248908 OR161NAL TO CITY CLHRK `�(��'��� • CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY , COMMISSIONE � � � DATF R�30LVED, �hat the p�oper City officers are herebp au�thorized and directed to exect�te, on behalf of the City of SaiAt Paul, Lease Agre�ment between t�ie City and The Neighborhood Hou�e As�oeiation pertaining to the leasing of the new neighborhood tacility at 179 East Robie Street, a copy of said lease agreement being attached hereto and incorpc�rated herein by reference. FOR APPRO D , . Corpora n Cou s I MaY � 9 i97o COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��� MAY 14 19ao Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith �n Favor P�-��- / � • Sprafku �� Mayor Tedesco - Against Mr. Preaident, Byrne PUBLISHED MAY 2 3 1970� 0 C , � � .. � 1i � 1 �` UNIT�D STAT� OF Abt�ICA ' DEPARTN�I�'T OF IiO�SIl�G A,� � D�VELOPM�NT 1�IC�OR�OQD FACII+ITT.ES GRANT CONT�T PART I i i Prc�ect No. Minn. N-8 �..- � � . _.. . f Contr�ot No. Mfnn. N-BtG� � . i � TIiIS pGREE1��PrT� consistir� of this Part Y and the '1'erms and Conditiona i (Form �IUD-319�'n, dated 12-66) forming Part II hereof(khich Parta, � to�ether, are here3.r► c�].Xed t�ho "Contract"), en�tered into on the d.ate here3n below �et out, by and between City o� St. Paul (herein called the "Gr$.ntee") i �nd the United 3tates o� America (herein cslled tha "Governm�ant"}� WITNESSETH: - � Yn considera�ian of the mutual covenants� promi.sea, and representations � contai.ned here3n, the parties here�o do agree ea Yollows: � SEC. 1. PUftPOSE OF COPITRACT. -- 3'h� Grantee proposee fi.o carry out a � pro�ect (herein calleci the "Project"� for the provision of e nei�hborhood facility in accordr�nce wi-th the App].ication. The purpose of -this Contract � ia to provide for the extension by the Government to the Grantee of certain { Federal �3nancial a�sistunce under Section 703 of the Iiousin� and Urban Development Act o� 1.965 with respect to the Pro�ect and to state the terms and conditions upon wh3ch sueh aBSietance �ill be extended and the underatandin,s o� the partiefl hereto as to the ma.nner in which the pro�ect will be carried out end the m�,nner in vhiela the nei{,hborhood facility w311 be operated. , SEC. 2. 3'HE PROJECT. •- I� ' (A) The Pro�ect authorized under this Contract (desi�na�ted Pro�eot ' • No. Minn. N-8), sh�.1.1 include a1.1 those activ3ties and undertakinr;e � necesaary to provide a mult�purpo�e nei�hborhood �acility (herein�ter referred to as the "Nei{�hborhood Facility") as described in the A,pplicatioxl � in con�oxmity xith applic�.ble provieions o� th3a Ccntract. • (B) The Neighborhood Facility �ill be loaated at 175 East Robie Btxeet� ; City of_St. Paul, 'County of Rama�yt State o� Minnesota. � i �� "Exhibit B" l . (C� The Pro3ect shal7. include the acquisition of�Markefi.able Title in Fee Simple in land described as followa: r All that part o� Lots �+� 5, 6 and 7 of }31ock 1$ of Bella Addition and of Sf.ate Street ad�acent to said Lota 5 and 6 that is encor,rpassed by A line described �s follows; F3��;inn3n� at the Southea�ter].y ° , corner of said Lot 6� thence North 64° -4�' �Test alon� the South- xesterly line o� Lot 6 extended for 110.0 fee� -to a point on the � Northwe�terly line of State S�.xeet, thence North 2i°-OS' East elon� the Northwesterly line o� State Street for 219.99 feet, thence South 61+�-�+5t�20" East� parallel to the T�iortheasterl.y line oP said Lo�c � and 5� for 105.0 feet, �thence North 26° -0£3� East for �+5.0 feet, : � ,-, to a point tha.t is 8.0 i'eet from the Northe�sterly line o� said Iot • 5� thence South 64° -45' - 20" �ast for 40.0 feet, thence South 26� -08+ West for 128.52 feet to the Southwesterly line of s�id Lot �+� thence North 64° -�+4'-1�0" h*est aJ.on� the Southwes�:erly line oP I,ot �+ for 2$.0 �eet, thence South 26°-08' West for 136.52 feet, to the Southwesterly line of Z�ot 7� thence North 64°-�E4' West �or 1.0.0 � ' feet to the Poirit o� Be�inning; 5ub�ect to an eaaemen� over that pt�r't thereo� that is encorrrrassed by a line described as follows: ComMencin� at the Southwe3terly corner of Lot 7 of Blocl, i5 of Bells Addition, thence South 6�+°-�+' East alon� the Southwesterly line of Lot 7 Yor 5.0 feet to the Point of Be�innin� o� the line � to be d.escribed; thence North 2i°-OB' East Yor �.^0.03 feet, tl�ence • North 64°-45�-ro" West for 10.0 feet, thence North 26°-08' �ast for �+g.0 feet� thence South 64°-�+5�-�0" �ast �or �+0.0 feet� thence South 26°-08' West for 128.52 feet, thence North 6�+°-�+�+-�+0" Flest for 25.0 Seet� thence South 26°-4$' West Sor 136.52 feet thence � North 6�+°-�� west �or 5.0 Peet to the Point of Ee�inning. SEC. . TIiTs PROJECT G'�At�T. -- ThQ Government Will make �f.o the Gr�ntee, �or the Project, a grant hereai'ter referred to as the "Pro3ect Gran�") in an amount equal to the least o� t1�e following: . (A) Two-th3rds oP the development cost of the Pro�ect; ($� The difference between the deve2o�raent cos� o�' the Pro�eat and the noncash contributions to the Pro�ect provided by the Grantee; (C) $562,100.00 SBC. �+. 