250316 ... . .... . . ... .. .. . �;,, . . - „ _ , _ � . .. . . . _., . . � . 250��� . COUNGIL FIL� NO. CITY OF ST. FAUL '�, R�esdl�ition R.a.tifping Asaesament By - � In the matter of the asaessment of i�MliU,� �Nt �1M �M � ssM►�sM1tt#�M it L'M+1� st�wtt�rt rt �tiwralic�► aMt �rac#t itr�l�a� �t � i'I�+IF+�Mi� ��t �e►� 7��__�_:Z�.�_'�• , __ _. . __ _._:. ___._. _ ----- --__.----______. ___._________ _ , 488B88AELEi F.O. �244$SS • l�aisaomst Aw.. a�orth sid� froa l�liltan 8t. to the wst approxi�at�ly 60 ft, F.4. �244335 - I.�xin�tan P�irjr.� xe�t sida frca Fsir■wunt Ave, to Qoodrich Ava, F.O. #241784 - Faira�st 6�»., north aide fro� Lexinatoa Pk�y„ to Duala� St. u opeaad aa� on tbe aotith aida of l�airsount Av�. frc� Daalap �t. to Le:ington Pkwy. 1�.0. �243634 - Miltom St., both sidas fro� Faistiouat Av�, to Gra�d A�e. �.0. #242A96 • Dualap St., both sidos frc� Goodricb Ase, te��Grand Aw. �':0�. �'2311116! •°�sm�tth�ila�k, betwe�ea°St: Ciair ,w: and saraent Av�. P.O. #243780 - $t. Clai� Aw,, aorth side fro� I�e�cingtaa Pk�r. to 1'wnlap St. F.B� #2+�39d! •: L�d.t�t�m !lt�.`, east sidtt�lroa�► �I�b�t�d ilvie, to at. CI�i� Av�. �,0. #244860 - Oak Grrnre Y1., east aida frc� St. Clair Ave, nosth �pproairtel� 1�� tt. 1►.0. fa43�Zt �'Oziord at,. botD sid�s l�ros Lit�bols dva. to'8f�it 'Mro. � � l.0. �24�►128 - Lazinstaa Aw., both sides fras St. Clair Ava. to Oacacla A�re. x�- asss�vc: 1�.0. 244is8 - l�airsount Ave., north si�e froer Milton St. to tbe West approxi�t tely 6� ft. F,4. �241780 - lais�uat A�.� north side frow Lezingto�t Pkvy. to Daaalap St. as op�u�d md o� th� gouth sids of Tair+�uat �iNe. fraa A�s�lag 8t. td�sia�Ct� �Iwr3►, �.0. #243634 - Miltan St., both sides frot Fais�mount Ave. to Grand Aw. FrO. �242096 � Doslaa� �t., both sida* fraa 600dric�� Am. to Gr�ad A�e. : l.0. #243780 - St. Cl#4ir Ave.,� e�orth aide fraa LaaiagtoQ Pk�rx, to D�nlap St. F.O. �243722 - O�drd 8t., botb iides fros Lincoln A�re, to Sunrit Ave. F,D. #244128 • Lzingtaa A�s.,, both sides lros St, Clair Ar�, to ��la Av�. COUNCILMEN � ;�P 2 � Yeas Nays Adopted by the Couneil BUTLER � CARLSON �� 21��D LEVINE M�REDITH App — SPRAFKA TEDESC�O �Favor McCARTY i ayor V -- i'l V 1t � Againat � PpB[]SNEp ,�+EP 519�0 Form R-2 2M 10.68 S� , � 4 . . n. . ��a7a�i�8� � � , ' CITY OF ST. PAUL �G►SVc;�:;�6 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE R,eport of Completi,on of Ass�essment �,� In the matter of the assessment of MM��i f MMt rM � �!' NrR�I�A�It er � �e�stl� �! �t�l�wi"�uli ±ari w��le �e�� �t �11tt �!*11��0, �cLsi MiM►. 2, L�nr!► 1Mo. '�, - l-- -. - - _ ___ _ _ . . - . _�_ .