250315 . �
� �50��.5
R�esd�ution Ratifying Asseasment By— '
, �
In the matter of the asseasment of ���,w« ;�t �i �p �",�t �ri4 e�e �p�„
ttraM�tfwt �'i si�Nrllut +Nq� �rot�"it l�wr�i�tal tf�eMt�s E�traet i�, �Ls�ti�t Ms.
�* �� �y ��
l.0. #��1 • #arsto�a i�t,, aast ala� isan La�ial Aw. te�utb to t� allsy sppro�c.
14S ft.
l.p. #242917 - I.wral Av�., �botb sides fraa �aratoga St. to Sasllius Ava.
F.O. +�241781 - Osc�ola Ava., south side fraa Grotto �t. a�ast approzisataly 61 f�at
aad an hoth sidas ot Grotto St, fro� �inwood Ave. Co O�cda Ais„
F.O. �242186 • Pascal St., bot� side� frot Gsaud -�Ave. to Ashland Ave.
l.0. �244127 • Goe�dzicb Av�., both aidss froa Pascal St, to Saratoga St.
B.a. *?#�3 -- /11Lsrt_ �t�, raRt sid�_fra= Fais�qas►t �v�. south aP�ro�atel�r i26 ft.
1�.0. 4�242097 - l�air'a�nt Aw., so�th a ide fros Gri�gs St. tc Syndicate �t.
T.O. ��r0i�56�- Ta�.s�e�a�t Aw., lwt� s�,rLa ts� I►lbort St._ t+� S�+�tc�a St.
F.O, �242919 - Goodric6 A�e., boLh sidss fros Pucsl St. to Albert St.
��-ASSSBB,A►11Lii s -
F,p. #244861 • Saratoga SC., �ast aide froea I�awcel Avs. south to the allay �pprox.
` 1�5 ft.
F.O. #2�2917 - Lanrel Avs., both sides froa Sarato�a St. to Sn�111ng Aw.
l.0. �2417l�1 - Oscaola Aw., south side frcd Grotto St. east ap�rosi�ately 61 f�et
sad oa both �ridas of Crotto St. froa Li�wood Avre.to flaceola Aw.
F.O. #2AF218i - P�acsl St., both �►idss frow Graad Av�. to Ashland Ave,
F.O. 424E►127 - Goodrich Ave,, both sidas froa Pucal St. to Saratoaa St.
1.0. �244156 - Fatr�t A�s„ Deth si�d�s l�rv� Alb�rt St. to 8arsta,�a St.
F.O. �242919 - Goodrich Ave„ both sid�a frar Pucal St� to Albart St�
payable �n � -� equal installments.
Y �"'""
Ye� BUTLER Na a Adopted by the Council
CARLSON. �SEP 2l9'7�
M�R�D I TH Approv
M c::�,R TY Favor
Form R�2 2M 10-68 S�
� Aga�9�UBLISHED S'EP 51970
_ , ., ��
� � . �� r �����0 ��:��
Report of Completion of Ass�ssment .�
In the matter of the asaesament of ��� � � � � �� �, ���
s�wet�► �!' ��'�iar �i wMd�t �s�Mrr� tlwa�It�r: q� �li•+iMs � rr.
!. L�r� i�. t�
���i A�1Zi:
1►.0. �24�JK1 • 3ara�� St., uat sid� tsw Ltwrsl Aw. Nwth t+� t1a a1Ze� appsoac.
L$S !t.
l.0. #Z42417 • Lwr�2 Aw., bo�th sidss lro� saratosa =t. t� S�ellia� A�.
1►.0. #?A17,1 • Usceola Av�., soatb side fraa 6rotto �t. �ast +�ro�taly 61 tNt
�A ot both sid�s o! Grvtto St. fsa� �in�aoi Mr�. to O�arela �irl.
l►.0. �62b31� " �Pi�Ci� SL.� botb sid�s froa �r�a�d °:�w. to Asblaad �.
'.0. �?441a7 • Goadrich Aw., �th si�a !"rar Paual !t. to lirirata�s St.
l.�. �ZA►�643 -.._�rt St„ �F�, sid� �caa,�!��'�oy�►t A�►�t...sa�atth �p�►�road�at�l�► lZ6 .�tR
�.0. #'t420'!'Y - i��eis�wouet Mrs., aauuth sida� ihre�� Gri�a �t. te 3�diaat� �t.
r.o. .�Za�►1Si: �-:�ais�ounr a..:, �► .�a.a f�. �L�Ss sc.. so sa�.c�s Ss,
� l.0. #Z42'lr14 • Ga�drieh ein., both sl+d�s frai� Aueal St. to Altiatt 3t.
r.0. # $ - 8arata�x �t.. sast side �ro� La�l An. �outh to tha •llhr approac.
111� ft.
l.0. #242iiT - La►r�l d�ra., i�otb �id�r t�a� �iuraEojs St. tQ BMllia� �.
l.0.`'�0241T�1 • O�c�oUl A�r�a.. sont!► 's�d�e fras Grat�o 8t. �a�t approadwwt:l� 61 faot
�d oa both •id�s of G�cotto ffit. tro� Lianaod A�rs.to O�c�ola Aw.
p.0. f2421�K -. PM#�t�tl St.. botb •iMs fra� Graad A�r�. t� 11�h].�n�i Aw�.
l.0. �i2441�7 - Qao���.ch �e., bvEh aidas lsow Pucsl �t. to_Sarato�a st.
t.0. #2641�(i► •.. p�ir�o�t Aw�., both •i�da �ra� wl�rt Et. ta Sa�cato�a �t.
l.0. #24291! - C�trich Aw., botle aidu lroa Paacsl St, to Altiert 8t.
-- CoIIection costa . .. . . .... . . .. . . .. .. . ..... .. . . .. . .. $ - - _ ____
432 00
Court coats for canfirma.tion . .. .... .. . ... .. .. .... . $ 21 ��
Comptroller's Costs 216 00
• TOT.AL EXPE�NDZTUBES . .. .. .. .. .... .. . . .. .. ... $ 30�(�80 Q.1_
Charge ta . . . 0920-701.. .. .. .. .. ..... ...... . .. $ 3�107 Z.�_
...... . .... . ..Nqrn-Assessable. .. .. .. .. . ... . ... . . $ 1�054 �_
Net Asseasment . .... . . .... .... . . . . .. .. . . . . .. ... $ 25,918 88
Said Commisaioner further reporte that he has asaessed and levied the total amount as above ascer-
tained, tawit: the sum of $ 25�918•$$ upon each and every lot, part or parcel o� land deemed
benefited by the said improvement, t�nd in the case of each lot,part or paxcel of land in accordance with
the benefits confer•red thereon; that the said asgessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,
identified by the signature of the said Goznrnissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as
comu�leted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be
considered proper.
Dated Ausust 4, 1970 �Omx��� o_f���`i'x�,nce.
Form R-2 EM 10-68 8�u � '����