248914 OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK 4J(�����1��' a CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� t'r � " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��E NO. COUAICIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE • DATF RESOLVED, That St . Luke�s Hospital be and hereby is gran�ed a permi� to install a 98-aar temporary �r3sitor- employee parking lot loca�ed on the northerly eorner of Chestnut Str�eet and Smith Avenue, more particularly des�ribed as followst Lots 12, 13, and 1�, Block 63, Irvineis Enlargement to Dayton and IrvinE�s Add�.tion; all in a�eo�dance with plans dated Reeeived March 13, 1970; sub�e�t �o the condition that said applicant-permittee, and i�� suecessors and assigns, �ha11 make due compliance with all applicable provi�3.ons of municipal ordinances, state statutes and rules and regulations of public au�horitie� having cogn3z�nce . a� � � � c � p ca � tL °a a o ¢ 0 ¢ MAY t 9 1910 � UNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �►� .� `t ���� Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith � Tn Favor Pet,ei�sur�`"' ' Sprafk2 Mayor U A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHED MAY 2 3 1970 � . > >, � ������ -��. ' . BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 May 6, 1970 � Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Sir: This is written in response to the application of St. Luke's Hospital for a permit to install a 98-car temporary visitor- employee parking lot on property located on the northerly corner of Chestnut Street and Smith Avenue. This property is further described as: Lots 12, 13, and 14, Block 63, Irvine's Enlargement to Dayton and Irvine's Addition. This matter was considered at the April 16, 1970, Board of Zoning meeting. The staff reported that the proposed facility would meet minimum required design standards for a temporary facility and the Traffic Engineer has recommended approval. The site is within the Housing and Redevelopment Authority's Seven Corners NDP area. Subsequently, it was the finding of the Board of Zoning that this application should be granted and, therefore, recommends approval by a 4-0 vote. Very truly yours, ��`" �C L ( �� -�Ct c.����-G( PETER J. ETTA Secretary, Board of Zoning ` PJM:ga f CLS Z. F. ��6963 �-M, �. ,:a,�. J t: � '� �� .'�^"'..r��, i�. 1 � ;j,�f7 � . `i�..f . s • � , , + ' , � City ot Sai�t Paul, Iiinaesots ' APPLICATI�i 1�+OR.SPECIAL COt�IL U3B P�[IT (Piesse print ar •type) � 1�0 THB H�ABLS NA�OR AND CITY �IIliCIL '� the City Clerk City of Ssint Ps�l, 1[innesots Applic�tioa is hereb made to r°�odel or recc�struct sa �cistia� � inatali and operate • u�r (cross one ovt) Q 1�iId.I1�1Ci 3TATI01'� No, oi isiaada aad pumps : � No. o� tanks aad cape�city: � �ARHI2id LOT !or (cu�t�era)�(eaployees) f�l��"��� ��� ��i (indi.cate typ�) Capscitq ot p�rkiag lot ; 98 At�tOa , To be used ia ca�nectiaai witb: �as�ital - Yesporary �iag eoa�treatian of partiag ra�p, aPProzisa e ay , o� e , 1971 Q 1[I�CSIi.AN�0118: iridicate tqpe sucb sa D ve- a resbMn� $tsad, Used Cs�r Iqt, Dsy Cleaning Pick-up 8tati�n, Ice Ve�dor, �tc.) Capacity oi parl�iag srsA: , ` *Locstic� : Sa�ith Avenme asd Chestaat Street Legal Desariptio� : Lot� 12, 13, 1�i Blocle 63 Additiaa � tI ♦ise� Balargeaent to Dayton � Ir�ists Additieg Appiicast s �s� � St. Lmke's Hospital Home or Ofiice Addrosp: 30� Pleassat eseaas, St. . Pagl, I�isaesota 351A2 PBaae Kusber � 2 2�-8 216 FOa,/$Y APP'LICAIIT, . , �` . � �Iarch 11 1970 , 31Qaa r� �Tdste A. B. �arq rdt LQ���� •���� ���� Addree� . Sste Pb�e No.: Sase N►bea completed: #iie three copiea ot tbis. applicatioa iora snd three priata ot tbe prelisfaary lsty-ajut piaas oi tbe proposed iacilSty �y.tb tb� City Clerk, Room 386� Cit� Hall and Court Houas, Saiat Ps�l, Mivaa��ta � Z-3 6/11/56 �BRA��PT�s: 1. S.S. coraer of 11((afn St. aad Firat St. � � � � � � � � 2. soutb side of Yain st. between Fir•t a�a sacona at. MAR 1 � 1970 , CITY PIA�INiNO �tkQ � �ir�t Pil��l: Min�O#a , , •. $OARD OF ZONING REPORT AND ACTION _ April 16, 1970 '�1,3L i93p ��1+ , v ���. � ; Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 • passed August 22, 1922, as �mended to April 6, 1970. 