1�1�bUT3T TO }� CON�'EIr'SATI:D GOVERt�'•'D�'dT FOR ITS 1'P�PuCTIO;?S ,AT�ID AUDT�. -• The amount which sh�.7.1 be corapensa�,ed the Gov�rnment �y the Grantee pursuant t.o Section 102(E� hereof shal.l be Fiv�e Thou�and� Five Jiundred Sixty Six Do11ar� ($5,566.00). , SDC. 5. COUNTERPARTS OF TIIE CONTRACT. -- Thi3 Contract may be , executed in �two counterparta, eech o� which shall be d�emed to 'be an �ori.�inml, and such count�rparts ehall constitute one and f.he same instx�um�nt. � • • 2 - c � • SDC. 6. CH��GES APPLICAEI.E TO PART TI HEREOF. -- TY�.e following char�es ` � are hereby made :�n tlia at�chect Ter�a ezui Conditiona desi�nated Part TI � hereo�: 1. Section 106(A) of Part II rela�ting to ectivities and contracts not sub�ect to Executive Order 1V'o. 11246 is hereby chFn�ed �o substit�zte tho words "race, co'�or, reli�,ion, aex� or nationnl ori��n" w7�erever tl�e �aorde •"race, creed, color, or national ori�3n" a�pe�r. � 2. Section 106(B) o� Part II relatin�, to contracts subect to ' . mcecutive Orc'ier No. 112�6 is hereby ch�ed to requixe t;�:e Locr�. Public Auency to substitute in any contract for construction or modirication thereo� execu- ted on or af'�er October 13, 19G�, the �*o�*ci� "race, color, re15.�ioiz, sex, or nation�.1 ori�in" wherever tli� Kords "race, exeed, colo•r, or national ori�in" are nox required to be used. , � SHL. 7. 3PI��CIAL CONDTTI�TdS. -- . ; ' . ItOne. • ' ! � ]N WITIV�S W� � �OF, t.he Grf►ntee :ias caused th3s Contract to be duly , executed iu it� behz�.f fu�d its seal to 1� liereunL�.o af�iaced �nd at�tested; and, thereaPtPr� the Govern�nt l�as cau�ec� tY�e ��cne �-.o be duly executed in its bel�aa� thia 1�'.:� � x i�.�.;;;�_ o�y o� _ QPR , 19 "��._,_,• � �5�� ��/� �� , • _� ' OF ST. PAUL , /�� f ,-,-__A � :, ;�i;-, _,,. . � � ommr. o ar , ecr. n ic gs. = � BY � '� , �'/,�� ' /, � . S i�a�:ure) . - -�-r �-�%��%r�!�..-��-!/ � L''i y �' sT`rk-T'•• ` ' �'— Thomas R. Byrne .. i��pe or Print i�ame City o ptroller � Mayor ATIT'r�T: � Titl� Si�t;ure 1�iITCD S2AT.� OF AN �' ICA ^ , Secxetar� o� Iiausin� and Urban • ' •, , DAvelopmen� ,_1 , Ty�e or Pxin� i�ame .� � , ,;� . ; . , r 4 � ` - �y t�,',. .. ; ,,., ,;�: Isting �ssis�ant Re;;�.onn1. Administra�Lor for Tit1e � � Renewal As�ia'tance �^ ., �M PpR�VED� ,��_ � ,_ ���� ( ,� ._,,. , rt�un�. ��;� n ..r•'�S�r�• �'� �F�`` (� w � ~ � . . . . L..�:.. 1 ARTICLE IV - OP'ERATION OF THE NEI(�IDORHOOD FACILITY The provisions of this Article, except where otherwise stated, are applicable for a period of twenty years after the completion of the Pro3ect. SEC. 401. USE AND CONTROL (p) General. -- The Neighborhood Facility sha11 be used for the � carrying out of a program of health, recreational, social or similar co�nunity services in accordance with this Contract and the Application. No change in the use of the Neighborhood Facility to a use other than that contemplated under this Contract and the Application sha11 be made by the Grantee, without the prior consent of the Government. Such consent, if given, sha11 be based upon the finding by the Government that the proposed conversion is in accordance with the current program of health, recreational, socisl or similar co�nunity services in the area and is consistent with comprehensive planning for the developmer�t of the comrnunity. The Grantee sha11 not enter into any lease or a�reement transferrin� to any other entity the control or supervision of the Neighborhood Facility without the prior concurrence of the Secretary. (B) Fees and Charges. -- No fees or charges will be made for the services and benefits of the Neighborhood Facility except in accordance with the regulations of the Secretary. (C) Nondiscrimination. -- The Grantee will operate the Neighborhood • Facility and conduct, or secure the conduct of, a11 programs carried out . in the Facility in compliance with all requirements imposed by or pursuant to regulations of the Secretary effectuating Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 196�+ (78 Stat. 252)• The Grantee will not, on the basis of race, creed, color or national origin, deny to any person the use, benefits, or services provided by the Neighborhood Facili.ty, nor provide any facilities, services, or benefits to a person which are different or are provided in a different manner from those provided to others under the same program or activity. The Grantee will not a.dopt rules, regulations, or practices for the operation of the Neighborhood Facility which are discriminatory in nature. Grantee further agrees that it will not enter into any lease or other agreement respecting the Neighborhood Facility without incorporating into such lease or agreement provisions which will insure that the use and occupancy, and the provision of , neighborhood services and other benefits will be ava.ilable without regard to race, creed, color, or national origin. The provisions of this section 401(C) have no termination date and sha11 be effective so long as the premises are used as a Neighborhood Facility. (D� Encumbrances; Taxes and Assessments. -- The Grantee