248923 Oti�inal to City Clerk ,,. ' ORDINANCE � �< < ���3��s� . COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY Victor Tedesco v��j� '����� ORDI /��0 NANCE NO An ordinance amending Section 16.02-2 of the St. Paul Legislative Code pertaining to License Requirements for Gas Installers. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 That Section 16. 02-2 of the 5t. Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended by adding the following: The requirements contained herein shall not be construed to limit the right of a manufacturer or his representative to render necessary service and/or make required adjust- ments for proper operation of gas burner or gas burner equipment upon start-up after installation by a licensed master gas installer. Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publication. �w� JUN 3 1970 Yeas Councilme�' Nays Passed by the Councii Carlson � � / � . �' In Favor MerPete�� v C� c„�_ A gainst r. President �yrne���� Approved• �UN 3 1��0 Attes � � , Ci C erk __ Mayo �� � Form approved Corporation Counsel B 'PU�1lSHED �UN 6 197� \� Daplicate to Printer ORDINANCE * ;�� ;�; :F� � COUNCIL FILE NO �j���"' �-� PRESENTED BY Victor Tedesco ORDINANCE NO ������ An orda.nanee �ending Section 16.42-2 of the St. Paul Legislative Code pertaining to License Requirements for Gas Installers. THE COUNCI]L OF THE CI�'Y' OF SAIN'� PAiTL� DOES �RDAINs ��c��.on 1. That Section 16.(D�-2 Qf t�ie 5t. Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended b� adding �he £ollowinge The requiremnents �onta�.ned herein sl�all not be cons�rued to limit the rig'h� o� a manu�aeturer or his representative to render necessary s�rvice and/or make required adjus�- rnents for proper �pe�ation of gas burner or gas burn�r equipment upon start-up after installation by a licensed master gas installer. �eetioa� 2 This ordi.nance ghall take effect and be in force thirt� �ays from and after its passage, approval and publication. •.,��'�:ti1,�w. ��' l.d�� Yeas Councilmen.-� Nays Passed by the Counci� Carlson (�<�,�L.�, � Meredit '�"i�'i'� � In Favor ��' � Against � Tedesco ' � ��� • ' ' !:� Mr. President rne ��� � � �____ _ � --�- � � S. I st � 2nd Laid over to .6 � 3rd and app —.Adopted Yees Nays Yeas���� Nays w Carison �arlson Dalglish g is { � Meredith � l �a , ;� er�h u Peterson � ��`�� �tersarr Sprafka 5prafktT` Tedesco Tedesco Mr. President Byrne Mr. President�IB!�r�n�C O