248921 ] �lIYjA3�tll Ci�ty�,!!�[ � ORDINANCE �����.�_ COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �� An ordi.naace amendi.ng Ordina.nce No. 6l�46, entitled: pAn �m;n;�trative orcli.nance fi.�.ng the com- pensation rates of certain city positions and employment�tN appraved Januaxy 23, 1925� as amended. TI� COtAJC IL OF THE C ITY OF SAIlJT PAUL DOES ORDAIld: Section l. That Orciinance No. b1�6, appraved Jarivary 23, I92�� as am�ended� be and the same is hereby further amended by �.aserting in Section II, under the heading Group D� the liae �.35 Civic Center Forenian �.��3 Section 2. This ord3.nance sha]1 take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, apprrnral� and publicatioa�. AUG 14 1970 Yeas Councilm Nays Passed by the Counci� Carlson -� �� ' \�M�er��t�L`�"-°� �.7 `S In Favor D Against Te� '�'>��� ' Mr. President��-� Appro 1 4 19�0 t' v � ty Cler Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By _� PUBUSHED AU G 2 � �g7Q Duplicate to P-inter ORDINANCE �`���y�4`�- COUNCIL FILE NO `� �RESENTED QY ORDINANCE NO Aza c��d,3x�,n�s a�nn�.ng Ordizta,ncs :30. �}.�.�� �:z���.ec�s �A�, adma�.s�rat3.�e c5!S�x�S3�C8 ia�i�; �he �c�* ger�ati�r�. ra.�es c�f �er�4�xa c�t�r �ro�.�3.su�s an.d �:t.o;,�m��s�p aPProved danuary 23' 19�5�, as �nd�d. TH� Cai�1CSI. G� �F�; CT�� �3�' SI�Il�t� F�.�TL DnES ORJ�A1Na section 1• That t�r��� �tc►. 62�46, apprcrrvea Januaty 23, �.�a�, as amendt�d� be aAd �he � � hc�reby further amend�c3 by a�.�s�3.a�� 3.�a Sec�tion T�� uzuler Ll�.e he�� Grau� n� �hs 1.9n+� 4.35 �ivic Center Far�z �:�3 �,�+�t�.an 2. T�i.s ord�.nance s��a�. �s ��'�'��� �z�r� �ie in farce thir�r d�� r��r its pas�age� apprcrva3,� �d pu�ali!��.fi�.s�. ��i�� 3. '� ���'� i'eas Councilm�� �^ Nays Passed by the Council Carlson � -��� D�al�s��--�F�y����. ��-_� �.� In Favor Meredith" � � �� �' Against S�€l�a- � Mr. President FB�rne�'��(C�" ��c��'! �?,� .__-----�- . �' This ordinance establishes the hourly wage rate for the new title of Civic Center Fo reman , I st � 2nd � _ Laid over to 3rd and app � �►dopted � � �__�� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays , Carlson P-y� Carlson Dalglish ' - � °l �-� � '4---�—'L r Meredith ( �; Meredith i�1��9,{��s y.�A L Peterson �,�"r � Ra#arsor�-`� J Sprafka �e#ker-• Tedesco Tedesco ``----- Mr. President Byrne Mr. President Byrne O