sha11 not voluntarily create, cause, or allow to be created any debt, lien, mortgage, charge, or encumbrance against the Neighborhood Facility which in a�y way - 13 - . . ,...._ � � � �.. Will impair or otherraise adverse�y affect the preservation of said Facility Por the use or uses set out in this Section �+01 of this Contract. The Grantee shall from time to time duly pay and discharge, or cause to be paid and dischar�ed When the same become dwe, all taxes, assessa�ents, and other governmental charges Which are lawfully imposed upon the Neighborhood � Facility and which if unpaid may by laW become a lien or charge upon said , Facility and thereby jmpair or otherwise adversely affect the holding oP said Facility for the use or uses set out in this Section 401 of this Contract. (E) Maintenance and Operation. -- The Grantee shall at all tin�ea keep ` � the Neighborhood Facility in good and safe condition and repair and in the occupancy, maintenance, and operation thereof shall comply with all laws, , � ordinances, codes and regulations applicable thereto. The Grantee shall not permit, co�it, or suffer waste or impairment of the land deacribed in subaection (C) of Section 2 hereof or of the Neighborhood Facility, or ar�y pert thereof. SEC. 402. SU�IISSION OF DOCU�ME'NTS The Grantee shall submit to the Secretary such data, reports, records, and documents relating to the operation of the Neighborhood Facility as the Government may require in order to permit the Secretary to determine Whether the operation of the Neighborhood Facility is in accordance with � this Contract and the rules and re gulations of the Secretary. . ' . SEC. 403. SAFEGUARD6 AGAINST RISK The Grantee shall provide adequate measures, in accordance with the rttles and regulations o� the Secretary, to safeguard the Neighborhood Facility against damage and destruction and against liability flowing from � in�ury or death to persons. These rules and re gulations will re quire the ! Grantee to provide for these risks by appropriate insurance policies in adequate amounts or, With the approval of the Secretary, take such other m�easures to provide adequate safegue�rds. SEC. �+0�. REMEDIES If the Grantee violetes ar�y of the provisions of this Article IV, the Government shall have the right to declare a default under this Contract, � effective upon thirty days' notice thereof to the Grantee. Upon default, � the Government shall, to the fullest extent permitted by law, have, as a matter of contract, the following rights and re�dies: (1) The right to obtain a refund from the Grantee of the full amount of the Pro�ect Grant and Relocation Grant; (2) The right to a writ of mandamus or an in�unction or other + similar relief against the Grantee to secure compliance with the provisions of this Article IV; � i (3) Such other actions at law, suita in equity, or other I I proceedings as may be appropriate. - 14 - . r._, � . , L.�...__1 SEC. �+05• DESTRUCTION OR DAMAGE; EMTNENT DOMAIN If the Neighborho�d Facility is destroyed or dama�ed by fire or other casualty so as to render it unusable, or if the Facility is taken by the exercise of eminent domain, the Government may elect to require repayment of the Project Grant in whole or in part as may be appropriate. • - •_.. . • - 15 - � �_ � ., . .... .. . .. ........_...._ _.._i....._.. j ! ! ARTICLE V - MISCELLANEpUS PROVISIONS S�C. 501. INTEREST OF PUBLIC OFFICIAIS AND g2pLpy�g No officer, employee, or member of the governing body of the Grantee, no other public official of the locality in which the Fro,ject will be carried out, and no employee, officer, or director of any participating nonprofit organization, who exercises any flznctions or responsibilities in the review or approval of the undertaking or carrying out of the Pro�ect, shall have any financial interest, direct or indirect, in this Contract, or in any contract or undertaking in connection with carrying out the Project or in connection with the use and operation of the Neighborhood Facility. SEC• 5�2• INTEREST OF CERTAIN FEDER�,L OFFICIALS No member of or Delegate to the Congress of the United States of America, and no Resident Commissioner, shall be admitted to any share or part hereof or to any benefit arising herefrom. S�• 5�3• BONUS OR COMMISSION The Grantee will not pay any bonus or commission for the purpose of .�. obtaining approval of the Application, or any other approval by the Government which may be necessary under this Contract. S�. 