250339 25a��9 co�a� �e xo........... .............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROYEMENT and PRELIMINARY OItDER. T'heundereignedhereby propoeesthemalcingof thefolYowingpublioimprovement by the Citq oi Baint Psul,vis.: Grade and surface with bituminous material and construct concrete curb and gutter on CLARK •STREET�FROM Brainerd .AvenueNto�•H acinfih �H~w...�..�..�......................�............�............�.... ---�--•--•••--••---- ••- • ... . ...... .. . , X Avenue and H AC I NTH AVENUE f rom Arkwr i ght - .........._........... Y ......._............................................... .............. treet to DeSoto Street. Also construct sewer for storm'water ar • _.�............................____.................------...............................................................�...�...............�....P°ses.r...a�.so construct water and sewer service connections. � Dated this....3rd........dsy of....�..septe.mber..............-_........�.... .... .o........................._.___..�.. ••��;.--�.................. _, 19 7.... --....... ���:....�_ .........___ .. Couno sn. � PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEItEAB, A written propoesi for the meking of the following imprnvement� ris,: Gr de and surface with bit�ninous material and cor�struct concrete curb and u CLARK............................................................................._-------..................-•---............................................_.....::�..tter on M_.__.__ ..STREET_FROM.B ra t nerd_Avenue_to .Hy,ac i nth.Avenue and_HYAC Street ' •• . INTH„AVENUE.from„Arkwright to.DeSoto Stre�t. .q1 go„construct �sewer for, • _. .. ,storm,water,purpo�es;_,also.,construct .water and se�rer service connections# 6aving been preeented to the Counoil of the^City of Saint Paul` .............................................................M....._........_ tberefore, be it jr' ..................................................... REBOLVED, That the Commieeioner of Publio Worke be and ie hereby ordered and directed; 1. To inveetigate the neceeeity for� or desirability of,.the making of eaid improvemeat. 2. To inveetigate t,he nature� extent and estimated oost of said improvement. and the total ooet thereot. 3. To furnieL a plan, profile or eketch of said improvemen� , 4. To stste whether or no�eaid improvement ie aaked for on �he petition ot three ar more owaer+�. 6. To report upon ail of the foregoing mattere to the �mmieeiuner of�nnnoe. ,� Adopted by tho Couaail..._.............................$�,E�.....3..a,Q��..........,, Y�se '• Counc i lman But l er S�P .� 1970 Ca r i son Approvec�.........._..........._............................ Lev i ne ..................._ Meredith Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President McCarty �-- �� �'� �000 �-s9 (� , � �� SEP 51970