-Princetoa-Cleveland-1Cenneth Alley-Sargerrt-Princeton-genneth-Prior Alley-Sargeat-Princeton-Prior-Howell "�r` Alley_Sargent-Princeton-Howell-Fairview Alley-Sanaders-Beechxood-Hawell-Fairvie�r Alley-SehefPer-Baya.rd-Wheeler-Davern Alley-Scheffer-Bayard-Davern-Macalester "T" Alley-Scheffer-Bayard-Macalester-Snelling "T" Alley-Sche�fer-Bayard-Albert-Ha�oline Alley-Selby-I)ayton-Lxeter-Cretin "T" Alley-Selby-Dayton-Finn-Cleveland STREET OII,Ii+i� s�sox a� 1970 �iasa. 11 Alley-Selby-Dayton-Moore-Prior Al1ey-Selby-Dayton-Prior-Howell Alley-Selby-Dayton-Hcywell-Dewey l� 8� S Alley-3hields-Universitg-Fairview-B�aeon "T" Alley-3hields-IIniversity-Beacon-Wheeler "T" A11�yy-Shields-University-Wheeler-Herschel R & S Alley-Shields-IIniversity-Roy-Snelling Alley-Snelling-Brimhal].-Scheffer-Hartf ord A11ey-Snelling-Brimhall-Aartford-P'iles Alley-Snelling-Bri�mhal.l-Randolph-Palece All�r-Snelling-Br imh�,ll-Jefferson-Stanford 8 & S Alley-Snelli�g-Brimhall-3tanford-S� Clair "T" Alley-8tanford-Berkele�-Finn-Cleveland Al1ey-Stanford-Berkeley-Cleveland-Keaneth All�y-StanPord-Berkeley-Kenneth-Prior Alley-Staaford-Berkeley-Prior-1873 Stan�ord Al1ey-Stanford-Berkeley-Hcywell-Fairvicw � aiiey-Stanford-Berkeley-Wheeler-Davern "�" Al1ey_Stanford-Berkeley-Davern-Macalester "g" Alley_Stanford-Berkeley-Macalester-Snelling Alley-Stanford-B�rkeley-Pascal-Albert Alley-Stmmait-Portlaad-Moore-Prior Alley-Su�ae�it-Por�land-Fry-Snellirig Alley-Temple Ccrurt-Cleveland-Roblyn-Finn St Anthor�y Alley-Vernon-Macal�ster-St Clair-Princeton Alley-Warwick-Pascal-Iiartford-�orth to Er�d Alley-Warwick-Pascal-Jefferson-Stanford Alley-Wwrwick-Paacal-Stanf'ord-St Clair Alley-T�atson-Ailes-Davern-A4acalester "T" Alley_Wellesley-Stanford-Finr►-Cleveland Alley-Wellesley-Stanford-Cleveland-genneth Alley-Wellesley-8tanf'ord-Kenneth-Prior Alley-Wellesley-StanYord-WL 1865 Wellesley-Fairview "T" Alley-Wellesley-Stanford-Davern-Macalester "T" Alley-Wellesley-Stanford-Ma.calester-Snelling Alley-Wellesley-Stanford-Pascal-Albert "T" Al1ey-W�Ltesley-Stanford-Albert-Ha�ml.ine Alley-Wilder-Benneth-H3ghls�d-�].eanor Alley-Woodlawn-Mt Curve-Raadolph-Jefferson s�� o�n� s�so� o� i97o Ward 12 Street Froffi �o Al�med� I�arrYland Cottage Alameda Arlington California Angyle Front � p gy Argyle dessa�ine Van S]yke Arlir�gton Milton Da1e Aurora 221' W o�' (bcford Dale Avon Carroll Concordia Avon St Atrthony H�bbard Aeon Front d�ssamine Avon Wheelock Arli.ng�ta�a Avon l�ebraska 125` 1� of California �rrett F'ront Jessamine Blair Lexington Chatsxorth Blair �ictoria Dale Burgess Leaingtoa Chatsxorth Calif'oraia Lexington Dale Carroll NS (�ford Da],e Charles Lexington Dale Chatsworth Carroll Concordia Chs�tsworth St Atsthoqy Engle�rood Chatsworth Topping Front Chatsworth Co�o Blvd California Chnrchill Frost H P Ry Churchill Jessanine Co�o Pk Serv Drive Colne Froat N p Ry Colne 1� P Ry Como Camo Lexington Argyle Coffio CYiatsworth Camo Plaee Camo Blvd (w of Lake) �Tan Slyke 1201 Cw�o Blvd 1235 Como Blvd 1285 Co�nc3 Blvd Como Blvd (E of Lake) Victoria Chatsworth Co�o Place Front Co�o Cottage Avon Da1e Ed6ax' Jessamiae Dale Edmund Lexington Dale �glewc�od Lexibgton Chatsworth Englewood 1.16' E oP Victoria Grotto Fisk Carroll Concordia Fisk St Anthor�r Aurora Fisk Hoyt Idaho Folsom Wheelock Ivy Fuller Lexington Dale s�r o�n� s�sox a� i97o ward 12 Street From To Grotto Carroll Concordia Grotto St Anthony Butler Route Grotto Ha�ch C� Grot�o Jessa�ine 227' North Grotto Rose yai-penteur Hatch Les3.ngton Grotto HoYt Lexington May�+rood S'abl�ard Lexington Chatsworth Hubbard Victoria 60' L of Avon Idaho Lexingtcn �rotto Icywa I,exingt0n Da1e Ivy Co� Blvd Grotto Jameson Front Orchard Jessamine Churchill Chatsworth Jessamine Victoria Avon Jessamine Camo Da1e Kilburn Front N p Ry Kilbtirn N P Ry Co�no Lafond Lexington Dale 7,akeview Como Blvd Victoria Lakeviex Avon Grotto M�ry Lane Montana �ford Maywood Jessamine Jess�mine �ood. l�ryland Cottage Mayvrood Arlington Hoyt l�aywood Io�a Cali�orai.+� Milton Carroll Coacordia Milton St Antho�r T'hc>�as Milton Front Orehard Milton N P Ry Caffio Milton Arlington Larpenteur Mirmehaha Lexi�gton Pieree Butler Montana Lexington Yictoria Montana Fisk Grotto Rebraska Cc�mo Blvd Dale Revad�a Chats�rorth Victoria N�vada 767 Nevada Grotto Orange Osage Folso� Orange Grotto Da1e Orchard L�►xington Yictoria Orchard Barrett Grotto �a6e �ictoria lyy STR� OILI�G s�iso� aF 1970 �Taxd 12 Street Fro� To Oxford Carroll Concordia OxPord St Aatho�r Pieree Btrtler Oxford G N Ry N P Ry Qocf'ord Jessamine Co�ao O�ford Nebraska Larpezrteur Parkvie�w Co�o Blvd Victoria Pa�rkvie�r Avon St Alba�ns Rose Camo Blvd Grotto I�rde Front � P Ry Ryde N P Ry Como St Albans Central Minnehaha St Al.bans Maryland Hoyt St Albana Iawa California seninary I,exington Milton Sherburne Lexingtoa Dale Simon Jessamine Dale Stinson I,exington Cha.tsworth Thomas Lexington Dale Topping �cford Chatsworth Van Bvren Le,�sington Chatsjrorth Van Buren Victoria Da1e Vaa Slyk� Horton Chatsworth Victoria Carroll Coneordia Victoria St Anthor�y Minnehaha Victoria Front J�ssaanine 9ictoria Wheeloek Larpenteur STREET OILIl� s�sox a� ig7o Ward 12 Al1ey-Argyle-Chatsworth-Iiatch-Orchard "L" Alley-Argyle-Cha�sworth-Jessamine-Van Slyk� A11ey-Anrora-University-Milton-Victoria Alley-Aurora-University-Grotto-St Albazis Alley-Avon-Fo1so�Orange-Ivy „T" A11ey-Blair-Van Burea Lexington-Obcford Alley-Blair-Van Bt�rem-Xictoria-Avoa Alley-Blair-Va,n B�area-Avon Grotto A11ey-Blair-�an Buren-Grotto-St Albans A11ey-Blair-�Tan Buren-St Albans-Dale Alley-Central-Fuller-Chatsworth-�ilton Alley-Central-Fuller-Milton-Victoria A11ey-Central-Fuller-Victoria-Fisk Alley-Central-F'ul].er-Avon-Grotto Alley-Central-Fuller-Grotto-8t Albans N & S Al1ey-Charles-Ed�nund-Lexi.ngton-(�ford Alley-Charles-Edmund-Milton-Victoria A]1ey-Chaxles-Edmund-Avon-Grotto Alley-Chaxles-Edmund-Grotto-St Albans Alley-Charles-Edmund-St Albans-Dale Alley-Chatsworth-Kilburn-Hatch-Orchard Alley-Chtirchill-Ca�a Blvd-Horton-I�orth to the End Alley-Churchill-Ogf'ord-Jessamine-Como Al1ey-Como Blvd-Nevada-Chatsworth-Milton West N & S Alleg-E & W Alley-East N & S Alley & Ztirn Around Como-Van S]�rke-Churchill-Argyle N & S A11.ey-Edmund-Thomas-Lexington-Qxford Alley-Edmun�l.-Thc�oas-Milton-Victor ia Alley-Edmund-Thomas-VictoriarAvon Alley-Edmund-Thomas-Grotto-St Albans Alley-Edmund-Thoma.s-St Albans-Dale Alley-Folsom-Grotto-Wheelock-Ivy "T" Alley_Front-Hatch-Colne-Milton "T" A11ey_Front-Aatch-l�ilton-Victoria Alley-Front-St Albans-Cam�o Alley-Fu]1er-Aurora-Oxford-Chatsworth Alley-Fuller-Aurora-Miltoa-Victoria A11ey-Futter-Anrora-Victoria-Fisk A1Zey-Fuller-Aurora-Fisk-Avon Alley-Fiiller-Aurora-Grotto-St Albans Alley-Fuller-Avrora-St Albans-Dale S�EET OILIl�G s�,so� a� 1970 Ward 12 "T" A11ey-Hatch-Orchard-Colne-Milton Alley-Hoyt-Iowa-Lexington-O�ford Alley-Hoyt-Iowa-Chat s�rorth=��+Ii].ton Al1ey-Hoyt-Icywa-Milton-Victoria Alley-Ic�wa-Idaho-Chat ss��rrorth-Milton "U" Atley-Ivy-La.keview-Camo Blvd-9ictoria E & W A11ey-Jessamine-Como-Bilburn-Ryde "L" Al1ey-Lafond-Blair-T,exington-(�cford Alle�y-Lafond-Blair-Avon-Grotto Alley-I,afond-B]rair-Grottw8t Albana Alley-Lafond-Blair-St Albans-Dale Alley-L�xir�ton-Churchill-Jessaffiine-Co� N & S Alley and E & W A17.ey Yra� N & S All�y to 1077 Minnehaha Minnehaha-Englewood-Lexington-Oxford Alley-Minnehaha-Engl�wood-Avon-Grotto "T" Alley-Nevada-Nebraska-ChatsWOrth-Mil.ton E & W Alley-N P Ry-Cc�o-Ryde-Colne E & W Alley-Orchaxd-N P Ry-Ryde-Colne N & S Alley-Rose-Maryland-C�o Blvd-Avoa fromd E & W A11ey to Maryland Alley-St Anthon�y-Central-F'isk-Avon Al1ey-St Anthon�y-Central-Avon-Grotto A11ey-St A�rtho�y-Central-Grotto-St Albans Alley-Se�inary-H'nbbard-(h�ford-Chatsworth Alley-Sherburne-Charles-Lexington-O�ford Alley-Sherburne-Charles-Milton-Victoria A]1ey-Sherburne-Charles-St Albans-Da1e Alley-3t inson-F'ront-Lexing'ton-(3�cford ►'T" Alley-Tho�as-I�afond-Lexington-Oxfbrd Alley-Thomas-Lafond-Yictoria-Avon Alley-Th�as-Lafond-St Albans-Da1e Al1ey-University-Sherburne-70.5' E of Lexington-Osford Alley-Uaiversity-Sherburne-Avon-Grotto Alley-IIniversity-Sherburne-Grotto-St Albans Alley-University-Sherburne-St Albans-Dale A]1ey-Van Buren-Minnehaha-Avon-Grotto A11ey-9an Buren-Minnehaha-Grotto-�t Albans Al1ey-Van Bnren-Minnehaha-St Albans-Dale A11�y-Victoria-Avon-Wheelock-Orange Alley-Victoria-Avon-Orange-Ivy