50�+. CLAIMS AGAINST GOVERI�lENT BY THIRD PERSONS Nothing contained in this Contract shall create or justif�r any claim �" against the Government by any third person as a result of contracts executed by the Grantee or any other actions of the Grantee in carrying out the Pro�ect or in the use and operation of the Neighborhood Facility. S�• 505. HOW CONTRACT AFFECTED BY PROVISIONS BEING HEI,D INVpLID If any provision of this Contract is held invalid, the remainder of this Contract shall not be affected thereby if such remainder would then � � continue to conform to .the terms and requirements of applicable law. � SEC. 506. PROVISIONS CONCERNING CERTAIN WAIVERS � � Sub�ect to applicable Federal law, any right or remedy which the � Government may have under this Contract may be waived in writing by the � Government by a formal waiver and either with or without the execution of I an amendatory or supplementary agreement, if, in the judgxnent of the � Government, this Contract, as so modified, will still conform to the i provisions and requirements of applicable laws. € 1 � i $ � - 16 - � . � � , i . . . ; � _ . > SEC. 507. USE OF CERTAIN TERMS bccept where the context clearly indicates otherwise, the following terms, as used in this Contract, shall have the following meanings: (A� The term "Application" means that written application for the Federal grant by the Grantee, including any revisions thereto, together � with all explanatory, supporting, or supplementary documents filed therewith, a.s approved by the Governuient. (B� The term "land", whether capitalized or not, is used in its broadest accepted legal sense and, without limiting the generality of such meaning of the term, means any real property, including improved or unimproved land. (C) The term "rules and regulations of the Secretary" includes all written policy issuances of the Secretary, regaxdless of whether they are published as formal regulations. (D� The term "Secretary" means the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, or the person authorized to act on his behalf. ' - 17 - 215740-P � . -� . _ . �G {` �, ` ���,�D . V LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSE ASSOCIATION � THIS INDENTURE Made this � day of ,�/���1 , A.D. , One Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy, between the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, a Municipal Corporation and political subdivision of the State of Minnesota (hereinafter called the "Lessor") and THE NEIGHBORHOOD HDUSE ASSOCIATION, a Non-Profit Corporation organized and existing under the Laws of the State of riinnesota (hereinafter called the "Lessee") . W I T N E S S E T H : That the Lessor, for and in consideration of the covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth does hereby demise and lease to the Lessee, portions of the premises located within the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, �Iinnesota, known as 179 East Robie Street, Saint Paul 55107 said premises being more particularly described and with that portion of the same designated on plats included as a part hereof as Exhibit A, A1, A2, A3, to be occupied for neighborhood facility (hereinafter called "neighb�rhood facility") and for no other purpose whatsoever. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD with all appurtenances thereto for and during the full term of twenty {20) years commencing on the lst day of May, 1970 (commencement date to coincid� with Certificate of the architect on the construction project that the facility is substan�ially completed and ready for occupancy) . The Lessee shall have the right and option • ,� ' , . and option �to rer.ew tliis Leuse for faur_� {4) successive renei•aal t.erms of five (5) years, upon the provisions, covenants and .condi�.ions of this Lease and of the then applicable Operating Agreement between the parties governing jaint use of said neighborhood facility. `I'he Lessee ' s option to renew shall be exerci.sed by notice in writing at lea�t six w (6) months prior to the termination of the initial term or of the renewal term then in effect. Iri consideration of said demise and the covenants and agreements her_einafter e�pressed, in considerat.ion of the contribution by Lessee from its separate funds to th� canstruction of said neighbor- hood facility of which the de?nise;l Premises constitute a part, and in further consicleration of tlie mutual unde�ta}:ir�qs of_ the parties hereto, ii�reur.cler anc�. pursuant to the Operating Agrecment ta be executed by and between the pari�ies , it i.s covenanted and agreed as follows : Section 1 - Use of Dernisec� Prcmises . Lessee shall contiriu- ously operate the deraised premises , a part of the neiqlzbor- hood facility, or any replacement thereof during the term of this Lease in accordance Faitti the requirements of a cer- tain contract enterec� into k�y and b.etween the Lessor and the Uniteci States of Araerica, Department of Fiousing and Urban llevelopment (hereinafter called "The Government") , dated I�pril 11, 1969 , Contrac.t No. L�2inn. NII (G) (hereinafter called t.he "Grant Contract") (a copy of �rhich is attached hereto as Exhibit B and mac�e a part hernof) and all appli- cable la4.s of the i7nit.ed States of America, ancl the rules and regulations of the Secretary of Iiousing and Urban Uevelopment, and particularly in accordance with all re- quirements 1ri1pOSG'CI by or pursuant to regulations of the Secretary effectuating Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 2�1, 252) . The Lessee sYia11 not, on trie basis oi� xace, creed , sex, color or national origin, deny to any person tlie use, benefits or services provided