__._-- ___ _ _ __ : �B SASL��, r t.0. ?4435� • Fai�n� .Aw:. t�rt4 sid� lr�a �tfltan St. to th� n�ast rosias 60 ft. . �PP . t�l� ' Z.O. �3,44�35 • Iwsit�ton ;►���y.� w�st aide ltow t�is�oentt �i►s. to Qoodrich Aw. t.0. �?b17� • �'sirNOUnt �v�.t �nrth sid� �s�oe Ls:it�tos l�ary. to Dn�lap St. as � � � tha couth sid� o! l:irsonnt Av�e. �row Dwaiap 8t. to Iw�tissta� pipiry. l.IJ. �243634 - Milton �t., botA siisa trar Fair�ar�t Mn. to Gsaad Aint. 1�.0. �242096 • D�lap St., both sides fraw Goodrich Ar�. t�+Grat�d Ave. , �'•A•,.#� • �Nl�-N��k� brttr�ea "3't. '7Clatt�' �. �d Sarss�it 11iMS, ; ; !'.O. i243T80 � 3t. Clslr Ave., Board� sids lro� L�siu�tan Pkn�. to Duni�p 8t. .. .. . - 1�.@. iZ43�E19 �-�ti,�to�t�t !laryi►�;°_�rt �ids !s'wi:3�■i►ard /�ae. to St. CL ir Aw, C � �.0. #24486a - 4ak Grdr� 11.. eut •idr fzoa� 8t. Ciair A�n. sorth ap�rosirt��r 140_ft, : l.�. i?�4373� • O�t!'otd St.. 6�oth ti+d�i� �os Z:t�irl�r �w. t,► B+siit M►�. l.O. fZ44128 • Lsi�ta�t Aw., both aid�s fsa� St. Clsis Jkw. to O�c�ola A�. � !i ������4 . _ . ���� .��SS� • t3�,1"�01i�� A►N�� �� ���t �TO� �.itOO St• !O !�I! Mr�! ���tlly � 60 ft. ; ?.0. #241�� • Bsirasu�at Aw., north aida �rcd Leacivatoa l�ary. to Daml�p SL. as opta�d � a�d a!n tEa_ s�t6 side of Fairwou+�t Ar+e. !`s�aa Dna�ag �t. tc�xia�ton �kvy. _ . T.Q. f�43634 • Millat St.� 1�otb sian lra� l'airrowtt Aw�: to Gra�at Ik�e. :�: 1�.0. f242�'i96 .•, Drelq �t.� bra�lt ail�s frar �oodrich A�rs. to ti=aad �ir�. ' l.A. i?�►37,0 • SR. �lair Mre., aortk �i,�� irar I�iw�taa Pk�r. to A�lip �t. �=� t.0. �2�i3722 -+ Q�lo�d St.. both sides �ra� Liacolo A�re, to Bn■oit Mro. �� F.O. �ZW412e • y�si��aa Awe, both s�d�w fran at,. Clair Aw. to • ��;�11• Aw. Comptroller's Costs �vc �� TOTAL EXPE'�TTDZT[JBES .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. .. . $ 23,382 �_ Charge to .. . . . .492,0,-7,R1. .. . . . .. . .. . .. . . . $ � 4,537 _� .. . .. . . .. ... . .. . . .NQri-�s���sable. .. .. . . .. . . . . . . $ 662 39 Net Asaessment . . . .. .. .... . . ..... . . . ... .... . .. .. . $ 18.182 77 Said Commisaioner further reporta tha.t he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, tawit: the sum of $ 1$•i82•�� upon each and every lot, part or parcel af land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot,gaxt or paxcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assesament has been completed, and that hereto atta.ched, identified by the aignature of the said Cammissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said asaessment as comap�leted by him, and which is herewith aubmitted to the Couttcil for such action thereon as may be considered proper. , Dated.—Avtg i���±s 1970 ' Con/n�iis�io r of F`t�/� Fo� x.z aa� io.ea s�� �� '""'C'�«