250340 250��0 Couaoil File No..........._.......�.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROYEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Tbeundei�eigaedhereby propoeeethemalcingof thefollowingpublioimprovement by tha City of 8eint Paul,vi:.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessar for the sio s cuts and fills includin right of removal .of lateral..suQport..from.sub�................w..�.............................�..�............................._.....�.._.........._ 9 ......................... .. . _... .,j ect 1 and or rema i nde r thereof occas i oned by excavat i on: the reof or const ruct i on of s i n the. rad i n. �. � � � � �. � � � .. .........................._ _____ _ _ __ slope _. , and surfacin with bituninous material a�d construct..S�n�.���..S�IJCk..�Ad..�txS�l:. �. ....��._.�...�........_......�.......�.....»...................................._..�......._.... AVE. fran Arkwright St. DeSoto St������� ��������x�""'�"Hx'�'�Ax�"��`°'a��--K��ANTH D�ted thie........���.........day of..�.........Se�tembe r.................. 19 7� ........................... .. ......._____...........................Couaoilmsn....._.. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREA$, A written proposal for the msking of the followiag improvement, vis,: Condemning and taking an easement in the land nece,ssar for the slo s ................................................................................... Y Pe , uts and f i 11 s, i ncl udi ng ........__.,....-•----•-•--•.....................................�........ , ............. ................. r ght of remova i of, i atera 1 rt f rom_ ' �� � � .. .. ....s..upp.o. __ _sub,j ect ;,�;and,or rema i nder h vat i ons thereof ••� -g��#••����.14ned„by��cc� or cons t ruct i,on.of s 1 opg�._i t�_���_q��d�.�,$:�� ������n$ �y�xh..kix. � construct conc ����������'�'I"'���"" rete curb and � _ €ran Brainerd AVE, fran�lrkwrigfifi St �to DeSotorSt^ C�RK ST. .� __Ave.,_,to. Fl�acinth .Ave._.and HYACINTH hsving been preeented to the Counoil of the City of Saint Paul........... ....... ' tberefore, be it -........ v. ......... -•...................._._..__.... :� 8E$OLVED, That the Commiesioner of Publio Works be and ie hereby orde.red and direoted: 1. To inveatigate the neceseity for, or deairability of,.the making of eaid improvemeaB. 2. To inveetigate the nature� extent and estimated cost of said improvement, snd the total ooet thereot. 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or eketch of said improvemen� , 4. To state whether or no8 eaid improvemeat is aeked gor on P,he petition of three ar moro owners. 6. To report upon all of the goregoing matts�re to the �mmiseioaer of�nsnoe. �EP 319/0 , Adopted by t6e CounoiL.._...................»........................._..---......... ,,.,, ; Ysee Councilman Bntler SEP � 1910 Ca r i son Approved.......�._............................................ .................._ Levine Meredith Sprafka Tedesco ......_: .....�.._ ............ ._..._. ..._........ Mr. President McCarty y �, _.---soo�o-s-s� �� ^J � PUBLISHED SEP 51970 