by the neiqh- borizood facility, or any replacement thereof, nor provide any use, services or benefits to a person whicii are different or � are provided in a c?ifferent mann�r from those provided to others under the same pr.ogram or activities . It is under- stood that tne parties tlier�to sna11 together. occupy, operaf:e and main:�:ain the aforesai.d neighborhaoc� faca�lity for the afore- saicl purposes and subjeet to tize a�oresaid iavas , rules anc� rEgt�-- 7_ations, and pursuarlt to an Oper.a�a_ng �1gr�emetzt to be executed b�tween �.hc pa�ti.es, and the par_ties ac�ree ti�a.t they shall not adopt rule�, rec�ul.ations or. practices for tlze o�era�ion ot the neighborhoo� facili�y or any p�rt �,hereof which are dis- crininatory in nature, izor shall they or either of thern eni.er into any Leasc or o�her agreenent res��ectii�g tl�e neigllborhood P Zge Tcao , . ,� � � , ' facility withou� incor�oratinc� into such Lease or_ Agreernent provisions �•�hich �•�ill insure that the use and occupancy, and the provision of neighborhood services anci other benefits will be available �•�ithout regara to race, creed, color or national origin. The provisions of this Section shall be included in any renewal or extension of this Lease as long as the premises are used as a nei_qhbarhood facility, ° The neighhorhood fac9.lity shall he used to carry out a proqram of health, recreation, social or other comrlunity service in accorclance �•�ith the grant contract. r10 change in the use of the neighborhood facility to a use other than that permitted under this Lease or the said grant agreement shall be mac�e by the Lessee without the prior written consent of the Lessor, such consent, if given, to be based upon finclings by the Lessor that the propo�ed conversion is in accordance �,�ith the current program of health, recreational, sacial or sir-�ilar community services in the area and is consistent ���ith comprehensive planning for the development of the community. Anything in this Lease or Aqreerlent to the contrar_y not•r�ithstandinq, Lessee shall not enter into any Lease or Agreernent transferring to any other organiza�ion or entity the control or sunervision of its portion of the neighborhood facility without the prior c•�ritten consent of the Lessor. Section 2 - Piaintenance of Premises in Good State of P.epair. The Lessee s�l�eep t�i�emise premzses, eing a po-on` of the neighborhood facility, and appurtenances thereto in a clean, sanitary and healtliy conclition and in good repair, all accordina, to statutes and ordinances in such cases Made and provided, and the directions of public officers thereto duly authora.zecl, and Lessee shall yield the demised prer:iises bacY to th� Lessar upon the termination of this Lease or any extension th�reof, whether such terminat?on shall occur by expir.ation of time or in any other manner ���hatsoever, in the same condition of cleanliness, repair and sightliness as at the date o� execution hereof, loss by fire and reasonable �•�ear and tear exceptecl. Pursuant to Operating Agreement betc�reen the parties, the Lessor and Lessee sha11 share the cost of maintenance and repair of the neighbor- hood facility, and thereunder Lessee agrees to ma};e all necessar� repairs and renec•�als of the demisecl �r.emises, and shall replace broken glass ana fixtures �•rith rnatE.r.ials of the same size ancl quality as that br�ken, at its cost and erpense, provicled that the Lessee sl:all insure all plate glass in �•�indo���s and� doors of the neighborhood facility ��ith the cost oi such insurance to he borne by the Lessor and Lessee pursuant to the Operating Agree- ment between then, and with the proceecls of such insurance to be applied to the repair of the damaged facility. Any modificatian, al�eration or addition to the nea.c�hborhood facility shall onl� be cor.lpletecl unon approval of �he City' s City Architect, and the facility shall be subject t� insnec- tion at least once a year by the saicl Cit,� nrcIiitect, who will prescribe minimurl standards for the maintenance af the facilit_y. Should the Lessee fai7. to keep the �cleraisec. �rer,iises, a �ortion of the neighbor_hood facility, in a clean, sightly �nd healthy condition, Lessor ma_y enter the sar,�e itself oz by its agents or er:iployees wzthout such entry causinc� or constituting a term- ination of_ the Leas� or an interf_erence with the �ossession of the premises bv the Lessee, and Lessor may rex�].ace tlze same in the sam� condition of ze�a�r, siqhtliness, healthiness and cleanliness as exi_sted at the date of execution hereo£, and Page Three Lessee agrees to pay Lessor th� reasonable e�:penses of Lessor in thus restoring the preMises to that condztion. The parties hereto each agree that they shall not permit, commit or suffer ���aste or im�air.ment of the neighborhood facility, its site, or any replacertent or part thereof. , Section 3 - Insurance on Demised Prenises. ° (a) Lessee shall procure ana maintain durinc� the term of this Lease, fire and extended coverac�e insurance on the buil�ine� or buildings comprising