6963 1 . AP:",iCAI1'C'S rJA?•1L , St. Luke's Hospital 2, CL:^�SSIPICA'1'ION . t_! Amendment 0 Appeal � Permi�C � Other Install a 98-car temporary visitor- 3, T'URPOSE % employee parking lot 4, I,�CATI011 ; Northerly corner of Chestnut Street and Smith Avenue 5, LEC;Ai. DE�CRIPTI!JN : Lots 12, 13, and 14, Block 63, Irvine's Enlargement to Dayton and Irvine's Addition 6, P�E5EPJT Z!�NINC�; Commercial 7 . PURSUA2JT 1'�J 7oning, Code Chapters 60 Section: ,23 Parac?raph: 4, 2 e , STAFF INVF.STICATION E REPORT: Date: 4/7/70 Bys ATB A. HISTORY: None. B. AREA ZONING: The entire area ia zoned Commercial. C. DESIGN STANDARDS : This facility is proposed as a temporary parking area until December, 1971, when a parking ramp to serve the hospital is completed. The surface is to be compacted gravel with a bituminous oil-treated sand surface. Three existing driveways on Smith Avenue will be uaed. All design standards are being complied with, as required for a temporary facility. D. FRONTAGE AND AREA: The site has a frontage of 180 feet along Smith Avenue and 174 feet along Chestnut Street, with an a�rea of 31,320 square feet. E. TRAFFIC ENGINEER: Has reviewed the plan and proposed use, and reconar►ends approval. F. SITE CONDITIONS: The site is level and at street grade. G. AREA CONDITIONS: Northwesterly ia a new coo�nnercial building, northeasterly is an automotive repair ahop, southeasterly are apartments and new conunercial buildings, southwesterly is one large multi-family structure scheduled for removal and an older duplex. The site is within the Housing and Redevelopment Authority's Seven Corners NDP area. 9. BOARD ACTION: To Recomnend �X Approval � Deniel Council Letter Dated: Moved by . Mansur Ye88 Nays 5/6/70 Gadler Date of Hearin Seconded by: Rutzick Gauger g x Maietta 5/7/70 Secretary's remarks: x Mansur Ames - Ch. Council Action x McPartlin (Alt.) Adkins (Alt.) Date x Rutzick (Alt.) - � � ,�" ��1"� ` Q�, . t/ hw Q w �' �, • , � `�G+ �.,:� N ' � ��►�' o� ., {,+ �¢ � ! ? . ♦ , � . Q , , . , _ ` ��� ' . ;..� � � � � � G�o,o . e ,� F�Fr� � 04` '��` � � � � � , , � � _ � � .' ¢ � .\ �\ '� Qr. - \ . \, \ ,�\ \ � . .� . . �� . � . r , ,� � i � �, 7 �. � '. � � c / J '\ � '\ , �� � • , ,� � .. .�. y P • ^ , �. �Q, ,J • � � � ' (� � .., �,� , e . Q� � a ,� , .: . ,�., o � '`.y,, ' O �� ` , �, Q � ryq, � � . , Jp � , �,5, O� �� � � :. / •`1 �• � �S ` �'� _ � \ � �, 5�' �� � .. � , � r �,G � � ��► c�* jl� ` `,.\ O � ` � ��{' J�,��� �� ��/ �` �� � � �05� � ` � �., � � ¢y . � � . '� \ • . ,� r � ' , I � 0 �� � �� (/ .'� '�� � ,� � � , Z � � �Q � � � ° ♦ � � U O a � , � � . s� � � � . � �''' A , ` � ' S, , � . ,�. ,y , . , , � � � � . F ti1 . � �o •_ v � �N .�,_ _. _ � � n }.r '� a APPLiCANT St. Luke's HoBp�te1: , LECEND � PURPOSE Inatall a 98-car temporary visitor- �A�� u�c employee parking lot G O ONE-FAMILY PRESENT ZONING �o�ercial �' TWO-FAIVIILY �Y THREE- FAMILY PETITION SIGNERS , - FOUR-FAMdLY - T MULTI- FAMILY FILE No. 6963 � ��C4MMERCIAL • '�".a�" n � INDUSTRIAL �/ VACANT St. Paul Planning Board, Date� 4/�/�0 � Property under considerotion . , . . �' � MINUTES OF THE PUBLIG HEARING BEFORE THE BOARD OF ZONING on Thux�sday, April 16, 197Q, at 2:00 PoMo PRESENT: MeaSrso McPartl�n, �'Iaietta, Mansur, and Rutzick of the Board and Messrso Brown axxd Sorenson, Mrso Frantzen, and riiss Sperr of the staff. STo LUKE'S_HOSJ?Y�AL: An application for a permit to inatall a 98-carc temporary visitor-employee parking lot on property loe�ted an the northerly