248906 `� . �`� ORIQINAL TO CITY CLERK ,�7(����� • CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� }+� �� ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. U OLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF WHEREAS, The City Council, by its Resolution of C.F. 247976, approved March 19, T970, concurred �n the Public �ork's application to tC�e Mtnnesa�ta State Archives Co�an�ssion to destroy certain public works records; and WHEFtEEA5, The State Archives Comniss�on approved the said application as it pertained to items 1 throwgh 5, and items 8 through 15, far destraction, and ordered items 6 and 7 to be retained; now therefore be 1t RESOLVED, The Council of the City of Satnt Pau1 does hereby 1 authoriz�l�and direct the Department of Publ�c Wortcs to destroy the records ��T� listed in its applic�tion dated April 1, 197Q, being �tems 1 through 5, and it�s 8 through 15, inclusive, as more particutarty described �n a copy of the said appiication which is attached hereto and incorporated here- tn by reference. FORM ppR �o� or on nse �� � q 1910 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �Y 19 1��0 �ir- Dalglish L— Approve� 19— Meredith '� Tn Favor Eet�sQLi � Sprafku � Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHED MAY 2 3 �970 � � � • Y `� *.�w . � '� i .. � �..-1,.�.�.. „..i � , } f � ARS twm 20 11 hw. .1 , ,�� (D i ' - , � MINNESOTA STATE ARCHIVES AND RECORDS'SERVICE ' `` � ���U� ,. 117 Unive►sity Avenue,St Paul,Minnesota 55101 . .� . APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO DISPOSE OF RECbRDS INSTRUCTIONS: Make original nnd 3 copies. Complete items 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 14a, b, and a Use reverse side of form to co�tinue records desc►iption,if mo►e �pac� is needed, use white bond paper similarily spaced.Send original and 2 copies to the abrne address. Retain one copy while your application is being processed. Vou will receive sn approved copy of you►application,which will be your authority to dispose of records.The apprwed copy should be retained permanently. 1. TO: Min�esota State Archives Commission FOR COMM/SSION USE ONLY 2. FROM:_ C1ty of St. Paul Department of Public Works � ApplicationNo. 7!� ' �l3� Apency or Offlce Subdivislon or Sectlon 9. Dete Received /� 3� 7� 3. �uantity of Records: cubic feet 3S or lipear feet 4. Location of Records: Room 23�F f. 8Slf11@11 V8U 1 t� �0�1' OUS� 10. The records tistedonthia appHcstion ere not needed for post audit purposes. ; . 5. Laws other than M 1 8.17 that relate to the destruction or safekeeping of y 9- 7C ; the records: M.S. 4�5.�3 �C. 6. 1 certify that the records listed on this application are accurately described,and that P �c Examiner Dept. �eb ; they have no further administrative, legal, or fiscal value for the current business of ' this a�cy. t OMM SSION APP VA � � • ��!� �v���.� _��- , ! � �' � � v Publlc Examin�r Oate � gency e or ut or ze gnature Dat �/�j�/ 7. 1 have a `�'�''� `' � '-'�--�� ppraised the records described on this application for their continuing value Attorney General , oacs � for historical or other resea�ch, functional documentation,'and the proteetion of �, �`�t��G�,�� ���;3„�, iindividual rights and the rights of the govemment. ta Auditor /�-•�,t� � o��• „� ' � ,., "�! I I�recommend: _ / • Dlrector,Mlnnesote Hlstorical Soe[B� Ds� � Destroy items '"' v Retain in office Of origln Items d 12. Under the authority of Minnesota Statutes j Transfer to State Archives items 138.17, it is heceby oMered that the records 1 listed on this applicatio� be disposed of as Consider fo sfer to State Records Center items euthorized in item 15. f � ,,o LAPR 2� 197 � Stete Arehlvlst and Reeords Adml�lstrator ate Commissioner of Admi�istratlon and D�b i Chairmsn,State Archlws Commlalon ' 13. ADDENDUM � � ' . � ;. � p� ��a , ; �r . o � •� 5ee at tached memo �/ ,�'� �^q� � �' 1 , . , �(�,� .' • ���A ��' ' I C���' � ��'1 �y ,F• �''�3 � � 14. Desc�iption of Records- List each record series or type of record as a separate item. POR COMM/SS/ON usE oN�r �, IMm No. b. Nama ot record,form numbers,conte�t,arrangement,orlglnal or dupltcata c. Inclualve Dates �5. Authorized j . , Disposition � 1. Time Reports: Daily time �eports by foreman to time- 1966 and � i keep t ng. L i s t of empl oyees i n ordar of sen l o r i ty. rsv i ous yu rs Destroy Salary rate; empioyee number. tiane and amount ts 91van � , for each employee. � � . , i 2. Mlleage e�llowances: Emptoyees copy� "MonthTy Csr Mll�a 1966 snd � Allowance Report," name and tit�e of emplo�ree, revlous �nars Destroy , descrtptlon of ur, number of miles travated, � rola�ursenrent a�d approval� "I�i ty Mt l�age Reports'! , . .,, •.. ' shvws orlglns a�d dastinatio�s, �alles tr�wled. � � �� 3. Ove�tia�e Reportst dtwakly trans�lttal to payroll 1962 and pestroy deP��tw�nt. rwtous y�ars � i � i . � . �..