the neighborhood facility, in aMOUnt sufficient to provide for not less than full recovery whenever a loss from peril.s insurec? ac�ainst aoes not exceecl Eighty (gOg) percent of the full insurable value of the damaged buildinc; or. buildinRs . Such insurance shall name the Lessar and Lessee as insureds as their interest ma�,� appear, and shall fur_ther include a loss payable clause to the Lessor as trustee for the government as its interest may apPear, accorcling to the ratio of £�deral funds contributecl to the development of the neighborhood facility, in or_der to provide the funds or a portion thereof for repay- ment of the federal grant �n the event the government elects to rec�uir.e repayment thereof if_ the facility is destroyec' or damagecl b�� iire or other easualty so as to render it unusable. In the event of destruction of the neighborhood facility or such dar�age as will render the same unusable, should the government ma};e the aforesaid electian to der�and repal�rment from the proceecls of insurance, then and in t�iat event the Lease Agreement and the obliqation of the parties thereunder shall thereupon terminate, and the proceecls of insurance aforesaid shall be paid to the government and to the insureds proporti,onate to their financial contribution to its constructian. (b) Lessee shall procure ancl maintain durinc� the term of this Lea.se boiler insurance covering any boiler servicing the facility in an amount not less than Fifty Thousand ($50 ,000.00) Dollars. (c) Lessee shall procuze ancl r;taintain during the term of this Lease f_ire anc� extenc?ec'•. eover_age insuranee on contents, eauipment and furnishings c�ithin tlle neighbor- hood facility, in amount suffic�ent to defray the �replace- ment costs thereof. � . (cl) Lessee shall procure and maintain durina the ter_m of this Lease, puk�la.c liability insurance with limits of not less than One Hundred Thousand ($100 ,000.00) � Dollars for one person ancl Three Fiundred Thausand ($300,000.00) Dollars for more than one pers�n, involved in one accident, to protect the Lessee and �he Lessor from la�� suit for bodily injur� and/or death �•ahich may arise from o�eration of the facility, includinc� any cr all use of its grounds, si.ructures ancl vehicles , and furtlier includinq the non-owned vehicl�s operat�d for the benefit of the neighbarhaod facilii:y. In addition, Page Four � Lessee shall procure and maintain during the term of this Lease vehicle Property damage insurance in . amounts of not less than Ten Thousand ($10,000. 00) Dollars. (e) All of. the insurance policies re�uirecl to be maintained by the Lesse�e hereunder shall be in form and with such companies as are acceptable to the • Lessor, and the Lessee shall furnish to the Lessor cer.tificates of insurance or duplicate insurance policies respecting all such insur.ance. All of sai� insurance referred to in the foregaing subparagraphs (a) through (d) shall name the Lessar and the Lessee as co-insurects as their interest may appear, and �roceeds thereof, in the event of insurable loss, shall, su}�ject to the right� of the qovernment in fire and extended coverage insurance on the building or builclings cor►- � prising the neighborhood facility, be paic7. over to the parties to apply to the repair ancl restoration of damaged property, or to pa�ment of claims arising out of operation of the neic7hborhood facility. The cost of all such insurance shall be sliarecl jointly by the parties in accordance ��aith th� Operating Agreement execut�d by and between them. Section 4 -- P.enorts , Records and Other pocuments. Lessee shall furnish the Lessor wit an annua report �ait-Fii thirty (30) days after the close of each calenc:ar year settinc� forth a gen- er�l accountinc� of the operation of its �ortion of the neighbor- hood facility, and without limitina the c�enerality of the f.ore- going, such report shall include: � (a) The names ancl adaresses of the off_icers and directors of its governing body and the principal administrative staff officers operating within the neighborhood facility; (b) A statement of the nature and e�;tent of the activities and programs carried out during the prececiing year; (c) A certification that it has o�erated its portion of_ the neighborhood tacility in accorclance with the provisions set forth in Section 1 of this I�ease; (d) The status of all insurance rec�uired to be maintained by the Lessee hereunder; (e) A statement of diubursements and receipts , if any. The Lessee shall further subMit to the Lessor such other and additional data, reports and copies of records and documents relating to its operations of its portion of the neic�hborhood facility as Lessor may reasonably xeruire. Such c�at�-z, reports , and copies of records and dacuments shall, upon subr�ission, l�ecome the property of the Lessor. Section 5 - Cornorate Existence of Lessee. Lessee covenants that it will na ntain, extend an , if requirecl, renew its corporate existence unaer the la�r�s of the State of PZinnesota Page Five . and all f.ranchise, rights and privileges to it granted