248929 , 248�29:
� co���e rro.........................
and �
Theundereignedhereby propoeeethem�ingof thefollowingpublioimprovement by the Citq of Saint Paul,vis.:
�� Grade and surface with bituminous material the East-West alley from the Easteriy
---- North-South alley to the Westeriy North-South alley, and the Westerly North-
South alley from the East-West alley to Fremont Avenue in BLK. 3, WILD ROSE
"""'ADDITION; also construct a storm sewer in the Westerly North-South alley frcxn
�the East-West alley to Third Street in the aforementioned BLK. 3. (�-1951)
--- .�.....:...�_
Dsted t,h '�.....»day of.................M�X....».�........... �
. �
• Counc�oaan.
WHEREA$, A written propossl for the maldng ut�he f�Uowing improvement, vi�.:
� Grade and surface with bitumj�ous material the East-West alley from the Easterly
...... North-South alley to the Westerly North-South alley, and the Westerly North-
South aliey from the East-West alley to Fremont Ave�ue in BLK. 3, WILD ROSE
"-� ADDITION; also construct a storm sewer in the Westeriy North-South ailey from
the East-West alley to Third Street in the afo�ementioned BLK. 3. (�-1951)
_....__--- _____------------ - ----------- ------ --........................ .................�..................� �:
hAVing been preeented to the Counoil of the�ity of 8aint Paul ....._................................. ...._..
therefore, be it
RFSOLVED, That the Commissioner af Fubtio Works be and is hereby ordered and direcfsd:
1. Ta investigats the necessity for, or desirabiiitq of, the making of eaid improvement�
Z. To inveetigate the nature, exten�a,nd e�timat,ad cost of asid improvement, and t�he tot�l caet thereof.
� 3. To furnieh a plan� pro8le or aketch of said improvemen�
4. To atate whet,her or not said impaovement ius aelced for on the petition of three or more o�a►aera
_ b. To report upon aU of the foreg�oing mattere to tbe Commiesioner of I+"inaaae.
aaop�a by tbe co,�a�..._...............�.._......�.....MAY. 2.0.1970��
Counci�man naigi�sh MAY 2 0 1970 -
_ Ca r 1 son APProved.............. ..._............�.........�............
Peterson ,
. �
Tedesco � _. . ... .....w..
M$. PaESta�x�r By rne Mayor.
a000 �.s4 .
,i n PUBLISHED MAY 2 3 1970