corner of Chestnut Str�et and Smith Ayenue. h4r. Sorenson presented a plan of the parking lo�. proposal to the Board memP�ers� He summari�e�l the staff report noting Cha� the proposed use will mee� minimtx� design stand�rds except fmr ea.3.sting driveways. The Tra£fic Eagine�x has recomm�nde�i approvalo This �xse �s consister.t wit�a land use proposed in the Western Area CBD Repo�t of �I?e Pl�nning Bosrd. The site is in the Seven Corners Housing �nd RecleveZ�pn��nt Authority's NDP area. A neighborhood resident was concernsd �bou� the location of the parki�g lot. Mro Brown of the s�aff expL�sined to her where the new lot would be instalied�. The resident w�s sstisf:�ed since the parkfng lot will not abut her property 1 izte. Mr� Mansur moved for appr�vsl of the applic�tion, which was secon�ed by Mr. Rutzick, ancP c�rri�d �un�nimously. Submitted by: ��Lonel L., Soxenson Robert Lo Amea, Chs�ix�nan _2�.. � - - —---- ._—_..,__ __ ..__-_-r ...�--....�� _ _ .._._�_�.___�.�. � City of Saint Paul, Minnesota ✓ APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT (Please print or type) ��� ; TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CTTY OOUNCIL y6 the City Clerk _ City of Saint Paul, Minnesota �D I if Application is hereby made to remodel or reconstruct an existing �cross one out) install and operate a new � � FILLING STATION � No. of isLands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: Q PARKING LOT for (customera) (employ_ees) � Capacity of parking lot � . 98 Autos �indicate type) - To be used in connection with• �{aspi.tal - Teraporarp durin� construCtion of parking ramp, approxim . , , 197I � MISCELI,ANEOUS• • (indicate type such as Drive- n Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning P�Ck-up Station� Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: *Location , Smith Avenue and Cheatnut Streat Legal Description : Lot$ 1 2, 1 3, 14 Block 63 Additlon Irwinea Enlargenr:nt to Daqtoa � Ixvinas Addition Applicant's Name : St. Lu1�e �s Fiospital Home or Office Address: 300 P�easant �veuue, st. �aui, r�tnn�soca 5sioa Phone Number : 2 2 8-8 2 I6 P'O Y,THE APPLICANT, �j �'• �1���� `rC<'( L�C March 11, 1970 - ` (Signature) (date ' R. $. 2fsrquar�-dt . Addreas . S$�� a Phone No.: S am�+ r; When completed: file three copies of this application form and three prints of the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. � l � '. CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court Nouse 55102 April 24, 1970 City Clerk 386 City Hall St. Paul, Mi.nne�ota 55102 File X878, Page 1 You are hereby notified that a publfc hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of [he City Hall and Court House in the City of St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on May 7, 1970, on the application of St. Luke's Hospital for a permit to install a 98-car temporary custaner-employee parking lot on the northerly cot�ner of Chestnut St. and Smith Avenue. The property is described as follows: Lots 12, 13 and 14, Block 63, Irviae's Enlargement of Rice and Irvine's Addition. For further informatfon contact the Planaing Board, Roaa 1010 Commerce Buflding or telephone 223-4151. JA1�fES J. DALGLISH Commissioner of Fiaance O :� t �-, �-, � -', r��. , I ` !..: 1��.�1', .,i� �� ' �r6 f 1��..�.`i �OD� �� �G �...____.-__. __.1.-�.�•-..t_=�.-�..w_._..._..,..._.r.�.�ay.,,....�.,.-r,.�—y...--r---•--.� � ���� '� __—�. � � � � �;.�--� � � � � � � �'' � • � �.�..:, c:�h��:.. �.:�r.�����:ia - � . ; � � � `; � --- - --___ . �- � � � �i C- ---- .y tT _. . ... .. j . � 'I / � . ���� �' � � � � ----— : `� ( i ._ ._.__._ ! ...... _ _ ... ! ' � � ! ' � � •�- � ; ;, �-- , r � i � , �-. ,. . : ` � � � ...K.- � � _ __ ____-- . _,. � � � '. -- ---;! � ___ _-- - . ; r 5 �I t y � (j � . � � . . „ ; .��, •y��.»... 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