and upon it conferred, as may be required, and will not do, suffer or permit any act or thing to be done whereby its right to transact its functions might or could be terminated, or its operations or activities restricted. Section 6 - Fees and Charges . Lessee shall not charge or establish or cause or permit to be charged or established any fees or expenses for services and benefits from opera- tions within its portion of the neighborhood facility without prior written approval of the Lessor. Section 7 - Encumbrances, Taxes and Assessments. Lessee will not voluntarily create, cause or allow to be created any debt, lien, charge or other encumbrance against the neighborhood facility which in any way will impair or otherwise adversely affect the preservation of said facility for the intended purpose or useful employment thereof. The Lessee shall pay and discharge, or cause to be paid and discharged, when due, taxes, assessments or other govern- mental charges lawfulZy imposed upon its leasehold in the ' neighborhood facility or on its operations therefrom, which, if unpaid, may, by law, become a lien or charge on said facility and thereby impair or otherwise adversely affect the holding of said facility for the purpose herein set forth. The foregoing shall be subject to the right of the Lessee to contest any such taxes, assessments or governmental charges, and incident thereto to withhold payment of the same pending the disposition of its challenge to the imposi- tion of such tax, assessment or governmental charge. Section 8 - Furnishings and Equipment. The parties covenant, and each shall provide or cause to be provided at the separate expense of each, the furnishings and equipment necessary for the effective operation of the neighborhood facility, and each shall maintain such equipment in good order and repair, includ- ing the replacement thereof when necessary. Section 9 - Payment of Utility Charges . The parties shall pay all charges for public utilities, including gas , steam, electric power, water, and any sewer or other rental charge during the term of this Lease, payment to be pursuant to the Operating Agreement to be entered into between the parties. Section 10 - Remedies of the Parties Upon Default. (a) If Lessee shall vacate or abandon the demised premises , or permit the same to remain vacant or unoccupied for a period of 30 days, or in the event the Lessee shall commit a breach of its covenants as set forth in Sections l, 2 and 3 of this Lease, � Lessee's rights to possession of the demised pre- . mises thereupon shall terminate with or without . any notice or demand whatsoever, and the mere reten- tion of possession thereafter by Lessee shall not constitute a forceable detainer of, said premises, and, if the Lessor so elects, this Lease shall thereupon terminate and upon termination of the Lessee's right of possession as aforesaid, Lessee agrees to surrender Page Six . . . ' ' . • possession of the demised premises immediately without receipt of any notice to quit or demand for possession of the demised premises whatsoever, and hereby grants to Lessor full and free license to enter into and upon the premises or any part thereof to take possession thereof without process of law and to expel and to remove the Lessee, its agents and employees who may be occupying the premises or any part thereof, and such repossession by Lessor shall be as of its former estate, and shall not constitute trespass or forceable entry or detainer nor a waiver of covenant, agreement or promise in said . Lease to be performed by Lessee. (b) If Lessor defaults in its obligations hereunder and as set forth in the Operating Agreement bet�veen the parties, the Lessee shall have the right to term- inate this Lease without further obligation to the Lessor thereunder. IN WITNESS W�iEREOF, The Lessor has caused this Lease to be executed for and on its behalf by Thomas R. Byrne, Victor J. Tedesco, and Joseph J. Mitchell, its Mayor, Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings, and City Comptroller, respectively, and has caused its seal to be affixed thereto and attested by Harry E. Marshall, its City Clerk, and the Lessee has caused this Lease to be executed for and on its behalf by ��'��Q/�Cfl�'�f c�/' and ,�.�i�llr� /����� its � ,�� G�[�c� �Jl"-and ,5��.��2 ,�: l� and has caused its corporate seal to be affixed thereto, all as of the day and year first above written, but actually on this day of ��T , 1970 . APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY OF SAINT PAUL: By Assistant Corporation Mayor + Counsel COUNTERSIGNED: Com issioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings Comptroller APPROV�D AS TO FORM AND City Clerk EX�CUTION: NEIGtiBORHOOD HOUSE ASSOCIATION Assistant Corporation By ,�� ��,��p� _ ����,�J- Counsel - ���iNF�.�cSP �� �a[fs/ l?�tD f�Ll WITNESSES TO EXECUTION WITNESSES TO EXECUTION OF LESSOR: OF LESSEE: �-t'/'��S� ,17��1��� �r� G/U � �/aD � Page Seven STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss COUNTY OF RAMS�Y ) On this day of , 1970, before me, a Notary Public within an�c—�r said County, personally appeared Thomas R. Byrne, Victor �J. Tedesco, Harry E. Marshall and Joseph J. Mitchell, to me personally known, who, being each by me duly sworn, did say that they are respectively the Mayor, Commissioner of Parks and Recrea- tion and Public Buildings, the City Clerk and the City Comptroller of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, named in the foregoing in- strument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the seal of the City of Saint Paul, and that said instrur.ient was signed and sealed in behalf of said City of Saint Paul by authority granted pursuant to formal resolution of the Council of the City of Saint Paul, Council File No. , passed and approved the day of , 1970, and the said Mayor, Commissioner of Parks, and Recreati no and Public Buildings , City Clerk and City Comptroller acknowledged said instrument to be the act and deed of said City of Saint Paul, pursuant to said resolution. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) . ) ss COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) On this _L�� day of , 1970, before me, a Notary Public within and fo said count and state, personally appeared alt,��,Qp�r �!� and �i� ,Q,��,v� � ,�'�aP , to me persona ly known, who being ea h b me duly sworn d d say that they are respectively the � ° � and ,�p �e �� of The Neighborhood Hous Association, the corporation n m d in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authoriEty of its Board of Directors, and said �F/ �Q���p�¢ �p� and � �Q�r,��� q. �p e acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. GORDON SHEPARb Notary Public, Dakota County, Mtnd. My Commission Expires July 7, 197Q • t . .. - , � N . � . - � . . �- ' . . . . i . .... � 'a. All that ' �. . . . , . . . , . , �=-_ p�1rt of: � ' •....' '� ,• ; � � ' . ';ots k, 5, 6 � 7 of Block 15 of�Bcll's Addition.Co WesC St. Paul,. � •, nnd o£ the So��tnc�stcrly 1/2 0.. Sta[e Strect �djacen� to said • • � � � � Lo�s 5 � 6 that is enco::passe� by a line describEd as folloas; � � f • Iteginnin�:at the Southeaste:ly corn�r oF s�id Lot 6� theace ;,ortn , • .' • 6d°- ��t� ' Glc�t alon� the. Sout`iaester3.y Iine o�. Lot .6 e.:.end��� for � • 50.00 fcet to � point oct thc cezter line o£ Sta[e Street, then� • , . North 26°- 03' East alon� the center 2ine oF Sta�e S:reet for ' ' � ' 220.00 feet, t5ence South 64�- 45'- 20" Eas=, pa;allel �to the ' - hortheus:zrly Ii.r,e of said Lo*_s 4 & S, £or 75.00 £eet, thencz � ; ?�orth 2E�?- 03' East �or 45.0 fee�, to a point tna� is 3.0 :eet ' � ' iroca the ;;or�hez;terly line of s�;d Lot 5, [he:ce� Sou[h b4�- ��5 '- 2p�� •• East for 40.0 feet, thence Sou�n 26°- 43 ' West for 123.52 feet to . ' the Sou.tn�,r`ste�Iy 1'r.e oi. sa�d Lo� 4_, thence ;;orth b4�- 4!�'- ,:FO" : - t�lest �Ion� the Sout�-�;�esterly l�i;,e of Lo� 4 far 25.0 ieet ��:ence ' South 2'v�- 03' �;es� for I3b,52 feet, to the Soutn:resterly .line ot ' Lot 7, thence i�orth 64�- 4!s' ;�est for 10.0 feet Co the poir.t of : . � beginnin�: SuSject to an ease:�ent ove; t�;at p�rt thereoF th=_t is . - en�o,�?�ssed S� a Zir� cescribe� as foil.oas: T� j � ' � Co�.,.,nc�ng 2t t`�e : • Souti,aesterly corr:e: oi I,ot 7 oF 81oc: I� oF Bells cad:.:�ar,, ��:er.�e . . , . South b4°- 44' :,�st alono the Sou�n;:z���:?y ?ine oF Lo� 1 for � ' � . . • . S:0 feet to the �oin� o_° beo:.n:�ir., o� t;.e n_ . . o �' t i � [o be �esc:ib��; . �},nn�n 1- ,-; �50_ noT :d�` :C: ^^Q n� � . , ..e_ `� .,� � ..,� c�t thz��ce . �� ' , ::or,:<< c-;�- :.�'.. ���:' S,'est for �.a.0 ;e�t t;�e,^.ce i:�rth 26°_ C3 ' East for 45.0 feet, ti:2;:ce South b4�- 45'- 20" Eas[ fo: 40,0 `ee t, t;�e^c e South 2b°- �o';;as t `� � , for 128.52 feet, ;Cler.C2 ii0.�h b=.:°- 4!c '- 40" '' • . .les� for 25.� iee�, - thence South 25°- 0�' :;es t f or. ?36.52 f ee t, ther.c e :�v:=i 64°- �:!�' � �lest for 5.0 fez� to t�e poi.:�: of be�innino; and also ' , . � • . . . ' ' . . . AZ� t}12t ?cr t Oi t�1° :ti0�tt'i::25.'.c�.i?y �/2 0= S'�2�'�.' .S��2��`.. 2�juC•e:l� t0 • ' - Block 69 0� r�;=,t St. ?�u� �-o?�: �12C =s e:,co��zsse� �; z 1_n� � . . - . e:escribed as .ollc::;: Co�erci.r.� at t�e So:s��aestcr?� cor�e: eF ' • ' - Eloe'�c 15 0� 3el�s r�.��it:,er., c��;:ce ��ort� 54°- 44 ' k'est � ..� . . • , �Io..� t�z . Southa2ste�,� li^�� o: szic' 3_oc.� i� e:<�ezc'.��, :c: �O.C�J f�e:, to � the cente: lir.e of Sta�e S�_�p�, S�r� �o�n� Seir.� tne ?o_n� o_` � • - , beginni:�� of the Ii.^� L-a be �escr�b�a ,� t`:znc� cflr.tinuir.J...;or��� � • . . . b4°- 41i' nest for 30.00 fee: �o C�:e So��t;e_s��:�y I;^z oz said ' � ' � - : nlock b9, th�;�ce ;;�:th 25°- C� ' E�st, alo�:a' rn� So�:�IiV�J�zrl�; �+r.� • . o£ $loc� 69 for 2�9, 00 £e�t, t�e:�ce Soc:��, F��_ �5`- 20" " - � i.,2;�.j . ' paralleZ to ri;e 2,ort,�e2st�-?; ?�;:z c° sai� 3?oc'.< 1S �or 3�.Q0 f.ecL , . to the ce�tz: li.na a� S.��e Str�et, tn?r.ce Scu;h 2oG- C3' WAs;, - � tiIon� saic� cen:�: :in�, `o; 220.t�0 feet t� ��:� point or be�{n;�{;:�, - ' . ' � . . . • • .T . . "EXHIBIT A" � , I � . � . 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