__.. FOR COMMIS�ION ♦ - 14, D ription of Records- List each record series or type of record as a separate item. uSE ON[.Y � �. 11em�N , b. Neme o�record,torm numbers,content,arrangement,original or duplleats c. Inclustvs Dates �5. Authorized D isposition 4. Nouse Numbers: "Authortzation for offictal house 1962 and number". Forms tnclude a desc�lption of the property pr�vious years Destroy and stgnatur� of ths Commisstone� of Publfc Work�. (Tripl tuts) m S. Landflli Raceipts: Depa�tment of Pub11c Works 1967 and Ma t ntenance Se�v I ces. Locat 1 on of 1 endf i l i, quant t ty prev i ous y�an Destroy i f rvaste (cu. yds.) and charge for thst qusntity. i (Dupllcatas) � � �(6.) Ccmmissioner Milton Rosen's Ftle: Cor�aspondenca 1960-1964 Retain l./ received conca�ning the activities of the Pubitc Morks Department and raports of other departments such �s � Comptroller, Public Utilittes. Pubiic Safety� etc. - tscaila�eous papers snd books concec�tng sewsrs. Nast� disposal . street closings� supplies, �tc. 7. Canmissione� Milton Rosen's Reading Fila: Oupltutes 1960-1964 Retaln � f corr�spo�dence. 8. Purcha:a Orders: Purchasing Department quadruplic�te to 1958-1962 Destroy j Public Works confinning order wtth •ttached dellvary ; racaipts and/o� tnvofces. , � 9. Contract Ciatms: Same as Item 8 except that Department 1958-1962 Destroy ! doas not issue a purchase �equtsitto� since the claio � � Is against existing contracts. 10. Depsrtmental Requlsittons • PsrtaTning to lt�n 8. 1958-1962 DestrOy ; ; 11. Inter-Department Invoicros: Shows alloeation and 1958-1962 Destroy distribution of it�ns, wsts or services to various ' City Depa�tments. 12. pplicatlon fo� T�ansportation Parmit snd Transportatlon 1968 and Destroy Peranit 'O�Igt�ais Issued fo� over-width and ov�r- prsvious y�ars � length vehtclas. 13. Usa of Street.Psrmlt: Issued by Oepa�tment of Public 1948-1962 DeStPOy orks for usa of street. boulevards •nd sidewalk area ' � ; usuelly In connection Nith constructlon� repafrs� weil ; driiltng, etc. Sometimes Issued to Rail�oed Compani�s ' for mainline and spur t�acks �u� in straets a�d al�lays. ' i oae issued to Reliroad Compantas and others for long term use wtli be rotained pe nnanently or until t�acks re removed. There ts a deposit of 525.00 and a $6.00- permit aharga. ' 14. Petty cash c6ecks (duplicate) 1962 6 pr�viou Destroy years _ 1S. AecaiPtat tee�ipta �or c� �dapositeel�io titl` reasurq 192Q•1962�.: D@St�Oy b � " ' , , �� .r �;�, �., �`� ' _ � 1. ` �' � � � ,� ,-� . ;a p ,�� � � �� � � � � Yi?�� i i .. � . "v tf11 � 3 ���0 , � . . . � � '� , � i 181alPJG�,ri=�� ���F� �.�, :s,��� �z�w� ' AUDITOR�� DUPLICATE TO PRINTER +� �.�� �'� CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL N�. �����'�A� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COM M I551 ON ER DATF IdHERE�;S, TP��e City Council , by its Resolution of C.F. 24797�, a�prav�d P9ar�3a 19, i97�, concurred ir� tl�e Fub1�c 4��rk`s applicatian to the t9innesota State �rc�iiv�s Gommissinn t� d�stray certain nublic �r;orks recards; and �lH�:�E1�S, T��� S�te ArchivQs Ca��nission ap�arav��i tMe sa�d a��lica�tion as it �ertaineci to ite,�s 1 through 5. and items fi through 15, for destruct�vn, ana ordered i�er�s 6 anrl 7 to be r°etaine�; nor� ther��ar� t�� �t ������al.��E��, TI�e Council of t�e Cit,y of S�airtt F���1 d��s i���reby J,�._;� aut���r�riz�cl and c��rec� tt�� D�par�rr�c�nt af Pul�7ic V�I�rks to de�troy the rAcords �/� E i i st�c4 i r� i ts a�r�l i cati�n dat�c� �!�pri 1 1 , 1970, L;ei�c� i ter�s 1 �hr�u��h �, at�d iten�s 8 t��irQU��3 i�, inciusivc, as mare �arL-ic�!1�r1v c!�se.ri���d ir� � caoy ��F ti�e sai� ���licatian >�{��icyi is �ttachPd ��rc:��a =:��d incor;?arated 6iere- in by ref�r�r�cQ. ���� �. � 1��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays `�&Y}36F�-- w a""{cl�� '.�K , F :,oJ�l L`u1 Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith � Tn Favor I?�eke�sen Mayor Sprafku �? Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne O