250328 A3lsinal to City Clerk � ` • � � ORDINANCE �����8 � COUNCIL FILE NO � � PRESENTED BY �����,�,������ ORDINANCE NO An ordinance amending Ordinance No. ?607, entitled: "A,n ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by i.nserting in its proper alphabetical order the following title, and specifications for Clinic Nurse � �� � � a Q U � c > o , p� � [L' u � � Q U � � � N O Q w -1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Carlson Tn Favor Levine Meredith Sprafka A gainat Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk Mayor �� Form apprQVed Corporation Counsel By � �QriQinsl to CiLy Clerk • ` Y ORDINANCE �50�� 8 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, axid publication. -3- Nov 2 4 i��o Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler � Carlson Levine ' In Favor Meredith � 4 Against Sprafka Tedesco �'VI�V G `� 1�►/a r. President (McCarty) Appro d: A est: Ci Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corpor�,tion Counsel By PUBLISHED NOV 2 8 1970 . , . , . 25��:28 �1?t:'_e cx �;?ass'. i����1���:C JQ�:iRS� Dt?ti<:s ar�.c� r�tsp::ilsi�ilit�is: L�n�i��r :upertr��ion af � Iic�az��d pnysi�iant to r rovide rnedic�,Z rur�in� ^c:rvi.�-:;s ?ia ciini.�s :�pe���F.ed by the Bure�ta. of iieal�h; anc3 �a ��rio�sn �•c3.aP:c;d �,vork as ��si.�n�c1� �'J,�.zxx�:.1��s oF ��ork ���zfo�•r�ed< �i� �°��i{� '�l:Yl��':�?1'4.�;11i::�, �i7�.S<� 1Y3f� TCS�J!r'�1�.ZOri 1'F1..tC'�� '�'o ��ci}-?.ii�i.,�cc� n:;c�l'zr,at�ons, 'iv'p4si�:rn;ics �n_l i:reaimCnt� au nr�tt:.rit;�=�: �.�0 �?C�:"Y?1i12�MG�� lr?:�T2iliiLQ,.cCt1C)Tl::> r3.F1C� .iY'id11�OL1.> �i;:'i�:i� To ;r<��v '�laor' �a:.�.r�i��s �tis�:� Uonct��.�;4 r��itin=�y test� pro�edures �1� �2'C SCi1�CC�:, To i��i;r� ��A���LL..�L� .�'�s��c;�.��._ ��n�; �..L�l.1;t^.x�%s on fe:male na�i�n�s� ��O U�.VG' 1?"1TCiI'I"Y)c11:1OP 1'C:�cl7'r.i1I1� V':;'i1<;11:�i.1 C�1^t�c'LuC. 'tO p1��3�12�.:?: 1 e �i4-c: f�tr��.iiy n1�i1r_•in� ii�ic�2-rria::i_o.z Yo patic;n�s.> To r_:aant��:..; e:linic.��i, c�ia.��.rj�e r�nd z-��a�ds as Y•c:nLtzircd, To �;::,aLS� ���;i�a�•s i}z a�z°nii�is�i�.rin�; ��o fihc, pati�nts� ?��_?i�imuin �zc.�ili:,i.��:�tic�il�: �:7'�.ii'a,�t`C1.5Y). 1:Y'��Z'�1 �:� �.::COc,r2J.�i;J Jr.'.�lti�l Cl .1.v�.7.1SkYl�;., iUilA�':: �JE', � ;e�,is���;���::� yaL�.r.�� in. f:hc �i:�t�r-.; of :`�iinncsota, _��. Sept. 2, 1g70 Mr. John Haider Director oP Personnel Civil Service Bureau Dear Sir: �--- The Czty Council i;od.ay �;ave First R to the f�l �np ordinances �ahi.eh wi_17_ c�me up for Third Read�o� �tember lOthV G.�'. 2a032; ar�ending "6���\ ,�e extr� :� ?5 ��:c hr. f�r. certain Truck �?rivers; _ C.F. 25�325 amendinzJ �`3250���R�.d, T�chnica.a,n anc7 Sr. R�d�.o Technician� �`� ` ��'' C.F'. 25032� a.mendifl��`���,re �r��adio Technician and Radio Tec " iei�n; ' C.F. 25i3327 am c1ii1� aE32�0 C1.i�c Nurse; C.T'. 25032� am �din� �'r'7�Q7 Clinic Nurse. � Verzr tru.lV tf�t�:"s, i�� ��_"--�'� City Cleriz n� `�..�-°� I st � . 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app � v __,4dopted / � ` Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler !�„Butler Carlson `Carlson � Levine �5�,��8 Levine � Meredith � Meredith ��/ , Sprafka Sprafka Tedesco �edesco " Mr. President McCarty �vlr. President McCarty O